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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With a loud screech the small platform stopped at the top, the mechanism echoing out loudly throughout the desolate mine "Phew..." Riley quickly stepped off the platform and caught her breath "You okay Jen?" unfortunately even if the oppresive cold from before was gone, the pitch black dark of the mine still lingered... even if significantly more comforting now.

Jenny waited briefly for her eyes to adjust... and then some more... but to no effect. No matter how she looked at the dark or strained her eyes, the black curtain around them remained. Moments later Riley would once more recast her lantern spell, the bright light illuminating the mine once more.

The now-blonde heroine had explored this area before, in essence Jenny had 2 routes to take 1 leading back to the upper hidden quarters and one leading out of the mine.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Blinking Jenny tried to let her eyes adjust but they didn't it seemed what ever took her wings had taken her night vision as well. Thankfully Riley had an anser and after a brief look away Jenny was able to see. "Lets get out of here before the roots make it up here. Heading out Jenny moved to leave the mine all together but at a much slower pace sense she had to wait for Riley's light. "Well I've lost my night vision... I wonder what else has changed?" She said it in a mater of fact tone. No point in hanging onto the details.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well your hair for one." Riley smiled to her encouragingly though quickly noticed Jennys serious stance... the tricksters mood would visibly dim at the realisation "We're not out of this mess yet... are we?" Whatever the answer was would likely come upon reveal of what was going on outside...

It had already dawned when the duo got out, the subtle natural incense lingered in the air, the fairly cold winter day seemed to have turned to a bright and warm summer morning... and all before them where there was a road now a lush grass field lingered, the long blades of grass swaying in the wind.

Looking to the abbandoned buildings most of them seemed to have been completely ruined, the trees that previously only grew nearby now had their branches pierce the buildings, even brining down huge areas of the walls in the process.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked about so far so good. "Looks like we might be in the clear. Lets check around real quick to see if the others made it out before we head back to town. Who knows maybe Ill find some cloths before this summer effect wears off." After a brief search if nothing turned up Jenny would lead the way back trying to keep moving to keep body heat up. Very much aware that she was nude in the winter.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The shift in weather was more than a little beneficial for the heroine. Even in the nude she felt relatively warm, her the feeling of the long blades of grass gently brushing against her skin was nothing short of nostalgic!

Looking around wouldn't reveal any clothes, tho some of the grass clearly seemed to have been brushed or stepped on creating a path that went towards the city. Jenny would however find the fate of the corpses that littered the once-street. Huge root clusters could be found hidden between the grass, although Jenny couldn't be sure the light whiff of foulness hinted that the nature around here was busy reclaiming the dead.

The same fate only far more severe would be revealed inside one of the buildings, where previous bodies stacked now the roots had wrapped around the piles and slowly seemingly breathed. The buildings interior was nothing short of inhospitable. The wooden walls were busted aside by the tree branches and the roots had pierced through ground, making it hard to even traverse without stepping on them.

"Jen... what was that little thing you used in that room?" Riley looked through the area with equal measure of amazement and fright "I'm pretty sure this is not natural..." she'd raise an eyebrow at the heroine.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wouldn't linger in the building and instead met back up with Riley as they headed for town. "Well... I think it was the life essence of a nature spirit I had contact with in the academy. He said I would know when to use it and... well there we go." Jenny would let her hands drift over the tall grass as they walked. "I guess Ill have to show up in town buck naked." Frowning for only a moment Jenny walked on. "Come one lets get back to King's Coast. There is nothing left for us to see here."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley giggled playfully and glanced to Sir "Well~ I'm sure you can use Sir for cover until we find something." she'd grin clearly teasing. Either way for the moment Jenny was right, the trio would give one last glance to the now overgrown mining settlement before heading back into the forest and onwards to Kingscoast.

Walking through the woods it became clear that whatever they had activated was far more wide reaching than just the dungeon and the mines, the trees all around had grown-out enough to seemingly completely eclipse the sky above them, their roots now tangled and blocked the dirt path the girls used at first... in the distance Jenny could even make out sounds of wild-life scurrying about, but none of the three managed to catch a clear glympse of the beasts.

As Jenny cleared the final bush the sight of Kingscoast was revealed before her. The pavement throughout the city was cracked with grass or plants breaking through, some of the houses seemed shifted or otherwise uprooted by well... the roots below them. Even passing by one of the abbandoned houses Jenny caught view of a plain house plant, now having spread throughout whatever room it was.

It was up to Jenny to headout wherever she wished first.

Location hints:
Nicoles Bar
The Tinker shop
Sheriffs office
The Church
The Library
Town Hall

Anywhere else she feels like.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Sweet Naya what did I do." Jenny looked about at the massive growth she had triggered. It was apparent that Kingscoast would never be the same again. Up ahead she could hear animals running and shifting threw the brush but she couldn't see what they where. Reaching the town Jenny had to stop a moment. It seemed that the outskirts of the town had suffered a similar fate and she desperately hoped she didn't ruin the town in an attempt to save it.

