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Geography (Sturm)

Re: Geography (Sturm)

The girls watched the show, Dori whistling and Narin clapping enthusiastically as they got what they both wanted, though when she turned, and demanded help with her underwear, the girls shared a look. Smiling like cats, Narin walked behind her, and slid her hands up Claire's sides, slowly moving to gently grope her bare chest as she kissed her neck, and, if Claire turned to look, to meet her lips, her tongue slipping into Claire's mouth quickly as the sudden molestation continued.

Meanwhile, back on her front, Dori had dropped to her knees, and Claire had the warning of those soft lips just below her navel before the succubus went about pulling the panties down her longs legs with her teeth. Her hands running up the mage's thighs, her warm breath was another warning before those lips settled over her folds, her hot tongue sliding slowly along her folds while Narin kept Claire busy from behind.

The sudden outbreak of lovemaking suddenly stopped though, both girls stopping and impishly giggling before hopping passed the barrier and into the hallway, leaving Claire a horny mess, and Claire could watch as Dori's left hand, and Narin's right now bore a twirling line of runes. Seemed the nude rule was cumulative, the Truth one was not.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

It seemed like Claire was going to get what she wanted as well, the performance turning her on as well as she stripped for her two lovers. She was quite happy that they both decided to help her, thrusting her chest against Narin's hands and turning her head to kiss the dryad back, reaching a hand back to twine in her hair as the passionately kissed each other.

Feeling Dori's teeth scrape lightly against her skin her panties were removed by the succubus, Claire shuddered in arousal and anticipation. She hadn't planned on things going this far, she reflected, as the succubus started tonguing her already-wet pussy, making out with her as Narin was, only on her lower lips. Her blissful moans filled the hallway around them, only to turn to a groan of disappointment as the two mischievous sex-fiends abruptly stopped their work and hopped through the barrier into the next hallway. Even through her lust haze, she noticed the runes on their wrist, noting the rules change.

Making her wobbly legs move forward, Claire leaped through to the next hallway after her lovers, leaving her clothes behind. They were a little conservative for her new tastes anyway. In this new hallway, she tried to leap at her lovers, catch one of their hands, and rub her pussy against it furiously. "Come on now, don't be so cruel! I put on a show for you two, what's it take to get you girls to finish what you started?" Regardless of whether or not she managed to capture a hand to rub herself on, she was panting hard and blushing furiously at this point.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Both girls were giggling madly as Claire gave chase, and it was Dori she managed to catch, the succubus' hand coming away slick with Claire's obvious arousal as she snickered and put that same hand on her chin. "You know, there is something I've been wanting to do..." She said quietly, as if thinking in an annoying way, before turning her back on Claire completely.

Claire was not without hope however, as Dori's tail suddenly lashed up her legs and dove straight into Claire's eager slit, burying itself in her as it quickly began to pump in and out of her, squirming around in her depths while Narin stifled a laugh and shook her head. "Dori... That's just... Mean" She said between barely concealed giggles.

What turned out as cruel was the fact that Dori was still walking away, which meant that if Claire wanted her release, she was going to have to keep up mid act, which only distracted her, and drove her pleasure a little farther away, holding her peak back. She'd find she had a little help however, it seemed Dori didn't want to let her completely go either, pulling her along slightly with her tail as she moved slowly, and this hallway was plenty long, very long actually...
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Dori smearing Claire's arousal on her chin only made the young mage hornier, and as the succubus seemed distracted by thought Claire pursued her, "What, what is it Dori-IIIII!" She had completely forgotten about the many uses for her tail and her pleading turned immediately into a cry of pleasure as it started thrusting into her, filling her in a way she found most pleasurable.

When she heard Narin's comments, Claire couldn't help a laugh and quick retort as she enjoyed the tail treatment. "Says the girl who trapped us both in a giant tree-vagina! Though it was a nice place...Doriiiii..." Dori had started walking away, and the lusty mage was forced to stumble after her. Though she did occasionally control her urges enough to slow down and let the tail tug her from the inside.

As it seemed she wasn't going to get release very soon, she decided to take matters into her own hands, speeding up her stride and aiming to grab Dori's tail with both hands. One hand would hold it in a firm, yet soft grip, the other would try to thrust it into her pussy more rapidly.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"Bah, you loved every minute, Both of you" Narin teased, still giggling at Claire's plight, although what happened next only had her laughing harder, though at least she took the time to make a warning, though perhaps a bit late. "Succubi can... o dear. Shapeshift."

