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sturm's Test Thread

Re: sturm's Test Thread

It was a fairly mild day when Kaia left the monastery. The Brothers and Sisters of the monastery had been there to see her off, watching solemnly as she had embarked on her journey of self-discovery. The jungle, while humid, was not oppressively so by her standards. Or maybe she was just used to it. As per usual, there was a good deal of chatter going on between insects, birds, and larger creatures, most of which had the good sense to give the conflicted Kaia a wide berth.

Setting of without a destination in mind, while an impressive display of initiative, may not have been the best of ideas. The jungle was a rather large and same-looking place to her. Unknown to her her Fey heritage gave her a better passive understanding of the jungle than say, a human of equal age and experience, but she was still left wishing she had paid better attention in the wilderness courses the monks had given. She was used to the environment, and had a slightly above basic knowledge of local flora, fauna, and annoying-ass insects, but she hadn't left the monastery enough to get used to actually navigating this place. Three hours in and she would already have a tough time finding her way back to the monastery.

Fortunately, as she rounded a bend in a path she was following she found her path crossed directly in front of a small village, basically stumbling right into the center of the road in front of it's main entrance before she realized it was even there, doing a great job of blending in to the jungle. There was no wall around this village like there was in her monastery, it was just a collection of hovels, huts, and slightly larger huts. There was even a larger, open hut with a gathering of people under its awning. Some seemed focused on something going on that she couldn't make out, others talked amicably.

Some of the villagers saw her, though they didn't bother her or pay her more mind than to give her a curious look, they didn't get very many visitors out here. The villagers appeared...neutral enough, Kaia didn't see anything wrong with entering the village and seeing if they had anything or anyone of note, she really didn't have a lot of experience with life out of the monastery so she might want to take the chance to interact with these villagers. Alternatively, the path she had been aimlessly following continued on the other side of the one that ran into the village and she could simply continue to follow it if she wished.
Kaia has enough food, water for a couple of days as well as spare clothes and a poncho for when I decide to monsoon the fuck out of you.

Also not going to be a stickler about regular food/water, unless the situation calls for it. I will tell you when/if that applies. And assume water is safe to drink unless or until otherwise noted (can rp as she is fey and they can do that because...fey. Or something else to your preference)

However, I am prepared to be a dick about your character getting lost in the jungle because of her monastery confinement soooo :D
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Kaia allowed her surprise to show on her face as she suddenly stepped out into the road and turned to see a fully populated village just sitting right over there. She knew that the monastery was near villages, but she hadn't expected any to be so close, nor did she expect to find one so suddenly. Still, it was better than being lost, and while she hadn't been so proud that she refused to admit as much to herself, it actually hadn't bothered her much. She was on a journey of discovery, after all, and as such had no set destination in mind anyway.

Standing at the edge of the road for a moment, Kaia shrugged and gave a soft sigh as she weighed her options. She had plenty of supplies in her pack already, and as such she hardly needed to get more, but she also didn't particularly like the idea of sleeping out in the warm, wet jungle where any number of predators could attack her in the night. Sighing again, Kaia strode into the village with a slightly grim expression, something she'd adopted back during her training to make herself seem more impressive. Despite her unfriendly demeanor, however, the monk kept her eyes open as she entered the village, seeing what there was to see.
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Making up her mind and setting her face grimly, Kaia made her way into the village. There were only a few items of interest within the village, the first being the gathering she had seen from the entrance.

It seemed that this doubled as the local tavern, and apparently sports arena. The villagers were actually gathered around two lads, both in their late teens or early twenties, who were sparring each other in a circle. One of the boys, the bigger and stronger looking of the two, seemed to have the clear advantage in the fight. He was throwing a number of attacks and it seemed the smaller boy couldn't get an effective attack in. He was taking a number of hits and would probably go down soon. All in all, it wasn't dissimilar to the sparring she did at the monastery.

However, more notable than this was the general attitude of the people in the village. What she had taken for neutrality before she now recognized as indifference, or apathy rather, to just about everything. The amicable conversation was talk of how the larger boy, Tor, and the smaller one, Rek, always did this, even though poor Rek never stood a chance and how it was all so heartbreaking. The curiosity was more of a dead-eyed stare than anything. What could do this to an entire village? It was as though they were completely desensitized to everything, totally numb.

Kaia felt a tug on her garment. Looking at the source, Kaia would find an old woman tugging at her, her skin shriveled and tan, teeth missing, and a great weariness about her. "Why have you come to this wretched village, child? You would be far better served to move on than to share in our hopeless fate."
Re: sturm's Test Thread

The signs of decay and hopelessness in the village were nothing if not confusing to the young wanderer, and for a moment she wondered if it might not be best to return with all due haste to the monastery. Was the rest of the world so... Battered? Increasing her pace as she passed through the small, dead-eyed hamlet, Kaia intended to leave it before a woman suddenly tugged on her arm. She very nearly recoiled, as if whatever curse or disease had infected this place might rub off on her, but the young woman had acquired enough discipline in her training to keep from making so violent a reaction at least.

