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Fantasy Tactical Girls!


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 26, 2010
Reputation score
Hey all! I've written a new game (a strong game...). I wanted something with some tactical depth, as well as bad things happening to hot female heroes. This game plays out on a map with areas, and is about an adventuring party of women trying to defend a town against a foul overlord and his minions.

I would like 3-4 players for the initial game, and if it's successful I plan to make it an ongoing campaign. There might be some rules changes early on if I don't like how something works, but the core of the game will remain the same.

If you fancy signing up, that'd be great. The rules are below. Post a short character bio, and picture/photo of your character, plus stats. First 3 good entries are definitely in, 4th place reserved for a character that makes me think "Damn, I wish she'd been created first" :-D

Rules below.

Character generation

You have at least 5 stats. The lower a stat the better - dice you roll that are equal to or above the stat in question are successes. Each stat starts at 10, and has to be purchased lower with points.

1 pt gives you a stat of 9
2 extra points (total 3) gives you a stat of 8
3 extra (total 6) gives you a stat of 7
and so on

Pts Stat
0 10
1 9
3 8
6 7
10 6
15 5

The stats are

Attack - How easily you kill monsters in melee
Move - How swiftly and easily you move around the map
Toughness - How hard it is to destroy your armour/clothing
Escape - How easily you escape from/avoid being grappled
Resist - How capable you are of resisting pleasure.

Rogues and Mages have additional stats.

Rogues have Stealth
Making a stealth success means you are hidden until you use a die for something else. So “Stealth, Move” is a pretty silly order, but “Move Attack Stealth” could let you run in, kill a monster, and then avoid retribution from his friends.

Mages have Magic
Magic is really flexible. Using Magic lets you affect things in other areas of the map, attack at range, and generally be a pain.
Ranged attack - with 1 attack and 1 magic success, you can hit a monster anywhere you can see. Some monsters have bodyguards who will take the hit, but you can reach out and touch someone.
Magical Assists - You can use 1 magic success per comrade per turn to give them a bonus success in one non-attack attribute. If they are held fast, and need to run, you can give them an escape. If a thief botches their stealth roll in a pack of dire goblins, you can save them.
Character Classes
Strong protectors, who are fearsome foes in melee
Plate Armour
Your toughness counts as if it were 2 better (if you buy level 7, you get level 5).
Your attack counts as if it were 1 better (if you buy level 7, you get level 6)

Stealthy combatants, great at backstabbing and guerilla tactics
Stealth Training
You have access to the Stealth skill, which you must raise as normal.
Your escape counts as if it were 1 better (if you buy level 7, you get level 6)
Your move counts as if it were 1 better (if you buy level 7, you get level 6)

Magic wielding heroes, capable of throwing fire at foes, or aiding allies
Magic Training
You have access to the Magic skill, which you must raise as normal.
Hours of Study
You have spent so long studying the arcane arts, you can not wear as heavy armour
Your armour counts as if it were 1 worse (if you buy level 7, you get level 8)

The rules

The battle is played on a simple map, with areas that may have special rules, block line of sight, etc. Opponents actions are fairly limited, whereas heroes may attempt up to 6 actions per turn (but the more they attempt, the greater the risk they will present an opportunity to nearby foes)

Opponent’s only
a) Move
b) Generate threats
c) Exploit opportunities

Hero’s split actions between

a) Move
b) Counter Threats
c) Hurt Enemies

Monsters go:

(1 Opportunity per turn)
1 Action
(1 Opportunity per turn)

As their action, all monsters can either:
Move (move 1 region)
Attack (generate a threat of some kind)

The different threats are:

Grab - unless a hero escapes, they can not move, and have a 2 point penalty to attack the grabbing monster. Some monsters will cause additional grab effects

Strip - unless a hero gets a toughness success, the monster will strip the hero. This makes them go from okay, to torn top, to topless, to torn bottoms, to naked, moving 1 step per strip they don’t counter. Topless heroes get a penalty to resist rolls, Naked heroes can find themselves in more trouble.

Touch - unless a hero gets a resist success, the monster will turn them on. This increases a heroes sensitivity (see later)

Monsters also have special abilities which can replace these, as well as being able to exploit opportunities in different ways. For instance “Sprint” - move 2 regions, or “Charge” - move 1 region and attack.

Heroes go:

Choose actions
Roll 6 dice
In order, assign dice to listed actions, needing a certain number to succeed on each. If you reach the bottom of the list without failing, okay, otherwise you stop when you can’t meet a requirement, and also give up an opportunity to the monsters.

