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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I hope so Kylie, because you really scared me there. And yeah glowing in the dark means we never need candles anymore, hmhm," Giselle said, giggling softly as they headed home. "And I'd say less full on immortal, and more likely just undying. But I may be wrong," she added.

"Well maybe not just here. I wouldn't mind... you know, moving to the Netherworld or something when our normal natural lifespans would be over or something. Being on that beautiful beach for the rest of eternity with you is a really enticing proposition. But we won't have to think about anything like that for a long time to come," Giselle said, kissing Kylie as they got to the house.

Once they got to the door and opened it, they saw Selara sitting in the living room with hers and Tina's children all slithering around and playing, getting a little bigger every day, and having grown a bit more since she last saw them. Selara looked over as Kylie and Giselle came in with Maria, waving to them yet with a worried look on her face. "What's the matter Selara?" Giselle asked as they came through.

"I'm worried about Tina. I... I haven't seen her since early this morning. She said she was going to go do something, wouldn't say what, and then she never came back from whatever it was," Selara said, obviously worried about Tina.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled until they got in, Selara not even noticing Kylie looking like she'd been dunked in bleach so worried about Tina, to which kylie just chuckled, immediately being very light hearted to take away some of her worry.

Tina is Hellaciously strong, I'm sure she's fine. Kylie said, patting her head and then moving on to carry Maria upstairs to lay her in bed, before looking around the house for Tina. There was no reason to send a search party without looking through the house first. Giselle love, could you go make sure your lovely sister hasn't been swallowed by Bob? i'll look around up here. she said, kissing Giselle softly and moving along to search upstairs.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Gotcha, take Maria upstairs to our room and lay her down. We'll put that salve on her and a bandage over the wound just in case. I know Amara healed it, but it'll still be tender for a while," Giselle said, heading downstairs while Selara tended to the children, with all of them stopping Kylie from going up for a moment as they all waved up at her cutely and telling her hi.

Once upstairs after that, Maria was easily laid down, and as she got to looking around the bedroom, Kylie saw no sign of some things that should have been in there. The spiderlings were nowhere to be seen in their little cocoon, which had gotten a lot larger for some reason. It looked almost like a large nest, with several air holes split in it for ventilation. Suddenly, the cocoon shuddered for some reason, and Kylie heard what could only have been a faintly muffled moan.

"Hey Kylie, honey, sis wasn't down with Bob. She up there?" Giselle called from the bottom of the steps, already on her way upstairs.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie didn't answer Giselle immediately, instead inspecting the Spider's nest with a flat expression until it moved and she grinned like a cat.

The nest was much larger, and moaning. Well then. Getting a chair, Kylie moved to see what was going on in the nest, curious and torn between getting horny and laughing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The cocoon shuddered and moaned again as Kylie pulled her chair up to it, and squirmed a bit after that. Giselle passed by and went to Selara's and Tina's bedroom, looking around in there. While she sat there and watched the whole thing going on, Kylie heard Maria stirring softly, groaning a bit as she opened her eyes.

"Ugh... did anyone get the number of that carriage that rolled over me?" Maria asked groggily, obviously still aching badly.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was peaking and poking at the cocoon now, wondering what was going on here but pretty sure she had found Tina, and running her hands along the latex wondering what body part was where. Or even how she was arranged, or bound. She was very confused by this.

As Maria woke up, Kylie giggled and raised her hand. My favourite number is 7. she said, still trying to figure out what exactly had been done to Tina.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie felt what could only be a leg underneath where her hand was at, and near the top of the leg at that. If she dug her fingers in just a little bit, Kylie would feel an inner thigh. "Alright, seven is what the caboose on that carriage said," Maria said with a chuckle, groaning softly as she raised up to look over at Kylie. "And... where are we? What's that?" she then said softly.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

We're home, and that's Tina. she said, chuckling as she found Tina's inner thigh, moving logically along to Tina's slit and pressing in. Tina, that's you right hun? Moan nice and load for me. Kylie said, still feeling out what was where with her other hand, but tormenting Tina's folds with the first, especially if she found a toy of some kind. The other good question was where the spiders were.

