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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sheena blushed at Kylie's mentioning of Shadow wanting her breast milk, reaching up and covering her chest as she did and looking shyly away, though stealing curious little glances over at Shadow. Giselle began to help Kylie start cleaning up while the girls all sat there and looked at each of them, waiting for Kylie to leave the room before they began debating whether or not they want to do this.

When Kylie went downstairs to check on Bob and spoke to him, a breeding tentacle did indeed move towards her, though he pulled it back when she pushed it away. Bob seemed a bit huffy about not being allowed to play with the new girls she mentioned, but he seemed to understand her. As Kylie caressed the little bee egg, it seemed to shudder slightly before she headed back upstairs.

As she reentered the living room and asked them all their decisions, they all five looked back up to her. "We're all on board. But we have some requests and questions, if it isn't too much trouble. Sheena here requests that if you're going to have us do any lewd sex type things that she get to choose who her first time is with, because out of all of us, she's the only virgin. One of the questions that we have is, will we have ranks or anything like that? Like, a lieutenant, and things like that?" Asha said, looking to Kylie as she stood up. "We all have our own personal reasons, but all in all we do want to help our home. Most of us have lived here our whole lives, and those who haven't have lived here long enough to become very attached to Feynrial. So if doing this will benefit Feynrial and help it prosper, then it is something worth doing," she went on to say.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

About that. No, I will not force you into any lewd sexy things unless you want it. Like I said, I've warned you about the more rapey things in this house and not to go near them. If I want a monster egg or seed, I'll get it with my own cooch. So yeah, you can pick your first time. But we're gonna be out in the jungle, remember sometimes the jungle will decide for you if you're not careful. As for ranks? No. there will be no ranks. The only people you answer to will be Me personally, and Hiro. Other then that? You don't have to take orders from anyone, and you'll all be equals. If we recruit more members later, then yes, I might implement a chain of command longer then. "Listen to Me I have a good reason" she explained.

There is one exception to the sexytimes rule! And it's this she said, reaching up to tap on her collar. I will not be in a romantic relationship with any of you. I'm promised to Giselle, and she holds my leash, as well as another person I'm sure you'll meet soon enough named Maria. If you want to join that little harem later for your own reasons? Well, it has nothing to do with being a Ranger here, nor will I use that as a way to get into your pants. she said, sticking her tongue out at them.

There's already enough stuff in the jungle that will have it's way with you. So just be careful where you step and you can probably have a pretty good say in what sticks what were. she finished, giggling before nodding as everyone seemed to be on board. But if you're all sure you're in, then lets all head to the temple and meet Miu and Maria. she said, clapping her hands now that the meal was cleaned up and heading for the door with her little group, Lysa and Thessa somehow magically radiating to her side along with Giselle, who Kylie was pulling along with them anyway cos what kind of slutty pet would she be without her mistress.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hearing Kylie out, Asha and the others nodded, seeming to understand her, with Sheena blushing again and nodding a bit more timidly than the rest. "A-Alright, I'll just be really careful then until I'm ready," Sheena said.

"Well we would need someone who could keep track of everything and keep the books updated too I'm sure. So while you'd be training to do some of the harder work, you might not have to go into anything too dangerous. Plus we would always work in pairs or more, never alone unless we were simply overworked and absolutely had to," Thessa said suddenly, looking over to Kylie as they headed out towards the temple, giving Kylie a little nod as if telling her to agree to put the younger girl at ease.

With that, they all made their way to the temple, the newly formed Feynrial Rangers following Kylie and Giselle along. Giselle reached down and groped Kylie's ass, and gave her collar a little tug, forcing Kylie into a kiss, before letting her go. They saw Aya out front of the temple sweeping the little path clear of leaves as she did almost every time they came, although with them being in what was mostly a jungle Kylie could understand the need to sweep it often, else it'd get overgrown or covered up fast.

"If you're looking for Maria, she's out back training with Miu, Ilyana, and Amara," Aya said, showing them all in and through to the back porch.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yup! If you'd rather not go out right away, Then Honestly I could use someone who can translate what the others drew and tell you into readable, usable maps. So, you could start training with Kaal right away without any problems with me. You'll be a right scholar in no time. Kylie agreed, before kissing Giselle back hungrily and moaning softly as her collar was tugged.

Mentally shoving away her sudden and impossible arousal for Giselle, Kylie led the group to the temple where they met Aya, who Kylie immediately hugged and kissed on the cheek, before heading out back with the others to find Maria.

Once back there, she'd look around and then immediately interrupt whatever they were doing by whistling. Cos Bitch.

Ladies! meet the lovely Shifter who will be making you all Miserable for the next week or two! Miu! Kylie said, waving, before spotting Maria and smiling, waving as well. And Maria, the resident sword master of the isle! I think. Maybe. She's damned good though and a good friend.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh I can help with those things certainly. I know common, elven, dwarven, and infernal, and I can also read maps and draw really well. My father went to the university in Nevassa when he was growing up. He taught me everything I know about those things," Sheena said, perking up a bit at Kylie's words.