After taking in the area a moment Jenny took a deep breath and headed for Nico's bar. Sure the place had been ruined and burned but the hotel was nearby and Jenny could no doubt find something to wear in it. Then she would move on to Misty's before heading to the library then the church.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Approaching the bar Jenny looked on to it's burnt husk. Noone had yet began any repairs, there was barely any real cleanup done inside. Stepping inside it was deathly quiet, only the silent breeze of the wind calling out through a broken window. The building itself seems to have taken even more damage now, with the bright green roots writhing along the floor tightly hugging it. Numerous stray blades of grass poking out even through the busted wooden pavement.

"Jen?" Riley looked to Jennys sad expression with some concern, spurring the girl to shake it off for now. Whatever her response was the trio were free to go to the nearby rooms.

The town was still abbandoned as far as Jenny could see, though in the distance she could hear some murmurs of activity. Besides that though only some particulary cheery birds and the occasional bugs buzzed by, seemingly all too happy and gleeful at the light green mist and warmth that enveloped the land.

Fortunately after a brief search Jenny would indeed manage to find a fairly simple dress that fit her. Oddly enough the succubus could've sweared her bust measurements had dropped off, if only because usually she really needed custom-made clothes to comfortably fit her... generous proportions

"This towns seen it's share of conflict hasn't it..." Riley looked around the desecrated rooms, the scars of the demonic siege not too long ago all too clear still "Honestly, in the academy we always heard about Kings Coast, heck we had supply runs drop by quite often... I've never had a chance to visit." she'd glance around the ruins with a hint of sadness "Wonder what it was like."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well to be honest it wasn't exactly a lively place when I first got here. Well except maybe Nico's here. Though at one point I could see that this place was happy. Hopefully it can be again." Finding a dress she could wear and finding her breasts to actually fit drew a puzzled look from her. Before she had to alter her shape so most cloths could fit but this time it was almost perfect in fact this seemed a little large on her. Shaking her head Jenny took Riley's hand and moved on. First she would see the golden girls home. Once there she would kneel before the makeshift grave and simply say. "I did it girls... the town is safe." After that she would head back to the church. No doubt thats where the people where gathered.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The return to the manor was almost nostalgic, once again Jenny slipped past the gates, through the overgrowth of the huge grass and towards the ruined manor. While Jenny partly expected the same fate to befall the manor as most of the town... the overgrowth was here, but instead of digging into the manor frame and walls, it either coiled or grew along it, not destroying the manor any more than it already was.

Walking to the grave would reveal a similar sight only far more evident, all around the grave the growth seemed to have ceased or turned away, except a rose cluster to form around it. Perhaps from a left red rose, the plant overgrew and wrapped along the queit grave now adorning with several blooming buds of white roses.

Riley however had no idea why this place was special "Who were they?" the trickster looked to Jenny pray with clear curiousity. Hoping she'd elaborate on what significance the manor had or still has.

Either way noone would disturb the girls still, Jenny had a sneaking suspicion she knew what was causing the ruckus... but there was only one way to find out. Gathering herself the girl went onwards towards the church.

While the streets were desolate there was a certain mystic spark in the air, perhaps it was the warmth or the reinvigorating fresh air, but the previous dark and decrepit streets seemed a bit more... cheerful. Even with the rampant overgrowth all around.

Turning the corner would indeed reveal a gathering outside of the church, but perhaps not on the scale jenny imagined. Looking up the streeet it was likely the whole towns populace had gathered in a circle discussing something. While Jennys initial reaction was to rush and check what the commotion was about, her eyes would wander to Misteys... if the magical effect did so much to her, what happened to her friends.

It was clear the girl had 2 apparent choices, it was up to her to choose which one she'll investigate first.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sat a moment letting the peace of the area fill her. "They where graduates of the Academy who dedicated their lives to help the sick and injured." Jenny got up and took Rileys hand again and explained as they moved on. After all she didn't want to taint the place with the bad memories. "One was murdered by a man. This drove her sister into a reclusive state. The corrupted church in the town convinced the towns people that all their wows where the cause of the remaining sister being a witch. Of course it was all a lie but scared folks do stupid things and the other sister perished in a fire set by some of the town folks. I did what I could to bring them peace and in turn they helped me get into the academy where I found you." Leaving it at that Jenny moved to see the town had gathered at the church. Still something itched at her and Jenny left the place to see Misteys
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perhaps the tale was best left untold... then again perhaps the blunt truth was the best way to go. Listening to the tale Rileys eyes widened "Dear gods...." the trickster looked aside perhaps more shocked than Jenny otherwise would've given credit to the tales weight "You're a good person, Jen." she'd smile to Jenny sadly before thinking over what she just heard.