Stay in bed Maria, you need to rest after that whole thing, and enjoy the sight of my ass as I play with Tina here. Kylie said, looking to get a good idea of how Tina was arranged while toying with her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I see... and oh gods. They really did a number on her didn't they," Maria said softly, looking over at the cocoon. "And alright, I'll be okay though I think. Just... sore," she added softly.

Tina moaned from inside the cocoon when Kylie told her to do so, likely to Kylie's amusement. Tina squirmed and moaned some more as Kylie's hands teased her over and over, and Maria was giggling softly about Tina's predicament. One of the spiderlings burst out of the the cocoon, around where Tina's ass was, which was naked and covered in sweat.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie caught up the spider as it escaped the cocoon, wondering why they were in there with her, and said simply. Releas her. Slowly. I want to see what you did. And leave her gag on. Selara is worried and she deserves a little punishment. Kylie told the spider, chuckling.

And yeah they did. I'm actually kind of impressed.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The spiderlings slowly but surely began to take her out of the cocoon, where Kylie saw she was in a latex rope harness. Maria giggled and put a hand over her mouth as Giselle came in and gasped. Tina looked weary, like she'd just run a mile. "I do hope she's alright. I'd wager she was in there the whole day up until now," Giselle said, picking up and carrying Tina to the bed next to Maria. Tina had the latex rope harness fixed up very finely, way better than Kylie could ever hope to have managed herself with hours of setup.

"Selara, we found her. The little latex spiderlings had her," Giselle called down to Selara, who took a few moments to get the little ones all rounded up so she could come upstairs.

"Oh Tina honey. Are you okay?" Selara asked Tina when she came in.

The spiderlings were all roaming about now, one eyeing Maria hungrily almost, but Giselle got between Maria and it and shook her head no. "Y-Yeah... I think I'll be fine. L-Little buggers jumped me when I was g-getting my spear this morning to go hunting," Tina said weakly, with Giselle getting her a glass of water.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as Tina was set free, stroking the little spiders affectionately before agreeing with Giselle. Maria was off limits for now.

Yeah... they'll do that. Thats the fun. Also! how do I look!? Kylie said, gesturing at herself before her hand brushed along the wall and sparks flew, Kylie eeping and looking at her fingers like they'd offended her.

Giselle. Explain me. I still don't totally get it. I'm gonna go check on my bee egg. Kylie said, kissing EVERYONE in the room, spiders included, before letting Giselle handle the explanation of why Kylie was different colors and glowing now and she headed down to bob.

She idly thought that maybe naked wasn't the best idea, but eh, what could you do. He was pretty used to her naked. She battled with the pros and cons of the situation before realizing she was already in the basement... And that Bob was nowhere to be found.

That changed quickly however when Bob, who had pressed himself tightly against the ceiling, found her, dropping down and swallowing her entirely, making good on Kylie's earlier promise of "Later"

Kylie only managed to get out half a yelp before a breeding tendril was shoved into her mouth and her legs were yanked apart inside the fleshy convines of Bob's maw, the darkmantle treating her far more roughly then usual. And she fucking Loved it.

Struggling hard, and to absolutely no use as her arms were wrenched behind her back, Kylie realized that while the spiders were bound to her, and didn't need to see her to recognize her. Bob had no such luxury, and to him, she was simply another wayward thing in his basement that had wandered in naked. She'd basically asked for it, and as his tendrils shoved into her slit and ass, she arched and moaned, struggling even harder now, making him Want to dominate her completely. She wanted him to force her like he never really had, and her cunny clenched down hard as he did...

Thankfully for Kylie's recently abused pussy, and her currently NON egged womb, Giselle had realized the problem the moment Kylie had mentioned the bee egg, rushing downstairs to find Bob sitting there thrusting into what could only be her fiance.

Bob! no no no! That's Kylie! Spit her out she needs to work right now! Giselle shouted, Bob looking quite confused, before opening up and holding Kylie up to Giselle as if to say... "Nuh uh, Kylie has Brown hair and eyes. This lady has Silver. And and, And, she has all these glowy lines. Kylie doesn't have those."

