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It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Jason began to undress himself as well, removing his shirt to reveal his own upper body without shame, though he had no reason to be ashamed of course, as his physique looked as if it was handcrafted by a sculptor. Of course, as she lifted her skirt, his eyes drifted to her. "I could never see them well past your armor, but you have very fine legs. Strong, and built for endurance." he complimented her.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie frowned as she pulled off her boots, pushing them idly over to the foot of the bed, and she wiggled her toes in the cotton socks she wore underneath. "There's a reason for that." she said bluntly, raising her eyebrows as she looked up at Jason, violet eyes wandering with an air of vague interest over the handsomely carved pecks, and for now she was rather thankful that her rouge would likely hide the worst of her rising blush. To help hide it, the blonde turned away, and then paused. Her things had still not been brought up from the barracks, so the only nightclothes she had was her undershirt, which wasn't exactly the most adequate garment, it was rather dirty and sweatstained from being worn beneath her armour in the day. For a moment then, Stephanie paused, simply sitting on the edge of the bed, habitually thinking of what to wear to bed, and it became apparent that she was thinking due to how her jaw slackened slightly, and her eyes unfocused partially, giving her a dreamy look.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Jason watched Stephanie as she entered her dreamy state. For a while he waited, his thumb on his belt line of his pants. His lips twisted as he seemed to think a bit to himself as well, he shrugged, and Stephanie would hear the man's belt click, before his pants fell to the floor. In naught but his underwear, he looked down at Stephanie with an expression of examination. "I normally sleep in the nude." he began. However, he didn't remove his underwear, which were clearly hiding something large and erect underneath. "Do you normally sleep in a loose corset?" he laughed.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

The clicking of Jason's belt seemed to bring Stephanie back to her senses, and she blinked a few times in quick succession, her violet eyes refocusing, and then after a few more moments she pulled her jaw shut, blushing heartily and thankful for the semi-darkness of the room as a result. The question as it was posed drew the blonde's attention up to Jason's face, and she bit her lower lip, and gulped slightly, while her gaze fell down over his muscled body. "No, no I usually have a large shirt for sleeping in... I don't have it here though. So I... I was wondering what I would use instead. My undershirt is a bit, uhm... Stale." she said, trying to be polite about it, though as she had spoken her eyes had wandered lower and lower over Jason's body, and it was not until she finished, that the blonde blinked, and tilted her head back so that her violet eyes would meet his own. His own bluntness was not exactly helping her here, she felt so conflicted and confused, her wants at odds with her duty, as it were.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

His head cocked to the side as he eyed Stephanie curiously. His lips were locked in a constant smile as he looked down at her as if she were cute and helpless, as well as confused. He looked like he desired to just scoop her up in his arms and pet her just like such a cute animal, but he refrained from touching her, noting that humans as well as pets can bite if you act foolishly. "So..." he began, before stepping over to her side, and sitting down next to her on the bed, leaning towards her only slightly, letting her have some space to sort out her own mind. "What shall we do, Stephanie? All I can do is watch in awe as you struggle to do the lord's bidding. The human mind is a powerful thing, and no doubt you would find relief in my departure. But for the lord... I can see in your eyes, the strength to overcome the weakness of most human beings. You, Stephanie... I'm sure you will one day join God's court of angels. When you leave this world, you will surely become a legend." he chuckled, his eyes showing a bit of lust, as well as envy.

"Meanwhile, I'm sure you may find someone to love properly, who you truly wish to share a bed with. As for myself... I will look up at you in the golden courts and feel honored to have once shared intimacies with you." Telling her this, he decided to be bold as he reached out his hand, and began to slowly rub her back, trying to comfort her. Eventually, his hand would slide up to her shoulder as he leaned in slowly, and with intent. "This night, allow me to become apart of Stephanie's legend." Jason whispered to her, his face slowly coming towards her, and would steal her lips if she did not resist.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie frowned, flexing her fingers as Jason continued to speak. The blonde was certainly not above pride, and it swelled her chest at the brief little mental image of herself, winged and haloed, standing among the ranks of the Lord's finest, a shining beacon of light...

