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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

After a few lazy stretches and an extra few yawns, Jenny was good to go. Everything in the room was exactly how she left, thus finding her clothes and slipping into them would be fairly effortless.

As Jenny stepped outside she could hear people talking from near entrance, though the moemnt she turned towards suddenly a poof smoke rushed from one of the rooms?! It was the alchemy mixing chamber! Before Jenny could even reach to see what caused suddenly one of the servo constructs ran out from it covered in flames! His arms flailing in a comedic fashion... moments later after him another of the servos dashed to the rescue a bucket of water held above its head splashing all around!

If Jenny sneaked a glance inside the mixing chamber, that she herself had some history of experimenting inside, she'd see atleast 6 servos busy at work mixing, matching and preparing potions of all manner inside! Though looking at all the hussle and bussle it was best not to disturb them.

Heading towards the actual speaking voices, much Jennys surprise the alchemy shop seemed to be open once again. With atleast 5 people perusing the potions, Mistey was busy explaining what each one was doing, before noting Jenny in the doorway.

"Hey! Sorry been a bit busy, since the towns coming back up doing a huge sale on potions." the alchemist sighed with relief seemingly glad from escaping the questions for once, though noted Jennys looked "The price is almost less than the material used. I'm not profiteering of a tragedy, Jen."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ehhh? What? No its fine I just thought you should know that one of the servo's is on fire back here." Jenny stepped out the likely rushing Mistey and kept an eye on the shop till she returned. Once that was done she would give the girl a hug and head out to Ezekiel's on her own as everyone was busy.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"He's... what?!" Mistey blinked and looked to the back one of the servos seemed to dash back to the mixery as another stumbled about with a bucket over his head... still steaming. Without further ado the alchemist quickly rushed off! "What are you guys doing in there?!"

Still this allowed Jenny to leave without much issue, walking across the street it was nice to see the damp and dark streets as sunny for once, specks of grass and flowers bursting through the cold pavement giving the previously bland town some more colors.

Meril and the builders didn't seem to notice her, though as Jenny moved to the library quite a few servos would dash past her. One carrying a bucket of nails, the other three long planks of wood... the town hasn't felt this busy... heck it's as busy as Jenny had ever seen it.

The Library stood exactly as it had before, a simple perhaps a bit worn building. Infact, Jenny could swear this was the only location anywhere near Kings Coast that didn't seem to have been affected by the overgrowth. Stepping inside the familiar scent of old books once again hit her head on, the towering bookcases all seemingly reshuffling their books right before Jennys eyes. One floating book replacing another, all done by some unknown force.

Soon enough Jenny heard slow footsteps echo out, a cane tapping on the pristine floor all too clearly accompanying them "What do I have to thank, for such a pleasant visit." the librarians voice echoed out through the empty library as he smiled kindly appearing near Jenny "You've been quite the busy hero, Jenny."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and looked up at the kind old angel. She imagined and thought to herself if she ever had a grandpa she would be glad if he was half as nice as Ezekiel. Simply nodding Jenny moved and hugged the old man for a good while. "I need to know what happened.. to me and the widows."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Librarian would chuckle lightly at the hug, though when Jennys stepped back he'd only look to her and smile once more "You have something on your mind." it wasn't a question, just looking at the girl the angel knew it... heck one would hardly even need divine powers to see through Jennys gaze.

Ezekiel would sit down as he heard Jennys question and chuckle lightly "I do not know all the answers." the old man smiled "But I can always try to share what I do know." the librarian looked to a nearby chair mutely offering Jenny to sit down and briefly explained to the girl just what the ages knew of corruption and it's effects on being not inherently corrupt... as well as of the means to both fight off and purge whatever corruptive energies reside in one.

The old man took a deep breath before continueing "You've done, what the original ward creator likely never even considered. Using the Wards destructive potential to empower but a sliver of pure life energy." suddenly a book describing the dieities of their world fel on Jennys lap opening to the page describing Naya, The Bringer of Life "The druids of Naya are known for their rituals to either purge or adapt apersons body to it's new changes, removing the corruptive influence that spurred it."

