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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Gently pushing the door aside darkness would meet Jenny head on. Unlike most the area here, the area around here was not illuminated... heck standing like she was, whatever stalked in the dark could likely quite clearly see her.

Taking the risk Jenny stepped forward and kept the door only lightly open, not allowing too much of the sudden light to reveal her entry. Even if she could barely see anything right now, numerous brushes of feet, strange cries and hisses echoed across the colidor.

As her eyes adapted Jenny could look around, the arching hallway extended both ways. Thankfully none of the creatures were right next to her, but looking both ways Jenny could see to her left 3 of the warped stumbled about. Only the doorway to the kitchen and one doorway to the pit the other notable features. To her right a bit further one, she could make out the first prisoner chamber door... unfortunately it was already fully open on that side 2 warped stumbled around.

Though on both sides due to the dark and the hallways turning nature it was impossible to make out too what lied further ahead on both ways.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well the set up was about as optimal as she could ask for. Picking her target Jenny settled for one the left. Aiming frost Jenny pulled the trigger making sure her shot would echo in the hallway. After that she would fall back making the creatures follow her where Riley waited in Ambush.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

All hell breaks loose

Sudden attack!

Ahprodisiac goo:
10 resistance damage sufferered!

The shot would echo out across the chamber and just as planned the warped all turned to the source to see Jenny! Unfortunately, plans have a tendency to fall apart...

Just as Jenny turned to run and begin her bait a sudden crash against steel echoed out from nearby! Numerous white tentacles shot forth from the pit itself! The surprising reach and even the sudden attack itself completely caught Jenny by surprise the gooey tentacle wrapping around her leg and tugging her off balance!

Thankfully Jenny managed to keep hold of frost, but as she was now she on the ground rapidly being dragged to the pit and closer to the warped she provoked!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smirked as the warp turned towards here. Turning herself to head out Jenny got one step before a loud crash echoed out and one of the tenticle beasts wrapped its slimy digits on her. "EEEEK!" Hitting the ground hard Jenny looked at the situation before taking aim at the tenticles themselves. She had suffered their caress before and while they made it feel good Jenny didn't want to feel it again. Emptying the remaining shots into the tenticles Jenny hopped it would free up her leg and let her scramble out the door after all their was still a chance to salvage her plan.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No promises to keep it active ;D


Jenny goes trigger happy:
Rapid fire x7!
#1 53 vs 65 MISS
#2 51 vs 65 MISS
#3 56 vs 51 HIT
#4 50 vs 61 MISS
#5 57 vs 61 MISS
#6 48 vs 50+ MISS
#7 49 vs 50+ MISS

Grabber keeps it's grip! Jenny is dragged closer!
Jenny suffers 10 more reistance damage!

The warped get closer!

Jenny quickly gripped Frost and let loose a flurry of shots! Still from this angle even a fair sharpshooter like her strugled to hit the thin white tentacle! First two shoots flew to the nearby ground, the impact leaving frosty splatters from each attack, until the third one clipped the beasts appedage!

Just as Jenny caught beat on it, the creature suddenly jerked her strongly once more, dragging her closer to the slammed open door! Be it panic or completely thrown off aim Jenny finished off her clip to little effect, the shot landing all around her target as the pistol let loose its barrage.

Meanwhile the moans and grunts from all around echoed out as they neared the girl as well! At this rate even if she escaped the tentacle she could be cut off by the corrupt creatures!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Riley a little help!" Taking a much calmer aim Jenny let loose 4 shots at the tentacle holding her after all her ammo was limited and she really was tired of getting rapped by corrupt creatures. A slight flush crossed her mind from the thought but quickly went into action. She had no interest in meeting her spider babies let alone being their offspring's mother.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stats of note!
Jennys resistance 8/28!

- Combat -

Jenny unloads again!
#1 63 vs 51 HIT
#2 53 vs 57 MISS
#3 50 vs 55 MISS
#4 51 vs 61 MISS
#5 57 vs 54 HIT

Jennys scared the tentacle away!
2 shots left in the clip, 3 clips left.

Rileys joins the battle!

Using Flash Bomb!
Resistance auto-hit

Mobs is dealt 12 damage and blinded!

Quickly changing a clip, Jenny felt herself slowly dragged closer to the darkness. The singular white tentacle clashed with the darkness it came from, though even with the gurgles and moans of the corrupted closing in as well, Jenny could almost hear the anxious or perhaps joyous scittering coming from inside the dome!

