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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I see. Maybe I shouldn't have come. But sis said that they wanted to get some extra honey, a-and that I needed the experience so I could help get some too," Lysa said, relaxing completely at Kylie's words as she patted the fluffy Guardian bee.

When Kylie rubbed Lysa between the legs, the young elf girl who was likely only eighteen years old, gasped as she bit her bottom lip. Her body tensed again, and as Kylie had mentioned, the Guardian reacted. It sensed the sensitivity of the young elf and since saw that had just laid the eggs, so it scooped her up for a few moments, seemingly looking her over, and then set her back down in Kylie's arms. It then buzzed off and a few moments later brought back a bit of honey comb that it had pulled off of the nearby wall, a little forcefully shoving the piece into Lysa's mouth, though considering its size it wasn't too surprising how strongly it did so.

Lysa gave a little yelp and grabbed the honeycomb piece, biting down on it and chewing on it as she looked back at Kylie. "I certainly hope so. We had half a dozen buckets full of honey, and... I suppose they're with the rest off our stuff right now," Lysa said, taking another bite of the honeycomb.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled at the Guardian as it picked Lysa up and looked her over, before setting her back down safely in her arms and brought her some honeycomb to eat, and on this floor it'd taste pretty damned good. See? They're not monsters, they're just bees. And until you leave you're a part of the hive. They'll take care of you if you don't hurt them. Kylie said, while Lysa mentioned the honey. O yeah, don't worry, it'll be there I'm sure. I don't think these guys could work the buckets. she said, ceasing her molestation. It had literally been just to show her how the bees reacted not to her words or even her gestures, but to her actual feelings and condition.

If you act scared, then they think you have a reason to be, like you shouldn't be here. If you act horny, then they'll feed you or breed you. But if you're confident, like you belong, and you're not threatening, they're really just big sweethearts. Kylie continued, scratching the Guardian gently cos it seemed the large bee liked it.

Besides, you're lucky you didn't get any higher, My eggs were definitely bigger then yours. Came right from this guy here. I'll bet they're more just like him. I have a Darkmantle and it's pups living in my basement and he's as smart as any person I've met. Some of the things around? Sure, mindless monsters, or heartless at least. But a lot of them? Just need to know how to work em. Kylie continued softly, again proving to no one in particular that out here, with the animals, she was far happier then with people. The City had never really been the perfect fit for her. But out here in the jungle, with all the life around her? She felt at peace. When you get out of here? Would you mind going to Feynrial first? Go to the Apothecary, Alan, he has a shop, and ask him to take you to Delilah and Tina, and maybe get you something for your soreness down there. The first laying is a little rough. Tell him we got some royal jelly too. But when you get to Delilah and Tina, just tell them we're here so they don't worry. I'd really appreciate it. Kylie asked Lysa, cuddling her until she felt strong enough to move again, or eat again. Whatever she wanted really.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Lysa munched on the honeycomb and actually looked like it cheered her up quite a bit as well as helped relax her. "I hope they can't work them, because I'd hate to have to try and gather more honey while they're around," Lysa said, her hand idly running along the side of the Guardian bee again.

The young elf listened to Kylie intently when she explained how the bees reacted to things and the reasons they did so. When Kylie scratched the Guardian bee's side, it buzzed happily and did a flip in the air, which likely amused Kylie enough to make her laugh, as it certainly did so with Lysa.

"I see... well I do like animals, maybe I could branch out a little if it's as easy as you say it is. And I wouldn't mind heading there first. I'd say we probably should in any case if only to get us a change of clothes. Because mine got a bit torn when I was running away from those Sentries. I uh... I tripped and fell down just outside of the hive, and luckily it only ripped my skirt. It could have been much worse considering there was a lynx lurking in the trees, I saw it on the edge of my vision when the bees scooped me up. So... maybe they were rescuing me from it, because I heard that these bees usually don't try and chase any further than the entrance of the hive as long as you haven't any honey on you that they can see, or I suppose that they know they can get back from you easily," Lysa said, patting the Guardian again as Kylie explained that it was the one that put the eggs in her. "And sure, I don't mind carrying on a message for you. So to Alan first and let him know about you, and to get a salve for the three of us, and that you got royal jelly somehow. And then to tell a Tina and Delilah that you're okay and where you're at. I think I can remember that easily enough," she added as she mentally noted it all down before looking up at her sister.

