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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright boss, I'll see what I can do with the stuff. I've never had my hands on any though, so I don't really know what all I actually can do with it," Alan replied, scratching his head a little.


After Kylie got cleaned up and motioned for the elves to follow when they were all done in there, they and Giselle too, followed Kylie upstairs, where Giselle giggled as Kylie spoke and helped her get the clothes. "Well sorry for having big boobs," Myra said, sticking her tongue out at Kylie but taking the clothes graciously and slipping them on, though the shirt was quite tight around her chest region.

"You know, Tina's got a larger chest than we do, so... probably be better to grab some of her things. I doubt she'd mind," Giselle suggested, heading over to Tina's room and returning a couple of minutes later with a slightly larger shirt, which Myra thanked her and changed out for.

Lysa and Thessa both took the slime clothes, with Thessa wriggling her hips as Kylie's hand groped her ass, which Kylie could tell was full and perfect. Lysa imagined a little sun dress that had a skirt that fell to her knees, and some panties as well, while Thessa imagined a tight catsuit like thing that formed into a two piece outfit, with a short shirt that barely went a few inches down from her breasts and tight pants that looked like leather.

"Oh we'll give them back, don't worry," Lysa promised, smoothing her skirt out.

"Honey of course I love you. You don't need anything else. We both understand one another... well you understand me at least, and I just kinda understand you. But don't worry about anything and I'll get dinner ready," Giselle told Kylie, leaning in and kissing her.

After Kylie got through with getting everyone their clothes, she heard Hiro call out just as she got to the front door. "Where are you at you crazy girl?" Hiro called out to her.

After Kylie came out and explained to Hiro what she was wanting, he laughed and nodded. "Alright lass, I can think of a few gals that might be up for that kind of thing," Hiro said, tapping his chin and smirking a bit. "I'll send them over to you in a couple of days or so, or here shortly if you'd rather see some sooner. I'm thinking of three or four right now actually. And don't worry, you aren't the only one around town that keeps some of the creatures of the jungle as pets or whatnot, so they won't do anything to them," he added before heading off, nipping her neck back just as playfully before he did leave to go find the girls in question.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sooner rather then later, No reason to let them boil their heads about it, we both know their first gut choice will be the right one when you ask so just send em runnin. thanks Hiro. Kylie said, chuckling as he nipped her back before leaving.

Heading out herself with the Lysa and Thessa in tow, Kylie headed straight for the clearing she'd had her house built, thinking it had been just outside the builders time frame and it should be finished. Much as I love the town, all our work is gonna be miles and miles out there. The temple here right now keeps a lot of the stuff in check, but they can't do everything. That wyvern on the wall back at the house was my kill. So you can see the dragons have their own problems. Nope, our little group is gonna be tasked with keeping accurate maps including the creature's nests and movements, as well as herding the creatures away from town and collecting eggs and seeds. Kylie said as they walked, running through several ideas in her head about how to do certain things.

Because of that, first I wont be teaching either of you to fight, but to hide, and run. If you can do that, you will be safer then trying to fight something you probably can't beat. And it'll get you in the right mindset. Most of the time these animals are plenty smart, and they don't really want any trouble. Or at least a fight. They're not an enemy, just something everyone on the island has to live with and share space with. How would you feel if someone invaded your home? If you can think like that, then you can get around without any trouble at all. The only exceptions are some of the nastier predators and we wont go near them until yes, I've gotten some combat training under your belts. I'm sure you're both capable enough, Like with the Bee Hive. The bees over years have learned the game. Anyone in their hive is there's to use, anyone who escapes the hive with their honey is free to go. And anyone who takes the jelly? well apparently they get bred twice and basically get to wander around pretty freely and pick up stray elves. Kylie joked, giggling.