This warning turned out to have creed because Dori found her hands bound up tightly in a tail that was longer then she remembered, and it was forcing her hands together and out of the way as Dori's tail continued it's merry work plundering her dripping folds. Though she was kind enough to stop and turn, her tail continuing to grow. "O dear~ I think someone is desperate enough to try and force it~ What do you think Narin? A little training is in order?"

Narin, much to Claire's chagrin, nodded enthusiastically, Ooo! Do lets~! Though this one's all yours Dori" She said, clapping her hands as Dori crossed her arms over her chest and then promptly sat down, dragging Claire with her onto her ass. Now seated across from eachother, Dori just grinned and her tail went into overdrive, twisting, writhing, thrusting, and stroking every sensitive place inside the mage that it could find, and all at once no less, driving her pleasure through the roof and holding it there for several long minutes, that same grin sitting on Dori's face without fail the entire time.

"Now who's been a bad girl~"
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"I would never deny that for a...second!" Groaned Claire in response to Narin's accusation.

When she found her hands bound, she groaned in dismay. As she was dragged to the ground, the torture continued, Dori keeping her on the brink. Her skills were so good, and yet so bad all at the same time. Training? That didn't sound good at all... Still, she knew the position she was in..."Dori that's cheati-aaaahhhh!" A particularly strong jolt of pleasure coursed through her, taking her to the brink before cruelly bringing her back before she could fall off into orgasm once again. "I have...I've been a bad girl..." Now it was time to see just what she would have to do for Dori to make up for her...transgressions. So much for hurrying through this place, she thought, in between near-orgasmic bursts of pleasure.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"better' Dori said, nodding her head, before letting Claire feel the tip of that insidious and evil brushing against her cervix, sending a bolt of pleasure up her spine, that was still, nonetheless, not enough to get her where she wanted to be, she was so Close!!!

Still smiling wickedly, Dori leaned in, "Now what is a demon to do with you~ I have an idea my naughty little girl, you get a new name, and even a leash, though we'll skip the collar today, say yes and you can have exactly what you want so badly, I can see it in every motion and breath to, you're getting desperate aren't you girlie~" Dori whispered, Narin grinning from ear to ear as she watched, wondering what the succubus had planned.

There it was again, that light brush, the feeling of being only barely denied the bliss of release, to be held at the brink completely with perfect skill, if anyone was a master of this it would be Dori, Narin would likely have... Other methods, still, there was no denying the effectiveness.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire could do nothing but pant and moan as Dori kept her on the very edge of sweet release. So close, but so far away....

She never had a chance at resisting Dori's request. Claire likely would have agreed to anything at that point, a new name with a leash and collar seemingly getting her off easy in terms of what the succubus could have asked of her. Though if she hadn't been in a haze of pleasure and lust she probably would have realized that Dori was setting her up for long term embarrassment and highly sexual pet-play. Was this really the same woman who had been blushing, embarrassed, and bashful after their tender, knowledge-sharing moment earlier?

Signaling her acceptance of these terms, Claire started bucking harder as she cried out, "What's my name?! What's my name?!"
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Dori smiled with what could only be a look of complete victory smattered all across her face as she heard those words from Claire, though, there was a slight hesitation as Claire remembered she was indeed a friend, and curbed her nature somewhat. Though, as a lust demon, that didn't mean much. "Your new name? Why of course Pet, it's Lucky~ And Will be until I think of something better! And of course, I think we'll add a collar, so much better then a branding I think. So here you are love!" She said, smiling as she held out her hand and a simple leather collar formed there, probably from the same place the succubus kept all her clothes, toys, and other assorted insanities.

Gently, almost reverantly buckling the collar around Claire's neck, Dori smiled. "And now, for your reward, and your leash of course' She said grinning, before Claire once more felt the tip of her evil tail pushing against her cervix, but this time, it didn't stop, or pull away, instead slipping itself straight passed and into her womb. And then the tip began to swell, growing larger as it locked itself in place. "I never said what kind of leash it would be did I, o well, I do need to work on my explanations~" She coo'ed even as the act pushed Claire into a mind wiping explosion of a climax, powerful enough to wind Claire up flat on her back as Dori and Narin both looked slightly jealous.