Lysa simply wished to remain there with Kylie for now apparently, as she made no move to get up or anything. She returned Kylie's cuddles too, gently caressing Kylie's belly as well while she did.


Over the next half hour or so, Kylie heard Thessa stirring slightly, and groaning softly in her sleep, seeming to be either dreaming or something else, it was hard to tell. A few minutes after that, with the Guardian suddenly looking intently at Thessa and Myra both, the latter of which began stirring some too, he suddenly buzzed over to Myra and grabbed her with four of his legs and then with the other two he ripped the sticky goo holding her up away, where he gently set her down on the floor near Kylie and Lysa. Another bee came along shortly after, a smaller one, which was red, and it poked her belly with its very blunted stinger a couple of times before it placed something in her mouth as it raised her up and propped her up against the wall, and Kylie saw it was dripping honey into her mouth and she was slowly waking up.

"O-Oh goddess, s-so full," she mumbled almost incoherently.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was okay cuddling, Giselle was probably still out cold and the bees would let her wander too. She wasn't feeling any sadness or worry through her ring, just quiet. And she certainly did giggle as the guardian did a bit of a flip at getting proper scratches. She should have been born a druid. That would have made things a bit more peaceful, she idly wondered with her skillset if she could give up her contracts and just become a Ranger for this island. Well... she'd always be a killer, she knew that... But this was her home now, her heart told her so. She didn't have to save the world, she just had to save this little corner of it.

Yes, I think you should, you're young and sweet. Just remember, there's probably a lot of sex involved hahaha. Kylie said, kissing Lysa's cheek. And actually... you know what? I'm thinking of right now, becoming something of a Ranger around this island. You're young and willing, would you like to train in Feynrial with me? I could teach you how to fight and how to think, before too long, couple years, you could roam this whole island without a fear in the world. Kylie said, having the idea suddenly and sticking with it. Heroes and Fighters have guilds here, but not rangers. And I haven't seen One since I got here. I think we could bring some of the creatures and the people even closer together then they already are. Do some real good. she said, being all the cuddles right now. But her conversation seemed to be siderailed as Thessa was stirring. Watch... the more you know, the more you can do. Kylie whispered.

Over the next half hour or so, they did, watching Thessa stirring carefully, before a small bee Kylie hadn't seen before showed up, and it had no real stinger. It was blunt and started to check over Thessa, before the bees pulled her off the wall, and set her down, the red feeding her while she slowly woke up. Okay, so the big guy here is a Guardian, the Sentries we know. I bet our little red friend is a Nursery Bee of some kind, takes care of the eggs and the larvae. she whispered. Cmon, let's take care of your big sis there and give them a hand. Kylie said, helping Lysa over to sit in front of Thessa while Kylie sat behind the older elf, doing the same she'd down for Lysa while slipping the blindfold off her head so she could see her sister. Rise and shine, cmon, time to get this batch of eggs out I think. Kylie said. She had to assume she was pretty comfy to lean against right now with her own swollen belly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Lysa listened to Kylie talk of creating a sort of little ranger's guild, looking thoughtful about the whole thing. It was obvious that she was thinking heavily on the matter. "Um... but I promised my sister that I would help her at the shop. I don't want to disappoint her. But, I wouldn't mind learning more too," Lysa said, looking up at her sister whose belly was the largest of the three right now. "Surely she wouldn't mind if I did that. I could be far more useful like that, so that way I could bring her some of the best honey ever to make those sweets with back home," she added softly, reaching up caressing her sister's belly.