Aya returned Kylie's hug and kiss before leading them to the back, her always cheerful smile on her face. As they headed out the back, she saw Miu hanging upside down from a tree limb doing upside down sit ups from the looks of it. Ilyana was having Yuki hurling things into the air for her to shoot at from a strange device, which launched upwards to three and four at once very high up. Ilyana was shooting them out of the air very quickly, Kylie saw, sometimes nailing two with one shot as she banked her arrow off one and into another just past it.

Amara was standing there with Maria, both of them holding a katana, Maria her own, and Amara another. Both of them were razor sharp Kylie knew, but the two obviously trusted each other to stay their hand when it counted. Amara's wings were out and she looked stoically at Maria, who looked the same. It was obvious that they were being very serious right now, and then suddenly they rushed at one another and clashed, the sounds of metal on metal ringing loud in the backyard. Kylie saw them swinging their blades at each other in ways that were obviously meant to hit, and every few seconds, one of them managed to swing so their blade was at the throat of the other, ending that round before they went to the next.

They went five rounds before either of them noticed Kylie and stopped, with Maria jogging over, drenched in sweat, where she hugged Kylie and gave her a kiss on the cheek before doing the same to Giselle. "You feeling okay now Kylie? I... I was really worried about you the other day, and have been since Giselle brought you back," Maria asked, hugging Kylie a second time.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I'm ok. just.... a lot to digest. Too much to chew on. I'm fine now. But looky! I'm doing a thing! she said, gesturing at everyone before picking up a rock and flinging it at Miu. Oi! Catwoman! Come meet the new blood! she yelled, before hugging Maria. It's all fine now though. And these lovely ladies are gonna be here training religiously for a bit. I'm starting a Ranger group to you know, Range the jungle here. Lord knows we need it. she said, gesturing at her recruits and smiling.

The two lovely elves back there will need sword training. And MIU! I swear! Get over here or I will Catnip you into meeting them! Kylie bellowed, hugging Miu tightly when she finally came over and laughing. Miu! guess what you get to do..... You get to help me make all of them... Just as fast on their feet as Us... Find your inner sadist and rejoice. Kylie giggled, before introducing everyone to everyone.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Understandable, all that was pretty intense. And um... did Giselle's harem grow in the last day or so?" Maria replied after Kylie answered her.

Miu did a couple of more upside down sit ups before flipping down and landing on her feet as she always did, cos cat woman. Returning Kylie's hug after coming over, Miu listened to what Kylie had to say before nodding. "Alright then, I'll make them so fast that they'll be a fucking blur in the jungles. They'll be able to outrun a panther they'll be so fast," she said with a smirk, looking over the Rangers. "Okay girls, since I'll be teaching you dexterity and speed, it's going to be tough. Because I don't allow my students to slack... period," she added to them.

While Miu began talking to them, Maria gestured at a seat on the porch, sitting beside Kylie and Amara, while Giselle sat on Kylie's opposite side. Lysa and Thessa stayed with Kylie and Giselle, while the others listened to Miu talking to them, telling them what they would be doing. "Hey Kylie, I uh... I got something for you. Something that I believe you need. Giselle and the others agreed with me too, so just uh... wait here a minute," Maria said, heading inside for now to get whatever it was she mentioned. Looking over at Giselle, Kylie would see she was a bit tense.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grinned and gave everyone her most encouraging thumbs up. Go on girls. You'll need her training, believe me. she said, shooing them after Miu who promised to work them until they died and came back to life faster.

Following Maria and sitting down, Kylie read in her demeanor immediately that something was off. And she waited like she was told, leaning into Giselle. She's gonna do something you both think will make me mad... Isn't she. she said, bracing herself ahead of time so she could meet whatever this was like a calm and rational person. If Giselle thought this was necessary, then she would stay calm and accept it.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Probably... yeah," Giselle said softly, hugging Kylie.

They sat there and waited for Maria to come back, with Giselle remaining tense the entire time. Maria soon came back and had a beautifully crafted wooden case, and she nodded to Kylie and gestured her out to the sparring ground. "Kylie, this is for you. And you need to learn how to use swords. Me and Giselle have been talking about this and we think that you need this," Maria said with a serious face as Miu stopped talking and watched, as Maria handed Kylie the case.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie raised an eyebrow at the case, before following Maria out into the sparring yard, Amara present and watching, as was Miu and all the girls she'd just recruited. They had quite the audience.

Taking the case, Kylie opened it up and rather then explode, which was probably what both Maria and Giselle had been worried might happen, like it had the last time she'd seen these, she set the case down on the ground carefully and ran her hands over her brother's blades.

They hummed softly to her at least with a life all her own, like the last pieces of Reggie had been transmuted into the steel, and in their own way, that wasn't far from the truth. The wear on the handles from practice, the scratch on the left blade near the hilt from a sparring match with Gestalt long before, and the rose order seal on the pommels.

Her mouth was a tight, thin line, but she wrapped her gauntleted hands around the grips and lifted both blades. Mithril was light, but even these had a respectable weight to them, despite not having the flashier pieces many dueling longswords had... like... even basic crossguards. It spoke to the density of the metal, and the credit of whatever had managed to break one of these blades before.

