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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Seconds turned into minutes, and felt like hours as the pair of haunting dancers continued to the flow and ebb of the music, and the moment came and went in an instant. It was as if time was playing tricks on her, that it could last forever, and seem like it was never long enough, as the music stopped, Lisana spun passed her, and they both stepped away in a formal salute to the applause of all.

Smiling at her, Lisana winked, before taking center stage once more in the middle of the ballroom, and giving these people a spectacle they all wanted to see, but Mino could see that for now, she was dismissed, and Sarah was waiting nearby, clearly impressed but holding a glass of wine for her, standing patiently at a table where Gabrielle sat watching and eating. At the sight of Mino being finished however, she gently clapped her hands, and gestured her over.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It eventually took a dismassal from Lisana to get Mino to snap out of her trance of dancing, blinking, she nodded and noticed Gabrielle motioning for her to come over, which she did, smiling slightly and feeling proud for herself for the display she did with Lisana, sitting beside Gabrielle she asked her "D-Did you like it?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

I did, very much so, you're showing talent for this, but of course, there's a lesson to be learned here as well. If you watch Lisana closely, you'll see there are things she can do that you still can't pick up on, this is your biggest clue to spotting others. And that brings us to lesson number two. Normal food and drink? Now completely beyond barring Water. Red meat you can tolerate to a degree, but it's going to make you feel sick. Wine? Bread? Cheese? All of those will make you violently ill, without exception. Your body can no longer tolerate the actual act of digestion like before. So be careful before you pick up a fork, it's an easy one to forget so early. There's water on the table for you there. Also, as much as I like your dancing, it's more fun to watch you squirm~ the Kunoichi said, finishing her lessons for now as Mino suddenly felt the rope demon under her dress start to shift.

Still being fairly well behaved, the demon nonetheless formed into a harness, albeit only a teasing, loose one. Though judging from the look on Gabrielle's face, it was only going to get tighter as the night wound on.

And Lesson number three! Hiding your reactions! from everyone except maybe Lisana~ Make it through the night without cluing anyone alse in on how hot and bothered you get? And I'll lift the command on you. You'll be able to hit your peak like nature intended, and not as a cum receptacle... no matter how much I know you really love that... Gabrielle whispered insidiously, grinning like a cat as she sipped on her wine.

Even Sarah was having a hard time stifling her grin, though she did sit down now and act the proper maid, waiting on her own mistress hand and foot. It was going to be a loooong night.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino now had to listen to Gabrielle, who was informing her about another one of the downsides to being a vampire, the fact she could barely eat now, something that completely passed her mind while she was contemplating it, this cold be a form of double edged sword, as any kind of liquid drug that monsters or plants used would be nigh useless as Mino would practically sick it back up unless they worked differently to how Mino thought they would, Gabrielle changed the subject to the fact she was still in control over Mino as she felt the rope demon lightly turn into a harness under her clothing, making Mino squeak a little bit and give a meek attempt of a glare at Gabrielle, once again coming off as cute instead of intimidating, now she had the entire night to herself, but she needed to stop herself from giving away the fact she has a rope demon under her clothing, she took a sip of water and had a look around the massive room she was in.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle just grinned, but Lisana was the one to rescue Mino from the potentially embarrassing plight when she appeared again as if fom nowhere, and a touch on Mino's shoulder had the rope demon slithering up and into her own dress, where Mino could sense it coiling up safely and dociley for the time being.

Now now Gabrielle, no toys tonight, It's a special one for Mino here, surely you'd rather not spoil the memory that way... Ahh come on, just a little fun, but fine you're right, Mino dear, you're free.