"Hmm... it would make sense that it was a nursery bee. Many insects that have hives or something have a kind of nursery one that tends to the eggs. I'll bet when he finishes pouring the honey down into her mouth and stuff he'll take my eggs, or at least some of them," Lysa said, actually curious now and watching intently.

As it turned out, it was Myra and not Thessa that they were helping out, with Thessa still attached to the wall. The nursery bee kept pouring the honey down until Myra had begun to wake up, at which point the girls got over to her and Kylie slipped the blindfold off. Once they were helping her, that nursery bee scooped up three or four of Lysa's eggs she'd laid while a few other nursery bees came and collected the rest, with Lysa actually handing a few to them along the way.

"W-What's going on? W-Where am I?" Myra asked, obviously addled and in a bit of a stupor.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

You myra are about to be the proud mother of several baby bees. Because you all got caught in the hive. Kylie explained, going through the birthing process all over again and wondering why Myra seemed a bit out of things. So far she hadn't run into any kind of mind altering substances in here, except the shakey pink bees.

It was a tad odd and made her wonder if she'd hit her head or something. Regardless, Lysa's already laid hers and it seems you're up next and Thessa will be last, so lets get to it. Kylie said, chuckling as they got her set up.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"This is like, the fourth time this has happened to me," Myra mumbled, one hand moving up to her belly to caress it. "A-Alright, let's get this s-show on the road then," she added, still a little delirious from the looks of things but slowly getting her head on straight, likely having just woken up or something.

Together, Lysa and Kylie managed to aid Myra's birthing happen, with Myra crying out in ecstasy repeatedly as each egg popped free. Myra's body twitched as each egg came out of her, her hands squeezing Kylie's and Lysa's. "I-I'm sorry Lysa, for you getting caught. But we told you not to scream or run, that only agitates them further," Myra said to Lysa after a few eggs had come out, reaching up to caress the younger elf's cheek.

"Don't worry about it Myra, just relax and push when you need to, my new friend Kylie here will help," Lysa said, smiling softly as if not caring about bring filled full of eggs.

Another few minutes passed as the last of the eggs came out, with Myra nearly fainting as her head thumped back against Kylie's shoulder. "Oh goddess, I... I can't move. It's... it's so good, I can barely even think," Myra said as her last egg popped free, being the sixteenth egg.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie helped with the birthing, giggling as Myra seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, almost as much as she did... Almost. But when she said she couldn't even think or move, Kylie grinned widely and thought just a littttle teasing was in order. So you're saying what you want is to be put back on the wall, and filled back up? Kylie whispered to her, grinning at Lysa, winking.

I mean, it feels so good and what's a couple more days right? she continued, the little devil Kylie on her shoulder pinning the angel against her neck and grinding on her leg, the little angel Kylie whimpering.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"N-No please. I've got to g-get back home to help out. I can't be stuck here for two or three more days," Myra whimpered at Kylie's words, with Lysa giggling softly at the two.

As Kylie glanced to her left, she noticed the little angel on her shoulder being molested by the devil, her two consciousnesses battling it out in a much better way than she could have ever hoped. It seemed the devil side was winning right now, reaching down and into the angel side's panties to tease her. "T-There's no reason you should be teasing her so much Kylie. The poor thing's been trapped here for days, so don't be mean to her," the angel Kylie whimpered. "Fuck that, look how good that made her feel silly good Kylie," the devil Kylie giggled.

As Myra lay there resting now for a while, she dozed off in Kylie's arms, seeming a bit exhausted after all that. The nursery bees came back, with Kylie and Lysa both handing the eggs up to them as they came and went. An hour or so later, Kylie felt through the ring, Giselle waking up and with a worried feeling starting to search for her. After a few minutes, Kylie heard the buzzing of the other Guardian bee that had been plowing Giselle's ass and Kylie could swear that Giselle's belly was bigger than she remembered. "Hey sweetie, what'cha doing down here instead of resting?" Giselle called out to Kylie as she came up to her and the trio of elves, where she visibly tensed and Kylie felt the feeling of "Oh shit!" from Giselle.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as Giselle came down. Making friends. Giselle here got really horny because of the pollen and had a go at Thessa, it's not her fault though. She's my Wife. Kylie said, getting rid of the elephant in the room for Giselle immediately. Giselle love, this is Lysa, and the one passed out there is Myra. Thessa's the one still in the wall. Kylie continued, introducing everyone.

