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Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Disclaimer: The 'Lore' used to create these kinds of threads are from my ideas alone, parts of which may be taken from many different sources such as ancient folklore, games, literature, rumor and anything in between, the idea is not to inform the reader so much as entertain them, please try to keep this in mind as you read as you may disagree with the content, it is altered specifically in order to make it more erotic and therefore, may contain passages which directly conflict with other beliefs concerning creatures of the same name. Once again, the content of this article is to entertain, not to inform, if you wish to disagree, please do so in a fair and reasonable manner, preferably in a place such as inside of the thread where discussion may be had regarding such philosophical differences.

Other 'Hentai Creature Lore' entries include....

- 'Tentacle'
-'Corrupted Flora'

Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus (Sakyubasu)


Appearance: The Succubus generally appears as a very attractive woman who may have discolored skin in different colors such as blue, red, purple or pink, although some Succubi have skin with is similar to that of a human, the most powerful Succubi generally have discolored skin.

Succubi have three common features which each succubus regardless of power level possess.

Her Horns: Every Succubus has at least small horns erupting from the top of her head, succubi are classified as demons, who also each have horns ranging from small to incredibly large, It is easy to identify a succubus because of her horns, but her horns can also be an indicator of the power that she possesses, Horns which appear simply as basic and pointy represent a newly created succubus (though the process of Succubization), or is a Succubus who is weak because she either refuses to feed or is unable to due to lack of available semen.

A Succubus Horns are also her greatest indicator of her aptitude when it comes to using magical abilities, or her physical strength.

An incredibly powerful Succubus' horns will appear to form into what appears to be an exquisite Tiara, these Succubi should be avoided at all cost.

Her Wings: A Succubus is Generally born with tiny wings which are useless, but as she grows in power, her wings do as well, eventually, a Succubus's wings will allow her to fly, and scout for her prey from high above land, a Succubus's wings will only become more powerful as she does, eventually able to be used as another appendages for her to use to aid her in subduing a victim.

A Strong Succubus's wings are also incredibly resilient against arrows and gunpowder, and Succubi who have become empowered to that point are able to use them as shields against weapons which utilize them, It is rumored that Succubus wings are also incredibly resilient to fire and arcane magics, but may be weak against cold based magics, though this is highly debated.

Her Tail: Finally, a Succubus's tail is another weapon in her Arsenal. All Succubi have a tail, which appears as a long generally black tail which is incredibly strong and quick and can be used on it's own to subdue a Succubus' prey.

However, A succubus is also able to open their spaded tail and attach it to the penis of one of their victims in order to feed from them. The Tail for a succubus acts as another one of the receptacles Succubi have for ingesting semen, the other ones being their mouth, their anus and their vagina of course.

With the suctioning action, the tail of a succubus can bring a man to climax incredibly quickly, and encourage constant ejaculation until the man is emptied.

It is debatable whether or not the tail is the most efficient tool for quickly siphon a man's semen, but it is often used in situations where the succubus wants to feed from many different men at once when her other orifices are occupied or if a succubus thinks she wont have enough time to rape a man before she is chased away.

It is known however that if a Succubus has the time to rape her victim, she will prefer to use her other orifices, as they appear to bring her more satisfaction.

Intelligence: Succubi are very intelligent creatures, who are able to think like men for hunting purposes. Succubi are known to use tactics in order to ambush or subdue their prey such as cornering a man in a place where he cannot escape or sneaking up to him undetected.

Succubi are able to communicate with Men just as easily as other humans are, this is because in their former lives, almost all succubi were sexually matured female women who learn a language far before they had been turned into a succubus, Because of this, Succubi are known to speak the same language as their victims, using their words to taunt or humiliate a man who they are stalking. Though once human, succubi have no empathy for their victims and will generally ruthlessly rape them regardless of whether or not they knew their victim in their previous lives.

Though still containing the mind of a human, a Succubus is generally only interested in hunting and feeding and have little room for hobby, generally preferring to perfect their craft.

Succubi are incredibly arrogant creatures who cannot be reasoned with, if you find yourself cornered by a succubus, there is little chance she will heed your pleas, seeing you simply as a morsel for her to devour.

In the past, attempts to bargain with succubi have been met with scorn, even when officials had offered to deliver to the Succubi bottles filled with their Semen so that they would not be subject to the spontaneous rape, the Succubi would refuse and rape their victims just for fun, even if a Succubus had a limitless supply of semen, their desire to hunt down and humiliate their victims is far too great.

