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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately the creatures were as mindless as they get, though a few of them seemed to wander around in search of something within the chambers. If Jenny shot more than likely every single one of them would be drawn to the noise...

Meanwhile Riley and Sir awaited Jennys command on what to do, while those things were numerous they clearly weren't too bright... looking to the numerous shadows and angles she could use, the idea of a less loud approach crossed the heroines mind as well.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The real trouble was Riley and Sir. While Jenny was fairly confident on her ablity to sneak by these things and Sir seemed to be ignored by most everything. Riley had proven to be lest than apt at the stealthy approach. She could sneak up and take them out one by one even that was Risky. What if her blade didn't end one quick enough. No it was to risky she would have to try and get them to a safe room threw steath. Frost at the ready Jenny moved keeping to the shadows after whispering to Riley and Sir that they would sneak by. The goal was closest door.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny and Riley try to sneak past:
Only 3 close enough to spot

38 vs 37
50 vs 44
41 vs 30
All clear.

Riley[41EP left]:
47 vs 41
43 vs 39
36 vs 34
All clear.
ps. Riley needs to buy a lottery...

1 Warped enemy facing the company, unaware of them.

Her plan to sneak past the creatures explained Riley nodded firmly and with a snap of her fingers, a purple sparkling ring of dust appeared above her. The ring would slowly descend and right infront of Jenny, the trickster would fade out to invisibility "You lead we follow."

Waiting out for a moment all the creatures faced away, Jenny motioned the duo to follow and rushed ahead. All three keeping themselves as stealthy as possible. Thankfully the grunts and slumps of the creatures, which were now pretty clearly at least 7 of, hid their steps allowing them to enter a room unseen.

Jenny would be the first one to enter, much to an unpleasant sight of one of the creatures inside! Thankfully it was crouched over looking over something on the ground.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned it was likely one of the girls that had been left here. She was either dead or would become one of the hideious creatures soon. Still Jenny moved up silently her blade clearing its scabbered neatly. One step two Jenny counted in her head. Blade back Jenny's aim would be percise. A single stabbing blow to the back of the neck. Even if it didn't kill the thing outright it would sever its spine leaving it helpless as Jenny took it out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perhaps subconsciously blocking the imagery, Jenny dispatched the poor creature with fair ease. The unarmored flesh provided little resistance to the sneak attack, without as much as an eep or a loud grunt, whatever the warped creature once was, now slowly melted to the ground and just dispersed.

A click of a door closing echoed behind Jenny as she quickly turned around only to find Riley slowly dropping her invisibility spell and sighing with relief "Phew..." she'd look to the heroine with a smile "Looks like we're clear for now."

Indeed, with the three of them inside Jenny could properly look around the room. This was definedly the same place she once was. The silks, the furniture all ringed too familiar from back when she found Grace, in fact there was a wardrobe just like the one she hid in way back then here.

She'd look to the roomy furniture only for it's door to shut close all of a sudden?! It was barely open before, but was it the wind or something else entirely, something just moved the door shut.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As the creature dispersed Jenny eyed what the thing was looking at before Riley's entrace took her attention away. Relaxing abit Jenny let her guard ease and smiled at her friend. "Ya know~ this..." *thud* all thoughts of a rest quickly fadded from her mind as Jenny quickly pulled frost and tossed it to Riley. Blade ready Jenny looked about the room while moving slowly to meet up with Riley."Keep an eye out...."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley quickly caught Frost almost letting out an eep as the absolutely deadly weapon almost slipped her grasp "A g-gun?" she'd blink at Jenny "Just as a precaution, we don't want to waste that magic juice until we can fill up again." Jenny winked slyly to the trickster before refocusing herself on the wardrobe.

Her basic blade out, Jenny slowly approached closer her eyes sharp as she head some commotion from inside it. Placing her hand firmly on the knob she'd turn to Riley, who held the gun raised and very unsteadily... clearly the girl had no training in using such a tool at all!

Either way, Jenny mouthed a 1... 2...3! Before slamming the wardrobe open and jumping back! "AAAH!!!" a feminine scream rang out as some unknown female covered inside the wardrobe, she was unturned and wore a very questionable 'priestress' robe. Thankfully she was human and likely not hostile... though very loud.

"P-Please, Mistress... no more punishment. I-I-I was just scared! Anything, but the pit dwellers! Please!" the girl was clearly in panic, looking to Jenny. At the moment the heroine had her wings and more prominent succubus features on full display, perhaps this spurred the girls panic.

"Crap, Jen..." Riley tried to keep her voice down, until suddenly something lunged itself at the door! Splitters of wood would fly off from the impact as numerous growls and moans echoed from behind it! The creatures were coming!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Shit!" Jenny quickly turned to Riley and moved over sheathing her blade as she took frost from Riley's hands. "See to her and get ready Im not sure how long the door will last. Looking at frost as she took a crouncing position Jenny sighed. Frost would definatly kill the creatures but she had very little ammo for it. However her trusty rifle was even in more dire straights ammo wise. Setting frost down but with in easy reach Jenny got her rifle out. Kneeling she waited for the door to burst so she could put her last clip of rifle ammo to good use.