Angel and Devil Kylie were still locked in their battle, but the Devil was definitely winning as she slid her fingers into her panties, getting the little angel to roll her hips against her and moan softly, biting her lip and shaking her head a little, before Devil Kylie took the victory by kissing her, the little angel melting against her neck with a hungry moan.

Which now meant that Kylie was in full evil mode and slickening up herself ever so slightly. Somehow she'd have to convince Myra to flop herself back into the wall... Or get Giselle so riled that they all got to have a bit of a taste of that. But now that her angel side was moaning, cumming on her shoulder hard and disappearing, the little devil smirking and licking her fingers clean, she leaned in and whispered something to Kylie, Kylie grinning and swapping places with Lysa so Myra could keep resting for now.

Standing, Kylie scratched her bee, and then pointed to Thessa, who was still stuck, before moving to stand against the wall, and trying to copy her position, raising her hands above her head before gripping her own elbows, moaning softly at her guardian. Giselle wouldn't be able to resist if she could get the Guardian to react the way she wanted it to...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"S-She did? Oh goodness, is that why Thessa's belly is so much larger?" Lysa asked, gasping slightly as she looked over at Giselle, who at the moment was naked, hers and Kylie's belongings remaining in the queen's chamber.

"Aye, I can tell which one Thessa is definitely," Giselle said, gulping softly as it was revealed to Lysa that Giselle had plowed her sister while they were kind of out of it.

Kylie's Guardian bee was watching her making the motions she was doing curiously, seeming to be thinking something over. After Kylie had finished motioning to the Guardian, it looked around at the other Guardian that had followed Giselle as if shrugging its shoulders to the other, who buzzed a little and gave the same feel back at Kylie's Guardian. Whether it was what Kylie was wanting to happen or not, she was scooped up by her Guardian and pressed against the wall, where it secreted the sticky goo on her hands as it forced them above her head, and then it positioned her legs so they were hanging from the ceiling by a strand of the goo that hooked under her knees, allowing her wiggle room, but not much.

"Um Kylie... what the... o-oh shit," Giselle yelped as she was scooped up too and placed next to Kylie.

Kylie felt a blindfold lowering over her eyes, spotting one going over Giselle's as well, where Kylie felt something begin probing her pussy, and knew that it was the Guardian's ovipositor cock. Kylie heard Giselle moan out as well, while Lysa gasped. "O-Oh goddess... again. M-My pussy's so sensitive, so please be gentle big guy," Giselle moaned softly to Kylie's left.

"Um... a-are you girls gonna be okay?" Lysa asked while Kylie and Giselle both were getting plowed by the Guardians.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as the bees tried to think it over, before deciding they thought they had the right idea, Kylie being picked up and stuck on the now empty spot on the wall, her hands shoved up above her head and glued to it. And this stuff was much stronger then the stuff in the Queen's chamber. Wriggling and moaning, Kylie watched as they secreted the stuff onto her knees, before lifting her legs as well, pulling her knees up and out, so her legs were spread wide and she was completely vulnerable, Kylie moaning as they did so, her folds already dripping as she was bound up.