Giselle however stamped her foot and motioned with her finger, Bob turning Kylie around and looking hard at her with his one big eye. Before it widened, and Kylie MMMPHED! at him around the tendril in her mouth, and it finally clicked, where grudgingly, he set her back down. A bit out of breath, halfway to an orgasm, but thankfully not pregnant.

Kylie took a moment to recover, and looked at Bob. Bob. No. I told you. Not Today. to which the Darkmantle replied with a tendril, bonking her on the head as if to say "How the fuck was I sposed to know?! You changed fucking colors!" while he rolled his eyes, settling grumpily down into his treasure bed and looking a bit miffed that his fun had been spoiled, while Giselle held out some basic clothing for Kylie. Dressed. Now. You hooligan, before something else has a go. she said, trying to look stern but fighting giggles.

Kylie got dressed, and sighed, before checking on her egg, which was still an egg. A bit twitchy and wobbly, but still an egg. Kylie stroked it, and then headed upstairs with Giselle again, getting herself a drink and sitting on the couch, only to be buried in tiny lamias and darkmantles who all wanted to know what had happened. Kylie just shrugging and letting them poke and prod. She was now properly wearing a shirt and pants, and relaxing. Well. That was unexpected. she finally said, patting the couch for Giselle to maybe join her if she wanted while she relaxed. Hope is gonna take this as more confusing then anyone... she said aloud, wondering what the rambunctious little Alraune would do to see her Momma like this...
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"K-Kylie, what's the matter with you?" Tina asked softly, looking curiously at Kylie before laying her head back onto the pillows.

The spiderlings seemed saddened that they couldn't play with Maria, but when both Kylie and Giselle stood their ground on it they backed off. "You look, kinda awesome," Tina said softly after a few moments, smiling weakly at Kylie.

"I'll take care of things here, don't you worry honey," Giselle said, winking at Kylie before looking to Maria, Tina, and Selara.

Heading downstairs, Kylie found Bob was... nowhere to be seen. She looked all around, dug out some of the coins to still not find him. While Kylie searched and didn't find Bob, he suddenly dropped down on top of her and wrapped her up inside of himself, seeming quite happy to have found someone to play with. Her mouth was filled with a breeding tentacle within a second as she yelped. As Kylie's body was pulled into position by Bob, she felt his tentacles caressing her all over and another one penetrating her exposed pussy, delving deep inside of her before pulling back.

As another tentacle penetrated her ass, Kylie's lower holes clenched hard and egged Bob on more, his tentacles already speeding up as he wrapped her up. He was feeling her all over, and now that his tentacles were inside of Kylie, he seemed to still not realize that she was actually Kylie. Kylie felt herself already about to cum, as Bob's tentacles were probing her deepest depths and tickling her cervix just perfectly with each thrust.

"Bob! no no no! That's Kylie! Spit her out she needs to work right now!" Kylie heard Giselle cry out, stamping her foot several times and even giving him a little slap on the body before he finally pulled Kylie out to show that he didn't have Kylie.

After he looked closely at Kylie, Bob set her down in a hurry, nearly dropping her and if Kylie was able to think clearly enough, it was the first time she'd notice Bob seeming quite surprised. Bonking Kylie on the head when she followed up after Giselle, Bob grudgingly floated over to a pile of coins and pointed at the little bee egg. Giselle was struggling to fight her giggle fit she was about to have, and Kylie could tell it easily.

The little egg was a bit larger than before, but still not ready to hatch yet. After heading back upstairs, with Giselle giggling and whispering that Bob would likely grab the next person to come down regardless of whether or not they wanted the fun. After they did get back upstairs, the little lamias giggled and eyed Kylie curiously, poking her leg a couple of times and pointing at her hair, but seeming to recognize it was Kylie. Wraith however, and Shadow and Ghost, none of the three recognized her. Wraith was poking Kylie, because she was someone new to him, but after a few moments when he flopped down onto her head like a hat, he instantly recognized her and bounded back up and floated down in front of her face and stared long and hard at her. It then flopped onto her face in a little hug, as if saying, "Mommy, it's you!"