The most important job we'll have though, is making sure that the nature is protected as well as the people. It'll be us who keep happy little arrangements like the one we have with the bees intact and safe. So if we hear about someone killing bees for the honey? Guess what. They're our problem. And we'll be taking a good deal of the jobs on the board outside of town. And speaking with the Alraunes about their needs. If we can... and this is way down the road, we need to get in touch with the Goliaths and the Minotaurs, if necessary... we need to get rid of the southern Minotaurs because if they're enslaving people that needs to stop. But peace would be preferable to war... even if it's a war they could never win. Kylie said a little sadly.

They were fast approaching the spot, Kylie talking away the distance easily enough. But I'm gonna be doing a job solo tomorrow morning while you train. I need to steal some Ochu seeds, so tomorrow at least, you'll be heading to the temple and having a priestess there called Miu, she's a neko shifter, giving you sprinting and running exercises. okay? she said, turning and smiling just as they reached the spot her finished house should be.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Lysa and Thessa followed Kylie on out while she talked to Hiro, Myra remained at the house and helped Giselle with the food. When Hiro was gone and Kylie spoke to them again, Lysa and Thessa listened to her as they walked along to the new house. "Okay, I think that I can handle stuff like that easy enough," Lysa said as she listened to Kylie continue on to telling them that she wouldn't be teaching them how to actually fight first.

"Well Kylie, I know how to use a bow and fight... somewhat at least. I was a town guard for a couple of years back home. Oh and it's the northern minotaurs by the way, the southern ones are actually alright mostly," Thessa said when Kylie paused for a few moments.

As they made their way up to Kylie's and Giselle's new home, she saw that it wasn't completely done just yet, but looked very very close. She saw the boss lady there helping a couple of guys lift a large board up for Kylie's little watchtower she asked for, which told her why they weren't through working just yet. Brandi waved at Kylie when she noticed her coming up to the place, helping to get the large board in place first before coming over to Kylie.

"Hey there. Should be only a couple of more days or so. Had to add more time for the extra stuff you wanted. That is if you want everything inside painted and stuff too and all so you don't have to do it yourselves," Brandi told Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded as she was told she had the wrong minotaurs. If I'm honest, I don't know much about the minotaurs, only that I had a run in with a nasty one. Regardless, it's a problem we shouldn't allow to continue. If they want to live here, they can do it peacefully, or not at all. No matter how strong they are... well... I'm friends with a fucking dragon. Kylie said, before Squeeeing loudly as she saw her home mostly complete, the Tower being worked on.

Listening to Brandi, she smiled and nodded. No no, that's fine! And it looks amazing! You have no idea how useful that little tower will be with all this clear space. Even if all we ever do with it is stargaze! she said, turning to the two elves.

If you can't guess from the size of this place, I did intend to have you and the others all live here with us. For now though I'm sure we can make space in the house comfortably. And you can meet Bob and the pups! Just... well. I wouldn't meet him until you're sure you're horny... he can be.... quite friendly, the first time he meets new people. she said, giving someone ample warning about her friend in the basement for once in her life, the Angel Kylie sitting on her head and beaming properly, while.... well... The Devil within was enjoying her second egging of the day and thoroughly preoccupied with Lloth, Sehanine cheering her on, the two both agreeing on something for once it seemed, Mainly that Kylie should be egged and egged often...... She could get behind that.

Giggling she bounced around happily. But lets get you guys some gear at the market ordered! Like I said, need to have you fitted for some light leather armor or at the very least hunting clothes. And Lysa! Quick! Long knife! or Sword! she said cheerfully. Finally finding something she could devote a good amount of money too that would benefit the whole island, something she'd wanted deeply for a long while.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I know a guy who can get you a telescope and stuff to view the heavens if you like," Brandi said with a chuckle as Kylie spoke about the tower.

"Giselle was telling us about Bob and Wraith and the rest earlier before you got back. She didn't really say much before you came in though, so thanks for letting us know," Thessa said.

As Kylie felt her angelic self sitting on her head, beaming at her honesty and kindness in telling the truth, Kylie just felt a sense of good flow through her that helped make her feel rather nice. Her angel self smiled as she glanced up, her white wings and still nude form quite drenched with cum, and her belly bulging with eggs, but still looking just as radiant as any other angels she'd seen.