Physical Attributes: All Succubi are stronger and faster than the average male human, even the weakest succubus should be able to overpower and outrun even the most physically fit man. The reason for this is because they are empowered by an unholy energy which they draw from, they are a terrible creature which acts as a human male's unnatural predator, because of this, human males are only rarely able to fight them on equal footing, the Succubus will usually know what a man is thinking and is generally able to anticipate his actions before he does.

As a Succubus power increases, so does her strength and speed; though she may appear to have smaller muscles or mass, it cannot be overstated that a powerful succubus is much stronger and quicker than any human.


Magical Attributes: In addition to being stronger and faster than a man, powerful Succubi also possess some magical abilities, all of which are aimed at confusing or debilitating a man.

Telepathy: The First Ability a Succubus learns is the power to whisper directly into the mind a man who is close by, seducing him with her words and promises of pleasure is sometimes enough for a man to give up and offer himself to the Demon willingly.

'Eye of Mesmerization': A powerful succubus can freeze a man dead in his tracks by making eye contact, the man will find himself incredibly aroused immediately and be unable to move any part of his body while the succubus does whatever she wants with him, this is particularly useful for her when the man is covered in armor, which will allow her time to remove it and access his genitals.

'Fragrance of the Rose': A Powerful Succubus naturally emits a powerful pheromone from her genitals which if a man breaths in, he will almost instantly experience hallucinations of him having sex with the succubus. He will lose all bodily control and no longer believe he is in reality, the Fragrance is also believed to activate a male's semen producing organs and briefly accelerate their function, resulting in greater yield from his ejaculation.

A man will also experience increased pleasure in this state, making it extremely difficult for him to resist a succubus' embrace.

Telekinesis: Powerful Succubi have been known to be able to not only lift their victims from the ground, but take their clothing off without even physically touching them, the most powerful of succubi have been known to be able to instantly shred any clothing or armor a male is wearing.

Power of the Elements: Rarely, Succubus have been known to possess advanced magical abilities, such as the ability to conjure up fireballs or cause lightning strikes, though these powers are rarely used in defeating a man, they can be useful for destroying fortifications and ballistic weapons.

Anatomy: A Succubus body contains many of the same organ's that a human female's body would contain, although many of their organ's are made useless due to a Succubus no longer relying on them to survive, or their functions would change entirely, For instance, in a Human, the Liver and Kidney's are used to filter the body and blood of free radicals, In a succubus, these organs are repurposed, and instead are used to convert semen into an energy source which is immediately absorbed into the body, even Organs such as the Pancreas, which produce enzymes such as Insulin for human bodies to break down are repurposed and instead create enzymes for the absorption of energy into a succubus' body after it has been transformed from semen.

The most significant changes are to the Sexual Organs, which are improved to not only encourage semen extraction, but to store semen inside of so that not a drop escapes from her body.

The breasts of a succubus are permanently in a lactating state, and produce milk which is incredibly rich, sometimes a succubus will force a man to feed from their breasts in order to humiliate them, this method can also be used to feed a captive male.

The mouth for instance, is able to swallow faster, and also accept larger cocks, the removal of a Succubus' gag reflex means that she can take a cock deeper into her throat than any human could, A succubus' tongue is also
much more flexible and soft, which means she is able to arouse the man and bring him to come faster.

The Anus and colon no longer used for the purpose of disposing of excrement, is repurposed as well, her anus is now able to suck inward rather than push outward and with greater control of her muscles, she could effectively trap a man inside of her, should she wish to. The texture of a succubus' anal cavity is much the same as a humans, but any semen which is ejaculated into the Succubus will be pushed inward towards the stomach by her colon rather than out, Semen is also able to be stored here in the colon in the event that a succubus's stomach becomes full, allowing her to utilize much more of her body for storing recently captured semen.

