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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah was only too delighted to do this part of the job, making no effort to conceal her own excitement as she hummed happily and her eyes wandered over Mino's body, the body she'd come to enjoy so much... And then, in the face of Sarah's growing arousal at the odd situation, Mino remembered something horrifying... Gabriel had never rescinded her command! Mino could be tortured erotically for days... O dear.

thankfully, Sarah's oggling stayed as just that, although, her hands did stray a little as she pulled Mino's clothing away and tossed it aside, smiling entirely too much at the nude girl before Lisana returned with a beautiful blue ball gown, and simply laid it on the bed, before walking out, thinking her opinion pretty damned clear.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino could see that she had new clothing to wear, a ball gown, she wasnt one for wearing fancy clothing so she hoped she would still look good in it, after a few seconds she started to put it on, seeing if it fit and if there was a mirror nearby, checking how she looked in it.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino would find, once again, that the clothing had been particularly well fitted, specifically to her, and without any problems at all, apart from needing a little help to get into the thing, the dress fit her perfectly. The blue offset her slightly pale flesh incredibly well, and was a brilliant offset for her hair, cascadinging around her shoulders to frame her face in what could easily be described as a mane of flames.

Sarah took a step back and clapped, getting more excitable by the minute, which was... normal for the wolf girl, and Mino had no trouble finding a mirror to check her appearance. A few moments later, Lisana wandered back in, wearing a similar gown in a long flowing red, quite the pair they would make, and her appraising look ended in a look of approval. Absolutely beautiful Mino, We shall make the center stage look like the clash of heaven and hell in a beautiful dischord. Your shoes are downstairs by the door, and we have a few minutes to relax before going. I'd say it wise to eat before we left, but we wouldn't want to stain that dress. besides, being hungry does wonders for ones sense of mischief in public. I think you'll have quite the time...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino marvelled at herself for a bit in the mirror, Lisanas description only making her feel even better about herself, raising the once meek little warriors confidence to a new high, they would have a few minutes before they had to depart, and Mino was a little bit hungry, she heeded Lisanas advice and took the ball gown off, setting it on a bed so that whoever she fed on wouldnt get blood on it, she decided to ask "Would i have to feed off Sarah or someone else?" to see if Lisana could present alternatives, as the warning that Sarah could become useless in combat if fed on too often hung in her head.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Well, you'd be surprised, but Gabrielle of all people has decided to join us at the ball, and she'd very much like to see you herself, among other things, you made quite the impression Lisana said, chuckling merrily as she opened the door for the woman.

Standing on the other side, was Gabrielle, in a tightly fit, silken kimono, the green lines, gold filligree, and cherry blossoms that adorned it as wild and loud as the woman herself could be. Grinning, she raised her eyebrow, having overheard the conversation and wondering what Mino would do. Mino could also feel the rope demon nearby, slithering around somewhere...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was greeted with a surprise as it seemed like Gabrielle was coming along to the ball with them, at first Mino was pleasantly surprised then instead of remembering earlier she recalled that Gabrielle had ofcourse not rescinded her command, making her blush a little bit in expectation, but to the matter at hand, she said "H-Hi Gabrielle..."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle smiled widely and strode forward. She didn't say anything, it seemed to be a game to her as she slowly let her kimono slide open along the front, baring her neck for Mino as if teasing her, and Mino could see it, the pulsing artery that held her meal, pounding in her ears, the taste of that crimson still hot on her breath, the beating of her heart, all of these were suddenly, and incredibly crystal clear to the fledgling.

How easy would it be to take it, with her newfound strength, how badly did she want it... oooo It was something that truly tormented the girl for a moment, everything just there, to take on a platter, but Mino knew Gabrielle as well, this would almost definitely wind up with a consequence. Though what kind yet, mino had no guess.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle paused for a moment and smiled, stepping forward she slowly adjusted her clothing so her neck was bared for Mino, who almost instinctively started to drool a little bit before catching herself and wiping her mouth, almost immediately Mino walked over and pulled Gabrielle into a hug, waiting a few seconds before she tried to bite into the now extremely valuable artery teasing her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It was something else, to feel the hardness of Gabrielle beneath her hands now, like coiled steel just beneath the taut flesh, and as Mino pulled her in, Gabrielle sighed softly and wrapped her arms around the girl, before moaning in pleasure as Mino bit her. The rush of crimson that greeted Mino's lipssent a bolt of pleasure through herself as well, the feeling, and the taste exquisite. The crimson ambrosia that wet her tongues, and slaked her thirst like nothing else now could, was enough to send her into a frenzy, she could feel it, rising in her, wanting more, and more and more, the animal trying to claw it's way free as Mino tasted even Gabrielle's beating heart.