"Probably yeah. But she'll adapt pretty fast I think. Once she figures out it's you and all under there," Giselle said, sitting down next to Kylie and kissing her on the cheek again. "So... what do you wanna do hon? Selara's doting over Tina, and Maria's resting, so we're pretty much free to do whatever we want," Giselle asked curiously after a few moments, shooing the little lamia off as Selara came back down and began gathering them all up to take upstairs to see their mommy.
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie flailed as Bob seemed to want to sulk about not getting to fuck his assassin-waifu... Again! Which in fairness was probably getting annoying for him. That was the deal right? He got easy nookie, he lived in the basement and behaved. But giselle was probably right...

Next person in that basement was gonna get fucked sideways.

And probably egged thoroughly.

Kylie giggled along with Giselle as the little darkmantles all poked at her trying to figure her out, before Wraith finally got it and hugged her head, because that's how little floating squids showed affection. Facehugging.

Letting them all go back to their thing, and loving on the little lamia's before they all went with Selara, Kylie leaned into Giselle before asking her what she wanted to do. And judging from the slight blush to her cheeks and the wetness from Bob having started, but definitely not finished, Kylie could only blush a little harder and lean into Giselle.

I want you to dominate me completely... she whispered, tugging a little on her arm. Because now she was horny as fuck thanks to Bob, and wanted her Mistress to make her her mewling little bitch.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie saw Giselle give Bob a naughty wink and blow him a kiss, as if telling him not to worry and she'd ensure that he got to have the next one that came down. "I'll bet you want me to," Giselle whispered back, hooking a finger under her collar and pulling her into another kiss.

Giselle stood up after that and winked at Kylie before giving the thing a little tug again and leading Kylie to the bathroom. "We're gonna be dirty soon, so... probably best if we come in here for this, hmhm," Giselle whispered to Kylie, kissing her again.

Giselle snapped her fingers after making Kylie kneel down, where Kylie felt the magic force her onto her hands and knees, where she stuck her ass out because of the magic. Giselle sat down in front of Kylie and giggled as she pulled Kylie's mouth open and slid her cock in Kylie's mouth. "Mmm, suck it Slut. Today is a day where you get to be Giselle's Slut," Giselle told Kylie before filling her mouth with her shaft.

Giselle force fed Kylie her cock for a couple of minutes until Kylie could taste her pre very good and had her at full mast, where Giselle slid around behind Kylie and thrust inside. "F-Fuck yes. I've wanted you so bad for the last week or more Kylie," Giselle told Kylie as she thrust inside.

Giselle didn't hold back, and she held Kylie's wrists as she pulled her arms behind her, where she picked up the pace. Despite the fact that Giselle came so many times in the honey bee hive and whatnot, she was obviously saving some for Kylie. Kylie could tell that Giselle wasn't going to stop anytime soon, at least not until she busted a nut. Kylie heard another snap of Giselle's fingers and her doggystyle position was no longer enforced, but then Giselle snapped her fingers again and made a kissing sound with her lips, and Kylie felt her pussy aching and tightening up for some reason, even more so than she already could with her strong muscles.

"Hmhm, one of the extras features of the collar. Makes your pussy as tight as a succubus' pussy," Giselle told her with a look that told Kylie her fiance was about to cum within seconds of the tightening of Kylie's folds.

Kylie felt Giselle cum, and the intensity of her orgasm threw Kylie over the edge with her, both squealing their ecstasy as they came. While they came, and Kylie felt the last of Giselle's seed splashing into her womb, they heard a couple of squeals from the basement door. With a mixed look of worry and ecstasy, Giselle raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I wonder who he caught," Giselle whispered, pulling Kylie up to her feet as she pulled out of her, her seed leaking only a tiny bit from Kylie's tighter folds.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grinned as Giselle stood and pulled her along by her collar, getting wetter by the moment, Kylie eagerly kissing her after she was led to the bathroom. Being made to kneel, Kylie gasped loudly and hungrily as Giselle snapped her fingers, her body obeying immediately against her will or not, the collar forcing her literally to drop to her hands and knees, and push her ass out.

Opening her mouth as well, Kylie groaned as Giselle slid her cock into her mouth, Kylie's tongue going haywire around it as Giselle fucked her mouth for a few minutes, letting Kylie's mouth and throat work her to full mast, before shoving as deep as she could, bottoming out in her throat, and sitting there for a few minutes, just to show Kylie she owned her, before pulling free, Kylie panting hungrily as she felt Giselle behind her.

