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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Advantages and disadvantages?" The woman said raising her eyebrow and smirking. "Well, being semi immortal, strong, fast, an apex predator so to speak, these are all advantages and disadvantages. The world becomes crystal clear, colours scream out at you as does music and motion, but people like gabrielle and Sarah? Food, Prey. Regardless it's all manageable and I can even teach you how, but people aren't going to trust you at first, and some will just know what you are... So it's up to you."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino seemed very interested with the idea, specifically apex predator, a few evil ideas entered her head, most of which were centered around pretending to remain shy and introverted but then springing a trap, the very thought making her smile as she nodded and said "I-Ill do it!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lisana laughed loudly. "The little girl wants to be a vampire, she wants to do it. Well then Gabrielle, I need to take her under my care specifically before she gets over eager and hurts herself. You know how the fledglings get"

Gabrielle thought it over for a minute before nodding. "Yea, makes sense. Alright, take her then, you two Sarah, go with Mino and watch out for her, try and keep her out of trouble." Gabrielle said, gesturing for the pair to leave, Lisana helping Mino up and shooing her into the bedroom to get dressed. "Roderick, see to our carriage so we can get this sorted quickly, we have the ball later, and traveling of our own to do later in the evening." She said to her bodyguard, and probably butler among other things, the tall man giving a short bow before heading out.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was somewhat ecstatic, probably from her insane overglow as she got herself dressed back in the bedroom, making sure to retrieve her spear and be out quite quickly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

As she came out, Lisana was waiting for her with a playful smirk on her face. "Two things, after today, you don't argue, everything I tell you is for your own good. You're jumping into a world you hardly understand with both feet. It's admirable and brave, but it's dangerous so take what I say seriously. In the end this is for the best if you're after the guardian, because lycanthropes aren't allowed to leave, and this will make you immune. The only person I've ever even heard of being able to reverse vampirism is that loon Tassadar. So... Be careful." She said, before gesturing for Mino and Sarah to head outside and into the carriage, Gabrielle giving her a kiss on the forehead and a playful swat on the rear. "I'll be in touch, now go on." She said.

Outside, the carriage was indeed waiting, Roderick driving. It was an old carriage, very old, but extremely well kept and the door was open and waiting for them. Lisana was out next and wasted no time getting inside and out of the sun, not finding it comfortable in the slightest. "Get a move on."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding in response to Lisanas warning, Mino was given a fond slap on the bum by Gabrielle as she left, making her blush as she got into the carriage, having to prepare for another very long ride to the intended destination.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The long ride was actually a very short ride, taking only about 20 minutes as they moved into the nobles district of the capitol, the carriage mainly to keep Lisana out of the sunlight as they traveled. Pulling into the stables of an exceedingly large manor house, Lisana commented offhandidly about living too long and never spending her money, which meant that she probably had amassed a rather large fortune over the years. Ushering them inside, Mino was led to a room on the second floor off the 5 story house, with 3 floors above ground, and 2 below. Left in her room, Mino would find that her door was locked, but that the accomadations were.... exceptional. The room was massive, containing hardwood furniture and some of the softest rugs and thickest mattresses that the girl had ever seen, as well as a meal waiting for her of roast duck and bread, and a bottle of red wine. Roderick simply telling her to wait there for now as Sarah was led off to her own room as well, and likewise detained.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The carriage ride was rather short in reality making Mino breath a sigh of relief, she was lead into a room and told to stay there until she was told instructions, until then Mino would idly roll about on the bed and go through some thoughts she had, remembering all that had happened up to this point.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino didn't have to wait for too long thankfully before Lisana sauntered into her room, still fabulously dressed and looking every bit as delicious as she had before, although Mino's brain had been too lust addled to notice. Walking up to the bed that Mino had chosen to flail about on, she looked down at her. "Alright Mino, How badly do you want this." She asked seriously, making sure one last time.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lisana rolled in still looking as good as ever even though she had caught out Mino rolling about on the bed like a dog, Mino nodded and said "R-Really badly!" in response to her question.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Alright then, don't move, and you're doing the laundry after this" Lisana said quietly, crawling onto the bed next to Mino to kiss her neck, before sinking her fangs into Mino's throat, the crimson gush of her life bleeding into Lisana's mouth as the woman took a deathgrip on the small girl, drinking deeply even as pleasure exploded through Mino's body, more powerful and more intoxicating then anything the girl had ever experienced, an orgasm rapidly approaching even as the pain from the bite faded. It was as if the knowledge that Lisana could easily kill her didn't matter, that this was good, it was a good thing that she should always lust and crave for, this pleasure... And then it hit her, a climax to end all climaxes, the bliss pounding through her body like a sledgehammer even as Lisana's drinking slowed and Mino felt herself get thirsty. Unbelievable thirsty, a pain felt in her mouth as if no amount of water would ever be enough, and then Lisana nicked her throat with her fingernails, the crimson welling from the wound in front of Mino, and driving her need all the higher before Lisana crushed Mino's lips against the wound. "Bite girl, Bite and drink and be one with me..." Lisana whispered, before sinking her teeth back into Mino.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It had finally happened, Lisana had bitten Mino, no going back now, Mino gave a small moan as she drank her blood, however she could feel her arousal rising for some reason, panting and moaning, Mino let out a scream of ecstasy as it finally hit her like a train, now Lisana was offering her own neck for Mino, who felt the new thirst she desperately needed to quench, latching onto Lisanas neck and starting to suck herself.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