"I do still have my leathers from when I was a guard back home, but that's there of course... and I'm not entirely certain it'd still fit me honestly. As it's been some years now," Thessa said, blushing a little at her words.

"Um... I think I'd like a sword more, as it would let me keep some distance away from anything I'm fighting. Plus a sword just feels more natural to me than a knife. It usually does for all elves," Lysa said, looking to her sister who nodded.

"I don't mind knives though myself, so I can use either," Thessa told Kylie with a shrug.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

K. Well. Spose you should pick swords when we get there after we get you sized for your other gear. Careful what you pick, you'll be training and running in it. she said, giving them ample warning about what their training was going to entail.

As they headed to the market, Kylie would stay fairly bubbly despite her angel half still being covered in cum and obviously full of fey goddess spider eggs. Whatever the hell that would mean for her psyche.

Ok, go on, go get sized for some leather. Don't get black, get brown or dark green. Black doesn't blend as well as you'd think. A lottta people make that mistake. Kylie said, shooing the two along while she wandered to the blacksmith, ordered 2 quivers of steels, and Every wooden arrow he had made, as well as 2 hunting bows for the girls. Paying in cash, she thanked him and then moved on to pick up two large coils of silk rope that was NOT for funtimes, and then went back to the blacksmith because she was a complete spazz, and bought 2 large hunting knives, one for each. Then the shopping was done! and the girls would have their stuff ordered so she'd wander over and pay for that. And then it would be back to the house to see who Hiro had sent over as well as get everyone in trouble somehow. That was certainly gonna happen..... The Angel never stayed on top for long.

So why exactly did you agree to this by the way? I want to get it done because I love this place. But what about you two? she asked as they headed back.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Kylie, we're elves. Do you really think that we'll take black over a dark green and brown?" Thessa replied to Kylie when she told them not to get black.

After that, Kylie headed to the blacksmith who welcomed her as usual, providing her with a couple of good longbows and plenty of arrows. "Now I can't sell you everything I got you know. I got other customers and all to provide for too remember," he told Kylie, half jokingly as he provided her with plenty of arrow bundles so that they wouldn't run low anytime soon.

After Kylie roamed about town and collected all of the things on her shopping list and gave Thessa and Lysa both their items she'd gathered for them, they headed to the house for now to see if Hiro had sent over his people he'd mentioned might like to join Kylie's Rangers.

As they made their way back and Kylie asked Thessa and Lysa both why they wanted to do this, they looked at one another and back to Kylie. "Well, I'm mainly going to be helping mom to run the branch of our sweets shop here, and I'll just do the Ranging thing with you girls in my spare time. If that's okay with you. I love making sweets for people, just the smiles it brings them is more than enough to make me happy," Thessa said with a smile.

"Well, I don't have any talent at making sweets like sis does. So if this is something I can do to be useful, then I don't mind doing it," Lysa said, sounding a little miserable that she couldn't make sweets like her sister and Myra both could.

"Oh sis, don't sell yourself short. You just need more practice. Mom and I can both help you," Thessa told Lysa, patting her on the shoulder.

As Kylie and the others neared the house, she saw a total of four new girls around, one on the porch, one sitting on the steps leading up to the porch itself, one standing near the little wooden gate with a bird on her hand that had landed there and was chirping at her, and the last one was chasing Wraith and his two brothers that had so much fun with Tina about, seeming intrigued by them.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded, reaching out to ruffle Lysa's hair since she felt like being adorable for some reason. Fair enough Thessa and don't worry about it Lysa, you've got plenty of talent and more then enough curiosity. Training will make absolutely certain you don't go the way of the Cat. she said, before she saw the new arrivals, one of which was chasing Wraith and Ghost, and the last one she hadn't bothered to name yet. And he would be Potato in honor of Palla's first tumble with Bob, And because well... they kinda looked a little like potatos when they were all curled up.