Finally, the Vagina is enhanced incredibly, also to control each specific part a muscle inside of her vagina, the succubus is able to encourage a man to ejaculate easily, should she choose to do so, Succubi employ a wide range of techniques and maneuvers, taking pride in the number of different ways she can pleasure a man with that part of her body, even going so far as to name each technique. The Vagina of a Succubus is designed specifically to pull semen from the Penis and store it in the uterus, which sucks it up very quickly after it has been deposited into the vagina, It is believe that any semen absorbed by the Vagina will be able to be converted into energy almost immediately, but her Uterus is able to absorb excess amounts of semen and hold it in the event that she finds herself able to rape many men within a short period of time, when a Succubus absorbs the semen from a great many men in a short period of time inside of her Vagina, her belly may balloon temporarily, appearing almost as if she were pregnant, one of the most noticable differances between a human female's vagina and a Succubus' Vagina is the amount of lubrication produced. Often time a Succubus' Vagina will be so lubricated that she will constantly be dropping beads of lubrication while she moves, If the succubus decides to wear anything to cover her Vagina (Some Succubi choose to do so) it will almost assuredly be drenched in the fluid of her moist Vagina, the pooling effect creates a well of juice, which emanates a fragrance which is said to be irresistible.

Diet: The staple of a Succubus diet is of course, Human male Semen, which not only feeds them, but allows for them to become more powerful.

Succubi are known to stalk their prey, waiting to pounce on their victim using their superior physical and mental attributes.

Succubi are masters of feeding from their victims, able to use their vagina, mouth, ass and tail at the same time to feed from four different men, should the situation present itself.

Once a man has ejaculated inside of them, the man is generally put to sleep by a combination of the exhaustion and the mental command of the succubus, who with her close proximity to the man, is able to issue his brain specific commands.

Succubi are tireless consumers of semen, and are able to accept the ejaculations of hundreds of men into their anuses, vaginas and stomach before they become full. There are stories of a single succubus making her way through a barracks full of men and draining them all before finally leaving.

If a Succubus is unable to feed on semen for a couple of days, her power will steadily decline temporarily, she may find herself unable to fly or use any of her magical abilities, relying purely on her superior strength and dexterity to catch and rape her victim.

It is very difficult for a Succubus to starve, as they are able to survivor for almost a month without any semen at all, they have also been known to be able to consume meat from any animal in order to feed themselves, although this is less than ideal and may eventually lead to them becoming weakened.

Appetite and preparation: Succubi are generally satisfied when eating a minimum of three meals per day, one for each time of the day such as the morning, evening and late afternoon and as such, she will be searching for her prey during these hours, generally however, Succubi are always searching for their next meal, even if it is doing preliminary research into a potential catch later in the day. Succubi are not only great hunters, but watchers as well, having incredibly enhanced vision which allows them to detect movement from over a half-mile away, therefore they can observe from a vantage point the actions of many potential targets and get to learn their patterns of behavior. For instance, if a man is a farmer, she will be able to eventually determine what time the farmer goes out inside the fields.

People with such jobs which are repetitive and focused on doing things in open space are of particular danger of being attacked by a succubus if she has taken up residence in their area.

Though a Succubus can be satisfied with three meals per day, sometimes they see an opportunity to consume more, and any succubus is capable of consuming up to 2/5 of their own weight in semen at any time, if a succubus sees an opportunity to attack a large number of males she feels as though she can subdue and defeat, she wont hesitate to do so, this action is known as going on a 'feast'.

'Feast': Occasionally, a Succubus will discover an opportunity for her to go on a predatory rampage called a 'Feast' generally this kind of event is brought on my the gathering of a number of males in a relatively small area, such as a festival or a group hired in order to conduct a harvest at the end of a season, Occasionally, a Succubus may even attack a group of soldiers or militia if she feels as through she is strong enough to defeat them, when a succubus becomes especially bold and powerful, she may decide that directly attacking human villages or towns is better than stalking her prey, doing so almost always results in a feast.

Because a Succubus is naturally stronger than a man, her ability to attack a group and feast upon them is determined by the strength she has gained, the more powerful she is, the more confident and bold she becomes when attacking large groups of men, a newly created succubus would rarely consider themselves strong enough to attack such a group, but a veteran succubus who has fed from hundreds or thousands of men may consider actively look for such opportunities in addition to their normal stalk and rape cycle.

When a Succubus is conducting a 'feast' she will generally try to disable as many men as she can before she begins feeding on them, using her eyes and powerful fragrance to inflict the men with debilitating effects as she disarms them and strips them of any clothing or armor they may be wearing, once a succubus has disabled enough of them, the feeding commences and the succubus will quickly mount subdued men in order to quickly drain them and cause them to ejaculate inside of her, situations like this commonly involve the succubus using her tail to latch onto nearby subdued males and quickly draining them while she shoves as many cocks inside of her other orifices as she can.

Normally, a succubus would never use her hands in order to bring a man closer to ejaculation, but sometimes the situations warrents it, especially if she feels as though she may be chased off after some amount of time, the man is almost always finished inside of her however, as open ejaculation can be messy and succubi hate wasting even a single drop.

