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RPG [木星在住 / mokusei-zaiju] 音ゲーRPG】放課りんかんタイム!! 卒業旅行で処女卒業!? / Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (RE090631, RJ09063)

Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

What a coincidence, nary an hour after watching the movie I stumble upon this thread.

I kinda have a bit of reluctance on rule 34 for girls from media, especially if it involves characters from such a cute and fluffy anime like K-On!... but I'm fairly decent at rhythm games so I might just give it a try. Maybe I'll just think of it as extra motivation to not lose, I guess.
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

Strangely enough, I'm pretty much the exact opposite. If I like a particular show or game or whatever, then one of the first things I look up is 34. lol
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

Strangely enough, I'm pretty much the exact opposite. If I like a particular show or game or whatever, then one of the first things I look up is 34. lol

Same here. I'd be a lot more hesitant if it was an actual person that I knew. But characters I like from series that I like are my most sought after 34's.
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

I played it a little its a interesting idea but with out the guitar in my hand its not the same. though that would also make it easy.
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

I was really frustrated by the ways they tried to trick you with the notes. The point of rhythm games is being able to time the notes properly, and the stop-start or the diagonally slanting notes completely threw me off. And not in a good way.

Also, what an annoyingly large amount of text. I don't even enjoy that in an English game (Other than Monster Girl Quest).
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

you know you can just pick "freeplay" and see every single scenario right?
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

I played it a little its a interesting idea but with out the guitar in my hand its not the same. though that would also make it easy.

Better than trying to use the keyboard controls to get used to a rhythm game, but meh, it's free.
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

Does anyone else have problem playing h-games that involve characters from an anime they like? I can play messed up games such as demonphobia without any problem, but I feel bad playing games that have anime characters I like even if the sex is consensual.

Well K-ON has so much hentai parodies, one more just doesn't really matter. This might offend some fans of these kinds of shows but shows like K-ON, where the main appeal are the marketable girls, tend to attract hentai by the boat load so they're just kinda serving their purpose.

I do know some people who hate to see their favorite characters or "waifu" have their "purity" tarnished in parodies and I can't say that I understand but even if I did, over 80% of hentai doujins are parodies so I would had grown desensitized to it over all these years.
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

hey umm i am having some problems can anyone tell me how to work free game cuz all of the options are blacked out and a message appears when i click on it can anyone help?
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

This is a very difficult game, and I play Stepmania a lot.

FYI, the phone is the save spot.
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

This is a very difficult game, and I play Stepmania a lot.

FYI, the phone is the save spot.

For me I think the most difficult part is to get used to which fingers to use for the Q W E O P keys, it's not that I couldn't catch up to the speed of the gameplay (there are much faster ones out there), but having two keys to the right hand and three keys on the left really confuses the hell out of me, it doesn't help why they can't make the 5 key next to each other instead of being so far apart.

If only there's a way to change the keys in this game.
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

Had it get stuck at the same spot twice now - the shopping centre on the second day. When I go in, I can never get out again! The exits just vanish. And there aren't any enemies or anything inside. But there is a save point inside, so you can save whilst stuck. Really annoying!

(After getting one girl's best weapon, too...)
Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

This game is harder than Ninja Gaiden
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Re: Rape!! Rape!! Graduation Journey!! (Dance Dance Revolution Styled K-ON RPG)

not sure if there are any mediafire link if not could someone post some please as my pc hates those other sites
Writing this post to tie in with my post in the Translation forum (https://ulmf.org/threads/geerpg-rinkantaimu-de-r-pe-r-pe-graduation-journey-rj090631.13946/), to give more details about the game and how to play.

First, some nasty bugs that can end the game:

On Day 2, you'll visit a shopping centre. The idea is you go in, visit a few of the shops, then leave again. The game won't let you leave until you have visited three particular shops (the casino, the instrument shop and the cake shop). However, sometimes it gets bugged, and after visiting the shops the exit vanishes. Whatever you do, don't use the save point within the shopping centre. Safest thing to do is save outside, enter, visit the casino, musical instrument shop and the cake shop (the one that sells drinks and biscuits), then try to leave again. If the exit has vanished, reload! Once you have talked to Kenny and got the Devonshire Gardens guidebook it should then be safe to explore the shopping centre at your leisure.

Another bug that might crop up - if you run into a random battle at the same time as you are near an NPC, then you will talk to the NPC instead of initiating the battle. This is usually fine, but occasionally causes problems. For one thing, it seems to mess up the controls on the river/canal segments so that you can turn backwards, which you're not supposed to be able to do - this can sometimes get you stuck, so be careful. On certain maps it can also rarely let you turn diagonally, which messes everything up!