Kylie cried out softly as Giselle slid into her pussy, fucking her from behind, a bit faster and a bit harder each moment, Kylie moaning in response as she was told how much Giselle had wanted her, Kylie clenching for her rhythmically before a new command, a kiss and another snap, made her cunny clamp down like a vice, Giselle telling her she was as tight as any succubus now. The collar had given her a pussy of legend. Literally. She was as tight as a Devil Tailor made for sex. And the pleasure of suddenly being virginal tight again made her shudder and cum hard along with Giselle, Kylie humping back against her and milking her cock for all she was worth, panting and shaking in her peak as her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she felt Giselle filling her womb.

But then they heard the squeals. Seemed someone had gotten caught by Bob, and fresh from her climax, a slight drop of cum dripping from Kylie's pussy, she was curious. But rather then speak without permission, she whined a little and turned to look, curious. Giselle had forced her hands behind her back as she'd fucked her and released the compulsion to keep her on her hands and knees, but Kylie stayed just where she was until Giselle gave her permission to do anything. Kylie wanting to be Giselle's perfect little slut, and wanting Giselle badly to force her to be just that.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Okay Pet Slut, you can come with me to see what happened to Bob. But stay there for now. I need to get something," Giselle told Kylie, making her stay there just like that and wait for her return.

Giselle took her sweet time, purposely wanting Kylie to stew and simmer before returning with Kylie's leash. She hooked the leash onto Kylie's collar where it belonged, and smiled at her before giving the leash a little tug to make Kylie follow. "Alright, now let's go check on Bob and see who he captured. Also, you may walk on your feet and not on all fours, since we're in the house and the hard floors and stuff might hurt your knees," Giselle told Kylie, kissing her before they went.

As they got to the basement door, Kylie saw the door was wide open, and that there was a skirt laying on the steps. Further down, they heard muffled moans of pleasure and Giselle ushered Kylie downstairs so they could see, on her feet so she wouldn't have to worry about hurting her knees. When Bob came into sight, Kylie saw not one, but two women being totally ravaged by him. Sehanine's gorgeous silvery hair shining brightly as Bob had a breeder tentacle stuffed up her heavenly pussy and ass, and one in her mouth, while Lolth's long snowy white drow like hair bounced with each thrust into both of her lower holes and mouth.

Lolth was laying against Bob's body, grinding her hips into the tentacles, while Sehanine was being held aloft over Bob, her divine juices dripping down onto the bee egg, which Kylie saw was shining softly as this happened. Both of them looked like they were loving every second of it, though Sehanine a bit less than Lolth.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie whimpered and nodded, squirming and just getting hotter and hornier by the second until Giselle clipped the leash to her collar and she openly moaned, standing when she was given permission. Rising up, she was led by Giselle towards the basement, where some discarded clothing was suspiciously there.

Further on down, they could hear the sounds of lust rising, only for Kylie's jaw to literally drop as she saw who the darkmantle had caught.

Not one. but TWO fey goddesses.

Sehanine was bound up tightly and held aloft, Bob taking absolutely no chances as three tendrils thrust into her, the fertility goddess leaking her juices heavily down onto Kylie's egg, which was glowing. And she couldn't hide her moans or clenching pussy... a Pussy Kylie would garaunteed find a way to lick later. And then Giselle could Fuck it. And then she saw Lloth, who in her opinion? Definitely the sexier of the two. Leaning against Bob and still on her feet, she could still see the strong tendrils holding her arms tightly behind her and the one in her mouth, and well, her throat, was wrapped around her neck, Bob likewise not taking ANY chances at losing out on ANOTHER lay. If they moved? it was because he let them, and he was giving them both a pounding that had been weeks in the making, as the entire time Kylie had pouted down here with him, he'd never touched her. He'd let her rest. Now? No no no, the basement was decidedly unsafe for anyone but Giselle and Kylie, and the two goddesses had somehow stumbled right into it.

