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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Even though she was starting to submit to her own lust, Hectate did manage to notice something very weak and vunerable in the slime, its core, slowly getting her aim up, she managed to get a direct hit in the core, making the entire slime shake back and forth in pain before literally shooting Hectate out of it and onto the ground, Zenia had all but given up at this point as her body shuddered and writhed reaching a orgasm, the beast with a hold of her not giving up as it continued to pound away at her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Oooof! You sunova bitch" Hecate shouted from her place on the ground, diving for the gun Zenia had had taken from her, knowing the M4 still had at least half a mag in it before turning and unloading on the creature that had taken her. It had actually swallowed her! That... Ooooo! Why she was so angry she had no idea, because a part of her would have really enjoyed that had she been able to feel it... And that was what had changed about her, and had caused her to abuse Taku so badly... And she remembered again. It was an internal war she had to win one way or the other as she sought the death of her enemy and the salvation of her friends rather then her own satisfaction...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate started to feel the drugs effects fade away, and she finally realised what it was supposed to do, almost immediately Hectate felt the pleasure returning to her, when it came back fully she exploded into almost three simultaneous orgasms, it was unlike anything she had experienced before leaving her kneeling on the ground and panting as the beast latched one of its tentacles around her stomach again.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was going to... And then every thought was driven from her mind as her body exploded into utter and complete bliss, an onslaught of ecstasy that she simply couldn't resist, the power of three orgasms at once so overwhelming that her scream was silent as her muscles all tensed at once and her eyes rolled up for a moment, bucking and shaking as her body reacted violently. So that's that the drug did... She was going to have to harvest it... But more important things because the damn thing had grabbed her again. Thinking that physically, she was stronger then the creature was in terms of brute strength, Hecate planted her feet as soon as her legs stopped shaking, and pulled Hard, either pulling it towards her, or launching herself towards it, leading with a fist that could shatter bricks.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Standing her ground then starting to shuffle back, the beast was having a bit of trouble pulling Hectate closer, with a deftly timed jump foward, Hectate managed to drive her fist right through the beast and into the slimes core, making it quiver and eventually just dissolve, with the core gone the slime itself just became a puddle of gooey green liquid on the ground, now Hectate had to free Zenia, who was being forced inside the mass of the slime itself now.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Shit" Hecate couldn't strike the core with Zenia inside, and in she went. "Zenia! Hit the core! Hard!" she shouted, trying to remember what side it had been on the first time, before deciding that maybe she could give the thing indigestion by pummeling it from the outside as she spun and aimed a roundhouse kick at its center.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia could not hear Hectate, either that or she was too wrapped up in the throes of pleasure as she was put in the same state Hectate was in before, all her holes filled and her nipples being played with, only this time Zenia was sending spurts of milk into the slime with each pull and pinch, trying to smack into the beast she managed to get a good hit off, making the slime quiver, its attempts at retaliating easily dodged.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate saw the milk, and did what any good friend would do, Backed up and counted to 30 in her head, hoping the alleviation of the pain in her breasts would ultimately do Zenia some good before attacking again, launching herself at the creature, limbs bunched together in the air so she could attack on reflex to it's movements with the appropriate limb.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Flinging herself at the opponent once again, Hectate managed to get another good smack off, however her ankles were grabbed once again and she was hung upside down, throwing her aim off somewhat as the beast coiled its tentacles around her legs further.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"God. Damnit." Hecate muttered as she scored a hit, but got her legs snared in the process and wound up upside down again, although a part of her badly wanted to be stung and powerfully used again.. that had been amazing. But no. Had to keep fighting. Using her abs to bring herself up, she grabbed the tendrils around her legs and started pulling, not really able to attack upside down in the air without her legs.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Struggling, Hectate managed to get herself down as she landed on her feet, squeezing off another few shots, the beast quivered, however it suddenely pounced her and landed ontop of her, smothering her body with its slime and leaving only her head uncovered as she felt its tentacles rub against her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate yelped as the creature suddenly dove on her, pinning her body and immediately prodding at her holes as she yelled and shuddered, knowing Zenia wasn't going to strike that core on her own, the only reason she had been able to being that poison. Twisting and writhing, Hecate tried to force herself free, before she got stuffed again, or worse, poisoned.