But that lust turned into a giggle fit as they did the same to Giselle, Kylie watching her wriggle around as she was stuck up to the wall as well, before a blindfold was pulled down over her eyes just like the others had been. Well... it wasn't exactly what Kylie had wanted. Kylie had wanted to be stuck to the wall sure, but she'd wanted Giselle to fuck her. She didn't get to think on it too long though as the ovipositor was shoved back into her pussy, Kylie crying out loudly and trying to close her legs out of reflex, the glue holding her firmly and only really managing to raise her hips. When she'd tried to pull her legs down and together, she'd only succeeded in shoving her pussy harder against the bee's length which made her gasp, struggling against the wall just to enjoy the feeling as their guardians started to fuck them both all over again, Kylie clenching hard and taking her fucking like a good little hive slave, Lysa asking if they'd be alright, probably getting a bit turned on now that she got to watch it.

Oooo holy shit. Yea, I think... Uhhhng! Mmmm Nnn! Oshit. Kylie started, soon just falling into the motions as she wriggled against the wall. Giselle was getting hers as well, Kylie stuck in her own little dark world because of the blindfold listening to Giselle being fucked just like she was and feeling it through the ring.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As the Guardian's plowed Kylie and Giselle against the walls, Kylie heard Giselle cry out suddenly, a wave of worry washing over the ring. "N-No, please don't g-glue it like that... n-no please," Giselle cried out to the Guardian, though it continued doing whatever it was doing anyway apparently.

"O-Oh my, it's gluing her p-penis with a strand like your legs, so that it's pointing straight up at her chest and face," Lysa commented softly.

After a couple of minutes of the Guardian's giving them a good pounding, Kylie felt an orgasm hit her like lightning, and felt it bleed over through to Giselle, who came at that moment and she felt hers bleed back. Lysa reached up suddenly and touched Giselle's penis, obviously in awe of it. Kylie felt the pleasure of it bleed over through the ring, and could tell that Lysa was stroking Giselle off. Suddenly, Kylie heard Lysa yelp again where she squealed out a second time from right next to Kylie as the young human heard the glue stuff being secreted again.

"N-No please, not again. I... I don't think I c-can handle it... N-NO!" Lysa said as she too was apparently rebound to the wall, and if Kylie knew anything about the bees here by now, Myra likely was too... though with her still unconscious she wouldn't be able to know if they were filling her back up with eggs.


As time passed, Kylie felt the Guardian pull out of her as she babbled incoherently from the overload of pleasure, where it poked its large member at her asshole and teased it, apparently doing the same to Giselle as she squealed upon the thing entering her, the feeling bleeding over to Kylie just before her own ass was spread around the ovipositor. The Guardians both took the girls until they came again, where they were then filled with some more eggs. Kylie counted another six eggs slowly pumping into her ass.

Kylie felt a few spikes of pleasure from Giselle, about six in total, and then she felt Giselle's mind go blank as she fainted finally. Kylie faintly heard Lysa panting like crazy next to her and heard her moaning out as she too was apparently refilled with eggs, a deep lewd moan for each egg, of which Kylie heard a dozen.

After that, Kylie's consciousness faded in and out, at one point hearing Thessa moaning out as she laid her clutch of eggs, and the next time she found herself in the queen's chamber again, where she was attached to the bed again with Giselle next to her, and the three elves were there too, and this time Kylie found the gooey blanket thing they had over them was stickier and kept them down on the bed. She couldn't tell how long she'd there, but she felt her eggs nearing time to come out soon, and since it took two or three days normally, she could only assume that she'd been here about half that at this point. One of the Guardians, hers to be specific, peeled her loose from the bed, while the others were still resting with their eggs, and she was set down on top of the sticky covers, where she birthed the eggs, each push causing another orgasm to rock her world. At one point during the birthing, Kylie got an egg to pop out of her pussy and ass at the same time, and this intense pleasure nearly knocked her out cold, but she managed to maintain her consciousness long enough to finish birthing the eggs, at which point she collapsed back and fell asleep.