Whistling, Kylie called the little Darkmantles over, scooping them all up and hugging them, letting them flail around and meet the elves. So you 4 are who Hiro had in mind? Excellent! 7's a good number! Kylie said cheerfully, stopping at the entrance of her own home, before vanishing and appearing on the doorstep just for that little bit of WOW factor... She didn't need sass. And she'd fucking handle Sass quickly enough. She was the Sassiest. Kylie was the Sass Master. She would hold all the Sass.

So! introductions all around or I'm gonna forget who you all are in a matter of minutes! I'm Kylie, this was my insane little idea, the two Elves behind you are Lysa and Thessa, a couple of trainees like you 4. And while I'm usually really spacey and easy going. Training. Will Not Be. So! One at a time, who are you! What are you! because really. I have trouble with all the races... And who likes to wander around the jungle fairly aimlessly in their spare time. Kylie said, tilting her head.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie ruffled her hair, Lysa giggled softly and looked like she enjoyed her touch. Thessa smiled and mouthed a thank you to Kylie as they neared the house. After they arrived at the house, and Kylie saw the newcomers, and then whistled for Wraith and his two brothers, the trio floated over to her as the new girls all turned to look at Kylie. They all nodded to Kylie when she asked if they were all the ones Hiro had sent, none looking timid or anything and mostly just like they had merely been waiting for her to arrive.

When Kylie did her little teleport, a couple of the newcomers gasped and one even clapped a little at her trick, while the other two merely looked impressed yet said nothing aloud about it. As Kylie asked who they all were and to introduce themselves to her and whatnot, a girl with flaming red that had red and slightly feral looking eyes as well stepped forward while the others moved to line up in front of the porch a few feet from the steps.

"Well most of us have had a year or two of training with the town guard. So we know how to fight for the most part. And I'm Asha by the way, Asha Crimson. My family is one of the four that have been here the longest in Feynrial," the red haired girl said, introducing herself. "And I'm a dragonborn, a red one to be exact, so I can give some fire breath if I need to," she added, giving Kylie a polite and respectful bow, seeming a little prim and proper, but not overly so. She was dressed in tight leather armor that showed plenty of cleavage and navel, and the leather bottoms were skin tight and looked incredibly sexy. She had been the one standing near the gate.

Next a drow woman, rather mature looking, stepped forward and gave Kylie a very graceful curtsy of sorts, her body very scantily clad and having no skirt to actually curtsy with. "I'm Mara, Mara Jade. A drow in case you couldn't tell from the skin color. I got another friend who might be interested in this, but she was a little worried about leaving the town guard shorthanded if she came with me. And she wanted to know more of what all this job entailed before she made a final decision on whether or not to come too. She's a gnome by the way, small and lithe, but pretty quick and nimble, and very flexible. I've seen her swing both legs over her head and hold them there for several minutes before she started to cramp up," the drow woman said, introducing herself next. She was the one standing on the porch watching Wraith and the others playing.

The third girl that stepped forward looked a little shy, but not too much. She was also the one who had clapped at Kylie's teleportation trick before. She was obviously a kitsune, an albino one at that. Her white fluffy tail swished about happily as she bowed her head a little, her kimono she wore brushing the top of the grass as she did. "I'm Akiko, Akiko Raitoningu. I'm a kitsune and I want to help Feynrial, and I'm pretty good with animals. They seem to listen to me. I'm what you might call a bit of a druid, because I know some nature magics. Hiro said you might like the idea of having one such as myself here," the kitsune said as she introduced herself, her large fluffy tail curling around he as she hugged it. She was the one that had been playing with Wraith and his brothers, all of whom seemed to like her as they floated back over to her where she scratched their underbellies.

