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First Fight!


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 26, 2010
Reputation score
It was the height of summer, and the evenings were long and lazy. Despite some desultory raids by small groups of goblins, even evil seemed to sleep in the impressive heat. That is, until now.

A tribe of goblins has somehow had the gall to march into a farmstead, and abduct the farmer's daughter. He ran full tilt to town, where he appealed to a small band of heroes to help save her. Our heroines pursued the goblins into the forest, running into a rearguard at the bridge over the Dun river.

The goblins are trying to force the heroines to retreat. If they succeed, the farmer's daughter will be captured - a rescue mission will be a dangerous option, abandoning her to the overlord means he will use her to his own nefarious ends.

The heroes are trying to defeat the goblins. They also win if they all escape from the rightmost section of the path, by making an additional move.

Special Map Rules:

The river is not particularly dangerous, but the steep banks mean that anyone moving OUT of the river needs 2 movement commands at once.
You can not move from a river area to the bridge.


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Re: First Fight!

Grace StormShield
Rhos Aedis
Nico the Witch
All start in Area 10

There are 3 goblins in each of areas 11 and 17, 5 on the bridge, and 5 in each of areas 13 and 19.

One goblin in area 13 and one in area 19 seems to be holding a blowgun.

Goblin stats:
Attack 7
Defense 0

Blowgun = Range 1 attack, if hit you take double damage from touch/fuck attacks for 5 turns.

Heroines declare your actions. If you want to wait for someone else's actions to happen before you move, that's allowed. I'll post the die rolls and results of each action that people have asked for, and when you've all acted, I'll do the bad guys turn.

I *think* this first battle should be pretty easy. I'll ramp up the challenge after this, if it all works okay.
Re: First Fight!

'Goblins... Filthy things...' Lorelai thought to herself as she moved to attack the nearest goblins first.

Lorelai does the following:
Move to area 11
Attack a goblin

Her Stats:
Attack - 7
Move - 6
Toughness - 10
Escape - 7
Resist - 10
Stealth - 6
Re: First Fight!

"For the lady of war!"

Move to area 11
Attack a goblin
Attack a goblin

Attack: 6
Move: 7
Toughness: 5
Escape: 7
Resist: 9
Re: First Fight!

Nico just scoffed at the numerous green creatures, her hand spinning an ever growing stream of fire "Annoying creatures."

Magic Attack one of the creatures on the bridge
Magic Attack one of goblins on #17

Attack - 6
Move - 8
Toughness - 10
Escape - 9
Resist - 9
Magic - 6
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Re: First Fight!

"Evil's evil I guess, though couldn't they have sent someone else to fight the midget men?"

Letting out a sigh, and with greatsword in tow, Rho Ahdis, as any proper paladin should...heads to slaughter the nearest goblins.

Move to Area 17.
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Re: First Fight!

Leaping in to action, the heroines rush forwards to engage the goblins, keen to remove this obstacle and pursue their foes.

Lorelai (Move, Attack, Hide): 4 6 6 4 8 9
*all succeed*

The slender rogue dashes forwards at the surprised goblins, Her blades flashing out. A spray of green blood fountains from a goblin's neck before he can react, and before the body hits the floor the rogue is gone, her foes glancing nervously around them as their fellow's body slumps to the ground...

Grace Stormshield (Move, Attack, Attack) 3 6 8 7 7 10
*all succeeed*

...As the scared greenskins glance around them, they have little time to find the elusive Lorelai, as Grace charges forwards - a battering ram where Lorelai was a darting rapier. Her great sword swings in huge arcs, battering a broken goblin to the side on each of two massive swings.

Nico (Magic Attack, Magic Attack) 3 2 7 1 8 9
*magic-7 attack-8 magic-9 attack - fails*

Further back down the path, Nico's eyes flickered in the reflection of the flames coiling around her hand. At a word they lashed out, coiling around the lead goblin on the bridge, and whipping away, leaving a charred corpse in their wake. She strained to control them, sending them shooting across towards the cowering greenskins, but the draw on her power was too much, and she gasped, the flames flying upwards into the sky and the witch momentarily stunned as the power left her.

*Nico has generated an opportunity, which the monsters would exploit, but there are none left close enough to move in to her area, so she's going to be okay*

Rho - I need clarification from you - you said to move to area 10, but you are already in area 10. There are now 3 goblins in 17, and 4 on the bridge, as well as the ones on the other side of the river. Lorelai and Grace have moved fowards into area 11.

(Also, you don't need to defend this turn. Monsters will generate threat on their turn, and you can defend on your turn after that.)
Re: First Fight!

( '-')/ \('-' ) <(^,^<) ( *u*)-[ Nothing to see here }
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Re: First Fight!

Lorelai grimaced as her blade sunk into a goblin's neck, avoiding the spray of green blood as she dashed into a set of bushes and lost any pursuit while the more heavily armored members of their little raiding party advanced and finished the diminutive monsters off. Seeing more of them to the South, the rogue moves to distract them, allowing her allies to advance across the bridge towards their true goal, rescuing the girl they had kidnapped. Much as she might dislike it, that distraction came in the form of further violence against the goblins, and her knife flashed once more as she darted forth.

Lorelai does the following:
Move to area 17
Attack a goblin

Her Stats:
Attack - 7
Move - 6
Toughness - 10
Escape - 7
Resist - 10
Stealth - 6
Re: First Fight!

Grace's blade swung in two great arcs slashing any goblin that got in its way leaving sundered corpses in its wake. Looking at the bridge 4 goblins stood in her way she would not let that poor farm girl become the Masters newest breeder. Moving forward she went to cut down two more of the green foe's.

Move: Move to the bridge area 30 if I read that right.
Grace Stormshield
Re: First Fight!