When her delirious mind finally got some much needed rest and she woke again, she found herself under the covers again. At first she thought maybe she'd just been dreaming about birthing them before, but then she looked down and saw her belly a little larger than before and she noticed Giselle sitting next to her on the bed. Giselle to raise up because she was in the middle of birthing her eggs, pushing and straining somewhat and Kylie saw three eggs already sitting there. Looking to her left towards the trio of elves, she saw Lysa straining out another batch of eggs herself, and her sister Thessa was awake now and holding her hand, helping her through it, while Myra snoozed still.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was in heaven, humping against the bee as if fucked her, taking full advantage of her being bound up to fuck the hell out of her, and she loved it, clenching down hard to wring as much pleasure out of it as she could while she purposefully struggled as hard as she could, finding no way out because of the much stronger glue, and the position. She was completely helpless, and blindfolded, she couldn't port away.

She shuddered as Giselle seemed to worry about something, before Lysa explained, Kylie actually giggling quite a bit between moans before another hard thrust shut her up, though Lysa then made the mistake of exploring Giselle, slowly stroking her off. This was of course after Giselle and herself had cum explosively, and Kylie could only imagine just how much of Giselle's cum was now splattered all over her mouth and breasts, Lysa seeming intent on helping it along, and with her hand covered in Giselle's cum because of the orgasm, her touch was slick and easy.

Evil Kylie however trilled with delight as she heard Lysa being grab, listening to her squeal and struggle, and even beg, before she was glued down, the process taking a bit longer as she fought it before she was trapped, the bees wasting no time in starting to fuck her as well all over again, Kylie's interference it seemed ensuring the elves would be working double duty in the hive this time.

Kylie came... and came... The bees taking their sweet time enjoying them all, making sure they were next to brainlessly fucked silly, before Kylie whimpered as they swapped to her ass, listening to the symphony of Giselle and Lysa on either side of her, Lysa getting refilled, each egg a wonderfully deep, hungry moan of pleasure, and Giselle crying out much like herself as their asses were filled, Kylie knowing Giselle's entire front had to be covered in her own cum by now. 6 more eggs were dropped in her ass, Kylie cumming hard with each, before she passed out finally, listening to Lysa cumming, since Giselle had passed out before her.

She woke up on the bed in the Queen's chamber... All 5 of them were there though, and EVERYONE was pregnant, Kylie only released long enough to lay her eggs, before she was promptly glued down to the floor, and filled right back up, too weak to fight, and too out of it to do anything but constantly beg for more, stuck down and helpless as they pumped her right back up without any kind of break, likely not wanting to give her the chance to wander around anymore.

The elves were all a little larger then before, and Kylie passed out again, fucked straight into unconsciousness before being laid back down, and tightly bound to the bed with the others.

She would occasionally stir over the next couple days, just like the others, only to have the Queen shove her tentacle into them, Kylie sometimes waking up for a few minutes to see it take a good heavy turn with each of them, keeping them almost perpetually fucked silly, and on the occasion more then one of them woke up, well, the bees always liked another go, the guardians doing their jobs splendidly.

When her brain finally came back to her, it had to have been days, Giselle was in the middle of birthing, she was about to start again, Lysa was also in the middle of a birthing, Thessa helping, and Myra still out cold. Which made Kylie wonder if Myra just always slept, but Kylie could only flop onto her front, immediately swallowing Giselle's cock to the hilt, if she wasn't still stuck down, and try as she might, this new film on top of her was too sticky. She was trapped, but it gave her entire body a wonderful golden color, her hard nipples sticking out proudly and the entire thing seemed to have been pressed around her at the edges, outlining her perfectly and not giving the wriggly assassin any wriggle room, her hands folded above her head just like on the wall and stuck firm.

All she had to say about it?

*Yaaawn* Morning all.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Moving around under the sticky goo blanket, Kylie found that it wasn't completely holding her down, but it was tough to get it to move enough for her to help Giselle out. So instead of trying too hard, Kylie merely yawned and spoke up, where Giselle turned to look at Kylie, an egg in the process of coming out of her fiance. "F-Fuck Kylie... it's... YES!" Giselle panted before giving it one big push, launching a large rope of seed out over Kylie's covered chest, an almost lost look in her eyes.