Turning to the elderly woman and gazing at her for a moment, the monk answered her question with another question; "What in the void's name has happened here?"
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Upon hearing Kaia's query, the old woman sighed. "So the surrounding areas do not know of our plight? We sent runners but... that was a few weeks ago." She looked somehow more down-trodden after saying that, though she continued on.

"It's the aliens, girl. They raid us every couple of nights. We have figured there must be some sort of camp for the things near by, but we aren't fighters, there's nothing we can do. That's why Tor and Rek," she indicated the two boys sparring, "keep fighting like this, they are trying to become strong enough to fight them off. But there's no hope, a few more vanish every night and it's only a matter of time before the whole village is lost."

The old woman indicated a few abandoned-looking hovels, managing to look more hovel-like and dumpy than the other huts. "A few families just up and left. We heard their screams, and not more than a few days later one of them came back. Poor girl, she was...turned. Then we knew. Those monsters, they're harvesting us! And there's naught we can do about it!" Just talking about this seemed to have driven the woman to knew lows, tears of sorrow, frustration, and helplessness rolling down her face. "So just leave! The fiends didn't get you on your way in, so maybe the gods will smile on you and let you out of this hell hole. But you must go and leave us to our sorry fate!"

Perhaps as testament to this old woman's words, not one of the villagers paid even the slightest bit of attention to the exchange between her and Kaia. They just didn't seem to care, not any more.
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Kaia's eyes widened at the old woman's explanation, the revelation that this village had been plagued by the invaders. She had known of the aliens and their attack even in her isolated monastery, but had never truly seen one of them. The story about what had happened to those that had tried to leave was sobering, and she sent a silent thanks to the gods for watching over her. "How long has this been happening!?" she asked incredulously, "I came from Ironrose Monastery, and we hadn't heard of this... Do you know where they come from?"

Inwardly, Kaia was torn. She had a responsibility to help these people, but at the same time... She wasn't even sure that she could. The idea of turning tail and running was, as shameful as it might be to admit, very tempting. In a few weeks time no one would even be around to remember her cowardice, and she would be free to pursue her adventures elsewhere. But.... She would remember her own failure, and after a moment the sidhe's heart and resolve hardened as one. She would not abandon these people, not if there was something that she could do to help them. Her training demanded as much. "If nothing else, I might be able to help those two learn to fight properly... Have you no others able to do battle? No hunters or soldiers?" she said, a part of her blanching at the odds stacked against her.
Re: sturm's Test Thread

The old woman gazed past Kaia, her eyes seeming to look back into the past with a great sadness. The old woman began her tale in a gravely voice. "It started several weeks ago. Up until then, we'd never been troubled by the aliens, the jungle always seemed to protect us from them. Sure, life in the jungle is tough, but it's always been fair, because the jungle is tough on everyone, us, the beasts, and the aliens. We always thought the jungle would hold back the aliens, keep them from establishing themselves. But now it seems they have adapted somehow. The jungle doesn't hinder them as it once did." The woman paused to gather her breath, a rattle in her chest before she continued on.

"They came in the night. Small raiding parties, never more than three or four. They would come, kill the watchmen, and leave, sometimes taking a person or two with them. After the first three raids, we sent runners for help, we aren't a big village, and most of our trained fighters already lay dead, or were taken." She gestured sadly towards a handful of lumps of turned earth, what appeared to be the graves dug for the slain watchmen. "Now all of our trained guards are dead or taken. Some tried to flee, but returned as corrupted...monsters. We have given up hope. No one is coming, we just wait for our turn to be taken, a few more being dragged away screaming every couple of nights."

When questioned about the aliens' origins, the old woman pointed to a faint trail behind the village and replied, "Aye. There's some sort of ruin a ways down the trail, it'd be the perfect place to hole up. As for people who fight, those two are the only ones left." She indicated the two boys Kaia had mentioned. "An to be honest...I wouldn't bother with those two. Tor isn't bad, but he's always had an excuse to get out of guard duty, not a lot of spine in that one. An Rek...well he's just odd, he has a habit of running off and..." At that point the aforementioned Rek took a sharp jab to the nose and began bleeding. He looked at the blood collecting on a hand he held under his nose, and abruptly took off into the woods, heading, as far as she could tell in the general direction of wear the ruins would be. The old woman shook her head and finished her sentence, "...yea...that." The other villagers essentially went back to being miserable, seemingly staring off and contemplating their imminent doom, no one bothering to try and stop the poor lad who seemed to have lost it and decided to meet fate head on.