Her thoughts trailed off, and a shiver passed along Stephanie's body, her fingers curling up against her palms as her violet eyes turned back to Jason, following the male as he reached around for her back. As his fingers pressed against her shoulders, and worked down along her back, Stephanie shivered again, her forearms tensed, hands clenching briefly into fists before they relaxed, the fingers flexing out once more. The athletic blonde sagged slightly, her eyes narrowed. A yawn rose unbidden to her lips, though she managed to muffle it pretty well. "Mrh... Jason..." she mumbled, slowly turning to look into his eyes, the frown still registering on her features. Her hands rose up, fingertips touching against his well-honed arms, before she paused, her lips parted briefly, before she shied away, tilting her head back.

After a moments pause, she began again, turning her gaze away from Jason's face. "We all have a destiny. A goal to serve the Lord. As Heroes... It would be a pleasant thought to believe we all will deserve a place at the Lord's side once our worldly duties are done. To each do our piece to banish the darkness from this place, and allow all to bathe in God's pure light..." she murmured, even as her breasts pressed up against Jason's chest, and it was not hard for her to be drawn into the kiss, violet eyes snapping back to his own as they touched together, and another shiver ran down Stephanie's spine. Her frown deepened, just for a few moments, and then lifted once more, as she looked into his eyes once more, and her head tilted back, breaking the kiss gently. "A part of my legend..." she murmured, the words rang pleasantly to her ears, but the blonde trailed off then, exhaling deeply from her nose.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

As Stephanie only seemed to welcome him, Jason's hands went, and would strip Stephanie's upper half nude, piece by piece if Stephanie allowed him. Silently, his breathing getting deeper as he began to become excited. Lustfully gazing at Stephanie, his hands worked at peeling off her dress slowly, enjoying whatever flesh he could expose so long as Stephanie never complained. Even though their situations were about the same for what they had to do, Jason seemed much more enthusiastic than Stephanie to be sure. And if she would allow it to go so far as to let her chest be exposed, one of Jason's hands would pet along her breast, before he'd move in, his lips drawing towards the tip of her breast with lustful intent.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie took things with a grain of salt, so to speak, though a faint smile spread over her lips as her gown was peeled away, the extravagant linens falling away from her not-insignificant shoulders, while the corset loosened off completely, allowing the blonde to let out a deep, content sigh at being able to breathe deeply once more, her hands rose up by instinct to her chest, subconsciously measuring the depth of her breath while her violet eyes squinted briefly shut. "Ahh... That is... Much better..." she murmured, lips quirking up into a brighter smile, even as her gown fell down around her legs.

Stephanie's body was not pink and soft as one might expect of a noblewoman, or some other such lady in finery. She was a soldier, a Hero, and her body reflected that, her musculature visible, toned. She was certainly not beastly in her appearance, but from a glance it was easy enough to tell that she practised and worked on her health and fitness extensively. Underneath the gown though, she had elected to not wear much in the way of upper body, merely a bra to keep her round, if relatively small bosom in check. Covering her legs though, she still wore most un-lady-like trousers, something she felt acutely aware of as the gown fell away. Thanks to the low light of her bedroom at least, the tan-lines that would otherwise be visible on her arms, legs and around her neck were minimised, and her freckles were hard to make out too.

Carefully, Stephanie drew her legs together, knees bending slightly inwards, and she bit her lip as Jason's hands slid up and onto her chest, she could feel her heart flutter at the gentle touch, and her biceps flexed as she clenched her hands into fists, just briefly, and the blonde swiftly let out a deep breath, letting her arms relax as Jason homed in on her chest. So warm her cheeks felt, and in the low light it was just about possible to make out the blush on her tanned cheeks as Jason's lips touched against her breast, the areolae adorned with it's nipple, and Stephanie gulped as he did so, starting to feel quite warm now as her own hands rose up, index fingers trailing along the lines of Jason's biceps as her violet eyes closed once more, her lips parting and a gentle sigh escaped her lips, she was most definitely not complaining as much as earlier, that was for certain.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Kissing her breast, Stephanie would feel Jason nurse on her tip, chuckling a little as he acted like a newborn babe drinking milk. After giving her breast a few kisses, he began to kiss upwards, pecking up along her chest, up to her shoulder, then her neck, cheek, and finally kissing her on her lips as she'd feel a stray finger hook along what clothed her lower half. Eventually it would have to go if she were to go through with this, and that time, according to Jason, was now.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie tried to remain still, though she did not do a particularly good job at it. Her cheeks blushed bright pink, her arms trailing up over Jason's broader arms, and a soft, pleased sigh escaped her lips as the kisses trailed up over her collarbone, and up towards her lips. As their lips met, the blonde's eyes closed, her fingers gently squeezing at Jason's shoulders. Her legs tensed though, as his finger hooked into her trousers, and she resisted, but only for a moment, and soon enough, the coarse fabric was cascading down her toned, athletic legs, followed swiftly by the plain, practical underwear beneath. The clothes pooled around her ankles, while the blonde Heroine stood bare as birth, her breathing coming out in soft puffs as she pulled away from the kiss, lifting one leg slightly to cover her exposed womanhood by instinct. She frowned slightly, as if thinking as her violet eyes met Jason's own once more.