Waiting for her to recover, Dori stood slowly, leaving her tail locked right where it was, and literally guiding Claire along by her still dripping pussy, leaving no question as to how Lucky had gotten in the situation she was in....
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire was ecstatic, in her lust, she couldn't be happier that Dori liked her enough to give her her own name. At the time she didn't realize the minor struggle going on within Dori, but she perhaps would realize it when she inevitably thought back on this moment later...

"Oh thank YOOUUUUU!!!!" Claire, er...Lucky, squealed, screamed, blasted girl-cum all over the tail and the floor, and blacked out for a second or two.

Coming to her senses, Cl-LUCKY groaned lightly, though in a rather satisfied manner, though it changed to a grunt of surprise and no small degree of pleasure as Dori essentially pulled her up by her pussy. "This is...new... Thanks?" When it became apparent that Dori was serious about keeping her on her leash, Lucky asked, "You're planning on keeping this up ahh! For awhile, aren't youuuu...?" The tugging on her cervix caused bouts of pleasure to hit her at random intervals, and all in all she didn't find the experience un-enjoyable. "Wait a minute, isn't this collar against the law?"
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Dori grinned at it all, and tugged on her tail again, pulling Lucky even closer to her, and nodding "That it is~ And now we can see what happens if we Break the law, though with your leash, you needn't worry it sho.... O dear."

Whatever Dori was about to say was cut off as the runes on her wrist, not Lucky's began to spin, and glow, presumably getting hot for a moment, before Dori gasped in pain, and the collar around Lucky's neck turned to dust. Grasping at her forehead, lucky could now see that Dori had milky white eyes, her sight having been stolen. A Law Broken. A punishment Granted. Sight stolen from the one willing to look into the Sun. This holds, until you have left this Domain.

Glancing around, Dori sighed, and slipped behind Lucky, though true to her nature, that damnedable tail stayed lodged right where it was, and Narin actually chuckled. "That'll teach you, shame Dori, surely you could have just left it alone~ But NOOooooO~ You had to push it, Now Lucky is a seeing eye Pet. At least it's convenient and fitting."

Looking at Lucky, Narin's eyes said rather clearly, 'she asked for it' and she started off down the hallway, Dori now silently fuming about being blind as they made their way down the long hallway. Up ahead, lucky could once again see two choices, those these were doors. And of course, had their own rules.

To the left read "Those who enter here shall have sound stolen from them, both in sense and exultation." to the right followed "Everything passed this point, shall be known in it's full measure, let pain, pleasure, joy, sorrow, love, and hate be known at their pinnacle." So the choice was hypersensitivity, or deafness...
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Lucky could only watch in shock as the runes on Dori's wrist lit up, and some alien arbiter on high wrought judgement upon her, rendering her stunning eyes no more than milky orbs.

Despite Dori leaving her tail shoved all the way up into her womb, Lucky felt more sympathetic for her than anything. Maybe she was just too nice for her own good, but she couldn't help feeling a little sad for Dori's predicament. The collar and 'leash' had been tormenting, but it was all in good fun, at least in Lucky's mind. This was different, even if Dori had meant for the punishment to fall on her, she didn't think she had realized the severity with which this place doled out its brand of...justice.

Catching Narin's arm lightly as she turned to continue on, Lucky gave her a sad, pleading look. "Narin...Dori may have brought it on herself, but it must be terrible to be without sight...won't you show her some compassion? Please? I care too much about both of you for you to scorn each other, can't we all work together to unravel the mystery of this place and get out of here?" If Narin had been cooperative, or had at least stayed close enough during her little speech, Lucky would gently take her hands and pull her into a kiss. Though the moment, and the speech may have been somewhat tarnished by the tail-leash that was currently buried in her pussy... Lucky actually capitalized on it, leaning her head next to Narin's ear and whispering, "I'll take every measure to get you out of here that I will take for Dori, even if I have to stick one of your tree-tentacles up my pussy with Dori's tail." She retreated with a wink.