At last the old woman looked Kaia in the eyes, saying, "Why do you care child? Why would you want to help us? How do you think you could fare better than the watchmen?" When Kaia finished her conversation, there wasn't a lot to do in the village, none of the villagers appeared talkative. Still, she could pursue the boy who had run off into the woods, perhaps saving him, or at least buying him some more time. Or maybe she could convince Tor to help her find the alien base. Right now it was early afternoon, arguably the best time to search for aliens, certainly it was preferable to night, when the jungle was more dangerous and the aliens apparently more active if the woman's tale was to be believed. Of course, it occurred to her that daylight also afforded her the best chance of escaping the area.
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Listening, Kaia could only frown darkly as the old woman continued to explain the dire straights of her village. 'How are these people even still alive?' she thought, 'Under siege for a month with no defense.... It's like they were being played with!' When her question about the direction of the aliens was answered, Kaia glanced in that direction and marked it on her internal compass before turning back to the woman as she began to speak of the village's two remaining would-be defenders. Seeing the wounded boy run off, Kaia couldn't help but raise a confused eyebrow and wonder what his problem really was. Could he just not stand the sight of his own blood? And why was he going off towards the...

"Someone has to go after him!" she snapped angrily, ironically just after the old woman opted to ask why she would even help, and it was that very question that the monk pondered as she moved to follow after the fleeing boy. Why was she helping these people? It was a great risk on her part for seemingly little to no personal reward. Why should she care. As she moved through the despair-numbed crowd of villagers, Kaia honestly couldn't even figure out why, but she banished the thought from her head. She was honor bound to do so. The monks of the Ironrose Monastery were trained to protect, after all, and they were sworn to defend those that could not defend themselves. While she was hardly the most devout believer in the oaths that she'd sworn, she had still sworn them and would thus honor them to the best of her ability so long as she could.... She hoped.

As she ran, she knew that she was going towards danger, and thus prepared herself accordingly. Enhancing her physical senses was one of the most basic things that she'd learned, and knowing that she would be moving quickly through the jungle's difficult terrain meant that it was almost a necessity as she ran after the fleeing boy.

Casting Lesser Strength, Body level 2 for more Perception.
Buff: 9 (52/6) * 3 = +27 rounded down to +26 Perception.
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Kaia: HP: 51/51 PP: 75/77 EP: 66/66 Status: Fine
Perception 1: Kaia follows the guy's trail
Perception 2: Kaia sees the hole in the ground
Perception 3: Kaia sees the torn clothing
Speed: No catchey
(Pretty sure 50 before roll beats any reasonable DC for these, well the guy wasn't trying to conceal his trail otherwise that would have required a role.)
Kaia took off, leaving a number of only marginally surprised villagers to watch her go. No shouts or warnings followed her.

With the magical boost to her senses, she had no trouble following the direct path the young man had taken through the brush, he seemed to know where he was going as the path was going in a beeline towards whatever destination he had in mind, no twists or turns whatsoever. However, he must have been really hauling ass because she never managed to catch sight of him. After a few minutes of running, she abruptly found herself at the ruin. She was about to plunge into the only door she could see, which led to a gloomy interior, but she skidded to a stop as she found herself on the edge of a pit about ten feet deep, a torn bit of cloth that looked like it could have come from the lad's pants. However, there was no sign of the cloth's owner, only a tunnel that looked like it headed under the ruins. Try as she might, she could not see or hear anything coming from either of the apparent entrances to the ruin.

As she considered what to do, she heard something moving in the brush behind her and turned to face the older boy, Tor. He was panting and stared at her with with a desperate look in his eyes. "Oh shit did he go in there? You can't follow him into that place! You'll be killed, or worse!"
Re: sturm's Test Thread

(Why did she take PP damage for casting a spell?)

Kaia slowed slightly when she arrived at the temple, and that kept her from going headfirst into the pit set in front of the door. Her enhanced perceptions allowed her to see the scrap of cloth on the rim of the hole, the same color and material as the pants of the boy that had run off. She bent slightly, lifting her tunic enough that, when the other boy came up, he could see her panty line as her generous rear strained against the tight confines of her white training pants. She glanced back at Tor as she heard him emerging from the bushes and straightened as she turned, "Yes, he did apparently go in there.... And yes, I am. Whether you want to go back to your village or try to help, I'm going... Now."

Turning back, Kaia examined the pit for a moment before backing up, and then taking a running start in order to leap across to the other side.
Re: sturm's Test Thread

(Because whoops I can't read. That's why.)
(Also, no EP spent on upkeep because it's a level 2 buff, right?)
Kaia: HP: 51/51 PP: 77/77 EP: 64/66 Status: Fine
Perception: 59
Do you typically display roll numbers like this, or just tell people what they saw, so they don't get a sense of if they might have missed something or not?