Ideally, once all of them men have been fed on and have passed out from exhaustion, the succubus leaves with a full belly of semen and returns back to her nest in order to rest.

Reproduction: Succubi are incapable of reproducing naturally, their bodies are tailored specifically to suck semen from the bodies of males and then convert that semen into energy for themselves, however, Succubi are able to create new succubi though the process of 'Succubization'.

Succubization is the process in which a human female is transformed into a succubus. In order for another Succubus to be created, the Succubus must first be of sufficient power complete the process, weaker succubi, such as ones who have been newly converted or one's whose skin has not been discolored yet may be too weak to complete the process.

First, a Succubus must choose a candidate, this person is generally a young woman who is already attractive, the closer in appearance to a succubus the woman is before she is chosen, the easier the process will be to turn her into one, Once the candidate has been chosen, the Succubus will ambush her and take her clothing off, then, she will penetrate the woman's vagina with her spaded tail and fuck her with it.

Eventually, the succubus injects the woman with some of her own bodily fluid, fused with a fraction of her power, Within 24 hours, the women begins to grow her horns, a tail and her wings, and knows that if she goes back to her village, she will likely be killed for being afflicted, thus she herself is forced to become a predatory succubus in order to survive.

It is unknown why succubi choose to preform Succubization, though it is believed that once their bodies have matured enough (power wise), their body begins to feel the urge to release into the body of a female woman, and thus, they gain significant satisfaction from preforming Succubization.

Some incredibly powerful succubi have been known to preform Succubization thousands of times during their lifetimes, it seems that the more powerful a succubus is, the more often her body will want her to preform Succubization on an innocent woman, it is also a major reason why it is discouraged from deliberately feeding a succubus for pleasure, As the more powerful she becomes, the more Succubi are created overall.

Hunting Grounds: Succubi tend to hunt alone, and can be territorial in extreme cases. A succubus will generally choose a place where there are many men available for them to feed from and live nearby generally in caves or high up where they can look down from above at their prey, sometimes a Succubus may even find an abandoned house or cabin to live in, which is secluded.

Throughout much of the day a succubus will either walk or fly through their territory until they find a sufficient meal, once they have, they will attack and rape the male until she has fed, each succubus can have their own preferred method of rape, some prefer to taste the semen of each man they rape, while others enjoy pleasing themselves with their captive's cock in either orifice, most of the time the succubus uses a combination of methods throughout the day.

As mentioned before, a Succubus can become extremely territorial once she has taken hold of an area she considers her own, and Succubi have been known to fight each other for control of the territory, though these fights rarely result in the death of either succubus and generally result in the loser being forced to leave the Territory.

If a succubus finds a male who she really likes or one whose semen she finds incredibly delicious, she may choose to kidnap the male and bring him home in order to enslave him.

A Succubus will then take it upon herself to feed the man and keep him protected against other predators so that she can horde him for herself, This is an incredibly rare phenomenon however, as Succubi are free-spirited and generally don't want to be burdened with the task of caring for a specific male, especially when there are potentially hundreds of others she can catch.

A Succubus also enjoys hunting her prey, and to capture and subjugate one would take much of the pleasure out of it for her, even if a male is captured, he will generally be released once she grows tired of him, regardless of how good his semen tastes to her, she will likely grow bored of it eventually.


Tactics: A succubus will generally be able to detect a man from up to a mile away, her sense of Sight and Smell will lead her straight to him.

Once a man has been identified, a Succubus will generally stalk her prey and ambush him immediately if he is alone.

Once the man has been grabbed, the Succubus will immediately push him to the ground so that he cannot run away, this is easy for a succubus to do with her superior strength.

Next, the Succubus will undress him quickly, sometimes able to rip directly though lighter clothing or heavier clothing if she is powerful.

Once the succubus has gained access to the man's genitals, she will choose the method in which rape her, usually using her body to hold the man down.

If the succubus decides to rape the man orally, she will usually sit on his chest or face and let her vaginal fragrance to emanate into the man's lungs, which will weaken him significantly while she plays with the man's cock in her mouth.

If the succubus decides to mount the man, she will hold him down with her legs and arms drop directly down on his cock, usually while facing him in order to make eye contact with him.

As mentioned previously, a Succubus is sometimes able to rape many men at once, using a combination of holds and Mesmerization techniques to keep each one of them under control while she fucks them.