"I would guess the energies all around the town right now work in a similar fashion. Except the scale..." he'd chuckle "Once people learn of this field, I imagine Kings Coast will have quite a few new curious visitors."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned if the purity field lasted it would undoubtedly draw all kinds of persons.... Not all of which would be benign. Those Rei was still around hopefully though Jenny hadn't seen him. Maybe that would be her next stop. "So the town is surrounded by a healing aura. Do you think it will last forever or is it just temporary?" Jenny wasn't sure if Ezekiel had the answer to that though Jenny did trace the small picture of Naya in the book. The girl had learned of the goddess at home from one of the visiting farmers wives. Her mother and father never seemed to impressed but given what she knew now Jenny was hardly surprised. Closing the book Jenny looked over at the kind old man. "Can you tell me of Marossia and the inquisitors? Nico and Rosa where tak... gave themselves up and I intend to get them back, the stupid idiots."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ah~ Mariossa..." the librarians voice echoed out with clear Nostalgia "One of the so-called Holy cities..." he'd looked to Jenny elaborating on his words "There are numerous cities in the world that would dub themselves holy, be it for their towering cathedrals or of their past reteling of divine events around it... though I could name, but a few worthy of such a title."

"It has been many years since I've stepped through Marriosas pristine marble streets, looked upon it's elegant towers, drank from it's pure fountains." Ezekiel sighed deeply "Greeted the smiling faces of it's populace or enjoyed the tranquil calm inside. Though the city you will find, will likely not be the one I recall." a map would fly from deep withing the library and land on Jennys lap, uncurling itself. There was a single golden light on it, that seemed to only persist long enough to catch Jennys attention before dispersing - revealing Marriosa. The city itself seemed to be a fair way southwest from Kings Coast, past quite a few other setlements, huge forests and some even barely mapped out lands.

"I cannot tell you much of Mariossa as she stands now, just as my knowledge of the Holy Inquisitor Order may be out of date." the old man relaxed in his seat "What I can tell you is that they're an ancient order, one of the most zealous and righteous fighters in the land. So sworn to the eradication of all demons, that their zeal matches even the most veteran of angels." Ezekiel paused "However their teachings lacked empathy or even the most basic understanding of their demons. It has always been my fear that this zeal may have turned them blind to the surrounding world, their rightiousness would pave way for their apathy."

The angel chuckled lightly "Though my concerns and views hardly found support among my peers or the leaders of the Inquisitor order." he'd turn to the library "There were a few... but it's been too long since I've spoke to them." he'd catch himself and smile "Ah pardon this old mans ramblings, Jenny."

"Who the Inquisitors are and what they do, when the time comes you will be be able to answer that yourself." the man seemed to shut his lips on the matter "And your answer, will bear far more truth and weight than any I could give you."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny pouted but knew that she would likely get little else from the angel. Smiling Jenny got up and gave the old man a hug before heading out to find Rei. He of course would need to know about the new threats that would likely arise. Heading out Jenny would breath deep and searched for the sheriff.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The librarian seemed to tell Jenny a lot... while at the same time not saying much at all. Seeing the look on the girls face Ezekiel chuckled kindly "My apologies, Jenny." the girl would stand give a parting hug to the angel "No it's fine, Ezekiel."

"Wait..." he'd stop Jenny "You're leaving, aren't you?" the angel would approach with a kind smile "Unfortunately I do not have much to give you as a parting gift... except maybe." the librarian nodded "Not a gift, but if or when you do reach Mariossa. Find Decker, he's an old acquintance of mine. Tell him where I am and what happened here in Kings Coast..." the old man smiled "Including the information about how you freed the Dark One." with those finals words, Ezekile would give Jenny one final nod and say his goodbye "I wish you best of luck saving your friends Jenny."

With her goodbyes done, Jenny went onwards to find the sheriff. Last Jenny saw him, he beared quite substantial injuries... as well as faced the ire of the Inquisitors in town.