Her heart bled holding both of these swords. And it showed on her face, but she looked around at where she was, and at Maria and then Giselle, and slid into the stance she'd used against Gestalt, one blade forward the other back, parallel to the ground and regarded Maria.

And then something clicked, again she felt a rage threaten to overtake her as something inside her strained and then broke, but it wasn't anger, it was like an electric current or a howling wind inside the assassin. her tattoo itched terribly and the grass immediately around her shriveled and died as she drew in hard reflexively, almost hungrily... Before a halfling tugged on Amara's robe. What I've waited for for years is happening. she told the angel, violet eyes spinning in her head as she regarded Kylie. One plan sundered, and you place the keys to another awakening in her hands. You must be prepared for what comes next Angel.This awakening will be far more abrupt then what I had twisted fate before to do. she continued, before a crow flapped down, seeming in a panicked rush, landing and bursting into the form of a crowned woman dressed in violets and dark blues, pale skin pulsing with dread power. What have you done... she whispered, watching what was happening to Kylie in dread fascination.

And indeed, the others were now regarding her as well as her brown hair flew back, pushed hard by a sudden, surging breeze from the coast, and the color in it bled like crimson from a mortal wound, leaving it silver along with her eyes. Tracers of raw energy snapped through the air around her, but Kylie seemed oblivious to it entirely.

The protections on this place have stalled her. She will die if you do not free her from the ward, or she does not manage to destroy it. the halfling breathed. Wee Jas! What have you Done! I ended this game before with her brother and again in Hespera! What final trick have you played! the Raven Queen shouted, snatching up the halfling woman easily and raising her off her feet, shaking her. You could never hope to beat me on a board of my choosing when you don't know the rules young one. My experiment lives. Amara, if you value the girl dying in front of you. Release the wards. Vryloka... She will not kill you. Fight her with everything you are. Help her wake up. Make her whole again. she said to Maria as Kylie stood transfixed, seeming midway between a transformation and simply collapsing in on herself, the temple crackling with energy that was seeking desperately to contain whatever legacy Reginald's swords had awakened.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie lifted the blades from the case, she saw that they had been beautifully remade for her. Maria had obviously taken the time to help choose the style with which to remake the things. Maria was standing a few feet away and awaited Kylie's response, drawing her own blade and watching her close friend. Amara looked down at the halfling who suddenly appeared at her side, her wings fluttering as she stood there.

"Indeed. I can feel the power in there. I will not let anything happen to her if I can," Amara said to the halfling.

After a few moments, while The Raven Queen and Wee Jas were bickering, Amara rushed forward, and suddenly Kylie felt an incredibly powerful burst of magical energy rush through her, on top of what all was already there. Amara placed her hand on Kylie's chest with tears in her eyes. "Mother... sister... please give me strength. This will hurt!" Amara cried out as her hand emitted another powerful magical energy and coursed it through Kylie.

Something inside of Kylie snapped suddenly, and she felt her body, her mind, her very core beginning to change in an odd way. The transformation that had been taking place began flowing again and she felt it taking hold of her even more. Maria waited for Kylie to stand back up and make the first move as an explosion of energy blasted Amara away, where the angel crumpled up on the ground and began writhing in agony. Maria charged at Kylie then, and swung her sword with all her might, trying to help her body adapt.

"Kylie... get a hold of yourself please. I don't want to see my friend die. Wake up damn you, and be Kylie again," Maria cried at Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

All hell broke loose as Amara bit the bullet for Kylie, surging the Assassin with energy that set everything back into motion, the magic of the temple rising like a tide before crashing and breaking harmlessly around Kylie rather then holding her in limbo.

As Maria launched herself forward to force Kylie back to herself, she found herself very confused, and in danger as Kylie split, like something had torn the woman down the middle into two different versions of what was certainly Not the human she knew.

Standing to her left and holding one sword, was the platinum haired woman she'd seen transfixed, wind surging around her as the sky above darkened, flashing with an ocean storm that was now surging and building to a forte as energies long held in check inside the Assassin were given fresh and powerful new life. There was murder in those eyes. And to her right was an eagerly smiling Kylie holding the other blade, her eyes a blazing gold and her hair an earthy brown. There wasn't murder, but the joy of combat blazing there, both regarding her before Maria leapt back into action as the Kylie that smelled of Storms and Wind turned her blade up, Maria moving to parry immediately before the other was on her other side, both forcing her back.

Maria truly had to show her own skill now, as while Kylie had never mastered a long blade, she was fighting Kylie awakened to her true self, both side of her soul manifested into physical being and the combat that whirled now in the sparring yard would be a thing of legend. Maria was tapping reserves she hadn't touched in a long while as both women, stinking of elemental energy and refusing to let up forced her to truly fight her. The raven queen had let go of Chesire, both watching, Chesire smiling widely and chanting over Amara to ease the task of the angel, and the Raven Queen looking like she'd been punched in the gut. What have you done... she lamented, as the Storm went high while The Earth struck low at Maria, the Vryloka having to parry the top blow before leaping back and rolling away, the Storm flanking hard left and the Earth rushing forward.