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to get herself free was easier said than done, struggling under the weight of the beast she managed to worm her upper body out, sitting up she tried to press the barrel of her revolver against the beasts body, however the gun was swiftly slapped out of her hand as her wrists were grabbed and kept away from her body, two suction cup tentacles came out of the slime and latched onto her breasts, the cups themselves were clear letting her see inside as she felt something sharp pierce her nipples, a large and thick tentacle came out of the slime itself, holding something inside it, the suction cups started to pull on Hectates breasts, its needles starting to slowly suck her milk into the clear container she could see, the thicker tentacle stuffed itself into Hectates mouth and deposited something inside, something thick, long and wriggly wormed its way down her throat and into her stomach, the thick tentacle did the same with her pussy, something worming into her womb and resting there, the thicker tentacle retracted as a few more regular tentacles came out and penetrated her lower lips and pucker, exciting her lust higher, her lower holes were roughly pounded with no mercy as the things in her stomach and womb moved about, her belly showing the distinct lump of whatever was inside her moving around, it felt absolutely amazing inside her as the one in her womb stretched her lower lips for another tentacle to ram itself into her pussy while the one in her stomach wriggled itself up to her throat, letting its tail come out of her mouth, gagging her cries of pleasure and making her even more aroused as she was fucked thoroughly, reaching her first orgasm as the beast slowly started to use her body.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Shit shit shit shi~!" Hecate had manage to pull herself partially free only to have her gun slapped away and her wrists grabbed and pinned, Struggling to get free, she watched fascinated as two suction cups settled over her own breasts, gasping as something sharp pierced her nipples, making her writhe and fight a little harder before a length was roughly forced into her mouth and something was quickly pumped into her body, down her throat, something long and squirming, moving all the way down to settle in her stomach, gagging and whimpering as her arousal started to grow, she could feel everything now, and watching her milk empty into a container she could see only excited her further, though she had no idea why, it must have been different as it was her own, or it was a remnant from her time as a slime. She gave a loud cry as her lower lips were suddenly penetrated and another of the things was pushed and squirmed into her womb, the shapes actually visible under her flesh as they thrashed and moved about, making her start to moan and gasp in pleasure as the thick tendrils retracted and the one in her stomach moved up into her throat again, it's tail sticking out of her mouth, silencing her cries of pleasure as the other thrashed about in her womb. It was all incredible, and then her lower holes were filled with not one, but many smaller tendrils, her hips trying to buck under the slime as she screamed again in pleasure, the thing in her womb spreading her farther to admit yet another as the creature used her, hitting a screaming climax as she tensed and shuddered, knowing the creature wasn't done with her yet.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

A tentacle reached into her lower lips and grabbed the tail of whatever was inside, another tentacle doing the same for the one in her mouth, pulling the little creatures out and back into the mass, Hectate found herself being turned around as tentacles latched onto her legs and arms, forcing her into the same position Zenia was in, lifting her leg and starting to literally drill her, letting out shaky moans and grunts as she was slammed into repeadetely, eventually the same needle came back, injecting itself into her neck and dulling her pleasure once again, she was drilled at for a while, feeling nothing even as it pushed itself against her cervix, after pulling out of her she was raised back into the positon she was in before, her front pressed against the slime as two tentacles rammed themselves into her lower lips and pucker respectively, almost immediately spurting their fluids into her as they started to pound away at her once again, only stopping mid thrust to spurt more fluids into her, still not finished as the drug was still in effect, Hectate was placed on her knees, she felt something prod against her asshole and her lower lips, then she realised what the slime planned, depositing the panting and cum covered Zenia on the ground, the slime started to push itself into every orifice in her body, filling her lower lips, her asshole, her mouth and even forcing some of itself into her breasts as it slowly shrunk in size, Hectates belly bloated as far as it could go to accomodate the foreign invader, after a few minutes, the slime had completely forced itself inside, leaving Hectate with her hands on her bloated belly, tentacles randomly wavered outside of her lower lips, asshole, her mouth and even her breasts as the tentacles couldnt fit inside, her breasts had swelled to d-cup size to accomodate the slime inside them now, then the drug hit her once again, its effects fading, and the experience was almost phenomenal, Hectates entire body arched as it was struck with the force of a almost nuclear like orgasm, her entire body turned bright red, her eyes almost rolled back into her head and her juices sputtered out of her lower lips onto the ground, she almost expelled some of the slime as well, through sheer force of will and her succubus nature, Hectate managed to stay awake, but it seemed the slime wasnt done yet, even now...