and like that Mino felt the command lift completely, she was back to being normal...err... kinda. Well, that was something right. Smiling down at her, Lisana squeezed her shoulder. There are some specific things we can eat and drink, but they're more for emergencies then anything, there's even a very special wine that a particular immortal friend of mine spent 3 centuries figuring out. It's an acquired taste, but delicious in it's own way. I've already ordered some for later, but for now, just go, and enjoy yourself, doesn't matter what you do really, just get a feel for everything.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully Gabrielle was lightly warned by Lisana and Mino could feel the rope demon loosen up beneath her, meaning that most of this night would at least be easier to get through, Mino took another sip of water and had a look around the room again, wondering what she could do for the night, she wondered how long it would take for her to get tired if she continued to dance with Lisana for most of the night, the thought of a incredibly high stamina was appealing to her as it would be easier for her to get out of a grapple by enemies and she could keep running if need be, it provided a lot of mundane utilities too, all these advantages and disadvantages almost made her head spin, making her smile, she had a moment to think about what happened back at Harvishes place, she felt a bit guilty for leaving the pilot behind, alongside the other fairy who distracted Harvish while she escaped, her name eluded her but she hoped they could meet again...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grace... that was her name, Smiling at the memory and with Gabrielle removed from her back, Mino opted to do some more dancing to test her endurance, and she found that there was almost no limit to it physically, though she was aware that her muscles could and would take the damage of extreme physical exertion, only to a lesser degree. Dancing proved next to no challenge at all, and Mino found herself among several different partners who were all smiling and happy to meet her.

Here it was polite respect that kept her from a ton of questions, and the majority of the time was spent simply moving, and being admired. It seemed simply being in Mino's presence somehow brought them closer to Lisana, and in fact, those that were both gracious, and kind to Mino found that eventually Lisana would grace them with a dance. In this way Mino was free to mingle and speak if she chose, and to do so without worry of being interrogated mid dance while she enjoyed herself, tonight really was all about fun.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino eventually just decided to have a bit more fun, testing her endurance she decided to dance with a variety of guests, finding that indeed she could probably do this for hours on end, she flitted from partner to partner having a good old time and dance with thim, earning her a lot of admiration and almost constantly boosting her self-esteem to new heights, she had come a long way from a meek and easily scared girl, it felt like she was a brand new person, eventually she felt like she had danced with everyone in the room and she returned to Sarah, sitting beside her and asking "Enjoying yourself?", smiling at her friend she had known from the start of this whole escapade.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Almost becoming a legend herself, it was almost expected of Mino being the guest of one as well known as Lisana, and the hours blew by as she just enjoyed it all, soaked it in, and for the first time since... well, the poor girl couldn't even remember, She seized the spotlight with a deathgrip for herself, and the world slowed just for her. At least that's how it seemed.

Thinking on things as she came off the dance floor to the applause of many and the lament of more who were enjoying her company, Mino spun over to the table to find everyone waiting for her. simply smiling, everyone listened as Mino spoke to Sarah and the spazzy generally unpredictable wolf girl nodded enthusiastically. I would never have seen anything like this if I hadn't come with you. It's all fantastic, Thanks Mino. Err, I mean Mistress hahaha

If anything, Sarah's happiness with the situation set any worries about the girl to rest at least, and both Lisana and Gabrielle were content to eat drink and be merry, though Lisana seemed to stick to one very specific crystal bottle of a light, shimmering blue wine. Try this Mino, you may like it, you may hate it. She said, passing her a glass of the odd concoction, Lisana having told her before she ran off dancing that there were things she could enjoy like before, but simply that they were rare.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lisana passed Mino a drink, this was presumably the special wine she was talking about earlier, after smiling at Sarah she took a sip of the concoction to see how it tasted, regardless of what it tasted like she decided to talk with Gabrielle for a bit, deciding to ask her "How did you find out where i was when you left that note for me?", since it puzzled her a little bit.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

When I heard you'd be coming through the gate, it wasn't hard to figure out how and where, come now, you didn't think that crazy witch would let you show up in this place without someone to look out for you. I mean, she's nuts, but she's not stupid. Gabrielle said, raising her eyebrow slightly and looking very amused at the question.

The wine tasted... odd, it was an interesting sensation, and it was frighteningly powerful, about as strong as regular wine would be to a normal person, and Mino figured this out when Sarah took a wif from the bottle and almost collapsed, coughing. Apparently there was a drink, alcohol, and then this stuff was in a league all it's own since Sarah wouldn't touch the stuff. Okay, it's not really wine, it's actually a special kind of liquor the dwarves make, usually just for themselves. It's flammable, as well as potent. It's called GhostShine, because it's made from an odd fungus found underground.