After a brief moment though, Stephanie nodded, though to what one could not say, and her slender fingers squeezed again at Jason's shoulder. She did not speak this time, a nervous smile twitching at her lips as she looked away again, inclining her head towards the sumptuous bed before she looked back up at Jason, her bosom heaving slightly as she breathed, lips slightly parted, and an almost distant look in her eyes.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Rather than attack her, Jason simply looked Stephanie up and down. A wide smile was on his face as he took the time to truly appreciate what Stephanie exposed to him. Her trained form, and her naked shame, he eyed it all, and his eyes glinted as if he were looking upon buried treasure. There he held her light, before blinking as she made her gesture to the bed. He seemed to have been shocked by her encouragement. He looked to her as if wondering why she wasn't meek and hesitant through the entire experience. Rather than question, he simply moved, and casually laid himself down upon the bed while pulling on her waist, beckoning her to follow. Laying his head down onto the plush pillow, his erect manhood stood pointed upwards, throbbing. The little thing seemed to beckon her with it's slight twitching, just as much as he was beckoning her with his encouraging hold on her waist.

Still, as excited as he was, he still showed patience. He'd let Stephanie take as much time as she needed, as they were in no rush. To do her duty to god, and hesitate all the while to sleep with the man, he paid mind to her reluctance, and did not suffocate her with overindulgence.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie blushed intently, her violet eyes wandering over the bed, up over the upholstery, towards the dark window, before she gritted her teeth together, and closed her eyes. The blonde took a deep breath then, before she followed Jason over towards the bed, and paused there, resting one knee against the side of the bed, her arms half-raised, as if she wasn't really sure what to do with them though.

Eventually though, the gentle encouragement won over, and Stephanie clambered onto the bed, her breathing somewhat heavy already, as she sat down next to Jason, trailing her fingers over his chest and stomach, for once seeming to take such initiative, and perhaps even admiring his body. A slight, nervous smile spread over the blonde's features, as she glanced up towards his face, before she shook her head. "My apologies. I did not mean to keep you waiting..." she murmured, biting at her lip briefly before the blonde swung up, straddling over Jason's stomach, and the smile widened a little, her heart fluttering as her rear pressed back against his length.

Finally, Stephanie raised her hips, though she did not do a lot more than that, chewing on her lip thoughtfully, even as her womanhood grazed against Jason's tip, her hands resting on his chest, and she gave a little nod, as if in confirmation, though whether it was to him or herself was harder to tell. It became somewhat more clear though, as Stephanie let her hips sink downwards, a slight gasp escaping her lips as her folds parted, and the Heroine began her descent, doing her best to be bold, and not think too much, which was by all means the greatest obstacle.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Jason grinned at her as she so politely apologized. "It's a man's duty to wait for the lady." he announced softly, before watching her get on the bed, and admire his form. He was a handsome man by all respects. There were a good number of women Stephanie heard swooning over his good looks. Even though he might be a perverted man on the inside, he seemed to have enough quality to win the attraction of plenty of women, some of whom were even Stephanie's friends during training.

With what Stephanie was about to do, somehow, she could almost sense the jealousy of all those women cursing Stephanie for taking Jason's side. There was plenty of women who'd commit murder in order to bathe in the luxury that being Jason's wife would offer, this much Stephanie knew, as she'd have heard it from a fair number of mouths. It was truly his worst, and maybe is only bad trait, his pervertedness. However, for some women, that meant that he had no bad traits.

