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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley would cautiously follow inside with Sir right next to them "How do you end up these sorts of places..." the trickster looked to Jenny giving a weak smile "What? First you go solo into the academy, then you run off to investigate this place alone." silently snickering she was about to add only for the light to reflect off something in the hallway before them!

Beyond the heavy doors it was all too clear this was a completely different sector, the rough stone was replaced with smooth neat yellow brick hallway, the ceiling and floor seemingly cut from pure white marmur.

"Wow..." Riley looked on in wonder, if it wasn't for the nullified illumination the place would likely look absolutely gorgeous! "This doesn't seem demonic at all..." just with those words their lantern would illuminate two demon knights, judging by the massive broadswords and supremely heavy armor these two were no pushovers. Thankfully each rested in a small pool of blood against, made all the more cleared by the pure white floor.

Once Jenny went a bit further the hallway would spread out to 3 different directions: North, West and East. All hallways extended further into the darkness and all seemed exactly the same, it was up to Jennys intuition to guide them onwards.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well usually it because someone I know gets themselves into trouble." Jenny threw Riley a mock accuseing look and was about to laugh when the reality of the situation reared its head. "Riley go ahead with Sir and see if the left path has any doors I want to search these guys before we go to much further." In truth while Jenny was indeed going to search them she had other things in mind as well. Waiting for Riley and Sir to head off and be slightly out of sight Jenny would take the blade and sever the heads of the demon knighs completely. "Sorry boys but I don't want you following us." It was a grim task and while Jenny hated it she had to do it. Two less zombie demon knights would only be a boon to her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I don't think so. We stick together." Riley would firmly disagree and watch Jenny do the grim deed. Cracking a just as grim smile the trickster looked to the girl "Rough past experience?"

On the bright side her search did get her a few noteworthy items, while their weapons were in great shape handling a sword that almost matched her height was likely not something Jenny choose to do, a few blue unmarked potion. If Jenny showed them to the trickster, Riley would uncork the bottle and smell the insides "Ugh... I think it's a Recharge potion, just those don't smell like any herbs I know."

However, on the grim side as Jenny approached the turn on the left she was quickly greeted with yet another corpse. The same unit and rank as the last two, whatever Jenny choose to do with this one. heading onwards she'd find yet another two and finally a massive double door on her right. In the distance, she could spy the hallway ending with another double door.

Jenny gains 3 EP potions
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

If Riley didn't leave Jenny would sigh. "Yes and no. I didn't want to worry you given your past experiance in the acadamy but there are some crazy shadow things outside looking over the corpses. I didn't want these guys to suddenly get up if you know what I mean." Jenny would look at Riley to gauge how she handled this news. Still either way leaving was not an option and Jenny continued on repeating the decapitiatons but only searching slightly the bodies so as not to delay them long.

Eyeing the door on the right Jenny would open it carefully. After all it wasn't damaged like the others so their could technically be survivors.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley looked confounded at the shadows for a brief moment, before deeply thinking it over "From necromancy class I know that horrific slaughters produce negative and dark energy fields, maybe those were apparitions or incarnations of them." she'd quint lightly "Or those were reapers... either way, we should not go outside until morning. I'd rather not see or meet either."

Choosing to continue her grim task, the large swords provided more than enough swing. However each decapition echoed out across the halls in a fairly chilling manner... hopefully her suspicions at someone still being alive were incorrect.

Slowly opening the door would reveal little, though as the lantern flew inside both of the girls eyes went wide. It was a huge hall, easily reaching 60 feet in height. On both sides there were numerous marble columns each one adorned by angelic figures. Looking inside death did not leave this place aswell, as Jenny saw one of the columns had collapsed and hints of remain beneath them. Another corpse rested deeper into the room aswell.

However the centerpiece of the room was a huge round table with numerous chairs, approaching the table would reveal numerous maps and paper works. Though if Jenny wanted to inspect them in detail she'd of course need to settle down for a bit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over the maps brifely and sighed. It was a shame Gabe was a jerk, no doubt he would have loved to see these maps. Still they are not what Jenny was looking for. If this room had nothing else to offer she would head to the doors at th end of the hall and peek threw them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would only give the papers a passing look, before looking around for anything else. She would actually manage to find an alternative exit from the area, however...

