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RPG Sim Brothel 2 Revival RPGMaker

Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

How do you equip dresses on your slaves (noncombatant)?
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

alright, lotsa questions. lotsa issues with technicalities, too. let's see if I can answer any of them...

Naosoul, which FF girl are you talking about? there's more than one FF girl that you can obtain for free... the one you're probably talking about it Refia, though. there is definitely 1 more (said FF girl), maybe 2, (the quest was so buggy it didn't appear in many cases in the last release, so we may have cut it), and technically, there's 3. I say technically because you have to buy a slave in order to trigger it, and you get a second girl free. any other quest girls you have to pay for at some point.

Minerve, your character won't stop being depressed? that sounds like it may be user error... but try reporting it in the bug thread anyways. be specific about who it is and how it came about.

Kingalaric, that is a very good point you bring up. you're right, that is an issue when you can't entertain yourself in the meantime. I'll make sure to raise the issue with some of our coders.

Eldanesh, here's what you do: hit Slaves, then Equipment, then choose which slave you want to equip, then equip the thing you want them to wear. as far as my tests go, though, they don't seem to do as advertised; I'm not sure if that's a glitch, the particular outfit I tested with, or if that bit's not implemented yet. I'll have to check with the people who are in charge of that.

I'd like to remind you all that the game you're playing right now is only just past proof-of-concept, not even Alpha stage; there will be issues with this release. If you'd like to help us speed this project along in it's growth, come by the Forum and talk with us in the Chatango; we'd love to have you be a part of the team. even if you don't feel like you have the skills, don't worry! We've got coding and mapping tutorials on-site so you can learn. remember, the bigger our team grows, the quicker we can put out new versions of this game.
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

Signed up for membership. Waiting for admin response. You will NEVER guess what name I used there... go ahead... try... I dare you.

Ah, I'll save you time. You will never guess. It is loup_garou.
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

I got the same problem than gennosuke88. When i talk with the slave trader at the begining i got an error message wich is :

Script 'Window_Selectable' line 45: ZeroDivisionError Occurred.

divided by 0

somebody know what is the problem ?
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

If you follow the instructions here, you can get an up-to-date build of the current game that will be updatable at the push of a button:

The error should be fixed now. I'm not staff, but have been following.
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

Is there some secret to beating the thug mage holding Sakura captive? He hits like a ton of bricks with that thunder spell.
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

Is there some secret to beating the thug mage holding Sakura captive? He hits like a ton of bricks with that thunder spell.

Level up. You don't level up per se, but:

- get 4 characters (mercenary captain in tavern sells em cheap)
- Gain constitution by being hit in fights (more HP)
- Gain agility by running away from fights (seriously lol), this allows you to dodge attacks and spells
- Gain strength by attacking (doesn't work for mages but they will use Int anyway)
- Gain Intelligence (magic damage and SP) by using skills.

Then go to the merchant to the left of the tavern and equip your characters up. Buy a skill from the combat or magic master (depending on which class you chose).

As long as you have 4 balanced (some magical, some physical, some with high HP) characters equipped with something in each slot (look for weapon, headgear, shirt, shoes, and gloves and you should be good) and one more skill past your starting skill, you should win. Don't forget to buy some smelling salts from the street hawker to revive your characters.
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

Thought I would give this a try and I get the same divide by 0 error as others when talking to the Slave Master.

Script 'Window_Selectable' line 45: ZeroDivisionError Occurred.

divided by 0

Interesting thing I noted was when starting the game I have the main window as Untitled, the selection area in the load screen is blank - no New Game, Continue or Quit as per every other RPG games I have played so I suspect something is not liking my XP setup. Tried a couple of characters to see if this was limited somehow to a specific one and it doesn't look like it. I took the SVN update from the head as per the previous posting so unless we should be taking from a branch I should have updated code.
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

Thought I would give this a try and I get the same divide by 0 error as others when talking to the Slave Master.

Script 'Window_Selectable' line 45: ZeroDivisionError Occurred.

divided by 0

Interesting thing I noted was when starting the game I have the main window as Untitled, the selection area in the load screen is blank - no New Game, Continue or Quit as per every other RPG games I have played so I suspect something is not liking my XP setup. Tried a couple of characters to see if this was limited somehow to a specific one and it doesn't look like it. I took the SVN update from the head as per the previous posting so unless we should be taking from a branch I should have updated code.

Sorry to quote my own, but after some checking found this came from the font problem addressed in the Release Area of the forum.
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

Tion s give any link for the game because nowhere is the download link
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

How come, when I play as the sorceress, I don't get paid for "entertaining the customers"?

Everybody else seems impressed, but why is there a battle system in Sim Brothel...?

NVM, I think I get it now...
Last edited:
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

This game messes up, crashes often, etc.. I hope the updates are more about stability, getting the game to run better, etc.. rather than adding more girls (and the last update I tried crashed with a nil-class error).

Does the game really have to run in windowed mode? It's very laggy like that. Especially in the cutscenes. Animations seem to bring the game down to a crawl, and it gets even worse when there is dialogue from NPCs that are walking around. It's too bad full screen mode glitches your view so much.

Oh, and when I load a saved game it doesn't seem to save any equipment on the characters. They get reset to default.
Re: Sim Brothel 2 Revival

Sorry for bringing this thread back from the dead but does anyone know if its possible to add girls to the game? Adding a new folder with pictures and an editied stats sheet doesnt seem to work.