it was several long moments, before Gabrielle tried to pull away, stroking her back gently. That's enough Mino. Stop. Her voice was quivering slightly, and her face was flushed, both from the bloodletting, and her own arousal at the situation, Mino's bite sending waves of pleasure through her, but still, she was trying to tell Mino to stop.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was experiencing a variety of emotions and feelings as she fed off of Gabrielle, mostly it was a element of revenge as she could tell Gabrielle was getting slightly aroused from this, regardless Mino fed for a few seconds after Gabrielle asked her to stop since she enjoyed the feeling so much, being a vampire opened so many possibilities, to the young girl and seemed to provide more advantages than disadvantages, Mino still hadnt gotten a hold of the whole feeding thing however as when she withdrew from Gabrielle she had quite a bit of blood on her face, accentuating her hair well along with her almost equally aroused face, she snapped out of it however and blinked saying "T-Thanks..." to Gabrielle.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle moaned softly as Mino pulled away, but she was smirking, before grinning widely, the smile of a victor, and Mino had failed to notice, that during her feeding, in her haze of hunger and pleasure, that the rope demon she had sensed earlier, was now coiled tightly around her waist. It wasn't doing anything at the moment, but judging from Gabrielle's smile, it probably wouldn't stay that way for long. Ooo And thank you~ Pleasure and entertainment for tonight, it should be interesting. But I promise not to tease you while you're dancing~ She said, that grin still on her face as she took an offered rag from Lisana and wiped the blood from her neck.

The two puncture marks from mino's bite healed very quickly, and soon Gabrielle's skin was as flawless as before, though still a little flushed, and after dipping the rag into a bowl, the water turning a cloud of crimson, she handed the rag to Mino. Well, I think that's everything~ Do get dressed dear, before I decide to... take advantage. She said with a wink.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino blinked as she realized the rope demon was now around her waist, making her eek a little bit in surprise, thankfully it hadnt done anything....yet, but now it was time to get ready, although she was a little bit confused as to why Gabrielle had handed her the dirty rag, she looked at it then back at her with a confused look on her face.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Ha ha hahaha Hopeless Little Mino, Truly Hopeless Gabrielle said, setting about cleaning the blood from mino's face herself, rinsing the rag a few times before proclaiming the wild child vampire clean enough to present herself. A messy eater, Come on Gabrielle, those are fun! Lisana added, chuckling softly before Sarah helped her back into her dress.

The Rope was hardly noticable under the dress, except for Mino who could actually feel the soft heat of the creature that she had never noticed before, a pulse so faint is was barely there, and an undercurrent of fire and brimstone to denote it's presence. If the creature was interesting before, it was fascinating now under her new intense scrutiny, and she wasn't even looking at it!

Properly dressed, Lisana led everyone out to the carriage, holding the door open for her guests, Sarah and her own servant included. Shall we? We have a full night to enjoy...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

After realising what it was for and blushing further in embarrasment, Mino was helped back into the dress and led to a carriage, at this point in time Mino couldnt help but feel that this entire world seemed to be a sort of blend between a regular fantasy world and a sort of fairy tale, it would make sense to her of course, but this fairy tale full of rapist coats and living ropes into bondage would probably be best kept locked up in her thoughts, Mino looked out the window of the carriage for the majority of the trip, she liked looking at scenery.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino's pondering of the world she found herself in, was confusing to say the least, but hey, when in rome right? besides, not even she could deny that a lot of it could be a great deal of fun if she let it... wow, that was a dangerous though. But now she was a monster in her own right, did that mean she had the freedom? Probably not, the command, and the rope coiled around her waist said she hadn't gotten quite that far yet, but that was probably due to her own quiet personality.

watching the scenery go by, Mino was greeted to the sights of the large city at night, the lights, the sounds of drunken merriment, people dancing in the village plaza's and they passed it all by, heading to the heart of the city slowly but surely.