Kylie would see an opportunity here, as Giselle was so close, one that the horny assassin couldn't pass up. Leaning her head down, she took Giselle's cock into her mouth and sucked hard, where Giselle simply let her go at it until she came again, starting to pull her shaft out before stopping with just the head and an inch or two in Kylie's mouth. She filled Kylie's mouth up with several large spurts of seed, with Kylie able to easily swallow each one before the next came. When Giselle was winding down, Kylie felt her cock throb again suddenly as another egg came and popped out of Giselle's pussy. Giselle's cock surged again with another powerful climax as the poor futanari siren squealed aloud into the chamber, giving Kylie another fresh batch of cock milk to drink.

After the first orgasm, Giselle had held Kylie's head firmly in place to make sure she drank down the second one, where she fell back onto her butt afterwards and Kylie could see both of Giselle's lower holes perfectly. "O-Oh fuck no... p-please not two at once. I'll go mad," Giselle panted, reaching out for Kylie's hand and actually pulling the sticky golden blanket back enough to grab it.

Kylie watched as Giselle leaned back and an egg began to emerge from both her slit and her tight puckered asshole. Giselle's face was contorted in pure ecstasy as the eggs began to come out, and just before they reached the halfway point was when Giselle exploded again, a massive spurt of cum that lasted a full two or three seconds before it stopped splattered Giselle right in the face as bits of it splashed Kylie's face as well, plus their sticky bed around them, making it even stickier. As those two eggs finally popped out, Giselle's climax intensified even more and another massive spurt shot out of her and drenched the poor thing further.

Giselle actually collapsed at that, back onto the pillows and squeezing Kylie's hand tightly. It was clear that she had been fucked silly without actually being fucked. "I... I c-can't. I j-just can't p-push anymore," Giselle said, panting like crazy and barely able to catch her breath, her overly sensitive body limply laying there, unable to move.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie squealed in delight as she managed to slip over far enough to get a mouthful of Giselle, who was more then happy to hold her head firmly in place around her cock for quite a bit while she laid her eggs and shot her seed into Kylie's mouth, Kylie whimpering in arousal each time she did, until she fell back onto her ass and started cumming on her own face again... She'd learn to like it Kylie was sure.

Once it was all done, Giselle flopped back, once more out of her head both with sensitivity and with pleasure, probably a light touch enough to get her begging for more or pleading for a break. Kylie was waiting for her second batch to drop though and giggled, squeezing her hand before finally wriggling free of the blanket enough to check on the elves as well.

Everyone doing alright? I'd apologize.... but I'm not sorry.... Who's up for round Three! she asked them, giggling at the teasing, though Lysa looked like she almost entertained the idea for a moment. O yes, she was coming home with Kylie, for training. Yes, that was why. There was no other reason.

In her mind, Kylie's Angelic side was too busy to voice any complaints, currently collared and shackled bent over a table and taking a railing from her demon side, the large strap on making her scream into a thick ballgag muffledly as she came over and over again. Yup... she would be too busy for awhile... She was right where she belonged! And that made Kylie giggle before Lloth giggled into her head with her and inserted herself into the dream, snatching them both up, angel and demon, and giving them both a webbing and egging Kylie's psyche would never forget for as long as she lived.

Back in the physical plane, Kylie had to shake her head to recover from that one as she contemplated the bees and the eggs and the elves and the Queen... What do...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As the rest of Giselle's eggs finally popped out of her, the poor futanari siren collapsed completely, unable to move any longer Kylie saw as a large drop of her cum slowly slid down her length and down across her pussy, which Kylie saw was slowly tightening back up to normal. "N-No please. I don't think I could handle another b-batch of eggs like that," Lysa said after a few moments, seeming to think it over a little before doing so.

"Aye, I doubt I could handle another batch either. That was way too intense for me," Giselle said softly, continuing to lay there unable to move.