This unnatural state of being didn't last however as the two souls that were Kylie couldn't maintain this state without more ambient power to draw on, and indeed as both girls came in towards Maria for what would certainly be a finishing blow, they both slammed back together into Kylie as she Truly was.

Maria parried one blow, and then the next, both swords turned aside as the assassin spun in the air, her now white hair flaring around her face as she turned, her eyes a shocking silver and the storm above them deepening, roiling, boiling in the sky. Lightning arced down towards the assassin, or rather, where she was now, as Maria's return blow was dodged not with grace, but with a teleport that left her standing 10 feet away, the lightning splashing harshly around Kylie... but harmlessly, if anything the assassin absorbing a good portion of it and arcing with energy herself, the electricity rolling along her blades. But now Maria was on the offensive, abusing the fact that Kylie was not as skilled as she was by using her katana to ruthless efficiency, forcing Kylie back with blows that would truly injure her if she hadn't had both swords to counter with. But the strength Kylie was returning the blows with was far above a humans, now on par with the half vampires and the electricity arcing along the blades and into Maria's katana was causing her to falter, to miss blows, giving Kylie more chance to come back at her despite the difference in skill.

Faster it all whirled, Maria pushing harder and harder, sliding into the superhuman heritage that was hers to own to pressure Kylie, only to have Kylie match that speed and more as she ported around the Priestess, forcing her now to ward off spinning, tempest like blows of her own, the assassin always spinning, always moving, putting both blades to use as each blow brought a pivot and a second to match it. Another bolt of lightning from the storm above seperated them, and Kylie literally drew in a matching bolt from the sky and inhaled it, her body glowing now with blue and silver lines where her leather armor didn't cover it. But it was clear who was the better swordsman, Kylie's leather showed shallow cuts and there was a line on her cheek, thin and bleeding. Maria was unscratched, at least by blades.

Do it girl. Wake up. Chesire breathed, the Raven Queen moving to act only to have Lloth and Sehanine appear in front of her. She is our chosen. You have no right. Sehanine said, Lloth nodding and barring her path, the Raven Queen looking at them both before a large, blonde, bearded man wearing half plate and holding a massive axe set a hand on her shoulder. Do not insult this combat further. She is being born. Baptised in fire, awakened in combat. I too will not allow further meddling in her life from you. She is awake. She is no longer mortal. She is beyond your control. he said, those his eyes were sad.

Kylie was meanwhile flying back at Maria, who in a move no one expected, dropped her blade, and grabbed Kylie's wrist, throwing her hard into the ground by flipping her and pinning her, howling in pain herself now as the electrical current the Assassin had picked up tried to throw her off. But it was pointless. Maria would not let her go, refused to let her go. And slowly, finally, the current faded, the sky cleared, and Kylie blinked, confused, groggy, but alive. Feeling frighteningly, powerfully alive.

The various gods, who only Amara would see, except for Chesire, nodded at the conclusion as Kylie became whole again. leaving one by one, Lloth and Sehanine smiling at Kylie from their place until the Raven Queen left her in peace, no longer able to affect her life while Chesire moved to help Amara rise, and then stood over the pair. There she is. There's the beautiful creature I helped create. But, there's one last thing to address isn't there. she said, reaching down to place her hand on Kylie's chest, and then drawing it back, a large leatherbound tome rising from Kylie's body as wisps of smoke only to settle in Chesire's hand. So much trouble for this. But it kept you alive, held your souls in stasis. It was the last act of your brother you know. Imprinting his last thoughts and wishes here, simply to protect you. You were never meant to be seperated from eachother like you were. But even in death he guarded you. Let him rest Kylie, even if you were at fault for his death, you know he'd never want it to hurt you like this. Assassin's Die, that's simply their fate. But you're not an assassin anymore are you dear. You were human when you were conceived but I meddled with you and your brother. Made you more. You have so much to do in this world and you would need time to do it. My last experiment, the last act of true power. To bind your body and soul to the power of the elements around us. she said, Kylie listening, still reeling from the battle, and Maria likewise incapacitated. Giselle was standing to the side, not interfering, but she strode forward now and slapped the halfling hard enough to send her reeling to the ground, fuming above her.

What have you done to my Kylie! she shouted, drawing her hand back for another blow, Amara intercepting her and shaking her head as Chesire rose and finished what she was saying.

Kylie and her Brother were both Stillbirths. They would have died then and there if I hadn't interfered. Which is why the Raven Queen is so keen to keep them from growing. They were never meant to be alive like this. Kylie is more Atronach then Human, more construct then mortal. But she's still Kylie, she's still the woman you love. Isn't that all that matters? I had no grandiose plans or plots. Only to see if I could create life where there was none in a way no one had yet to do. And I succeeded. A victory over my successor she never anticipated, a game she could never win. Kylie needed her brother more then any of you understand. Their souls were bound to one another by the process, when he died, her soul split, magically, to compensate for his loss and wreaked havoc on her mind. her moods. and her psyche. This all has made her whole. She could have lived a human life, died as a human, but she'd have been broken, unable to accept happiness, unable to move on. Now her natures have been rejoined as her body forces it with it's awakening. Rejoice, I've given you and your children immortality. Freedom to live here with you forever. And this damnedable book? Well... see the Amaranthine seek this. Chesire said, turning it to ash in seconds. She is Free. See who she always was. Chesire said, staying firmly focused on the here and now as Kylie rose, bringing Maria with her.