Finding the Sheriff was as easy as just going to his office. The ruined building seemed to be still undergoing active repairs the servos running around, hammering and otherwise working to get the building in shape. Though the office itself seemed to be open and already repaired!

Stepping inside Jenny glanced both ways only to hear 2 familiar voices "No... We are not putting silks. Inside. The. DAMN CELL! It's a holding cell not a brothel kinks area!" the sheriffs voice boomed out, only to be countered by a much more gentler voice "There is no reason to keep someone in some reeking, back-breaking cell! Even if they are captives!" Tina argued with the sheriff clearly working out the finer details of the renovated office.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would just laugh at the argument. "It could stand to be at lest Clean Rei. Though you are right silks would just make people get the wrong idea." Jenny would lean on the door frame waiting for the arguing duo to appear. Tina would undoubtedly be first she was Jenny's biggest fan. After giving the succubus a hug she would talk to Rei about what she learned and her plans. The most importing being the healing field drawing the wrong attention and the second that she would be heading out in a day or two to get Nico and Rosa back.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Jenny!" Tina would rush to view and give the girl a deep hug, before a... well shaved and cleaned up Rei came into view as well, the sheriffs didn't seem to bear any marks of injury anymore as well "Oh it's you." he'd smile subtly and sigh "As you can see we're renovating our office." the 'our' seemed to beared a certain tone that was hard to place, somewhere between contentment and annoyance "Mhm~" Tina stepped back, her unnatural bright red ponytails having turned to dark auburn.

If Jenny asked she'd learn that while she slept a whole new alliance of sorts was created, seemed the sheriff would be joining up with a few of the Black widows to protect the city from questionable crowds... and itself "So here I am rearranging the office with this.... kiddo." Tina frowned at the none-too-polite words "You DO know I'm older than you right?" the clearly young looking retorted sharply, only to receive a mute look from the Sheriff.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I wouldn't hold it against him Tina he still dosn't even know my name. What was it last time... Bennie I think or some such." Still she would hug Tina tightly and take a look back at her. "Im glad your okay but I do have some bad news." Jenny would look a little solum. "Those pretty wings you loved are gone. My flying days are over." Jenny would wink at Tina enjoying her little joke before speaking again. "So the girls are going to be deputies then? Who's gonna run the bar? I can't do it I have two silly fools to chase after."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Clover, please." the sheriff waved off the comment casually... being completely serious about it as well "But yeah. Honestly a few more experienced fighters and guards will definedly help the town out." he'd look to Jenny in a frank manner "The demons may have been queeled, but we're still unsure if the mist will come back..." he'd lean against the table and continue "Not to mention the nearby orchard mentioned possible spider activity nearby, so that's gonna be something we'll need to look into."

Tina would give an earnest smile at Jenny "I'm sure we'll get the bar running. When you and Nicole come back, Kings Inn will be far grander than you remember!" she'd grin "Though just as fun--" suddenly a light bonk over the head with two finger, landed on Tinas head?! "Remember the deal. No more succubi shenanigans, including your extra 'spices'." the sheriff spoke sharply, before looking to Jenny. Honestly neither of them seemed surprised at Jennys departure... at all. As if they already knew of it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would wink at the two of them. "Well just because Tina and the girls promised dosn't mean Nicole did." Waving the two off Jenny had a few more people to meet with. One she was going to ask Grace to come with her at lest partway. After all the druid would make a potent ally and well Grace had a vested interest in that outcome. She would of course ask Riley to come along. Of course if she wanted to stay in the city and learn stuff about the outside world for a bit Jenny wouldn't stop her. Then of course there was Sir, her trusted companion. She would ask him if he wanted to go as well. Not to mention she needed to speak with the former priestesses if they where present. She wanted to know what happened to Sonja.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rei would sign deeply at Jennys words "Don't test me Jen..." while clearly not serious, the sigh did bear hints at just how much initial difficulty the new alliance might have "You can find Grace in the church, she's been looking over the efforts to fix it back up." Tina explained, before the duo waved the heroine goodbye and... "Oh~ Curtains! I can tailor the best transparent curtains you'll ever see!" went right back to bickering and discussing what sort of office it would be.