(We are still waiting on Keylo to clarify his round 1 actions before I can progress things, sorry guys. We will give him until Thursday, then I'll take his actions for him and do Round 2, to keep the game moving)
Re: First Fight!

((Err, I already editted my original post.))
Re: First Fight!

(Ah, I didn't see you'd edited the post - drop me a pm if you do that in future, to make sure I realise)

So area 17 is two moves away - I'm going to take that as "Move, Move, Attack Attack Attack Attack"

Rho (Move Move Attack Attack Attack Attack) 2 3 9 2 7 7 ( Move Move Attack Opportunity Given)

Rho sprints forwards, obviously unworried by these rather unimpressive foes. With powerful strides she covers the distance easily and barely slows as she approaches the trio of goblins.

The problem with this approach is the lack of balance - the paladin puts everything into a huge swing, designed to cleave all three goblins in half. It's too obvious though, and the first and third goblins duck the sweeping length of metal.

The third merely throws itself to the ground with a squeal, not managing even to attack the striding paladin (rolled a 1). The second falls in half, the sneer not even having time to leave its face.

The first goblin is the problem. A scar faced veteran, it ducks the blow aimed by the paladin by stepping forward, the short knife in it's hand perfectly slipping against the paladins side to sever the straps securing her plate armour. (Uses opportunity to strip Rho 1 level). The other hand comes up between her legs, but her momentum carries her past, bowling the goblin over (rolled a 5). Nevertheless, with the straps so neatly severed, the breastplate is more hinderance that help in a fight, and the paladin has no choice but to shuck it off before turning to face her foes.
Re: First Fight!

The other goblins charge forwards - the bloody deaths of their fellows not enough to override the temptation of sweet female flesh.
1 of the goblins in area 17 moves to area 16, flanking the heroes.
4 on the bridge - 2 move to Area 11, 2 to area 17
5 of the goblins from areas 13 and 19 move to the bridge, including both blowgunners

Enemies are now:

1 in 16
2 in 11
3 in 17
5 on the bridge (two are blowgunners)
2 in 13
3 in 19.

If your current actions are still what you want to do, let me know - You all chose them before the monsters moved in round one, so if you want to change them, go ahead.
Re: First Fight!

Lorelai grimaced as her blade sunk into a goblin's neck, avoiding the spray of green blood as she dashed into a set of bushes and lost any pursuit while the more heavily armored members of their little raiding party advanced and finished the diminutive monsters off. Seeing more of them to the South, the rogue moves to distract them, allowing her allies to advance across the bridge towards their true goal, rescuing the girl they had kidnapped. Much as she might dislike it, that distraction came in the form of further violence against the goblins, and her knife flashed once more as she darted forth.

No change from me.

Lorelai does the following:
Move to area 17
Attack a goblin

Her Stats:
Attack - 7
Move - 6
Toughness - 10
Escape - 7
Resist - 10
Stealth - 6
Re: First Fight!

Minor change on my part

Grace's blade swung in two great arcs slashing any goblin that got in its way leaving sundered corpses in its wake. Looking at the bridge 5 goblins stood in her way with two more heading in her direction. She would not let that poor farm girl become the Masters newest breeder. Moving forward as she cut down two more of the green foe's.

Move: Move to the bridge area 30 if I read that right.
Grace Stormshield
Re: First Fight!

"Oh~...." a little woozy from overexerting Nico quickly got her bairings again "Getting a little rusty" The witch turned her gaze towards the flanking goblin, best not to have any of these beasts near her.
Ripping a huge chunk of earth infront her Nico would use it to absolutely crush the flanking midget.

Nico snickered lightly at the sight of the paladin loosing her armor, well these creatures sure had interesting thoughts on their mind... but the Witch didn't come here to play or sightsee. Best keep her allies up in fighting form, with a flick of her wrist some energies flew out likely granting the knight a magical boon.

Attack - Magic 16
Magic Assist Rho

Attack - 6
Move - 8
Toughness - 10
Escape - 9
Resist - 9
Magic - 6
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Re: First Fight!

Lorelai (Move, Attack, Stealth) 5 1 2 9 3 2 (Ugh... Move, Opportunity)

Lorelai dashes across the road, seeing the veteran goblin distracted by his paladin opponent. Her knife darts forwards, straight and true, seeking its foul heart but instead of the spray of green blood, there is a metallic clunk, and the sudden smell of some foul goblin liquor as the goblin's flask saves him from injury. She struggles to free her knife, leaving her wide open to approaching goblins...

Grace Stormshield (Attack, Attack, Move) 4 9 10 10 5 5
*all pass*

She does not even glance at the goblins, skilled enough in battle to aim two sweeping blows, one to either side as she moves forwards, eyes focussed on the bridge. Two goblins fall to either side, one losing an arm, the other half his right leg as she strides past towards the bridge.

Nico (Magic Attack, Assist) 7 6 3 5 10 2
*all succeed*

(you can specify what you are assisting, I'm going to go with Attack as you didn't say)

The witch marshalled her powers again, gesturing with one hand and sending a lump of earth almost as large as the goblin to secure her flank. A final squeal, and a twitching foot emerging from under the pile was her reward. Then she turned her attention to the paladin. With a gesture, she sent magical strength to the paladin's aid, invigorating the warrior.

(Just Rho to go, and you have +1 to Attack score this round thanks to magical assistance. There are 2 enemies where you are, and 5 on the bridge, by my tally)
Re: First Fight!

Still waiting to Keylo, but a minor adjustment - Rho gets a FREE ATTACK SUCCESS this turn due to magic, not a +1 (Which would be totally lame).

Apologies, and let me know your moves as soon as you can, Keylo. :)