Regardless, once she had retreated, or first if Narin had forged ahead despite Lucky's intentions, she would turn to Dori and clasp the blind succubus' hands. "Don't worry Dori...Lucky will get you out of this, just like she got you out of your last jam." She gave Dori a tender kiss on the lips as well, though she inadvertently moaned into it as the tail in her womb gave a slight twitch. However Claire's/Lucky's personality changed in game, it was clear that her kind heart was far and away the most enduring of her mental qualities.

With the speeches done, Claire took one of Dori's hands in her own to complement the leash, as well as taking one of Narin's if she would allow it as they walked on to the next fork. "Alright girls. Deafness or hypersensitivity to both touch and emotion? I like to hear your pretty voices, so I say we go with hypersensitivity. Any objections?" With an amused smirk she added, "I guess the tail's staying in regardless, Dori?" Assuming there were no serious objections, they would head on into the hall of hypersensitivity.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Dori chuckled slightly as well, though Narin nodded at the simple request Your promises are going to get you in trouble Lucky~ She said, admittedly slightly aroused by the odd situation she was in, and reached down to torment lucky with a slight tug on the tail which made Dori jump, the tail lashing around agitatedly for a moment.

Ugh, this would normally be more fun, but I think not, not in this place. Knowing what the stakes are, if there's an actual fight, best we can take this seriously without you falling to your knees when I do... this. Dori answered, undulating her tail as it shrunk back to normal size and then popped out of her, releasing her from the odd method of keeping her close for the time being, though Dori did spend time licking the tip of her tail clean of Lucky's juices.

Also Lucky, careful with that promise to Narin, Dryads lay seeds like any plant.... But as for this choice, I think we need to think a little more carefully. If we and I mean Narin and I become hypersensitive to emotion, we could actually become dangerous to you. And any resentments or loves that you had for us would be compounded and multiplied. Then there's my feelings for you... I'd whisk you off to hell for a marriage Lucky, and a proper binding enslavement if it was too strong, and what if these rules are comulative like the one concerning our state of undress. Being deaf has it's own problems, especially if we wind up with little light, or get seperated but I can keep us all linked with a little help from Narin, we could still talk. Gah, I don't know.. Narin? Thoughts? Couldn't care in the slightest. Not one little bit Dori, let Lucky choose, maybe she wants to be dragged to be enslaved by you in a more permanent fashion, as far as mistresses go, she could certainly do worse. How many demons can actually put 'plays well with others' on a personal resume. Seriously, stop worrying, and enjoy this place. It's an abyssal labyrinth right? Which means you either love it or it's torture.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Lucky's legs trembled as Narin tugged on the tail. "Gahh! Naughty girl..." She panted hotly, but realized she may be playing with fire. Maybe once they got out of this place...

She was abruptly dragged back to reality when Dori shrunk her tail and wriggled it out of her snatch, essentially allowing her to give birth to the tail. So surprised was she that she couldn't help having a micro-orgasm at the bizarrely pleasant sensation. More for Dori to enjoy it seemed.

"Seeds? Marriage? Binding enslavement? Huh...I can't say that all doesn't sound...intriguing...but I suppose we have to finish our business here before we let ourselves get distracted by all of that. But you say you can keep us linked so we could still talk to each other?"

When it was put like that, Lucky figured deafness was probably the way to go, so long as they could communicate still through whatever it was Dori and Narin could do. Apparently hypersensitivity would be a little more difficult for the two she was with, given that there was so much more they could do to her while in the throes of passion.

"Well alright then. Let's go down the deafness hallway. And since we can't get separated..." She took both of their hands, whatever protests they might have as she went for deafness.

She was still getting used to this 'Lucky' business, wondering just how serious Dori had been about it.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

They all nodded, but before they continued, Lucky felt Dori reaching out to her mentally, gently prodding like before before she could hear her voice in her head, and then Narin's, the group telepathy call initiated pretty effortlessly.

Opening the door and stepping through into a lighted hallway made out of some red, shining stone, Dori breathed a sigh of relief as her eyes slid to normal and she could see again, and also at the fact that this rule didn't seem to be binding outside this area. Up ahead, the girls could see a round chamber, filled with doors, and a large golden circle set into the floor with concentric circles.