Still one thing was certain, when the trio left the Manor Rileys gaze when looking to the town changed from sadness to a far sharper and hateful spark.

Jenny had two clear choices where she could go. While the town center had no doubt something major go down, the girl had an inplaceable need to check on her friends at Misteys first.

Walking into the alchemists Jenny braced for the worst.... only to note that while the drawers and shelves had suffered from the overgrowth. There were no busted bottles or broken vials? Quite a few of the vials and bottles seemed to have been placed in boxes all over the area, but otherwise the alchemists shop wasn't as bad-off as one would expect.

Walking deeper Jenny all too clearly heard rapid taps of stone from up ahead, going behind the counter would reveal a sight that made Jennys eyes go wide "What is it?" Riely leaned in to check in and smiled widely at the view...

Atleast a good dozen of raced back and forth throughout the whole area, some carrying boxes others running around with clear vials in hand. All of them the similar height as Sir barely above either of the girls knees. Looking forward it was just a hussle and busle of small hexagon shaped stone figures rushing past each other. The door to NIcoles and the succubi temporal residence was open.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh my!" Smiling at the little guys running back and forth Jenny stepped over them to ease her way threw making sure disrupt them as little as possible. Entering the door Jenny moved in a sense of worry filling her. If she had been changed in this way what happened to the others. Some had hefty mutation such as she did while others where full demons like Nico. Still she pressed on sending a tentative hello as she entered the hallway.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Looking down to the basement would reveal an even more interesting sight. Seemed just like most of the building the alchemy had suffered from the overgrowth however, lined against all the walls the tiny contructs were busy at work rebuilding the busted walls and mending the cracked stone. The little guys rushed up and down stairs, gathering supplies or taking out thw previously wreckage holding them up above their head.

Though as Jenny stepped inside the flow of the tiny construct running down the stairs seemed to slowly reduce more and more. Still if Jenny stepped downstairs she could inspect the area better. The table the girls had their plans arranged lied absolutely broken, Nicoles bed was now devoid of it's lush silks leaving only the beds naked frames all around the walls that were previously hidden beneath the elegant curtains lied bare.... what was previously a luxurious headquarters now looked just like a plain basement.

Looking around the flow of the tiny guys down the stairs seemed to have stopped, besides that only the door to the living quarters was open "Where is everyone?..." Riley looked around and paused "D-do... you think the bl---" the trickster silenced herself "Lets check the bedroom and medbay. They have to be down here... right?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Chewing her lower lip Jenny crept down the stairs looking into each bedroom as she made her way to the med bay. "Hello? Ricarn?, Mistey?" Jenny was getting worried now no one had answered her. Bracing herself she turned to look into the med bay to see what had happened here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With all the clattering stone contructs working ever so hard, it was hardly quiet... however moving deeper into the cellar Jenny couldn't help, but feel a certain dread creep up on her.

However as the girl neared the general bedroom, she'd note the door was already open. Peeking inside would reveal all of the Black Widows! Meril, Jasmine, Rita and Tina! The succubi were all resting on the bed, a small 'Sir' attending each of them with a wet towel!

While most of them seemed unconscious the girls seemed to be all alive without any clear injury! Tina was the closest to entrance and seemed to stir at the commotion "...m?" she'd quickly try to look towards the returned group.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny slide down to Tina and took her hand. "Hey there rest okay..... just relax. Sir see what you can do for them alright." Jenny let the little guy down to tend to them as she moved to the other rooms. She didn't expect to find Nico though she wished she had. Rosa and Reicarn where on the list they had both been hurt. What if the wave of purity had ..... she didn't want to think of it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Upon his call Sir... Riley and Jenny looked to the empty spot behind them curiously "Sir?" The tiny construct wasn't with them? Infact looking around, Jenny wasn't sure whether he even went down the stairs!

Hearing Jennys voice the girl seemed to spur to life "J-Jenny?" she'd open her eyes slowly, but widely... though before Jenny could even get a proper word in "Jen!... Save... Nico... Please..." the girls body tensed briefly, before relaxing "Inquisitors...." she'd close her eyes and seemingly fall asleep once more.

Thankfully the girl seemed to be alive, but extremely exhausted. The others kept their peaceful nap "Did they catch her?" Riley turned to Jenny with clear worry "Jen... what are we gonna do?" for all the rivalry or perhaps because of their rivalry, the tricksters had a clear worried expression on her face.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't say a word but instead ran up the stairs and out of the shop heading for the church. Frost was in her hand and while she only had seven shots she would make every one of them count. She couldn't fly anymore and well running on stone in bare feet was not fun either still she had little time.