Going through the streets Jenny could see signs of the renewed life and drive in absolutely everyone, whether helping out in the rebuilding efforts to... children playing with the servos, in all honesty Jenny hadn't seen actual kids in Kings Coast streets since she arrived. The faily new sight was ofcourse absolutely adorable and heartwarming, as a small group of kids laughted and ran around the tiny construct who seemed to play along with them.

The church seemed to have suffered significantly less form the overgrowth, likely thanks to it's positioning away from any trees or fauna. Stepping up the small stone stairway Jenny could push open the heavy wood doors and step inside.

Instantly familiar faces popped into Jennys view as the very same priestesses she rescued, still in their dark gowns, worked throughout the church. Be it clearing out debris and trashor taking down the Star Gods adornments for repairs or the like, whole place was absolutely bustling with activity. One face stood out more than the others however...

Dressed in a white and fairly loose gown stood Grace. The robe was clearly not quite tailored up to snuff yet, through it seemed to do little to hamper her divine appearance. The angel still had her wings hidden, but even without them the flowing blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes seemed to leave little question to her divine lineage "Jenny!" she'd smile brightly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jen smiled at the two bickering and waved goodbye. Heading out it was good to see King's Coast actually alive for once. Reaching the church Jenny was pleased to see the priestesses she had saved at work. Though honestly she was surprised that they where still tending to the Star Gods ornaments and symbols when it was clearly Naya who had healed them and purged the town. Seeing Grace Jenny moved to hug her dear friend. "Grace can you do me a favor. Can I see your wings? I was never sure why you hid them so long but surely Naya's power purged any taint that darkened them." Jenny held Grace's hands tightly she wouldn't force the woman if she didn't want too and would simply ask her if she would join her on the trip to the woods. After all they had promised to help the druid and his allarune wife.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh.." Grace blinked at the request and smiled wryly "Ofcourse, just... lets go out of view, alright?" telling the other priestesses she's heading to her quarters Grace would lead Jenny not down into the tombs below, but to a spacious room nearby.

The area was clearly torn down, most of the books from the bookcases were gone. Items of luxury were scattered around in boxes, along with several hidden beneath taken down silken curtains, heck there even seemed to be a fair number of some unknown device parts scattered about! Jenny could guess that this room had a fair number of secrets inside, secrets now unviled and rapidly purged "Sorry about the mess. We're tearing everything that vile creature had and burning it up soon... just going need to finish our repairs on the main hall."

Without too much fuss, Grace would ease the bindings that held her robe and with a sudden flash of light she'd reveal her angelic wings in full. Numerous small white feathers slowly descending all around the room, the rays of sunshine adding further to the absolute divine view "Oh..." Grace looked aside uneasily "I'm just not very comfortable with them out.... everyone starts to look differently at me. I don't want that, I just want to be on the same level as everyone else. You know? To be me, not 'The Angel' " she'd explain her reasoning, before adding "And it's impossible to find clothes that wouldn't be ripped apart from the shift." it was likely a problem Jenny knew all too well.

Though as Jenny elaborated on her intents Grace eyes grew wide as she clearly hadn't heard any news about the forest "There's trouble in the forest? O-Ofcourse!" she'd look to Jenny earnestly, before her eyes wandered to the side a seemin memory coming to the girls mind. A memory that added a healthy blush to the divine girls cheeks "I...I have daughter there afterall."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled "So pretty... I already miss my own though not as radiant as yours. They had their own charm especially after you get used to them." Jenny paused a moment looking at the wonderful woman in front of her. "Ya know Grace you should pay a visit to the library if you haven't already. There is someone you should meet." Chances were that she had already done so but giving the girl a helpful nudge wouldn't hurt. "Anyway Im not leaving yet so you have time to clean up here I want to be able to actually relax for a day before setting out on another adventure." Waving Jenny bade Grace farewell for now and headed out to make other rounds. She needed to speak with Riley of course and ask Sir if he wanted to come along. Of course the little guy would be hard to find in this mess of servo's running around.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

While finding Sir among other servos no doubt would prove a fair challenge, Riley should prove much easier to find "Oh last I've heard everyones helping out with the rebuilding efforts. I'm not really sure where she is right now." at the very least it was a fairly small town to search through. Not to mention finding out where the trickster had gone to was just a matter of asking one of the hard at work townsfolk. A gorgeous female dressed in a skimpy ringmistresss outfit apparently quite easily stood out. Thus without much issue Jenny would find out the trickster had been last seen near Nicoles bar.