Conclusions and Practical Advice: If you notice that a succubus as taken up residence near you, try your best to avoid her whenever possible and if you are able, try to make plans to move away from her territory.

If you find yourself being hunted or stalked by a succubus, don't try to fight her. Immediately drop anything you may be carrying and take your pants off as soon as you can, then, lay down flat on your back and masturbate until she arrives, but don't force yourself to cum or she may become angry and punish you physically.

Once a succubus sees that you are conceding yourself to her, she wont try to forcefully bring you down, she will instead mount you and will fuck you with whatever method she wishes.

In order to avoid becoming mesmerized or dazed, don't look into her eyes, instead, look away from her and try not to breath in her direction.

With any luck, she will rape you quickly and leave you conscious (but perhaps exhausted).

In the future, try to avoid going to the same places where you tend to be raped by her, as she may make a habit out of finding you each day for an easy meal.
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Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

I'm Mamono Assault Force, and I approve this thread.
Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

Added: Reproduction.

Edit: 3 Pics added.
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Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

Almost exactly how my own version of succubi do it, very sexy/interesting. MGI's succubi can also use their tail to inject her fluids into her victim's body, if their tail is thin like the third succubi's tail, and a succubus with a particularly fat tail can open up her spade and just gobble a woman up into her body, and transform the girl into a succubus while she's trapped inside the succubi's body.

Not that this matters to you, probably. >.>

I'm just interested is all.
Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

I'm glad you like it. My favorite Succubus characters are all from MGQ2, there is something incredibly erotic about a predatory succubus who would hunt men for their semen.

The version i tried to implement takes some vampire traits as well, who are also predators of man, but for their blood instead, some vampires grow more powerful the longer they live and the more blood they ingest, i took the same concept and applied it to the succubus.

The most interesting aspect of all of this is the idea that succubi are virtually unstoppable for a man to defeat and act as their unnatural predators, in nature, alot of predators have developed traits which help them hunt their natural prey, in this explanation, the Succubus's natural prey would be the man, and she could potentially become strong enough to defeat hundreds of them at once, intent on feeding from each.

The end result is a highly erotic creature which seeks to dominate you if you are a man and forcefully convert you if you are a woman. either way, the concept is intriguing.

I will continue to update this post if i think of anything, i am also in the process of writing up a similar post involving Tentacles and perhaps other fictional and erotic creatures.
Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

depending on how eldritch you want you demons, and also the difference between semen sucking and soul sucking, it is possible you might want to include thought based abilities of lesser power. For example, the ability to manipulate a persons dreams, and then to take power from those desires that come from her predation inside these (in short, give people naughty dreams about her, then take energy from them).

Building upon that she might become aware of people who are masturbating over the thought of her. Their location and desires, possibly also drawing energy from their climax.

I've always found the addition of non combat abilities can round out a creature and in this instance add to help with domination of men. Although as i say it also depends on how much you want the creature to be about the semen or the soul.
Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

In this particular instance, my interpretation of the succubus would be interested specifically in his physical energy, but your 'soul' could be easy interpreted as maintaining your chastity by religious organizations which encourage avoiding and intentionally feeding succubus monsters in exchange for the obvious pleasure they can offer.

Intentionally feeding a succubus in the imaginary world i have described where succubi exist would encourage them to stay around an area and terrorize other men as well, not to mention gradually increase the succubus' power to the point where she begins to exert her will further as her hunger grows.

It would be good policy for any responsible governing party (such as an established religion) to warn their citizens about the dangers of doing so, and also suggest that violating this would endanger their 'soul's' chances of reaching heaven (or whatever).


concerning the 'Dreams' which could be induced on the local population i suppose it is possible, although it would take an especially powerful succubus to be able to subconsciously effect the minds of her prey from where ever she perched.

Mostly, the succubus is to be seen as a menace who stalks her prey until she is powerful enough to start assaulting them directly where they live.
Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

Added 'Intelligence' and 'Anatomy' as well as correcting some spelling and grammatical errors.
Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

Appetite and Preparation added as well as 'Feast'.
Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

I am writing a short story based on the lore here called 'Succubus Chronicle'. It can be found in the Erotica/Smut Section.
Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

Added Japanese name rq.
Re: Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus

like succubi and demons as much as i do then you would probably like the stories written by Many eyed hydra, they are very good however be warned SOME ARE NOT FOR THE FEINT OF HEART

Ill PM you the one i think is the best place to start