The final girl looked a little more timid than Akiko, and was the only human of the bunch, and also the other one who had gasped and looked really impressed with Kylie's trick. She stepped forward and blushed a bit as she bowed deeply, barely looking like she was eighteen years of age. "I'm Sheena, Sheena Albright. Mister Hiro told me that you needed some help and stuff, like going into the jungle and whatnot. I'm kind of new to the whole guard thing, only been one for like... five or six months give or take. So I've not really left the town much at all save on trips elsewhere, and even then I stuck to the roads for the most part. But he told me that it would be good training and it would help the town out a lot, so I agreed to do it," the human girl said as she introduced herself, looking a little frightened of the prospect of what she might have to do here with Kylie and the others, but obviously trying to be brave. She had been the one sitting on the steps and was wearing a cute red outfit that showed a bit of skin, and had black stockings and thin black see through gloves that went up to her elbows.

While the introductions were finishing up and Sheena retook her spot in the line, Kylie heard a voice in the distance and saw another girl running up to the gate. "Wait... wait for me. I'm sorry, I was was cleaning up and forgot the time, and I... EEK!" the new girl called out, tripping just as she passed the gate and falling flat on her face, and looking like it hurt a bit as she raised up to sit. "O-Ow!" she groaned as she rubbed her nose.

"Are you okay miss?" Lysa asked, rushing over and kneeling down to check on the new girl and offering to help her up as Thessa came over to help too.

"Y-Yeah, I'm a little clumsy... sorry. I'm Annie, Annie Rain," the new girl replied, introducing herself as she got back up and walked over to the line of other girls.

OOC: For reference, a pic for each and what they look like. Mara's pic, Sheena's pic, Akiko's pic, Asha's pic, Annie's pic
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded at each in turn and turned to regard all 7 of her trainees. This was going to be interesting but it was enough people to do the job with.

The Job, since you want to know more about it all, and that's not a bad line of inquiry in all fairness, is to do what the guard cannot do which is primarily spend a good deal of time away from the Village itself. However, this particular little group of ours will be covering large swathes of the Island, not just the area outside Feynrial. She started, letting that sink in. You will be spending more time out and about, as part of a larger group or more likely on your own or with a partner in the jungle itself with very little back up and only the gear you can carry comfortably. This will not be for you if you can't go without the comfort of a bed every night. As I've already warned Lysa and Thessa, and I'm sure the more experienced members here already know, many of the creatures in the jungle are sexually active and since part of our job will be either making relationships with new creatures, or maintaining the ones already in place. Sex will be unavoidable. It will happen eventually. If that makes you uncomfortable, this job will not be for you. This group of Rangers will handle larger problems, as scouts, frontrunners, and a very mobile strike team when needed for a variety of things. We are not a stand and fight to the last team here, if there is a time for real combat should the worst come to pass we are skirmishers. Hit and Run and Hit again. While everyone would like to believe peace will hold forever everyone at the same time knows that's a lie. The luck here will run out eventually. So your training will cover everything from scouting, which includes quick movement over long ground in difficult terrain, and cartography, to stealth and advanced combat. You'll find any fool with a weapon backed into a corner hard enough can fight. It's a different thing entirely to single out one target from one hundred and take it down with a whisper. While keeping the various monster populations in the jungle in check and under control we'll also be looking for opportunities to put them to work in arrangements that benefit both parties. The more we can do like this, the less we need to industrialize the island, and that will keep the natural balance here in place as it should be. I know none of you wants to see acres of trees burned to ash for money and the animals driven away or hunted to extinction. So we will be the middle ground. Animals too close to town are our problem. Pouchers likewise are Our Problem. And that job board in town? That's Ours now. As we train I want to see that board emptied on a regular basis because if no one in town has a problem? Then we can focus on the Jungle itself and sort it out. Annie? You're clumsy? Trust me, I can fix that. For good. But you'll need a level head and the will to put up with a kind of training that you will not be used to under a woman who isn't going to pull her punches. It's the only good way to learn and when we're through the Jungle will be more home to you then any building erected by human or fey hands. she finished, outlining the job itself, which was as broad in scope as their training would be precise and specialized too the task.