She stripped off her armor, inspecting her own body. Fine silver lines whirled and whorled down her limbs, pulsing with that same silver and blue light and her eyes and hair stayed silver and white. She was in tune with her elements, those of her more combative nature, but seeing Giselle softened her features and her eyes shifted to gold, glowing again with her love. Soon enough the power faded leaving Kylie as she normally was, save her silver hair and her eyes seemed to have naturally adopted a likewise moonlight tint to them instead of their usual hazel.

I'll leave this to you all. I. Want a cup of tea. Amara my fine host, shall we make a cup? let everyone... digest this? Chesire said, smiling and heading towards the temple, the Angel flailing after the strange shaman halfling in a panic.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The fight between Kylie and Maria continued on, with everyone watching intently, the new Ranger girls looking quite worried, while Giselle watched with a terrified expression. As the blades rang out against one another, Maria's skill with a sword truly began to show, as she began overwhelming Kylie not too long in. It didn't last though as Kylie pushed back, and the fight dragged on, with Kylie clearly having the better stamina.

As Kylie flew at Maria once more when Lolth and Sehanine both stood before the Raven Queen and blocked her path, with Kord himself there as well, Kylie's mind and soul began to resonate in harmony again, finally starting to equalize and calm down. When Maria dropped her blade and grabbed Kylie, it was clear that she was struggling through the pain and agony that came from the arcing lightning. Maria refused to let Kylie go, not when she finally had her pinned to bring her back to them.

"K-Kylie... wake up please!" Giselle cried out as Maria pinned Kylie down.

Kylie's consciousness snapped back to normal like a rubber band almost, where she saw Maria's face first before her, a very pained expression on it, but she also looked relieved. Maria slid to the side and collapsed down, with Chesire now stepping over after helping Amara up and pulling the large tome from Kylie. As Giselle rushed over and struck Chesire as hard as she could across the cheek, she couldn't help but fume over all of this, probably the angriest Kylie had ever seen her fiance.

Giselle listened to what Chesire said, though looked no less livid. When she finished talking about the whole ordeal at Kylie's and Reggie's birth, Chesire made to help Kylie up, but Giselle stepped in and did so herself, holding her tight. Chesire allowed Giselle this, and made to help Maria up instead. "I'll leave this to you all. I. Want a cup of tea. Amara my fine host, shall we make a cup? let everyone... digest this?" Chesire said. However, Maria didn't get up as Kylie stripped her clothing off, while Maria watched. "Oh dear... unexpected consequences are always the worst," Chesire said, looking down at Maria.

Giselle looked to Kylie and practically dove down to roll Maria over, where they saw the shorter of Reggie's old blades sticking in Maria's torso, just between the bottom two ribs on her right side. Maria wasn't unconscious, and had obviously been hiding this for Kylie's sake, not wanting everything to stop because of her. Amara rushed over, despite her weakened state, where she reached down and pulled Maria into her lap. "She needs blood... now, strong blood. I would give it, but I cannot do that and heal the wound too," Amara said, looking to Giselle and then Kylie.

Amara slowly pulled the blade out, setting it aside, and Kylie saw Maria's eyes changing color to a deep red, with catlike pupils and an almost feral look in them. Giselle leaned down, offering her neck to Maria unless Kylie stopped her, though Giselle looked more than willing and more than happy to do it. "Don't worry Maria, we'll take care of you," Giselle told Maria gently.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie watched impassively as she saw what had happened, her body still arcing around her slightly with contained energy. She waved Miu and the girls away while Maria put on her scary face and Amara saw to the wound.

But she noticed something and stopped Giselle from offering herself, pointing to Maria, who's hair was starting to rise, as was Amara's. Step back Love. she said, very little emotion to her voice as she tried to drink everything in, while she raised her hand. The sword had been charged just like her body still was, and the storm wasn't clear yet. She was basically a fucking lightning rod and Maria was holding the current.

The bolt lashed down against Kylie's hand and arced around into the ground, avoiding everyone, the sparks that would have showered nearby soaking into Kylie again, Kylie glowing even brighter, before she knelt down. Using the same blade she cut her wrist on it, even the blood holding a sheen now, as she pressed the wound to Maria's mouth. Drink up, Ride the lightning Maria. she said, Maria able to Taste what Kylie actually was now. The grass underneath them died, so did several earthworms, and an ant colony nearby as Kylie seemed to breathe in with more then her lungs, and the blood she gave Maria sang with the magic that was part of who Kylie was. And she had plenty to give. She was violently charged up, her body would replenish whatever Maria took easily enough with so much energy to work with, though it wouldn't last long. Lightning never did.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria drank deeply as Kylie offered her wrist up to her, her lips slurping noisily on Kylie's wrist. Maria was in agonizing pain as Amara began sealing the wound on her abdomen, the Vryloka groaning in agony, her eyes wincing as well. As Kylie basically sapped the life from the ground, she felt a hand on her shoulder and when she looked over it was Chesire. "Be careful little one. Do not abuse it, and do not misuse it. That sort of power needs responsibility or a lot of bad things can happen. If you aren't careful, you could wind up taking the very life force from those you love," Chesire told Kylie seriously, making sure that Kylie understood her words before releasing Kylie's shoulder.