Mino could see it now, that immense palace that was just sitting there at the heart of all this chaos, this splintered and fractured, yet functioning creature that was Lisana and Gabrielle's home. it was beautiful in it's own way, but nothing to contend with the white marble brilliance of the building they were currently winding their way towards. Apart from some fussing over her collar, and a little lighthearted teasing from Sarah, the ride was accomplished with a modicum of mischief and word play, and when they finally rolled to a stop on the street, Lisana stepped out without waiting, to the applause of several nearby people, an announcer calling out her name from the high steps to greet her.

Welcome! Lisana of the light step! Welcome and please, enjoy our hospitality that you may grace us with a dance! Welcome Guests of Lisana, Step forward, and recieve grace and composure in the light of your hosts that you may enjoy this night. Welcome...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The carriage Mino was in eventually arrived at its intended location, staring out of the window, Mino could see a massive palace where presumably the ball would take place, she could hear what sounded like a announcer call out for her and the other people to step out after Lisana, feeling like she was royalty she took a look at the several people applauding, making her feel like she was in a dream...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lisana smiled at the greeting, and at Mino's reaction to all the majesty of the place around her, and the occassion. Leaning over to the girl, Lisana whispered into her ear. And here my little fledgling, is where things become fun. Keep your eyes open, watch everything, and when you're ready, meet me on the dance floor, and show these people, who have graciously invited us, what it means to dance She said softly, before ascending the steps as gracefully as if she were on a cloud, every step perfect and measured.

Led inside by a liveried host that showed up quickly at Lisana's ascent, he bowed low before leading them all inside, through a grand hall that was itself, truly magnificent all on it's own, the pillars, lights, crests, it was all too much to take in for a moment, and Mino could already tell that although more used to her now hypersensitive senses, that this place was hard to swallow for her all at once. Thankfully, Lisana was there, well aware of what was going on, and leading her along gently by the shoulder.

They all got more then a few appraising looks, but the spotlight was truly stolen by Mino's Mistress as she strode into the massive ballroom, the floor made of granite and veined in gold and silver, the colors and the lights reflecting and rebounding off of the wealth that looked as if it had simply formed that way into the floor, spidering around the dance room in an intricate display that was both beautiful and haunting at the same time. And as Lisana entered, there was a moment of silence, as she strode to the center of the dancefloor alone, and started to move.

It was like watching a ghost, sliding under the moonlight as the band struck up a song they had prepared for such an event, and Lisana gracefully and effortlessly matched it step for step and motion for note as she flowed around the room like starlight given form, and when it was over, Even Mino found that it was hard not to stare at this beautiful woman, who had awed everyone with a simple display of skill and grace. But now Mino was noticing something. As she watched the musicians, and Lisana, and the other dancers as they trickled back onto the floor, she could note every tiny movement, every subtle twist and turn, and memorize them. It was no stretch to figure that the only person here that she couldn't easily mimic, was Lisana, and if she bent any real effort to it, she could learn every dance here as they were done, and complete them without error...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was told by Lisana to basically watch and learn, which always made Mino a little nervous as she felt like that wasnt really good advice, however after going inside she felt her new senses kick in once again, observing everything around her she felt a little bit overwhelmed, not as much as when she inspected the bed sheet but it was still there, however it seemed like Lisanas advice applied quite well now, almost like a camera Mino could feel her mind record almost every subtle action done by the dancers and eventually implant it into her thoughts, surprising her as now she felt like she had known how to dance all her life, stepping down to the dance floor she had to take a moment to find Lisana in the crowd and join her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

And there she was, gliding through the people there like a specter, from one partner to another, always just a fleeting face in the crowd, before a tap on her shoulder showed that Lisana had gotten the better of her. Dance with me child She whispered softly, before taking Mino's hand, and guiding her through the steps of the dance currently being played.

Mino could already feel herself moving to follow, that almost no effort was required to share this crystalline moment with her Mistress, and despite it being like she had never truly earned the display of skill she was now showing, she hardly cared, because the looks on the faces of the people who watched around them, as they moved to make room, was something between Awe, and outright worship.

The dance... All that mattered now... Was the dance.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually Lisana found Mino instead of the other way around, it only took a few words from her and Mino felt like she had been thrown into a trance, as soon as Lisana took Minos hand all that knowledge she recalled from before came flooding back to her, allowing to dance perfectly with Lisana, much to the awe of the crowd, Mino couldnt even think of anything else, only this dance and perfectly performing it, bringing her mind to a temporary peace...