Fortunately, whatever dark fate tried to take her woould wait. A few of the Jennys well placed shots hit the tentacle from either side snapping it off the main body "NUUUUUU" a hall-rumbling gurgling roar erupted from the dome.

Riley would hear Jennys cry, heck she even heard the commotion from before "Jen?" the trickster dashed near the half-open door only for the sight at the very least 10 of the corrupted stumbling right towards the downed heroine! "What the!" a orb of light quickly appeared in illusionist hand changing it's form to a small bomb complete with a comically large fuse! "Jenny turn away from it!" Hoping Jenny wouldn't be mesmerized by the spell as well, the Riley threw it into the mob only for a blast of light to cause the mob to cry out in pain, most stumbling back from the blinding blast!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Upset creature or not Jenny wasn't staying around. Getting to her feet she put the last two shots into the creature directly in her path before using her wings to launch her self away from the pit and back towards Riley. It looks like she would need a different plan after all.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully Jenny managed to snap the appendage of her just in time. Unless the girl choose to fire a few shots to try and scare or slow the mob, nothing blocked her path towards Riley. The trickster reacher her hand out and pulled Jenny closer to the illuminated pathway, easing her landing from the short flight.

"How many did you bring out?!" Rileys eye widened at the massive crowd nearing them, even making the mage lean away "So... sticking to plan A?" she'd turn to Jenny curiously. Thankfully the mob was horribly slow, but it was definedly numerous...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny put frost away and drew her sword. It was her lest powerful attack but she simple had almost no ammo for frost. "Its gonna be a fighting retreat Riley and its going to be exhausting. Ill cut down anything that gets to close you just do what mages do.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley blinked at the pulled sword "Wait what?!" she'd lean closer in clear disbelief "If we're running let's just run through here and out." the trickster pointed to down the hallway the two stood at. While the path to retreat was clear, returning near the dome again with all the commotion caused may be near impossible.

"And if we're fighting your funnel idea was good." Riley looked to the massive mob "I really wish we had some of those explosives right about now..." still the duo best not chat too long, as Sirs mad flailing and pointing to the mob hinted, they needed to pick a course of action and soon.

Clarity for clarity sakes:
The Warped are in the dome area coming from the left side, the trio are in the hallway to the dome from the throne room.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Right the plan is still go just Ill make sure nothing gets close so blast away! If they get threw we'll run" Jenny held her blade ready as she let Riley throw her magics if anything made it threw the barraige she would tell them to retreat.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

- Combat -

Riley casts:
[Lvl5] Lazer!
8 EP cost [37/45 left]

Cast: 45 vs 40 SUCCESS!
Auto-hit [25 dodge zombies... right~]
Damage: 70!
Nothing left to blind

"Alright! Here goes..." Riley took a light breath and sighed "Just... no more ghosts ambushes after this." she'd smile playfully to Jenny, before her eyes sharpened a magical glint appearing in her eyes "Keep clear and watch my back!" though the illumination was fairly dim, the moving mass of creatures was not that hard to notice... nor hit.

The tricksters clothes seemingly sheened lightly in power "Let's start the Light show!" she'd call out as if an incantation, but seemingly more for the bravado effect than anything else. With a poof of purple dust a highly stylised cane appeared in the flashy mages hand. The girl spun the cane infront of her, each ending of the small staff emitted a dim light that joined up into a small hollow circle before her.

With a sly smirk on her face, Riley placed one hand on her tophats outer rim and hit the cane onto into the cold stone. Only for a blastwave to emit from sudden attack, blasting back the tricksters clothes lightly with a gust of wind!

The hallway light up briefly as the bright beam of light, or well quite frankly a huge-*** lazer absolutely engulfed the area infront of them in a singular line! Piercing the black mass instantly evaporating those unfortunate to even be clipped by the beam of power!

As the attacks effects settled Jenny could only look on to the sight of atleast half of the warped already smoldering on the ground, with the wall behind them bearing clear signs of heat based damage.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Awesome Riley got one more in ya?" If that was indeed the case then Jenny would wait to give the command till the rest of the warped had gathered up together. She would of course take care of any that got to close before the rest bunched up. As she waited she looked at Riley and smiled. Riley deserved better than this, but here she was crawling threw a nasty infested dungeon with her. "I love you Riley."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

- Combat -
Riley casts Lazer [lvl5]
8 EP cost [29/45 left]

Cast 51 vs 40 SUCCESS
77 damage done in a line!

3 Warped left.

Riley blinked at the words and giggled cutely "Hey now focus!" the moment would seemingly be ruined as the howls and moans of the remaining crowd grew closer!