But she wasn't quite done.

This will have another benefit. I seem to have a knack here with the animals, as do some others. That IS something that can be taught, how to act, how to move, how to think. And I will be passing those lessons on to you as well. So I'll give you an hour to talk It out and think amongst yourself, take that full hour. And decide. If it's yes, as Lysa and Thessa have already decided, then your training will start tomorrow at the temple with Miu, and you will be doing sprints until you can't stand, and then you'll do them some more. Running Away will be the first skill that I brand into you, because you can't help anyone if your pride gets you killed one day. Now! If you'll excuse me while you decide, I need to put a strange Bee egg somewhere safe. she finished, indeed, giving them that full hour to decide as she headed inside to glomp Giselle and kiss her cheek, before flopping Downstairs to see Bob, hoping to nestle the egg in his little nest where she knew it would be safe.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie began her speech, the girls all listened intently, mostly just standing there as she went. When Kylie mentioned that sex was unavoidable, Sheena blushed deeply and shyly looked away, but didn't look like she was going to back out now that she was here. "I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind miss Kylie," Asha said, glancing to her companions before back to Kylie. "What if some of these... creatures that we'll be policing, try and actually hurt us? Are we allowed to kill them in that case to defend ourselves? Also, what if we have the choice of running and saving ourselves, and leaving an innocent behind? Are we supposed to just leave them, or is that a case where we should stand our ground to protect them? Because all of us guards are trained to protect the innocent no matter what, even at the cost of our own lives. Of course we're trained to not just throw ourselves away needlessly, but you know what I mean surely," she went on to ask Kylie, looking genuinely curious about the answer she'd get.

"I... I'm not that clumsy all the time, j-just outside of battle," Annie said softly, blushing and pressing her index fingers together as she puffed a cheek out, more in embarrassment than anything.

When Kylie mentioned teaching the others about animals, Akiko smiled and perked up, obviously intrigued about that. "Ugh, I've already done enough sprints to get into shape enough to run around this town ten times before I get tired," Mara groaned, but didn't look completely opposed to the idea if Kylie insisted on it that much.

After Kylie went on in the house after answering the questions and comments, Giselle returned the kiss Kylie gave her, groping her butt as she went past and took the egg downstairs to Bob's nest. Bob happily took the egg and put it safely into the little nest the other eggs had been in before, tucking it in with several blankets and whatnot to keep it warm and cozy.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Leaving or Staying to defend an innocent is up to you. But you must remember something. What you do out there must always be balanced against the natural order of this island. You will many times find that people under attack from creatures trying to kill them are not doing it in a predatory sense, but because they did something you are unaware of. Save them without fighting if possible. If that's impossible, then step in. I highly doubt such a situation will arise, but remember, you're not a white knight riding in as a hero, if getting involved would get you both killed, or worse, cos some kind of incident... No matter what you decide, remember, you will be speaking for the jungle itself, make sure to get Nature's side of the story and punish appropriately if you have to. She answered, giving as much of an in depth reply as she could, before turning as Mara groaned.

Endurance is great, but no, you're running sprints to increase your speed. Until you can keep up with me and Miu? Sprints will be a way of your life so Sorry Mara, but I have to insist. After sprints are up though? it's something a lot more fun and complex, Free running. Your life is about your mobility, how you move and how you think about the environment need to change. Everything is a possible platform, there are more paths to a destination then most people ever realize, you will learn to use all of them on a scale 99 out of 100 people never get to. Kylie said, before leaving them to think.

Giggling as she was groped, she headed down to put the egg in the nest, Bob covering it up and being very sweet where she hugged and kissed the big darkmantle before heading back upstairs to eat something and think on things.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I didn't plan on just throwing my life away needlessly, but my honor prevents me from leaving someone in need if they require help, regardless of the circumstances," Asha replied.

Mara meanwhile sighed and nodded. "Fine fine, I'll run. I can already run pretty fast though," Mara said, looking a little disgruntled at having to run some more, but didn't look like she would simply say no.