Amara's healing magics soon had Maria's wound sealed up, and Maria's eyes slowly faded back to their normal colors and were no longer feral looking. Maria's eyes closed, and at first a few of the others thought the worst had come, until they saw Maria gasp softly when Kylie finally pulled her wrist away. Before anyone else could do anything, Giselle nodded to Kylie and picked Maria up in her arms and carried her inside, but waiting for Kylie to walk with her. "Kylie... are you in there sweetie? Please... don't tell me that I've lost you," Giselle asked, obviously worried for both of her lovers.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It's hard. There's a hunger there... I want to just open the floodgates in the sky and swallow the storm... Kylie whispered before Maria came back to them and she pulled her wrist away. Giselle picked her up and they began to move inside, Giselle asking if she was still her. Chesire did the kind thing and collected her gear as she moved around naked so she could inspect herself.

I'm here Love. It's still me. I promise. Snap your fingers and I'll moan like a bitch in heat to prove it. she whispered to Giselle, now that Maria was no longer in danger.

Kylie replaced the swords in their case and set it on the table, regarding them before kicking her legs up and looking herself over. She certainly looked a bit different.

Her skin still had swirling silver and blue lines pulsing like extra veins almost but made of light and her steps felt even lighter then before. Indeed, she had to be careful not to move her hands around too quickly just yet. Reaching for a cup of tea carefully as she'd nearly sent the first one flying. She waited for Giselle to come back, and smiled at her weakly.

I didn't mean to hurt her... I'm sorry Giselle. she said, looking between Giselle and Amara a bit confused and worried. So this is all confusing as fuck. Short Person. Explain... Or swear to god I'mma smack a bitch through the wall... she said, glowering at the halfling and crackling with energy she still hadn't managed to burn off. Then she noticed her hair was white when her bang flopped over her eye and she looked up. Well that's interesting.... Seriously, what the fuck is this. What do you mean Atronach. Construct. What, I'm a fucking Golem? she asked the halfling, looking less angry and more considering to beat the answers out of the halfling if she didn't answer quickly enough.

Chesire sighed and sat down, taking a cup while Giselle stayed with Maria who was nestled on a bedroll on the floor, sleeping off her healing. You are at least in part, a Golem. A magically created living thing. But you have a soul, a freethinking mind, a Human mind. Complicated magical theory I'll skip. But in short I tied your life with that of the elements that resonated most strongly with you. Notably Wind and Storms. Your brother resonated with the Sun, and with Water. You, because of his passing, possess all 4. I'd say you picked up the 5th, an affinity with the Earth as well. But you swallow up earth energy so easily that it can't be the case. You erode the earth like the other 4 elements should. but I hid what you were by sealing it until you'd been exposed to enough magic to awaken it. You naturally absorb magical energy to a point. Especially that of your elemental types. Your Tattoo work only made that part of you stronger and served to hasten things along. The Codex your mother hid inside you at my suggestion, where it would be safe. But then the Raven Queen got wise to what I was doing. As I said, you and your brother would have both died during birth had I not done what I did. I gave you both new chances at life. Immortal Unnatural life, yes. But life. The Raven Queen wouldn't have it, so she cut your brother's thread when it was his time, Don't hate her, it is her place to do so. And her right. She is a God you don't have to like it. She did not engineer his death, merely collected on it when it happened. He was not awakened like you are now, he was still mortal. Had I been there I would have stepped in. she explained, Kylie looking absolutely Livid at this revelation. There'd be no forgiveness on that count.

You already have your revenge. You exist outside of her control, and so does Giselle and her Sisters soon enough. I'll do it for you just to piss her off. Though that will be the end of this body and my time here on this plane for the next several years. If you'll accept that as penance for my own machinations in your life. I can bind their lives to yours, but you can only do this 5 times. 2 will account for Tina and Delilah. Giselle is a freebie. That leaves you 3 more people to choose to live as immortals with you. Maria would be another I assume. Your children will all share your heritage. Try not to overpopulate the planet. she said, sipping on her tea and regarding Kylie as the Assassin thought things over.

Kylie sat there for a long moment, before finally sighing gustily and nodding. Yes. I'll accept that. But it must be consentual. I will not burden someone with an unending life if they don't want it. And you will stay long enough to explain in Full what I am to me. Kylie said, insisting on a more thorough explanation.

Amara wanted it too, because she was now standing over Maria protectively and seemed to be feeling Kylie out. Giselle was listening. Quietly, Maria's head laid in her lap, still afraid that Kylie had been lost in this transformation.