"Hey, isn't this the church?" Riley was a bit more interested in the papers as she looked them over, the trickster was lightly leaned over the table as she inspected the elements "This one seems to be plans for movement on the city... and this one seems to be focuse---" suddenly Riley giggled kindly "Is someone hungry again? This hardly the place, you know." As she said that though, Jenny was nowhere near the table...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Riley?" Jenny looked over at her friend. Something was wrong. "Riley hey snap out of it!" This didn't sound good. Looking at the map table and Riley Jenny tried to gauge what was going on. Was it an illusion or something worse?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perception checks:
Absolutely every single one failed by the Riley and Jenny

Auto-success grapples:
1 attacker on Jenny, 2 attackers on Riley

Jenny is in a submission hold!
Riley is in a submission hold!

"Jenny?!" Riley quickly looked to the source of the words and then behind her, instantly leaning out and turning around "S-Someone touched me." corrupt creatures and invaders was one thing, but what the heck was this?!

As much as either looked for absolutely anything, noone else seemed to be here "Let's just move on..." Riley clearly more than a bit worried turned to leave away from the table only for something to seemingly stop her by her hand?! "Wha--?" seemingly onwards suddenly Riley hit a seemingly invisible wall, her hands locked behind her back! Even from here Jenny could see the girls bust shift and change form as if clearly groped! "The hell! Let go! Let go!"

Unfortunately Jenny would have her own issues, just as she was about to run to her companions rescue, she'd feel an unknown force suddenly grip her hands and force them behind her back locking her in place, a clear presence pressing against her back! Though only slowly the attackers came into view as ghostly figures of demons, barely seen in the dimming light.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Aww hells!" Kicking back Jenny tried to push her assalent into a wall to break the grip so she could face them head on. If she succeeded in escaping she would bark out a command to sir to light up the whole area!

Action try to escape submission hold
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 70/70 Ep: 35/35 PP: 65/65; Submission held!
Riley HP: 34/40 EP: 45/45 PP: 42/55; Submission held by 2
Jenny attempts to escape the grapple:
44 vs 51 FAIL (those rolls... -.- )
Jennys loses her dress!

Riley has no chance.
O Ghost #2 strips Riley!

O Ghost #3 does foreplay on Riley. Riley resists reducing it by 14.
Riley takes 6 damage.
Foreplay deals 13 damage

O Ghost drains 6 EP.
Riley regens 6 EP.

Jenny cursed aloud and quickly tried to lean back and raise a heel to the assailants crotch! Her foot rose only to seemingly hit something malleable , the impact just sinking in without absolutely any effect! The moment of confusion was more than for the ghost, to take grip of Jennys dress and rip it off her throwing aside! Her hands still locked and now her exquisite body on full display, she'd have to face her companions humiliation as well.

Riley meanwhile attempted to eave back and forth seemingly, hitting something from both her front and back. Clearly angered by the unknown forces the girls hand sparkled with energy that seemed to dissipated before even fully forming each time "Damnit!--" as if something tightening its grip on her locked hands Riley suddenly arched her body forward only for her illusionary dress to be seemingly sweep aside in a downward fashion, the magical sparkles from the dispersed illusion even adding to the exceptional sight.

"No! J-Jenny!" her helpless seemingly finally sinking in, Riley called out to Jenny just as the girls own dress was torn apart "N-no way." the trickster looked to her heroine in fright, before Rileys luscious legs were slowly raised off the floor to leave her midair. Now fully nude and her legs spread, she couldn't help but blush brightly "Don't you dare!" she called out to the unknown forces, only to suddenly gasp as even from Jennys position the girl could see, a clear pressure as if a hands sliding down Rileys silken smooth inner thighs to her presented pussy.

Turning her head aside in defiance the trickster gritted her teeth and once tried to escape her hold to no avail, only for the hands to finally move to her petals. The ghost spread the girls petals ever so lightly, only for suddenly Riley to tense and squirm even more, though Jenny couldn't quite see it. For the time being seemed the ghost only toyed with their treat.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny still had fight in her and once more tried to free herself. Though this time she had to manifest her wings to get any sort of force going. Black angelic wings shortforth no doubt blinding her asslent or at lest startling him. With a mighty flap Jenny tried to free herself again wondering where the heck Sir was during this.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys attempts to escape the submission hold:
57 vs 38 SUCCESS!