And it started. The transformation was painful in the most blissful way, as if it no longer mattered and pain was just an obscure concept that fell in line with pleasure in the strangest way as they shared the blood between them and Mino felt her muscles harden along with her skin, before she passed out...

Waking up, with dried blood down her front, in a stone cell that was extremely dimly lit, Mino found herself naked and collared by a thick chain to the wall, Lisana staring at her through a slit in a heavy iron door. "Time to see Hrm?" She said quietly, before opening the door and tossing a panicky, bound, gagged, and helpless Sarah in at her feet. "How much self control you have..."

And like a horrifying monster, her thirst was back, and with a vengeance. "Resist killing your friend for a meal, and we can move on." Lisana said quietly and a little sadly, before leaving the pair in darkness, Sarah easily within reach.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino had woken up in a cell, naked and with her thirst back, she was being tested to see if she could resist going after Sarah, whimpering, Mino was not used to it and she had to keep a firm mental block up to try and get her raging thirst under control, having almost horrible flashbacks to the withdrawal from that honey...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully, it was the exposure to the honey that saved Sarah, Mino able to reel her hunger in by the barest of margins, Sarah whimpering on the floor and looking up at her in a pleading way. The safest thing to do would be to untie her as quickly as possible so Sarah could get out of her reach, because Mino was certain she couldn't hold on forever.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino barely managed to hold on to not killing Sarah as she gasped and panting, trying to get the dryness in her throat to go away, she tried unbinding Sarah so she could at least get away from her, praying that she wouldnt take advantage of this to bite her and drain her dry.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino managed to get Sarah's bindings off, by shredding them with inhuman strength, Sarah backpedalling quickly to another corner of the cell just as Mino made a lunge for her, before resiezing control. And they stayed that way, Sarah staying in her corner out of a need to not be eaten and Mino occasionally finding that her chain leash simply didn't reach far enough to nibble.

Lisana returned almost a half hour later, a pleased smile on her face. "Very good, so there is still a mind in there. Gabrielle knew you'd be fine, but it never hurts to check. For the record, I would not have let you kill her. Drink this." She said setting a sealed pitcher on the floor within reach, that Mino could tell was blood, she could smell it, it was right there for the taking. "After you're done you'll feel better and we can talk. Sarah, come with me" She said taking the wolfgirl from the room, who looked back at Mino extremely worried.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully Mino managed to keep Sarah out of harms way for the mean time and pass the test with flying colours, Lisana gave Mino a pitcher of fresh blood for her to drink, which she gladly did so to get rid of the dry feeling in her mouth, happy that she didnt turn into a mindless monster...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lisana returned as the blood poured through her veins, her sanity resettling firmly in place. "Good, you'll need to feed at least twice a day, without exception, or you'll turn into that thing again, and no one is safe, which is why it was so important you come here. That will fade with time, and you can feed without killing someone quite easily. Come this way." She said, unlocking the heavy iron collar and leading Mino out into what appeared to be a large stone central chamber under the house, with stairs in the back corners heading up. So this was the lowest level of the basement. "Sunlight wont kill you, but it hurts like hell andd will make you weak as a kitten today unless you've fed recently, it's a price paid for what you are. I take it this is no surprise. For now this is the best time to notice certain things, and to ask questions. We're downstairs so your new senses don't overwhelm you."

And indeed, Lisana was actually hard to look at, every line of her features and detail of her form blindingly clear to Mino in a way they never had been before, especially her eyes...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was let out of her shackles and out of her cell, now in the lowest part of the mansion, Mino felt heavily different as Lisana had explained, everything was rendered with a even more astonishing amount of detail now, things she couldnt see before like chips in the wall and worn away cobwebs were visible, she could see previously invisible scars on Lisana and her eyes...christ it was like the world had just been put into HD mode, Mino was in awe of her new abilities, but she made sure to ask "S-So i need to f-feed one more time t-to be stable for today?"