And then all hell broke loose again as Hazel charged in through the door and shot the halfling with a glare that would fell an elephant. I'm going to end you Fallen G.... Kylie? What in the hell? Chesire immediately replied by moving her finger in a line in the air, Hazel's mouth snapping shut so she could continue with her explanation, Hazel cursing muffledly as she failed to open her mouth at all. Shhh, the God is talking now. behave. Kylie, you are an Elemental, but not to any specific one. But rather a wide set more based in the magic of creation then in the elements themselves. You live, eat, and breathe magic, it's tuned into your body. You can't cast spells the way a mage can, but likewise a mage would have a very hard time doing any real damage to you. Since you'd absorb most of what they threw at you. This island, Melona's Tear, rests on a powerful Node where leylines intersect, and you draw on that. Its part of why you're so comfortable here. Likewise you chose a Siren as your mate, Siren's are in tune with water magics. Their music is an elemental magic bred into their very bodies. Woven into their souls. This speaks to you, as it's an element you share with Giselle and her Sisters. Water. Wind. Lightning, and Sunlight. Those are what make up the energies of your life, though Wind and Lightning hold the lions share. Storms are when you're at your most powerful, your peak. But you're comfortable under the sun, unbothered by normally uncomfortable temperatures for a human, and likewise you have no fear of the water. You'll find you couldn't drown if you tried. You can breathe underwater you just don't know it. Who else would survive being knocked unconscious in the ocean. No one. she said, letting Kylie and Giselle put all the pieces together.

Chesire gave everyone a moment to think on it, but Hazel seemed to be quite ready to try murdering the godling before Amare jerked her head towards a chair and sat down. It was a first for Kylie to see the succubus pout.

Amara knows what you are, or rather what you very closely resemble, she can help you learn without getting yourself injured, or blowing up a building. You can't cast spells but like right now, if you're overjuiced, something might... explode.. So. Learning is good So while Maria there is teaching you to swing a sword the right way, Amara can have you focus on not killing the grass or causing a nor easter to pop up. she continued, pouring herself another cup of tea.

So. I'm gonna go start on that, keeping your family all together like you should. Like I believe you have the right to. And you can prove to Giselle you're still you, just with a new coat of paint, or rather, with the fake one peeled away. she said, fading away while the storm outside built up into a true nor easter, wind starting to pick up. Miu however remained ruthless and kept the trainees running. Shouting over the wind that they'd have to run in the rain at some point anyway.

That left Kylie alone with the others, Hazel fuming at the spot where the halfling had been. So... That all went right the fuck over my now shiny white head. Someone explain. Amara, you're all magicy right? hazel maybe? Someone? I swear if you don't I'll steal all your silverware. Kylie said from her spot, proving beyond a doubt she was still Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie answered Giselle, she could tell that she was sorely tempted to do just as Kylie had said and snap her fingers, if only she weren't carrying Maria. After they got inside, Amara looked to Aya who nodded and went to go get some tea, with Miu keeping the others outside to do their training to give Kylie and the others some privacy. "Don't worry, she'll be fine soon. You didn't hurt her Kylie. She fell on the blade when she dove at you I believe, so it was just as much her fault as yours," Giselle told Kylie, sitting down gently and setting Maria down while Yuki prepared Maria's bed for her.

After they all sat down to await the tea and Chesire began talking, everyone listened, the blonde haired bearded man having left, while Lolth and Sehanine both remained to listen, both taking seats and wanting some tea too apparently. "Do not worry about them overpopulating the world, we can see to that," Sehanine said with a knowing nod. "Succubi and angels are both immortals and all right, yet why have neither of them overpopulated you might wonder. It is because after a century or two, give or take, as it's different for each one, they become infertile for just as long a period of time if not longer, meaning they can have all the sex they want, yet never get pregnant, save very extenuating circumstances. My tattoos on Kylie and Giselle can help with that. Just a little additive to the mix is all it would take, something while they sleep. And also, when their children get old enough and don't wish to remain in the mortal realm any longer, there will always be a place for them with either of us, or in the Netherworld too as we both have great power there as well," Sehanine went on to say.

Chesire nodded to them, as if thanking them for that before continuing once she'd shushed Kylie back up. After Chesire finished talking after Hazel rushed in and was subsequently shushed as well, Giselle looked around at Chesire. "So that's why when Kylie said she shipwrecked here on the island, she hadn't drowned, even though everyone else did? And, Tina, Delilah, and me all noticed that our songs had a lot more effect on Kylie than they ought to have for a normal human," Giselle asked curiously, taking Kylie's hand in her own and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Aye, but Kylie is not just a Genasi... or at least, not one that I've ever seen before really. Like you said, she's something new, something... unexpected," Amara said, looking over at Kylie as Aya brought in the tea.

"I think I can get used to this new look for my fiancee. White looks good on you honey," Giselle said, brushing Kylie's hair back and kissing her on the lips.

"Well, it's tough to explain. But I'll do my best Kylie," Hazel said, finally able to speak again, where she did her best to do as Kylie demanded and explained how the magic stuff worked. Amara helped her along, explaining what Hazel couldn't, but by the end it mainly boiled down to Amara would teach Kylie how to keep her magics in check so she didn't sap the life out of everything around her, where Hazel would help her to focus her excess power out of her body so it didn't hurt her or anyone around her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie listened intently to everyone, and then said what they'd probably all wanted her to say for a long while. I understand... And I'll listen, and learn. And make peace with all of this. Things make more sense, there's part of me that used to be so distant that's back where it belongs. It all feels Right. If that makes sense... I'm sorry for being so unstable, I wont let things take control of me like they did in Hespera again. I'll be there for you all like you have been for me. she said, looking at Giselle and then to everyone else in turn, her eyes shining a bit but her emotions well locked in and stable, unusual for her after such a shock.