Jenny is still held in a grapple with O Ghost.

Riley is fucked. Literally:
50! PP damage done to Riley!
Riley resists reducing it to 36PP.

Riley deals 44 PP damage
NO EP loss.

Orgasm Ghost #2 deals foreplay damage on Riley - 31 PP.
Riley resists and reduces it to 17 PP damage.

Riley orgasms letting the ghost drain 17 EP.
Riley regains 8 PP.

Rileys takes a total of 5 damage from resisting pleasure.
Riley lost a total of 9 EP.
Riley orgasms and is stunned!

Ghost #1 has gained a total of 21 EP
Ghost #2 has gained a total of 17 EP

(Left out some smut in the RP section for flavor, cuz Jenny isn't going to save Riley until like 2 rounds later)

Jennys plan worked like a charm! Her wings sudden appearance coupled with a gust of wind would swiftly blast away whatever entity was behind her! Finally able to move her hands Jenny was about to rush to her companions, however something a kin to rope to still hold her in place, looking behind the heroine gritted her teeth in clear annoyance, only to direct her anger at thin air.

Perplexed by the situation Jenny once more felt a pressure around her hands, though this time she was ready and able to resist it! If she didn't know any better these had to be... ghosts?

Meanwhile Rileys current situation was significantly worse. Still held mid-air by unknown forces, Riley kept her mouth only a very silent gasp and her bright blush hinting a the things done to her. Slowly, but surely tricksters lantern would dim more and more, before it barely illuminated the area.

In the darkness the rapists were significantly more visible, looking to her hands Jenny now could clearly make out the firms grasps on them and the humanoid shaped white figure in front of her, devoid of any features... except which sex it was.

Rileys attackers would be visible as well, one of the ghost all too eagerly eating out the luscious trickster as his friend held her hands and upper body in place.

Suddenly freeing her hands Riley quickly got to pushing the rapist near her lower body away, though too little effect. The girls curling fingertips hinting that the ghost wasn't doing this for show, he was fairly effective "Get--" before she finished her sentence one of the ghost turned Rileys head away and pulled her into a deep kiss. One hand pushing the ghost eating her out, the other trying to push the ghost away to escape the kiss, Riley was clearly at the mercy of ghost and judging by more and more silent moans escaping, as well as her eyes rapidly growing softer she was losing control rapidly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hang in their Riley just hold on!" Once more Jenny tried to force herself free. If she could manage the ghosts would have a very real threat to their existance.

Action escape the grapple!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys attempts to escape the grapple!
44 vs 40 SUCCESS!

Jennys is free to wreck havoc!

Continueing Rileys involunteery smexy times:
Rileys is stunned, thus she can't resist.

Ghost #1 deals 44 PP damage and orgasms.
Ghost #2 deals 28 PP.

Rileys cums again and loses all her EP.
Death prevented due to Battery recovery.

Both the fondles and the ghostly tongue with surprising expertise toying with her, Riley attempted one last struggle, to no effect. Her legs slightly shivering the trickster closed her eyes as her blush had grown evident, her nippies growing more prominent as her body clearly betrayed her more and more.

Even the tricksters struggles would grow weaker and weaker as she hardly had the strength to fight the assailants back anymore, her pushes nothing more than gentle nudges with sorry eyes muffled moans began to echo out.

Content with it's pray state the ghost finished it's task, a clear trail leading the malleable form away as it moved its main form closer. Forcefully pushing Rileys legs wider, the ghost presented the girls slick pussy for itself before one of its larger appendiges sank in "MM~~!!!". Without a moments hesitation the ghost would get into rhythm, with the girls tongue locked in forceful dance, her nippies continiously surrounded by white could and her pussy stretched out just enough, resistance seemed pointless.

Perhaps due to Rileys helpless state or perhaps her own annoyance with the damn rapist creatures, Jenny would force her hands free by flatout ripping off the ghostly hands, finally gaining her freedom!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly rolled away to gain some distance from her would be rapiest. Now that they had revealed themselves some justice could be dealt. Still with Riley out of the fight Jenny would have to be careful in her attacks keeping her eyes sharp. Thankfully her combat experiance was up to the challenge. Rolling up from the ground her rifle was in her hands and two shots rang out at her attacker.