Walking down the street Jenny could almost hear the cheers, jeers and laughter that used to fill this street. Thinking back, working at the bar were by far one of the most relaxing and fun days Jenny had spent in Kings Coast.

Raising her gaze Jennys eyes would meet not a burnt down husk... but a quite rapidly forming new structure! It was all too clear the new bar would tower far higher than the old! It's pristine wood planks already hinting at a building constructed with meticulous care and, oddly enough, exceptional planning. While Jenny could spy Rita and... a servo in a 'Yodeler' outfit running around far hastily than the others, Riley didn't seem to be here?

Just then a most peculiar sight caught Jennys eye, a purple carpet subtly sparkling with some energy would roll from inside the hostel that stood opposite of the bar. The long carpet seemed to lead the girl inside.

If she followed the carpet would seemingly disappear right behind her, leading her in past the debris. The hostel seemed to be the last place that would be repaired. Driven by curiousity Jenny continued up till-- "Boo!" she found out where the carpet was leading her. Riley appeared from behind the corner and giggled with mischief, suspiciously all too happy? "Awake sleepyhead? Come on. someone decided to finally drop by." she'd motion Jenny to follow with a few fingers and slipped inside a single room with an actual door? There was no mistaking it an elaborate and completely out of place door seemed to lead to some room inside the fairly abbandoned hostel.

If Jenny stepped inside she just had to do a double-check, the supposed small room was massive on the inside! Not to mention a clear sense of class permiated the air, including classical music coming from instruments that floated mid-air even more accentuating how peculiar the whole scene was. A massive silken bed, a finely crafted wardrobe, even whole paintings of all manner of scenery, including a familiar complex building seemed to be carefully placed throughout the area... and all of this seemed so familiar.

"Well done! While the Fallen one is unfortunate, overall I'd say you've well exceeded my expectations!" a familiar voice rang out as Jenny noticed another figure besides, the very happy Riley inside "Sorry I'm late though, but you would not believe how angsty magic can be sometimes." the figure was previously busy conducting the itty-bitty orchestras, now turned to Jenny hidden beneath a long brown robe.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would nod to the passerby who informed her of where Riley had last been seen before heading out. She had figured she might be close to the bar. As she moved threw town she got a glimpse of what this place could be and what the people who lived here did when they didn't have demons and aliens picking off one by one in the street.

As she rounded a corner she could see the bar begin to shape up. Rushing the last few feet she could how grand the new bar would be. Eyes wide she could see Rita and Sir hard at work and wondered who had developed the new plan for the bar. Such thoughts would be interrupted however as a silky purple carpet rolled out of the old hotel she had stayed at. Watching it turn and move there was no doubt that Riley was up to her magic again. After all purple seemed to be her favorite color.

Following along Jenny crossed the rubble and debris of the hectic battle that had raged while she had been gone. As the magic carpet slowly dispersed behind her Jenny was led to a strange door all to preserved from the rest of the ruin around her. A moment later Riley stepped out the shadows nearly causing Jenny to jump out of her skin. Face flushed with embarrassment Jenny hugged Riley before the girl opened the door for her. "Sleepy head? Thats not fair I was really really tired saving the wor......" Jenny stopped as she was treated to the site of Azeral's room. "How...?" Hearing the man in question Jenny turned to see him. "Azreal?" Jenny's eyes sparkled and before she knew had rushed over to give the man a hug. Well man was not exactly right and Jenny had forgotten that he was kinda.. on magic fire forever.