Regardless, with this, it meant that Stephanie was now his... Jason looked up at Stephanie with clear excitement. Her hand touching the right place would feel his quick beating pulse. She wasn't the only one with a fluttering heart it seemed. And his excitement only seemed to get worse, when she pressed her butt to his length, he moaned from the teasing sensation as she felt his hips buck, but only ever so slightly, just a tiny bump. Then, with heavy breathing, he massaged his hands into her flesh, moving from her thighs and up to her ribs, trying to loosen her up. His hands carried the skill of an expert, grinding and massaging into every right little area to release the tension that was building in Stephanie's body from the upcoming act that would rid her of her virginity.

When her hips rose, he used one hand, and lined himself up properly, helping her nether lips find his tip. Once she did, he let go, and rested his hands on her hips, holding her not too tight, but snug, to make sure she was aware of his presence, that he wasn't just going to force her to do it all on her own. Pushing her hips down... Stephanie felt a sting, a pain, before a warm liquid dripped down from the point where they were in contact. It didn't take a genius to know that she was now without her hymen, her virginity gone. Jason seemed to pay special attention to that, and was anything but eager to plunge into her when she was receiving such pain, especially when his member now seemed much more intimidating when faced against her tight folds, as she would feel herself stretching to fit him inside. "Easy... Wait until the pain goes away..." Jason instructed her, not shaken at all by what was happening, as if he was used to this.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie's knees sank down into the silken sheets as she straddled over Jason, feeling the warmth of her own cheeks, the way her own breath caught in her throat. Her slender fingers curled up against her palms as she sank down deeper, and deeper. Her breath caught again at the sudden stabbing pain which reached through her groin, and violet eyes shot wide open. Crimson blood began to trail out, spidering down the blonde's toned thighs as she held her position for just a moment longer, a single, soft gasp escaping her lips, before she inhaled once more. A slight smile curled onto her lips, though a single twitch tugged at the corner of her mouth as the Heroine did so. Stephanie could feel Jason's own eagerness, just as easily as she could see it, though she kept her half-curled hand pressed against his chest as she leant forwards slightly, her perky breasts jiggling slightly as the blonde's other hand trailed gently backwards, taking a hold of his wrist upon her hip.

After a few moments, Stephanie relaxed somewhat, her violet eyes narrowed and she drew her teeth back once more, allowing a soft sigh to escape her lips, a mix of emotions swirling in her thoughts. Some good, some bad, but none seemed yet to come out on top, and the blonde woman simply grimaced slightly, her features contorting as she pushed those thoughts aside. She had already made her decision, the blood now staining her thighs confirmed that, though the pain was easing away almost as quickly as it had come. Her soft pink walls now, were squeezing about Jason as she began to sink down again, her lips parting, though no sound escaped as the blonde pushed herself down. What use would she be if crippled by indecisiveness and hesitation? This choice was made, and she had no intention of backing from it now, and so she groaned slightly as she pushed down, tilting her head back, her fingers digging into Jason's hand at her firm hip as Stephanie finally sank to the hilt, a low moan escaping her lips as her labia pressed down against Jason's crotch, and a warm huff of breath escaped the blonde's lips as she leant forwards once more, her fingers and toes curling as her hips pressed down against him.