Fighitng Defensivly -20 attack for +20 dodge
Rapid Fire! 1 -4 attack -1 damage
Called shot -10 dodge but dealing double damage

2 attacks at +42 to hit dealing 4d6 + 16 damage 3 rounds left before reload
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rileys is down.

Jenny attacks!
A total of 62 damage done! [will have to double check before next combat round]

Ghosts attack!
50 vs 49,45,40 too close but all miss

The ghost continued their rape of the trickster, her expectional body surrounded by the white mist as it continiously shook from each thrust into her. Though by the time Jenny finally gained her freedom she'd hear a silent thud from nearby. The tricksters lifeless body hitting floor...

It was then Jenny fully grasped, that the ghosts weren't some sexual fiends, but soul drainers using techniques a kin to a succubus! Still just as Jenny assumed the worst she did note, Riley was still moving even if it was subtle. Fortunately with the very edge of her eye she'd see a blue light move towards Riley.

Unfortunately she was now faced with 3 of the soul eaters alone! Rolling back to gain some distance Jenny quickly pulled out her rifle and taking aim let loose 3 deadly shots! Each shot would echo through the loud chamber, if only thanks to this places sheer size the succubus wouldn't suffer from the shots volume.

Still the shots flew true and in the blink of an eyes 2 wholes dispersed the ghostly figure as if it was smoke. Though clear parts of it flew all over from each impact and the holes in the figure would regenerate slowly, using up it's main mass!

Before she could finish basking in her brief victory, the spectral forms suddenly lashed. The humanoid figures disfigured as appendages shot out to hold the succubus in place, appendiges that she'd swiftly avoid! Though she was surrounded and very close to each of the ghosts now!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Two shots echoed out in the cave most likely alerting any and all survivors or feinds left. As the shots cleared Jenny would see her handy works slowly fade. 'W-what no way!' She had little time to wonder however as the creatures attacking Riley where soon done and moved to assult her. Gooy spirit tendrils lashed out nearly clipping her several times. Dashing out of their reach as to gain some more room. Jenny brought her gun up one again and fired clearing her magazine.

Fighitng Defensivly -20 attack for +20 dodge
Rapid Fire! 3 -12 attack -3 damage

4 attacks at +30 to hit dealing 4d6 + 14 damage

2 rounds to reload
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 70/70 Ep: 35/35 PP: 65/65; Exhausted; Low on Ammo
Riley HP: 32/40 EP: 25/45 PP: 0/55; Down; Unconcious; Helpless
Jennys shoots!
Damaged is halved due to incorporeal form!

All shots auto hits.
66 damage done!... ghost STILL up?! o.o

Ghost have no way to actually hit her so skipping ahead

With the PC's approval combat is auto-resolved at the cost of all ammo on toon (minus 1 clip)

Jenny saw the ghost splatter out with each and every shot, her ranged weapon thankfully keeping her away from any of the goop. It would almost a whole clip of a rifle no less to finally see the ghost stop it's regeneration only to disperse to dust completely.

With the open space, her wings and her overall combat expertise Jenny would kite the fairly slow ghosts, dodging all of their incoming attacks with exceptional swiftness.

After what seemed forever Jenny let loosed one final shot to see the final ghost shiver and disperse into dust. Her body utterly exhausted, her ammo absolutely dry and her ears ringing with sheer pain... she had finally done it. The room deafly silent once more, she'd to Riley only to see the spot where she was empty!

Before panic set in she'd hear silent buzz from one of the rooms corners, approaching it Jenny would see a dim light and Sir working whatever magic he had on the tricksters well used body. For the moment being Riley was still unconcious, but thankfully breathing.

Jenny only has 1 clip of ammo left
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Dragging herself in Jenny frowned. She had seen this look before and threw preaditory instict would move her way to Riley and slip a hand into her abused sex. Slowly Jenny would tease her friend waiting to sense the build up of energy she had felt before during their most intimate moments. Pervy girl that she was however simple fingureing soon gave way to Jenny licking Riley getting lost in the moment and taste of her friend. She was half tempted to conjure a cock but resisted for now.