She was taking this in stride now. And she felt whole again, she could make peace with her brother's death it seemed, start to heal. The part of her that had been so far distant, so far removed from her physical self, was her ability to forgive. herself, and others. And it seemed it had finally clicked back into place where it had always belonged. It probably helped that the Codex she had been using as a battery of sorts was removed again. And she could see it that her sundered half had been using it as a measure of protection and control, pushing her emotions to force her to swallow what only half of her couldn't handle. It was gone now, she was as she was meant to be, and it showed in her eyes. The thaw had come, the ice had melted. And Giselle could feel it through the ring, that her Kylie, was starting to truly put herself back together. There was a unity in her now instead of the discordant and unpredictable chaos, and a calm acceptance of so many things washed through the link they shared, likely putting many of Giselle's fears to rest in a way. They could move on, live their life, free of Kylie's troubled past.

Eventually however, she stood, her body processing the extra energy finally and letting it bleed away, but her body didn't change back, it seemed this was truly what she would look like, or rather what her true self resembled.

Magical training tomorrow I think... I'd like to go home with my fiance... and I'd like to finally marry her in front of everyone I love here, at the temple if Amara and Hazel would do the honors, a week from today, we can invite everyone... I'd like to start this chapter of my life doing right by the woman who's stood by me with all my flaws longer then any other person would. she said, offering a hand to Giselle, and kissing her, before gently scooping up Maria and carrying her home. The girls would be fine for now, and knew to meet her at the house, or here in the morning for training. If they didn't show, well, it meant they didn't want to continue, and it was their choice. For now, they had to train, and she wanted to be with her family.

She'd carry Maria home without complaint, cradling the Vryloka to her chest, her brother's swords wrapped up in her other gear inside her bag, which Giselle carried for her, naked as the day she was born, and glowing with her heritage.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie finished speaking and promising not to be unstable like she had been in Hespera, Giselle just pulled Kylie against her and hugged her close, bringing one of Maria's hands up to join both of theirs. "We'll always be there for you Kylie, no matter what. I promised you that a while back remember," Giselle said.

"Of course I would be honored to perform the ceremony for you Kylie. I would rather it be here in Feynrial than in Hespera any day of the week. Because that means I could actually be there for it," Amara said with a happy smile when Kylie mentioned wanting to finally marry Giselle.

"Not before the house is finished though. I want to carry you across that threshold for the first time we move into it as a family Kylie," Giselle said, sounding very serious about that and not backing down one bit.

As Kylie stood there trying to bleed that excess power away, she felt a lot of it leave her, but not all. Some of it was being a bitch and not wanting to exit her body. Kylie felt Hazel's hands on her shoulders, giving her a gentle squeeze as she felt that last excess power leaving her body, where Hazel absorbed it. "Sorcery is a chaotic type of magic, and I'm a succubus as well, so I can handle a whole lot more magical power than most beings," Hazel told her reassuringly, letting Kylie know that she could bleed all her excess into Hazel without worry.

As Hazel bled off the excess energy, Kylie could almost feel the storm that was brewing beginning to die down, the sky still very cloudy, but starting to calm down now thankfully. When the tea had been served and everything, Amara offered Kylie a cup, insisting that she at least drink a little of it before they left. Yuki, who had fixed up Maria's bed for her didn't want to let them take the unconscious priestess, but Amara waved her off and said it was alright.

When Kylie picked Maria up and held her as they left, leaving Amara and the others there to drink their tea and relax after all that, Giselle walked right beside her. Lysa and Thessa decided to remain there with Miu, who had come in and told Kylie not to worry about the trainees, that she'd get them in shape for her.

"Kylie... sweetie. Are you okay?" Giselle asked as they walked home, just the two of them now, and Maria of course, but she was unconscious.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie hugged Maria to her tightly as Giselle asked her question, trusting entirely in Hazel and Amara to teach her how to handle her new abilities, and nodded. I am. It'll all work out. I'm sure it will. This... I only care about us and this place, my home. I spent so much time worrying about everything else that I was missing what was right in front of me most of the time. I'm ok. I glow in the dark... But I think that's kind of sexy actually. She said, smiling genuinely and letting Giselle know that she wasn't hiding her feelings, and instead handling them as they came.

So, I'm apparently immortal... Delilah will be thrilled she can stop worrying about that for me... And you can all be too, live with me, forever, with our children in this place. Kylie said finally as they walked, getting a few stares but mainly everyone putting two and two together. Kylie was always with Giselle, so looking different or not, that was who this white haired woman must be, wearing nothing but a collar.

Kylie was admittedly a little turned on by that thought, as she always was. but for now she had Maria cradled in her arms, and the house was coming into sight.

Cmon, let's get Maria in bed and we can show Tina and Delilah. she said simply, looking to get the surprise out of the way it seemed.