Entering the room, they also found that it was lined with doors, each to a different area, each with it's own rule, but this time they were hidden. The circle on the floor seemed to be a kind of dial, and could be moved, it also had a rule, and it was simple. "Spin only 3 times. For each rotation, the total shall be measured, and a door will open." It seemed that there were 5 rings, each with a number, 1-5, and the doors seemed to warp slightly, showing numbers themselves. Currently, the total of the dial was equal to 5, all the numbers aligned with an arrow at the northern point being 1, and the door to their right was labeled with a large 5 was glowing slightly, it's rule readable. "Entering this chamber will cost you your sight, and your only salvation shall be a feat of might."

The other 6 doors had different numbers, and their rules were hidden, the numbers being 6, 9, 25, 13, 17, and 10.

Rules for this room.

Currently, Nudity, Deafness, 3 spins.

Each spin constitutes the motions of a single ring, in short, changing the number of one ring will consume one spin. All of these numbers CAN be created in 3 spins, except 1. Have fun~
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Lucky was glad that Dori's sight returned, and it seemed that each rule wasn't necessarily cumulative. Regardless, they had a decision to make.

"Well I definitely don't like going in blind, and then having a test of strength to top it off. What say we take door 10? It seems like a decent enough number...I guess..."

With nothing to really go on, Lucky rotated the first ring to 4, the second and third rings to 2, and left the fourth and fifth rings as 1, for a total of 10. Three rotations, time to see what would happen...
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Lucky got a mental assent from Narin and Dori as they watched her rotate the rings. 1, 2, 3. 3 spins. And in response, the rings righted themselves, spun, and then finished, showing 5,2,1,1,1. It seemed that after the total was counted, or rather HOW the total was counted, the rings would orient themselves in descending order in the most efficient way possible using it's own counting system, and true to the rule, the door with the number 10 showing, warped and it's rule showed.

"The chamber beyond will not abide the touch of the living upon it's floor. Nothing breathing shall be able to walk here."

Well that was just odd, but nothing in this place had been impossible so far, just occassionally annoying. So it was safely assumed that it was possible to pass this way, but they would have to do it in a way acceptable to the rule... Or they could try again, and look at a different door.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

It wasn't until she had spun the three rings and read the law on the door that Lucky realized her mistake. "Ah, we were supposed to check a couple of doors and choose...from them...tits."

Contemplating her options for a moment, Lucky figured that there were likely a number of doors with laws that were rather harsh. "Well...I don't suppose either of you could fly us through the room? It just says we can't touch the floor. Or breathe..."

Lucky of course had another suggestion as well. "Well, its safe to assume that since we could have picked multiple doors, a number of them have very bad laws. It begs the question though, what about door 25? No matter what, we wouldn't have been able to see its law in advance. Perhaps its law is the most lenient, but people who...didn't waste all of their guesses on one door would be too afraid risk the unknown. I don't know, I'm sorry I didn't think this through carefully enough and now we are in a pretty tough spot. What do you girls think?" Her head was hung in shame.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

It's an interesting thought certaintly, but I wonder what the penalty in this room is... I mean, nothing so far has been impossible, but I'm sure some of the things here will be difficult. Soo, I'm not sure. The last time we broke a rule, I went blind, temporarily. But that door was intentionally put there, I think it's meant to tempt you to break the rule here, or its something else entirely. It could in fact be the penalty for breaking the rule. The opening of that door and the adhering to it's specific rule... Dori said, her voice crystal in Claire's mind while a vague sense of agreement seemed to come from Narin.

Regardless, they followed her lead as always. They could try the door they had, or break the rule and try another. It was up to them in the end and stalling wouldn't help them any. Although... the number 25 door was interesting, because Claire was right, it was impossible to follow the rule here, and total 25...
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"You have a point..." Agreed Lucky. "But I feel like by this point most people would know not to break the rules in a place like this. Who knows, maybe it is meant to reward the bold....Or punish the foolish. I say we find out! We already know door ten is going to suck, let's just try 25, what's the worst that could hap-...let's just try 25..."

With a braveness she didn't really feel, Lucky marched up to door 25 and opened the way for her and her friends.

Going through a separate door than the one they chose to look at isn't against the rules, is it? If it is and Claire/Lucky knows then she would just bite the bullet and do 10. She doesn't really want to break any rules after what happened to Dori. And she'll know what the rule is once it takes effect because it will show up on her wrist, right?