(see later for an example)

Monsters have

Defense - Each time you attack a monster you must subtract its defense from your roll.
Attack - the chance that a monster successfully generates an opportunity on you

Optionally monsters also have
HP - the number of times you must damage them to kill them (default is 1 hit kills for monsters without this ability)
Attack Bonuses - eg (Grab+1) which are added to the roll when they try to use that kind of attack.
Skilled attacks - where the margin by which they succeed an attack is a penalty on the defense roll. (Normally a monster who hits by 3 points only requires you to roll a standard defense, if the monster is skilled you have to roll defense - 3).
Potency - How much danger of impregnation a monster causes if it cums in you (default is rank 10, so only a 10 on a 10 sided die will cause this, but some monsters are much more dangerous)

Attack - Rolling an attack success (after subtracting monster defense) causes 1 hit to a monster.

Sensitivity starts at 0, and goes up each time a hero fails to defend a touch attack, as well as in other *compromising* situations. Each time it goes up, you roll a D10 and try to score equal to or over the new value. If you succeed, everythings (relatively) okay, if you fail then your sensitivity goes to “critical”. One more successful touch hit on a critical character pushes them over the edge.

Over the edge:

If a character is forced to cum by her attackers, she is weakened against their further attacks - reduce the number of dice per turn that the character rolls by 1. Being forced to climax also results in an opportunity for your foes.

Brood Mares

In general I will try to set up balanced scenarios so the heroes are not outmatched, and the monsters are somewhat predictable and fair. However, the dark overlord has a reason for pursuing the targets that he does. If a hero is ever impregnated during battle, she is defeated, and will either be dragged off, or compelled in her sleep to journey to the overlord’s dark dungeons, where she will become a broodmare, forced to be mother to all manner of evil things. This is how character go out of the game, but worse than that (and to encourage teamwork to rescue imperilled characters) in every following scenario, the overlord has a chance for each brood mare to get brood points, which I will use to introduce surprises, somewhat unfair monsters, and so on. Particularly if you think I have spent many brood points on a scenario, it might be best to run if things get out of hand.

Getting fucked

Before a monster can fuck you, you must be naked. Once all your clothes are destroyed, the only way a monster can start fucking you is through an opportunity - otherwise you’re all too well trained to just let that happen. Opportunities happen through you trying to do too much and not rolling well enough, or when the monsters make you cum.

Being fucked has a chance of increasing your sensitivity by one each round you are fucked (resist if you can), and is also a difficult situation to escape - you count as grappled, can’t attack whatever is fucking you, and need to escape any other grapples before you can try to escape from being fucked.


eg Jenny the Knight is attacked by 4 goblins. They get lucky and generate 3 threats - strip, strip and touch. Jenny’s defenses are all 5. She decides to defend against all three threats in that order, then attack.

Jenny needs a 5 for the strip defenses, and a 7 for the touch. Her attack is 4, but these goblins have defence 1, so she also needs a 5 for the attack to work.

However, she rolls 9,5,5,4,3,2. The first 5 defends against the first attack, the second 5 against the second, and that leaves her using the 9 to defend the third. With a 4 left, she can’t succeed at the attack, and so generates an opportunity...on the goblins turn, one of them will exploit this for sure.
Re: Fantasy Tactical Girls!

It's just been pointed out that there is a crucial bit of information missing here - you need to know how many points you get to lower your stats.

You have 25 points to build your character.
Re: Fantasy Tactical Girls!

Grace Stormshield
Age: 20
Class: Knight

Attack: 6 = 7 (6pts) Greatsword -1
Move: 7 (6pts)
Toughness: 5 = 7 (6pts) Plate armor -2
Escape: 7 (6pts)
Resist: 9 (1pts)

Grace's training as a knight started after her family was killed or taken by the Overlord. Thankfully Grace was making a pilgrimage to a local sanctuary and only found out about her family upon her return. Vowing retribution against the Overlord Grace began her studies and training under the church and soon grew to be a fearsome knight with the goal of defeating the Overlord once and for all. Well armored in her platemail wielding her deadly sword she is more than ready to fight the Overlords minions.
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Re: Fantasy Tactical Girls!

Into battle!

Name: Lorelai
Class: Rogue
Stealthy combatants, great at backstabbing and guerilla tactics
Stealth Training
You have access to the Stealth skill, which you must raise as normal.

Your escape counts as if it were 1 better (if you buy level 7, you get level 6)

Your move counts as if it were 1 better (if you buy level 7, you get level 6)

Attack - 7 (6 points)
Move - 7 (6 points) reduced to an effective 6 by Fast
Toughness - 10 (0 points)
Escape - 8 (3 points) reduced to an effective 7 by Slippery
Resist - 10 (0 points)
Stealth - 6 (10 points)

Lorelai was never one for taking orders, but when the Evil Lord started sending his minions to attack her village, she was forced to use her skills as a thief to help fight off the monsters. As a thief, she tends to wear loose, light clothing, very easy to tear off, and her history of promiscuity has left her somewhat more susceptible than most to the monster's attacks. As such, she does her best to avoid them whenever possible, preferring to strike from the shadows and avoid confrontation until the perfect time to strike arises.
Re: Fantasy Tactical Girls!