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was grateful as the creatures were extracted from her, but as she was repositioned, she knew this was only getting started, and she braced herself for the fucking of a lifetime, and that's exactly what she got. Forced into the same position Zenia had been in earlier, she watched the drill push into her, the spinning of the strange drill making her shudder and moan in pleasure until she felt the needle hit her neck and she whimpered. She knew now what it did, and that what was going to follow would likely be strong enough to utterly destroy her mind for a time. She had never been scared of pleasure before, but now, even as a succubus, it started to sink in. This continued for quite awhile, numb, she could only ride it out and wait, although she did use the time to recover a little, even as it turned her around and started to piston into her lower holes again, filling her again and again and again before stopping and placing her kneeling on the ground. Bound, Hecate watched as Zenia was released, and then she figured it out and started struggling again, but it was completely hopeless as the slime forced itself into every hole she had, including her breasts, making her body swell as, even her breasts growing to acommodate it all, tendrils waving from her holes... And then it happened. Whimpering pathetically as the drug starting to falter, she was suddenly hit with a wave of pleasure so powerful that it threatened to wipe her mind, her eyes rolling into her head as she thrashed and twisted on the ground, screaming in bliss muffledly, leaving her a raggedly panting mess, her body shaking as she managed to stay conscious, it had to be done... but she knew in her gut it wasn't...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Just as it had forced itself in, now the beast was starting to force itself out, in pieces, Hectate felt it shift and move around in her vunerable body, slime started to pour out of her lower holes, her breasts and her mouth as the beast formed itself back into its regular size and shape, Hectate felt that some of its slime had been left in her, it melted into her and almost fused with her body, restoring her stamina almost completely as if this entire experience had never happened, however she felt as if it would be stolen again as tentacles latched onto her ankles and wrists and she was hoisted upside down, at this point it was almost impossible to struggle out the slimes grip, the slime prepared itself as its suction cups latched onto her breasts, two tentacles kept her wrists tied behind her back as it started, a regular tentacle plunged itself into her asshole, and started to push through, Hectate felt it travel up and out of her mouth, wavering about in the air as she was skewered on it, another tentacle forced itself into her mouth and did the same, exiting out of her pucker this time, the suction cups started to pull and pleasure her breasts again as a thicker tentacle forced itself into her spread lower lips, thrusting itself inside thoroughly as another tentacle joined it, the slime used all these implements to pound into Hectate with little mercy, her breasts being milked, her entire body bucking and bouncing with each thrust of the tentacle in her asshole, the entire experience was a long hard fuck, the monster and Hectate herself cumming several times as her belly and womb were filled to the brim with the strange beasts spunk, it never stopped and it mantained a constant speed cumming into her and thrusting as it drained her breasts of milk and keeping her womb and stomach full of its spunk, Hectate was feeling amazing but just couldnt take the pleasure as eventually she foudn herself passing out...

Waking up, Hectate realised she must be in the creatures lair, there were several holes in the ground with tentacles wavering out of them, the floor, ceiling and walls were made of a thick gooey green slime, Hectate found she was sitting on what looked like a gooey wooden horse, her feet were covered in heavy solidified slime to keep her pussy lightly penetrated on the strange wooden horse, she had the suction cups from before connected up to what looked like tanks of her breast milk infront of her, her wrists were behind her back, kept there by a detached tentacle, the tanks were only halfway full and the horse started to rock again, exciting her pleasure as she lactated again, her breasts were still at d-cup size, looking around in her pleasure she could see Zenia stuck in a hardcore bondage harness, a tentacle coming from one of the holes had penetrated her all the way through her asshole and had come out of her mouth, the tentacle connected to another hole in the ceiling, Zenias wrists were tied behind her back and her body was offered squarely to anything that inhabited this room...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The only thought that ran through Hecate's mind as she was speared through and through in both directions was "How is this even possible!?" But it was and as the creature used her in a manner that was utterly mind blowing, Hecate finally passed out. Even for a succubus it was too much. When she awoke, she groaned softly, and then realised her position, on a horse of all things. Trying very hard not to move, cups still attached to her chest and to large tanks, Hecate realised she had been milked for hours on end, and as the slime forced her to move, it happened again, Hecate shuddering and moaning as she bit down on the pleasure as hard as she could, using her new nature and her training from the slime queen to resist. It would be a hard fight however as her pleasure was forced higher again by the rocking horse, her legs locked in solid slime, her wrists bound behind her by a detached tentacle as she started to pull with all the strength she could muster, but it was going to be difficult, her body was exhausted still from everything it had been through, and being continuously raped and milked in her sleep. She was covered in a light sweat and her breasts tingled with the pleasure as the horse sent bolts of pleasure through her spine. Noticing Zenia's position, Hecate fought all the harder. Someone was going to pay for this... with their fucking soul...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Struggling, Hectate couldnt just find the correct opening to free herself as more of her milk was drained into the tanks, she only suceeded in weighing herself down more as the wooden horse split her folds and made her yelp in pleasure.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Yelping in pleasure, Hecate got pissed and resumed her struggling, before stopping, and cheating, biting her lip with her fang to make her body softer and more flexible, and tried again to slip free this time like with the cuffs.