Bob caressed her cheek with one of his large fat tentacles, seeming to enjoy her affection. Once she was back upstairs, Kylie saw that Giselle and Myra were close to finishing the food they'd started when Kylie left earlier, having made plenty enough for everyone, including their guests outside. "Kylie honey, food's ready. Let's invite those girls in so that they can eat too. We made plenty for everyone," Giselle said to Kylie, reaching over and pecking her on the cheek.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded as Giselle said the food was about done, and that they'd cooked enough for everyone, heading out immediately. All serious business aside! Lunch is Up! Come get some and meet the missus! she called to everyone, Wraith, Ghost, and Spectre all being adorable little floating potatoes and like true gluttons spawned from the womb of Kylie... they heard mention of food... and proceeded to bolt inside like they'd been struck by lightning! Which was good! because it meant no one was being needlessly groped and milked or worse.

Heading on in, she helped set the table and then dished everyone up, before flopping down herself and eating.

Fair warning, since I have to be nice today by order of my currently free half of my conscience, there's a large friendly darkmantle downstairs. You have been warned. I will not save you. she said cheerfully, having managed to sit at the head of the table with Giselle and glad to see that at the very least, Thessa and Lysa weren't being molested by their own clothing yet! Which was fantastic!

But she was already sizing both elves up for a collar like her own.... cos well... she was still Kylie... and hoping that Giselle would at least put her own to some very strict and impressive use today before she went Ochu hunting. Because the Ochu's were certainly going to put her to use. So she'd better get her own licks in.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As they were all called inside, the newcomers all happily joined Kylie inside and found Giselle had set everything up in the living room on a couple of towels for them to use, sort of like an indoors picnic. They all sat about the living room, using the coffee table and other end tables in there or just setting their plates in their laps. When they had all gotten their food and sat down, the newcomers listened to Kylie warn them about Bob in the basement, where they all nodded their heads, especially Sheena and Annie.

"What are you expecting to be our main concerns in the jungle Kylie?" Asha asked curiously while they ate.

The others all looked curiously up at Kylie, awaiting her answer to see what she had to say to Asha's question.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Honestly? There's some nasty stuff out there, but our biggest problem Right now is going to be the Minotaurs. We need to push them back when they range, and eventually see about getting them to stop slaving, peacefully or otherwise. There is also the dragons to consider, and of course pest control, keeping the dangerous creatures from straying too close to the village, or worse, actively hunting. Another thing to consider is that we'll need to carefully track the higher tier threats without them getting wise to us plotting out their movements to avoid them. Nagas, Evil Succubi, Black Alraune, those are just a few select ones I've dealt with here in person and we'll need to keep a close eye on anything in that vein. I want to know where they're going, when, and why. And if it involves innocents or the village? Or those the village deals with? We will have to deal with it ourselves, or come running to the more powerful allies we have like the dragons or Amara as examples. Kaal would know more and I want to make sure each and every one of you meets him in the next few days. Kylie answered smoothly as she ate, smiling.

We can gently steer away the more mindless critters. But it's the intelligent and malevolent ones that will be our biggest problems. Because while we hunt them? They're likely to hunt us. So we always need to be one step ahead. she finished before taking a drink and smiling at all of them, knowing she was asking a lot, but letting them know with her own confidence that she was taking this very seriously, and they would be up to the task after their training was through if they stuck to what she taught them.

And they would be...

But it's not all doom and gloom she said laughing, cuddling Wraith as he swooped in at her plate, sharing a bit of her meal with him and kissing him, before his brothers came to get their share as well. There are wonderful things out there. Friends and Allies easily made with a little kindness and understanding. The bees? The giant guardians at the top for the queen love scratches, like big buzzy dogs. The darkmantles here like to be gently pet and rubbed like housecats, and do whatever they please or find curious. You'll get to know them all. She said, practically glowing now with happiness and leaning into Giselle.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The girls all nodded as they listened to Kylie speak, seeming to agree about the northern minotaurs. When she mentioned meeting Kaal, most of them seemed skeptical, as if not knowing who she meant. Asha seemed to know though, perking up at the mention of him and looking eager and like she'd do just about anything to meet him.