When the door burst Jenny is gonna rapid shot the creatures comming threw. Her intent is to bring as many down as she can before switching to frost or her blade.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny goes last stand mode!
All shots auto-hit, cuz zombies are particulary bad at dodges
43 5th shot > 25 dodge.

1st shot:
28 damage

2nd shot:
32 damage!
#1 warped is dead.

3rd shot:
33 damage!

4th shot:
26 damage!
#2 warped is dead

5th shot:
27 damage!

Warped #3 is half-dead.

Due to the funneled nature only 1 warped attacks Jenny!
58 vs 40 HIT!
Warped deals 20 damage!!!

Jenny is quite hurting! 50/70 HP left

Riley joins the fight!

Jenny got in position and locked her rifle on the door, her breath steadying. Meanwhile Riley tried to calm down the absolutely screeching in horror girl, much to little success.

It wouldn't take long as one of the other the powerful slams into the door wore at it's durability, until finally with a powerful slam the door was sent slammed open!

Just as the door opened Jenny instantly let loose a barrage of welcoming shots! Each shot left a streak behind it as it pierced the creatures heads, though much to the heroines shock even with half of its head opened the creatures would continue onwards! Only after 2 deadly shots to their vitals did the things go down.

Letting her shots loose Jenny downed one creature, a second creature! The third one roared at her as it moved in closer, only for another shot to shatter part of it's skull! Just as Jenny pulled the trigger for the final shot a chilling *click* echoed out.

The creature stumbled closer keen to grab Jenny and bask her in it's nasty white goo, though using the rifles size Jenny used it as a weapon to keep the creature at bay briefly, before it's wild flailing nailed her on the head. The impact even from a flail was nothing short of crushing. More than enough to almost knock Jenny out on the spot!

Still on instinct the girl quickly took Frost and rolled aside from the flailing creautre, locking her trusty weapon to finish off the creautures! Thankfully the doors small entrance and the piled up bodies, only allowed one of the creatures close enough distance, but next time she won't be so lucky!

"Jenny!" pushing the panicking girl off her Riley quickly ignited her hands in magic and drew attention of a few of the creatures!

5 enemies left, 1 of them injured
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Damn it hurt but Jenny would be fine. Readying her weapon Jenny looked to where Riley was aiming her magic and would shoot accodingly. Her fist shot as she unloaded frost was the wounded creature. Sure it was a waste but she needed to be clear. Her secound shot was the next closest to her and the third the next closest to Riley. Her fourth and fith would end the two targets if they didn't drop from her fist shots. If her luck held though the would be reserved for two new targets.

USe rapid fire to shoot wounded zombie. Using two shots on two new targets. If they don't drop the fourth and fith shot will be the same. If they do two new targets.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

40 damage in a cone.
All enemies are blinded.

37/45 EP left

Auto-resolves, cuz Jenny can't miss and Warped have 9hp each...

Jenny cleans up, 4 shots. 4 kills.

TOTAL AMMO TALLY: 5 rifle, 4 handgun bullets

Her hands ablaze with Light magic Riley was first to act! "I got them!" extending both hands, quickly made the already bright light around her palms light up more and explode onwards in a seeming ray of completely blinding white light! The silhoulletes of the warped disappeared in the cone effect!

As light dimmed, all the creatures, except the one Jenny still stood, however their continious cries of agony and smoldering bodies, all too clearly showed that all that was left was putting them out of their misery.

Taking calm aim as the creatures were still under the immense spells effects, Jenny could much more calmly finish the poor things off. 1 bullet to the head each. By the time Frosts icy blue bullet streaks dispersed Jenny, Riley and Sir could only look on to the huge pile of bodies before them. All slowly melting and dispersing into nothing.

Even the girl that panicked from before seemed to be shock, finally falling silent as she looked on to the pile in the middle of the room in silence.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Her rifle was empty but still it had served her well and she slung it over her shoulder with ease. After all its probably the only thing she had left from when she started this mess. Frost had 3 shots left but she still had 4 clips tucked in her belt but still having such limited ammo bothered her. "Good job Riley! Jenny moved over and hugged her lover before turning her attention to the woman. So.... who are you?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Still petrified the girl looked to the two, before the fact that the creatures were vanquished seemingly sunk in "P-Priestess Tera." she'd seemingly relax much more upon seeing Sir of all things, the little robots yodel outfit clearly hinting that the outlandish trio were likely not locals.

"You're... not from around here?" the priestess seemingly relaxed before she lunged forward and on all fours, seemingly trying to reach the trio, but her legs giving way "Please! Help the others! They're being held near the Pits! In the cages! Please, they'll die!" the girl looked to them with pleading eyes looking for any reaction.