Kylie didn't ask questions. She didn't want to, or need to. But Chesire solved all their problems for them by appearing again, and likely much to the chagrin of both goddesses. The halfling woman, pretty in her own right, opened her hands and produced two collars made entirely of black stone that seemed to shift and writhe. One time use. Single command collars. she said simply, meaning that the command she gave the collars would only work once.

Kylie and Giselle watched spellbound as Chesire stood there and made a pushing gesture with her hands, the collars zipping out open, only to close around the necks of Both goddesses, Lloth moaning at the restraint, obviously a switch, but Sehanine bristled. But it hardly mattered right now as Chesire made her demands.

Sehanine! My love! my dear! Giselle and Kylie both get a taste of you two days from now. Just one day. Do enjoy them, and don't pout, you've wanted en excuse for awhile. You branded them. To which Sehanine's eyes widened, before she gave a bit of a shrug and guiltily nodded, agreeing as the collar shimmered purple for a moment, before locking.

Lloth. Solo playtime for Kylie. One full day. Three days from now. You will show her All of your talents... The island could use some new protodriders. And with sehanine's enchantment and your magic well. It should only take a Night for them to lay. And a month to hatch. Do make sure you don't even give her the chance to complain. Chesire said, before gesturing and Giselle and Kylie both.

This is another apology from me to you both. Two goddesses, famed lovers. compelled to give you both nights you'll never forget. I'm working on everything else. Kylie... You're more beautiful awakened then I imagined. I'm proud. She said, before wandering off like Nothing had happened, and vanishing like she always did, Leaving the situation as it stood with her additions.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie and Giselle stood there watching the whole thing, moving a little closer to get a better view, Giselle licked her lips hungrily. When Chesire spoke and told Kylie and Giselle what was up here, and then put the two collars around the fey goddess's necks, the halfling grinned from ear to ear before she was suddenly shoved from behind right into another set of Bob's waiting tentacles. "Oops," another woman's voice said.

Turning to see who it was, Kylie saw an okami woman, a very mature looking one, though not elderly. She had no wrinkles at all, was tall, had a large tail that wagged happily as she stared at the trio now being ravaged by Bob, who was happily taking the new member of his sex party. "Seems she forgot about the goddess of luck being their cousin," the okami woman said with a giggle, watching the whole thing play out before she handed Kylie another collar and made another one snap around Chesire's neck. "You can use this to tease anyone you want. It has three uses, cos I'm the fucking goddess of luck baby, think of it as a genie, that'll give you any sexy wish you want. Hint hint, I'd suggest using it on my cousins for extra fucks," she then told Kylie and Giselle with a wink before backing off to a corner of the basement to watch things unfold.

"Oh wow, Kylie, we should use save this for a special occasion," Giselle whispered to Kylie, before looking at the new apparent goddess. "Can we use this on anybody?" she asked the okami goddess in the corner.

"Aye... anybody, no matter if they're mortal or god, though with a god or goddess you have to be careful what you ask for with it because it could possibly not work if you ask for too much. And I'm Avandra, in case you didn't know who the goddess of luck is. I'm a fey one too, so not bound by certain laws, hmhm," she answered, giving the two another wink before Giselle turned back to Kylie and grinned like a cat

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded as a 4th goddess made a showing and Chesire wound up on the wrong side of Bob as well, Bob just swallowing the Halfling troublemaker after tearing her clothes off and likewise stuffing her with various tendrils. Avandra giving them a third collar, and snapping one around Chesire's neck as well. So now they could get the goddesses into bed several times, instead of once. Nice.

Kylie however was busy watching the massive fucking Bob was getting and getting too horny to think, reaching over to rub Giselle's cock, before obediently getting on her knees and immediately swallowing all of Giselle's cock to the hilt, swallowing around it rapidly, wanting to be sure Giselle stayed focused on completely owning her. She could do it right here in the room of soon to be egged and fucked mindless goddesses, Kylie didn't care, but her collared and leashed bitch was impossibly wet and wanting more.

Bobbing her head a little along Giselle's length, she continued to moan and whimper, mewling around the cock and pleading with Giselle by using her eyes, keeping them on hers and looking helpless and desperate, her own hands sliding between her legs and running along her folds.
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