Kylie could almost feel and see Lolth wink naughtily at her as she sat there with her companions. When Kylie snapped out of her reverie, she saw Lysa was recovering still, as was Giselle, and that Myra was starting to wake up now too, seeming to be about to give birth now too. "Oh d-damn. I... I can feel them about to come out," Myra said groggily, reaching around to try and find any hand she could to squeeze.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie promptly helped Myra out, but grabbing Giselle's hand, and putting it in Myra's so she could squeeze on it, before moving over to Lysa and helping her over not to Myra, but to Giselle.

Leaning in close so only she could hear, Kylie giggled I could feel you stroking Giselle off before you got caught again... Want to really feel it? she asked, reaching out to lightly grip Giselle's dick, keeping it hard by stroking it slowly, using her cum to lube it up while her other hand brushed along Lysa's inner thigh, Kylie kissing her neck gently.

Cmon, she's amazing, I don't mind. Kylie whispered, nibbling her neck if she didn't immediately flail away from Kylie, before helping her straddle Giselle and guiding Giselle's cock to rub against Lysa's petals. *Thanks Lloth! best idea ever! keep fucking my inner me's. They love it.* She thought at her current goddesses who had taken up residence in her... her.... Her? Yes. Sure, Inside her Her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Myra squeezed Giselle's hand tightly as she began pushing out her eggs. "N-No I didn't d-do that," Lysa protested in a whisper to Kylie, her cheeks flushed so red she was like to catch fire.

When Kylie grasped Giselle's shaft in her hand and stroked it, she found she didn't need to in order to keep her fiance hard, as Giselle's cock was still just as hard as it had been thanks to how sensitive she still was. "O-Oh Kylie I don't think I could go another round," Giselle moaned softly, though her hips gave a little thrust that caused her cock to slide perfectly through Kylie's hand.

Lysa meanwhile didn't pull away as Kylie kissed her neck, her elven ears twitching slightly as she reached out to grasp the head of Giselle's dick, making the futanari siren moan again. "I... i-if you really d-don't mind. But let me rest a little first. That was so intense," Lysa said finally at Kylie's insistence, still blushing red.

"Of course they love it. But we can't let your darker side have all the fun all the time, my sister would do the same thing back to me if I tried to make that happen, hmhm," Kylie heard Lolth reply in her head as she played with both Kylie's good and bad inner selves.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I really don't, and neither does she. I can tell. Kylie said, showing Lysa the ring. We can tell where we are and what we're feeling all the time. Kylie said giggling, continuing to kiss and play at Lysa's neck, finding something new in the hive she liked. Namely the elf. Her sisters were probably lots of fun too, but Kylie liked this one. It was a good day... days... She had no fucking idea, but it would be her turn and their turns soon enough anyway to shove some eggs out.

Pffft please, the angel loves it too. More probably. But I did my good deed for the day months ago so have some fun. She told the kinky spiderlady while her inner selves came their combined brains out as they were stuffed to the brim with eggs.

Still, that left Kylie a few minutes to wander around the Queen's room again, looking at stuff, namely the sticky wall, which was unique to the rest of the hive. Out of boredom more then anything, and mild curiosity, Kylie pressed her lips to it, and pulled back, leaving her mouth covered in the sticky goo. When she tried to open her lips, she found it hard, but the goo stretched instead of breaking which immediately gave her the best idea ever. Since Lysa wanted a break instead of immediately hopping on Giselle's dick, well, then kylie would have some fun warming her up instead.

Wandering back over to the pair, Kylie grinned before getting on her knees and activated Giselle's cockring to stop her orgasms, before opening her mouth as wide as the sticky glue would allow, and shoving her mouth down onto Giselle's cock, the glue making it much harder to bob up and down... or... remove herself from it, Kylie moaning as she swallowed rhythmically around Giselle's length knowing she couldn't cum only making her giggle on the inside. What happened in the Hive, stayed in the hive..... until she found a way to take it home with her...