After another few seconds pause, the blonde nodded but faintly, the faint smile teasing at her lips as she began to move her hips, very much lacking Jason's experience, his wandering, tenderly caressing hands doing wonders in easing her tension, and Stephanie's right hand upon Jason's chest began to move, trailing up along his arm as it moved over her own chest. "Mhm... Be that, as it may..." she mumbled softly, sliding her hips back a couple of inches against Jason's crotch, a low murmur of pleasure escaping her lips as the blood began to become replaced by the blonde's nectars, her womanhood becoming increasingly receptive to the member within her, squeezing about Jason as the blonde took a hold of his hand, squeezing it against the underside of her firm breast as Stephanie leant over him, violet eyes gazing into his own and her lips slightly parted. "It's not that much pain. I've definitely suffered worse in my time..." the blonde added, the smile broadening slightly as the hormones began to kick in, easing her mind, letting the blonde begin to enjoy the sensations as her firm legs eased inwards slightly, squeezing against Jason's own even as she pulled her hips up an inch or two, shivering slightly at the sensation of the shaft spreading her open. Indeed, Stephanie had worked hard to clear her head, and it was paying off now. The decision was made, she had already started. The difficult bit was over, she told herself, as her hips sank back down again, the movement awkward and clumsy, and her hips pressed rather firmly down against Jason's crotch again as she did so.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Jason chuckled at her announcement. "You handle your first time better than most." he said. "I shouldn't be surprised... You are quite the woman after all." he complimented her. Then, he groaned a little as she began to move her hips. He began to move his own with her, thrusting himself up only slightly to allow her to set the pace. What his real intention was to angle himself. As Stephanie tried to figure out how to use her hips for sex, Jason aided her, adjusting the way he was sliding into her, using his hands to give her a gentle nudge in the right direction. And after a few thrusts, he'd suddenly change, and attack in another direction, to keep the sensations fresh, and to continue to pleasure Stephanie as best as he could.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie shivered again, her violet eyes closing. Her hips rose up as Jason thrust, and the blonde gasped slightly, clenching her eyes briefly, before opening them up, looking down at his strong chest as her fingers curled up against her palms, muscles tensing briefly as she continued to rock back and forth, slowly beginning to get more into the motions, though her hips were still somewhat jerky from time to him. "Mrh~ I... Agree with that." she managed to say, a slight smile spreading upon the blonde's lips as she pulled herself up slightly, a slight spasm of pain shooting through her body, before rescinding once more, as she pushed herself back down, sliding Jason about inside her, even as he tilted the angle. Stephanie gasped again as the shaft spread her netherlips apart, her toned thighs clenching briefly as she tilted forwards, lips parting slightly as warm breath rolled from her maw. "It's... Not that hard, you make it sound like... Like I should be struggling..." she mumbled, the smile returning to her lips as she pushed her hips backwards, bending Jason within her folds, even as her hips rose an inch or two, and pushed back down, not seeming to mind the blood that was starting to dry already on the insides of her thighs.

Now that she had started though, Stephanie's confidence was starting to rise, the pain that had spiked her at the start was ebbing away fairly quickly, and the blonde could feel her warmth rising, squeezing slightly about Jason as her fingers curled over his chest, and her movements reflected it, as the blonde's rocks became longer, somewhat more frequent, and she started to bring herself up slightly more each time she rose, before sinking back down onto Jason with a soft gasp of warm breath.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

"Some girls do struggle." he announced simply, moaning as she rolled her hips along his own, twirling his length around inside of her. Of course, as a man so experienced in bed, nothing Stephanie did seemed to do anything overly outstanding to him. Rather, he seemed to simply be watching over her as he helped her through her first time. Though he wasn't entirely removing himself from participation to let Stephanie find her own rhythm, as he continued to move his hips to give her pleasure, ensuring that he was always moving in a way to make her feel good no matter how clumsy of a motion she made, keeping his thrusting pace with her own, speeding up and slowing down as he let her set the pace. As well, once her pain seemed to have mostly faded, he lifted his hands that were before helping her to endure, and put them to her breasts, mainly her nipples, as he seized her buds between his index and thumb fingers, before gently tugging, and pulling on her points.

One particular waist motion brought an involuntary moan of pleasure from Stephanie, and that seemed to awaken something in Jason, as he suddenly leaned up from where he lay and with his fingers still teasing her chest, he opened his mouth before capturing her lips. Like that, provided she did not refuse him, he would slither his tongue into her mouth, to dance with her tongue, and mix their saliva together. The motions of his tongue had not a single awkward motion. Smooth and graceful, his tongue showed great skill as it would overwhelm her, as well as loosen her up even more.

Kissing her, teasing her, and petting her, treating her as if he adored her, Jason would whisper to her during one of his romantic kisses. "I'm about to cum," he'd say. "Are you ready to receive my child?"
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie's breathing was starting to deepen more and more, her chest heaving as she rocked her hips along Jason's own, feeling him spread her wider and wider as the movements started to become more natural, smoother, gentler. Feminine nectars glistened at her crotch, as she clenched down onto Jason's shoulders, her violet eyes narrowing to slits, hazing her vision, each time Jason thrust, or she pulled her hips up drawing a little gasping moan from the blonde's lips. The grip of her breasts, the little tweaking of her nipples made the blonde shiver in pleasure, her eyes snapping open once more as she let out a steamy, hot pant, her athletic thighs tensing briefly and squeezing at Jason's hips.