It DID indeed have an earthy taste, but was also very sweet, and actually more enjoyable the more Mino sipped on the glass, growing accustomed to it gradually. This, one other drink made by the gnomes, and one specific plant can all be ingested without any worry, so enjoy it when you get it sweetheart
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino liked the taste of this wine, even if it was odd it was one of the things she could stomach now that she was a vampire, smiling she drank a little bit more, and more until she had pretty much finished, enjoying the sensation it gave to her, Mino looked about casually to see how everyone was enjoying the party, before looking back at Lisana and smiling, saying "Im not really used to the night life...what else is there to do at night?", asking her if there were things that Mino could do during the hours she was awake, since most bars or shops were closed at night, at least thats what she assumed.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

O? There's plenty to do at night, parties, taverns, in fact this city is rather famous for it's night life. And although few are as grand as this ball, you'll be hardpressed to be bored honestly. And there's always hunting, surely you don't intend to feed on kindness forever my little fledgling. Lisana said, seeming amused with the question but smiling warmly. It was just another adjustment among many

The dancing had slowed considerably, and the music had changed pace, a slow waltz with a beautiful cello playing in the background sounding quite soothing as the alcohol started to buzz lightly in Mino's system, while Sarah sat down herself with Mino's permission of course, to eat.

I mean, if you're really bored, you could just go up to the top of this place, up on the roof, and Jump. It's quite exhilirating the first time, and.. okay it never gets old.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smiling, Mino was pleased she would have quite a bit to do with her new waking hours, she needed to hunt as the exhilaration of getting into combat must feel even better with her new found senses, however when Lisana suggested she jump from the top of the palace she had to take a moment to contain herself and say "W-Wait? W-we can survive that?", slightly afraid, after she had a answer she would get up and offer her hand to Lisana, then asking in a surprisingly refined tone "May i have this dance?", looks like Mino really likes dancing now...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Yes we can, and it's incredibly enjoyable, but Yes, you may have this dance first. Lisana said, smiling while Gabrielle giggled and Sarah smacked the kunoichi upside the head, leaving the succubus with an incredibly shocked look, and Lisana laughing and saying, Why thank you Sarah~ I couldn't reach her from over here.

As Lisana moved once more to the dance floor, with her newest charge in hand, the band stopped and glanced at her, while she pursed her lips and thought. Something lively Maestro, something to get the blood racing...

Nodding at her with a smile, he tapped three times before striking up a pounding song, timpani and violin clashing violently in a cacophany of music, sound, and tempo as two immortals took center stage. And they danced, they danced as if the moon itself would fall through the skies to light the world around them, twisting, stepping, and sliding past one another in perfect time and form to the music, and Mino had no problem keeping up. She would watch, and see the movements as if Lisana was telegraphing them to her, and she would follow fractions of a second later, too fast for the slight delay to be noticed as a hushed silence fell over the crowds and they watched a spectacle that had never before been seen upon these marble floors...

It was over almost as quickly as it had begun, the song only minutes in length, and the dance just as short, but at the end of it all, both women were standing there, leaned back, one arm raised to meet over their bodies before they arched and slid up to embrace once more to the thunderous applause of everyone, the sound deafening in the grand ballroom.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Once more, Mino found herself almost completely losing track of time, dancing with Lisana in a almost cataclysmic display of dancing and music that looked amazing to the crowd watching, stunning them into almost complete silence while the two simply dominated the dance floor, at the end of it, Mino was almost in tears on how much her life had now turned around for the better, tightly embracing Lisana and smiling.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lisana gladly returned Mino's embrace, stroking her hair and smiling. There's no doubt, you learn quickly little one. Still, we have a full night and we've made our debut here. Let's go for a proper prowl. The others will be fine. She said quietly, smiling with an odd hungry glint in her eye as she began to stride for the Gardens, probably with every intent to slip away from the party while everyone was here, and enjoy the city properly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino nodded as Lisana mentioned a full night, bringing Mino out to the gardens as Mino presumed she was now ready to undertake a hunt for something to drink tonight, she looked around the gardens wondering if Lisana was going to get her new clothing due to her now being a vampire, but she didnt count on it. And her old clothing was so comfortable as well, regardless she continued to follow Lisana to wherever she intended to take them.