"Yeah I can take care of them again, but... mind taking out whatever stranglers are left?" the trickster looked to Jennys response and gave her a firm nod "OKAY!" once more the cane appeared in Rileys hands as she extended it infront of her, one eye closed the trickster seemingly aimed down carefully before... "There!" with those words, perhaps with slightly less bravado a circle of light appeared right next to the girl as it once more let loose the incinerating beam! The Light pierced through the crowd once more! It's radiance seemingly illuminating the whole area as it burnt the warped asunder!

When the smoke cleared only 3 of the warped still fearlessly neared the two girls and their companions. Riley turned to Jenny with a sly smirk "Think you can handle it from here?" while there was a certain cockyness to her tone, to Rileys credit the girl had definedly earned the right.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded in conformation after all there was only three left. Taking frost out Jenny sighed and put what ever shots she had left into the creatures. If she ran dry she would need to step into melee with the warped. At lest they didn't have the goo all over them.

Use rapid shot with frost to take down the remaining warped. If she runs dry then hack and slashing we go.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

- Combat -

- Round 1 -
Jennys uses Rapid Fire:
Both shots auto-hit
#1 25 damage
#2 29 damage

A Warped is down!
Clip is dry, 4 clips left.

Warped B and C out of range to attack!

- Rounds 2 -
Jennys slahses at the enemy:
40+ vs 25 auto-hit!
Damage done: 20

Warped B attacks:
40+ vs 40 auto-hit
Jennys takes 31 damage!!!!

Warpbed C attacks:
40+ vs 40 auto-hit
Jennys takes another 25 damage!!!

Jennys is humbled and knocked breathless! 14/70 HP LEFT!

Seeing the masses downed Jennys confidence and spirit soared! "Phew... have at them." Riley winked slyly to the heroine and watched her work her own combat magic! Couragiously the girl rushed to the fray! The warped cried out at the approaching warrior only to be silenced as a blue streak pierced the head of one of the three not once, but twice in succession easily killing the creature on the spot!

Clicking any more would reveal an empty clip, spurring Jenny to her borrowed blade! While she was no knight these slow and idiotic creatures were no match! "Hyaa~~" the girl dashed forwad and let loose a cutting strike and one of the creatures! Only for it to only lighly flinch?!

A shock ran through Jenny as she saw the sight, moments before a devastating blow came forth at the girl body! The slam was beyond anything Jenny could've imagined as even a single strike almost blacked her out?! "JENNY?!" a second blow from the other warped would be soon to follow though this time, Jenny just barely managed to gather enough presence of mind to try and block it... to little effect!

Slammed aside Jenny hit the floor hard, just the two strikes almost knocking her out on the spot or at the very least absolutely sapping all might from her body! As Jenny quickly gathered her stance back, Riley rushed in closer "Bastards!" she'd growl out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny winced as she slid to the ground an all to delicate reminder that she was no knight. She was a shepard well not even that anymore. Getting to her knees Jenny reloaded frost and fire twice into the warped that knocked her down and three times to the one that was still coming.

Duh Jenny your no knight Rapid fire 5 shots as described above
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

- Combat -
Jennys takes her revenge!
All shots auto-hit
#1 36 damage!
B Warped dies.
#2 32 damage!
#3 33 damage!
C Warped dies

- End of Combat-

Even if her swordsmanship was lacking, the girls ranged combat prowess was unquestionable. Her lightning speed coupled with Frosts excepional design, would make the weapons reload seemingly instantanious.

Before either Riley or the Warped could react Jennys retalation came swift and cold. The first shot would pierce the previously injured warped head, making it seemingly be ripped off by the neck as it fel behind the creature! The other 2 would quickly riddle the warped creatures companions making it succumb to the sheer firepower as well!

Though Jenny almost wanted to pull the trigger again, she had to conserve ammo. Falling back the heroine took a few deep breaths, recouping from her wounds. Sir would quickly float over and start his healing, the soft energies reinvogorating the heroine at a rapid speed.

"...good thing we can deal with these things at a range. Those attacks looked..." Riley croached down to the now seated Jenny and looked to her with clear worry in her eyes "You okay?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Just need a moment." Resting Jenny didn't think she would find any survivors down here. Still she had to know for sure. After healing she would kiss Sir on his stoney head before getting up and brushing herself off. "Okay we need to be sneaky in this next part that tentacle monster is still there." Heading in slowly and quietly Jenny would guide Riley and Sir along avoiding any noise.