With her rising passion, it did not take much in the way of prompting for Stephanie to surrender her lips, and she moaned gently into the kiss, her toned arms slipping around behind his back and pulling the darker-haired male in close, squeezing him slightly, her belly flexing as she rode him from this new position. The tongue kiss was another new thing to her, but she did not complain about it, nor stop Jason's tongue from entering her own. The movements of her own wet muscle were somewhat awkward and shy still, but she still danced with him within the confines of her maw, breathing through her nose instead in hot, eager huffs that rolled over Jason's nose and jaw.

For those few minutes, Stephanie really started to enjoy herself, rocking back and forth, her firm little breasts pressing up against Jason's chest, poking him with her stiff nipples as the sounds of kissing, heavy breathing, and hips gently smacking against one another filled the dark room. Those words though, made her shiver, the heat of her blush easy to feel from his closeness, but she remembered God, and so, leaning back so that she could look him in the eye, the blonde nodded, a confident and certain expression upon her tanned features. "Yes... I am, for the glory of God, yes!" she exclaimed in a panting tone, gulping down a quick breath of air before she leant back in to kiss Jason once more, her hips jerking a few times as she rode him, strong fingers almost clawing into his back as she tensed up, trying to prepare herself, though it was a rather hard thing to do, having no experience to compare with.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Jason embraced Stephanie after she had made her announcement. His more rapid thrusts continued, before Stephanie heard him groan, and slow his thrusts. Feeling his length throb, and a dirty, slimy sensation make itself known inside of her, Stephanie would know that he was planting his seed inside of her. A baby would grow from what he was leaving inside of her body, and that baby would grow to be another great hero, just like Stephanie had recently become. Once he had squirted his seed inside of her, Jason held Stephanie to him with his arms, keeping himself inside of her, his length stirring slightly, trying to ensure that his seed makes it to her egg.

A few minutes passed, and Jason was silent before he began to pet along Stephanie's back. "Thank you, Stephanie," Jason whispered to her. "It is not easy for a woman in these times, but I will help you become a great hero." he promised.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

The blonde's eyes narrowed again, her violet vision fading to but a slit. Her breathing was starting to turn hoarse, the new form of exertion taking it's toll on her, but she did her best to not let it show, simply drawing her mouth shut to hide her growing exhaustion. She could not hide how deep her breathing. Then though, Jason was coming to climax, a sensation that Stephanie would have no chance of guessing. The limited education hardly went into such details, and experiencing it firsthand was a strange thing indeed. The clenching, the throbbing, and the heat which poured into her slick virgin flower was both repulsive, but attractive at the same time. A wet pant of breath escaped the athletic woman, even as her fingers curled tightly, squeezing almost to the point of pain into Jason's shoulders. Stray locks of dirty-blonde hair partially obscured Stephanie's features, even as she pushed her hips downwards, hilting the darker-haired male inside her depths, soft labia clenching tightly about him, and the Heroine's entire body tensed up as she tried to digest this new information, and the meaning that derived from it. She could not deny that it felt good, and she knew that it was God's will for such things to happen, but she was at the same time unsure if she was ready.

It was too late now though, and Stephanie could do little other than try to make herself ready, even as Jason started to pet and stroke her firm back, and with a shuddering gasp, the blonde leant in against him, her perky breasts squishing down into his chest, even as her legs bent, the thighs wrapping about his hips, even as her knees bent, and her ankles crossed over one another behind her lover's back, the instinctive need for closeness settling in incredibly quickly. Finished, and feeling still Jason's manhood, along with his seed inside her slick, warm flower, Stephanie let herself go, and another long, hot and hoarse breath escaped her lips, her chest heaving against the male's own as she clung tightly up against him. For a few moments in return, she did not make any form of response beyond clamping like a limpet around the dark-haired male. Eventually though, her lips parted, and the blonde Heroine whispered out. "I... You are... Welcome?" she began, as if uncertain as to what exactly she was supposed to say, biting into her lip as she looked away for a few moments, before returning to nuzzling into Jason's neck, inhaling his scent as she started again. "Well, we'll... We'll just have to see about that, I suppose..." she murmured gently, hot and exerted breath washing over Jason's neck and shoulder, even as she pursed her lips to kiss his neck.