Riley turned to Jenny, seemingly leaving the decision up to the heroine, but the spark in her eyes seemed fairly hopeful. Though in the end the choice was Jennys.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Helping the girl up Jenny looked her stern in the eyes than slapped her making sure the smack was more noise than pain. "If your the high priestess then get it together. I know those cages and pits well. I will save them if their is anyone left to save. Now gather yourself up and put on something.. not so distracting. I can't leave you here as their may be other monsters about. Just follow Sir hes smart and knows how to stay out of trouble." Turning Jenny knelt down and brushed some of the dirt of her friend. "Can you keep an eye on her Sir?" Waiting for her little friend to answer Jenny would turn back to Tera. "Are their anymore people up here?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The slap echoed out across the room, hopefully getting some sense back into the priestess. Thankfully the effect seemed to be just that, as the girl would sit back seemingly stunned from the slap, before looking to the trio with whole new eyes "Oh... I'm s-sorry."

"I'm priestess Tera, by no means I claim any higher rank than that..." she'd glance aside briefly "It's not up, it's down here. There were around 12 of us here, but after the attack we got separated." she'd turn to Jenny "An dark god came to this place, killed every single demon and broke apart the Pits containment." the girl placed her hands together as if praying or perhaps beggining "Please, there were at least 7 prisoners there, the cells are right next to the aliens. They may be lost, but every one we leave behind will be dead of starvation or if these things get to them."

As Jenny considered her actions she'd assign Sir to watch over the unknown girl, the tiny construct saluting Jenny as he lead the priestess by the hand... and into the dresser. Closing the door shut. His blue light looking outside the area as if looking for any movement.

"Looks like we'd head right into the infested hive." Riley looked to Jenny firmly "You sure about this?" the question seemed more aimed for Jenny to assure her resolve, than questioning her decision.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

12 prisoners with 7 near the aliens. Counting Tera she had 4 still unacounted for. "Yes but are you?" Jenny looked at Riley her lover having spent much energy defending her recently. "Ill check the other rooms her first to make sure none of them have surprises. Who knows maybe we will find the way ward sisters." Nodding at Riley Jenny moved out being quiet and checking each room in the hallway before heading for the pits.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley smiled to Jenny "I'll be fine, besides I still got some of those magic essence potions." she'd tap a few flasks resting on her belt. Though even if the tricksters said one thing, Jenny could note light hints of exhaustion on the girls face. While it was slow, but each powerful spell cast clearly took its toll.

Being quiet while a good precaution didn't seem to be necessary as their previous stunt had driven absolutely every single creature to swarm them. Still at the very least Jenny could calmly look around the numerous rooms, including the room Nico was kept.

Unfortunately, while hardly ransacked the rooms barely contained anything of good use, at least outside the bedroom. If anything these rooms seemed dedicated purely to the most carnal and sensual pleasures, though questionable outfits aplenty - there was no one else alive here.

Unless there was something else Jenny could continue onwards to the pit, though the distant howls and screeches all seemed to echo form the very collidors the girls would have to take.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With no survivors up top Jenny readied frost as she began to head for the pits explaining her plan to Riley. "Okay so here is what I was thinking. These creatures are fairly stupid and only dangerous in large numbers and up close. So we find a straight hallway. I shoot a few and retreat waiting for them to bunch up and you zap em good. Sound like a plan?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley blinked at the offer and turned her head curiously "You... wanna be bait?" she'd raise an eyebrow at the girl as Jenny elaborated on the plan.

Just from her recollection, Jenny knew the prisoners were kept all around the circular pit, with the collidor with the cells extending along it's edges. There were 2 entrances into the area, one which Jenny followed earlier which lead to the throne room with the other leading into the mess hall. From her positioning, going through the throne room was the only feasible option.

Fortunately this provided exactly the sort of situation Jenny needed, the path from the Throne room to the Pit was a fairly long hallway, devoid of any noteworthy features "You sure about this? We could try the stealthy approach..." Riley placed a finger on her own lips clearly thinking something over "Then again, if that fails we'd be...." she'd frown lightly "Well if you're sure I'll wait for you here, what will be the signal?"

The trickster beamed a smile to Jenny "Don't worry, I can arc my magic around you." indeed in the baracks with the deathly guardians Jenny all too clearly recalled a beam like spell from Riley moving right past her without any harm.

Either way If Jenny went onwards, she'd only need to push the double doors at the end of the hallway apart and start her plan "So... whats the 'Go" and whats the 'Help me" signals again?" the trickster leaned forward curiously, checking up once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny threw Riley a smirk but decided to elaborate just in case she was serious. "Ill go ahead and get some of their attention. Ill fall back to this hallway where you will be waiting. Ill be using Frost to keep their attention. Hopefully I won't have to wast to many shots and we can get a fair number. The signel will be me putting my hand in the air and pulling down and well if I get swarmed that counts too. Answering any other questions Jenny would check Frost and move in and open the doors.