So, about the game. The general story is the the girls from K-On are taking a trip to celebrate graduating school (except Azusa, who is in the year below), and decide the visit London. As they arrive, however, they learn that London has just been infected by a terrible pandemic. A virus is rampaging throughout the population; the main symptoms are an insatiable desire to rape Japanese women. The airport when the girls land from Japan is in chaos, and their luggage gets lost in the kerfuffle; but luckily they manage to find their instruments. Thinking quickly, they play one of their songs, the idea being that maybe music will soothe the savage beast. And it works! Somehow, their playing cures the virus, and restores the people to sanity. Thus setting up the story for the game; travel around London, seeing the sights and enjoying the end of year graduation trip, whilst performing to try and stave off virus crazed rapists.

The game is a cross between an RPG and a rhythm game. As you explore, you will discover better accessories for your instruments, which increase your attack and defence. Defeating people in battle allows you to level up, and get more health. As you level each girl gains access to more uses of a special power to be used in battle. You can also find or buy items that will help out in fights.

Fights are a rhythm game. Each letter represents a certain girl; you'll most likely want your index and second finger of your right hand on O and P, and your first three fingers of your left hand on Q, W and E. These are the main keys for each girl; push the corresponding button as the blob of light falls. If you miss a blob, or press when there is no blob there, the girl will take a hit. Each girl can take up to five hits in a song before getting raped. (Successfully complete the rape minigame to heal the party). Hits also separately deal damage depending on your defence and remaining HP; if you run out of HP, the girl will fall unconscious and be unable to play. Whilst you have fewer than five members everyone will take damage at set intervals, so you should revive any fallen girls as soon as possible.

Special moves are triggered with the number keys, 1 to 5. Yui's will revive anyone who is unconscious. Mio will double all damage taken and received. Azusa will add a bunch of extra notes to her column that she can Nya in time to to deal more damage. Mugi will heal everyone (HP, not hits), and Ritsu lets you flee battle. Mio's is probably the most useful - so long as you are in time you're not taking extra damage, but it will let you finish fights faster, which is always useful. Yui is pretty vital if anyone falls unconscious. Mugi is useful as a free heal, and Ritsu is good if you get in over your head and need to run away. Using Azusa is just a detriment most of the time. Maybe you can make it work for you, but I just ignored her power.

Random battles also give you the option to talk to the foe. Choose which girl you want to reply - if you pick the right one, the foe will leave without fighting. This doesn't give much experience, but is useful for tough enemies you don't want to fight. Each enemy has their own special moves that will effect the way the notes fall - making them speed up, invisible, etc. The notes might also get affected by certain instruments you can buy. Pause the game with Q to equip instruments, see current stats, see where you should be going and use items.

Items can also be used in battle, with 8, 9 and 0. The biscuit restores HP, the drink restores uses of your special moves, and the mobile phone is a full heal for the party. You are limited to how many of each item you can buy in shops (the shopping centre has a higher limit), but you can also get items from defeating some random enemies, and this can push it above the limit.

You'll notice various buildings are the same in each map. Phone booths are how you save the game. Hospitals restore health and special abilities. Casinos let you gamble for money, instrument shops sell instruments, cafés let you chat to people, etc.

There are sidequests you can do to find each girl's best weapons; these are generally best left until you have levelled up a bit, as they are pretty hard to do. I never found the entrance to one of them (something about the sewers?) so if anyone works out how to get there I'd be grateful!
I'm not quite sure where the save game lives, I'm afraid.

It is kind of possible to get a full virgin clear (i.e. never raped in battles), though the yuri scenes are unavoidable. You don't really get anything special for it except bragging rights - if you beat the game, you get a link to an exclusive website with a forum to show off your achievements.
I'm not quite sure where the save game lives, I'm afraid.

It is kind of possible to get a full virgin clear (i.e. never raped in battles), though the yuri scenes are unavoidable. You don't really get anything special for it except bragging rights - if you beat the game, you get a link to an exclusive website with a forum to show off your achievements.

I've figured out the name and location of the file for two browsers

The file name and location if you used Chrome is

File Name: 00000001.sol

Google Chrome: C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash\WritableRoot\#SharedObjects\NNFVAMQ5\#localWithNet\##7EF54A21D62AC55B

and the file name and location if you used internet Explorer is

File Name: mydata.sol

Internet Explorer: C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\X8J3W2W6\#localWithNet\(The name of the folder where the game is stored on your pc)

if you used Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or some other browser than I guess we are out of luck.