"Of course we can. I mean, I've been doing that sort of thing for a while now actually," Akiko said about steering the more mindless critters away.

"I certainly hope that they'll learn that they can't just... y-you know, take us whenever they please," Sheena said, looking to Wraith and the others.

"Just let them know in a stern voice that you aren't feeling up to it and they should let you be. Bob on the other hand might be a bit tougher to deal with, so just best to stay out of the basement for the time being. Until you know better how to deal with the big guy," Giselle said with a nod as she hugged Kylie against her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yup, Bob will make you want it hahaha Kylie laughed, still feeding the little pups before they made rounds, collecting squidy tribute from everyone, spectre flopping on Sheena's head and purring happily.

Ahhh, he likes you! Kylie said, still giggling, in a very good mood. As for taking you when they please? remember it's not so simple. Animals think about sex differently. If you've done something that makes them think they're entitled? Well... without even meaning to you've given consent. Or made yourself a target for conquest. That's all. Kylie explained, tickling Wraith in her lap while Ghost tried to pick a favourite before flopping onto Akiko.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Shadow flopped down onto Sheena's head like a bubbly little squid hat, she got a bit tense and looked up at him as his little tentacles wriggled and tickles her ears. Sheena relaxed a bit and giggled as she was tickled, shaking her head a bit as she sat there and reaching up to pull him down. She let him stay in her lap for now, seeming to be slowly getting used to him and the others, though he did attempt to slip up her chest to her breasts, but she stopped him and with a stern voice told him, "Please... no,"

Amazingly, Shadow listened, though looked longingly up at Sheena's large soft breasts, and back to Kylie before back to Sheena's breasts. Akiko meanwhile was simply petting Ghost in her lap, who seemed content with the pets the kitsune was giving him. It was obvious that Akiko would be right at home with Kylie's Ranger group, especially if she was this good with the smarter critters. "It's okay little one, mama Akiko will give you lots of pets too," Akiko told Shadow where he floated over into her lap with Ghost and she proceeded to pet them both, a soft smile on her lips as she did so.

The two littler darkmantles even began wrestling around with one another to try and get the better position for pets Kylie saw. It was funny to watch, and finally Wraith broke them up by flopping his larger body down on top of them both and pinning them to Akiko's lap, where he then floated back over to Kylie's plate and ate the remnants of her leftovers.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There you go. see, friendly as could be. He wants at your breasts because he thinks there's milk in them. That's all. Kylie said before she got him wrangled into her lap for pets and loves. Eventually everyone wound up in Akiko's lap for pets, Wraith making his siblings behave before returning to cleaning Kylie's plate. Which was fine.

Standing up, Kylie stretched a little and collected all the dirty dishes, setting about cleaning for a bit while the group got to decide on if they were up to this. She figured some would be, some wouldn't. A full turnout would surprise her.

Wraith doggedly stuck to her, helping, because that was what Wraith did. He was Helpy Helperton. Once that was done, Kylie would again head downstairs to visit with Bob, rubbing and cuddling him for a little bit. Bunch of new girls up stairs big guy. But try not to just grab these ones. Unless they ask you to. Ok. you got plenty of pussy here with me and tina and the others. So don't get too greedy huh? she said, pushing a breeding tentacle away from her folds, since he'd started to rub her.

Not today, maybe later ok? You can cheat later, but I have stuff to do right now. You know me, I love it when you just make me do what you want. But I'm busy today so you'll have to wait a little. she cooed, untangling herself gently but firmly and reaching down to stroke the odd little bee egg. Once Bob was dealt with she'd head back upstairs and look at everyone smiling. So! in or out? she asked, hands on her hips.