Tass told me to join and I am bad at saying no (;~;) so I will sign on as a reserve player, in case you some how don't get enough people

Crenne, the Wizzad

Magic wielding heroes, capable of throwing fire at foes, or aiding allies
Magic Training
You have access to the Magic skill, which you must raise as normal.
Hours of Study
You have spent so long studying the arcane arts, you can not wear as heavy armor
Armor (Toughness?) counts as if it were 1 worse (if you buy level 7, you get level 8)

Attack - 7 (6 points)
Move - 9 (1 points)
Toughness - 10 (0 points) (-1)
Escape - 10 (0 points)
Resist - 8 (3 points)
Magic - 5 (15 points)

Crenne grew up a prosperous university city, where she managed to win over a teacher in one of the Magician Academies by being fucking adorable, and teaching her to do kickass magical shit like turn cats pink and make vegetables taste like candy. He eventually ended up going to the School's Wizza-Dean to put her through their classes, to which she took to like butter to anything edible. Her favorite food is doughnuts, and she enjoys reading, stargazing, and the smell of baking meat pies.

Crenne also enjoys poker. Sadly, Crenne is also fucking terrible at poker.

After losing her losing particularly bad one night after betting her fancy wizzad dress, she agreed to join the kingdom's armies against the Overlord in exchange for being allowed to keep her dress on. Lob some fireballs while she hid behind a platoon of burly guys in armor, hex some dumb gobbos - hell, she could do that, right?

Sadly for her, her wizzad apprenticeship never really delved too deep into how armies were usually made up of dirt farming chumps yanked straight off the farm, and that gobbos were actually vicious little fuckers. And apparently, she wasn't even going to get those conscripts to stand behind, according to these deployment orders! She regretted not exploring the realm of exhibitionism pretty much instantly.

...How's this going to work, again? What dice are we rolling? d10 for everything?
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Re: Fantasy Tactical Girls!

Hmmm, 25 points.

Name: Rhos Aedis
Age: 18
Class: Knight

Attack: 6 = 7 (6pts) Greatsword -1
Move: 7 (6pts)
Toughness: 4= 6 (10pts) Plate armor -2
Escape: 10
Resist: 8 (3 points)

Brief Background:
A knight templar initiate. Retreat doesn't exist in her handbook, all evil must be purged, so on and so forth. Quite frankly, Rhos doesn't care must for the policy, but as a job's a job...might as well.

If she had her way, she'd sit back, sip tea from a high castle wall and watch everyone ELSE throw themselves at the Overlord's armies, but as a grunt...she really doesn't have much of a choice.

"I long for the sweet repose of pastries and tea..." ~ Rhos on the battlefield.

Reminds me of AFMBE all over again, though mages might be shafted a bit having to make two rolls for a success (typically bad in most dice rolling games) but also due to MAD (multiple attribute distribution, also bad, especially in low stat point distributions). However of course, that depends if one success isn't a tide-changer.
Re: Fantasy Tactical Girls!

Hmm well this is different, guess I'll throw my hat into the ring. ;)

Class: Mage
Magic Training
You have access to the Magic skill, which you must raise as normal.
Hours of Study
You have spent so long studying the arcane arts, you can not wear as heavy armor
Armor counts as if it were 1 worse (if you buy level 7, you get level 8)

Attack - 6 (10 points)
Move - 8 (3 points)
Toughness - 10 (0 points)
Escape - 9 (1 points)
Resist - 9 (1 points)
Magic - 6 (10 points)
Nico couldn’t care less about whatever the dark overlord had been plotting, but once the dark lords influence and minnions reached her forest, the Witch had no choice but to take action against the onslaught. Judging it would be beneficial not to go at it alone, the witch enlisted into the ranks of the brave heroes aiming to take down foul master.
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Re: Fantasy Tactical Girls!

Okay, so I make that

Grace Stormshield - Knight (image link doesn't work for me, btw)
Lorelai - Rogue
Crenne - Mage (unless GargantuaBlarg wants to be a reserve above actually playing for some reason?)

plus potentially one from

Rhos Aedis - Knight (no picture yet)
Nico the Witch - Mage

I'll ask for a forum to be set up.

To answer a couple of questions:

All the dice are d10, yes.

Mages are the only class that can act at a distance - anyone else has to be in the same zone as an enemy to attack. They can also help their friends out quite powerfully (without the double dip roll). In paying for that they have to deal with fewer stats than anyone else. We'll see how balance works.

I hope that mages will be powerful in parties that are managing their enemies well and working as a team, but also vulnerable to flanking and ganking.
Re: Fantasy Tactical Girls!

I have to say this idea sounds intriguing! I like that one of these games is incorporating clothing damage so much into the actual gameplay.

In any case, I'd make a character but you seem to have more than enough for now. I'm looking forward to this starting in any case.