Tor paused before shouting out his warning, momentarily drawn towards the ass exceptional ass presented to him. However he was not distracted long, the ruins apparently terrifying the lad as he called out after she jumped, "You're hot, but not that hot. I'm gettin the hell outta here!" If sidhe turned around to look she would find that the frightened lad had been true to his word as their was no sign of him, not even so much as a disturbed bush. Whatever anyone might say about him, he must be a phenomenal at both running and hiding. Though it did lead one to wonder how he could depart so quickly, she had other things on her mind and proceeded into the ruin.

As Kaia stepped into the dilapidated building, she found it to be rather dark, damp, musty, cold, and generally possessed of an unwelcoming air. All characteristic of creepy and only semi-abandoned ruins. The entrance room was quite empty except for some dark moss growing on the walls and a ruined table and chairs. Proceeding through the only exit from this room, a doorway set into the stone wall, she proceeded down a long, ominously dark, hallway. Set into the sides of the hallway were cells, it seemed like this area was used to detain people, the doors were rather rusted, but heavy enough to stay in place despite their apparent age. Looking inside a cell or two, Kaia could see a couple of desiccated husks of who she assumed had lived in the village, their souls having been ripped from their body and a few tentacles sticking off of them at odd angles. It seemed they had not survived whatever twisted process the aliens used to convert them into their own abominations. There didn't look to be anything of value in these cells, even a cannibal likely wouldn't have wanted the corpses.

Once she had reached the end of this hall, Kaia found herself at a staircase going down further into the ruins. At this point, a sound started to make itself apparent to the young Sidhe. It was a low muttering sound, she couldn't make out anything, but it sounded male, and faintly, no, definitely ominous. It was punctuated by an odd, rhythmic, clank. It sounded as though something hard was being idly tapped against steel and occasionally rock, at regular intervals.

The stairs went straight down into what looked like an open room from what Kaia could see. And from the dim light emanating up, it looked as though their was some natural sunlight faint though it was, which was strange as the room should be underground. Once she went down, she would likely be seen by whatever was in the room, unless she could find some cover once she got down there. How she wanted to proceed was up to her, but this was the only way further in for the mage.
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Re: sturm's Test Thread

(That's a fine way of doing it. I usually just show success/failure, but they're supposed to be ominous rolls, and they accomplish that just as effectively as numbers. There isn't really a wrong way of doing it, so you can show them however you like. Correct on the buff costing no upkeep too.)

Kaia shot a scandalized look at the retreating boy's back, but he was already gone. Proceeding inwards with a few quiet grumbles about courage to herself, Kaia sobered quickly as she spotted the contents of some of the cells, the sight of the dessicated corpses causing her stomach to twist into knots. She'd never really seen a dead body before, and the knowledge that such could easily be her fate if she failed here almost made her turn back.... Almost, but not quite. Steeling herself and pointedly directing her gaze ahead, Kaia slowly crept into the depths of the temple, her body fully tensed and ready in case one of the perpetrators of these heinous acts should spring out at her. Her eyes naturally adjusted to the darkness, allowing her to see even in the gloom of the practically unlit temple corridors, and though Kaia thought that such was a natural reaction, in truth it was her fey heritage naturally compensating far more effectively than it would if she were a human.

She paused and listened when she first heard the strange muttering, hearing the other sounds that accompanied it a few heartbeats later. Standing at the top of the stairs, she closed her eyes for a moment before silently incanting a quick spell, one meant to turn luck in her favor, doubting that she'd be able to sneak forward much further, and then started down the steps in a careful half jog, her martial arts training and her supernatural heritage kicking in and allowing her to practically dance down the steps with near-superhuman grace. She wasn't particularly quiet, but at this point she didn't particularly have to be given that the stairs opened up into a landing that likely wouldn't offer her any cover to hide behind.

Shapeshift into Night Eyes.

Casting Power of Chaos, a level 2 Entropy spell that she's using to buff Dodge. 9 * 3 (2 for spell level and 1 for Healer) should give +27 rounded down to +26 Dodge.
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Kaia: HP: 51/51 PP: 77/77 EP: 64/66 Status: Fine
Perception: 56 (It's a good thing you buffed because you no roll so good...)
Gracefully going down the stairs, Kaia was ready to fight just about anything, her nerves running high. However, it seemed she had missed the party, the crazy murder party, that is. The first thing she noticed when she stepped into the room, which was pretty devoid of cover by the way, was the blood, everywhere. Not just blood though, there were bodies to go with the blood, lots of bodies. There were hunters, grabbers, and even non-aliens. Humans, elves, and even a couple of goblins were in attendance. All of them were dead.

There were a number of cells along the wall, with holes in the ceiling where light streamed through. It was likely that the pit she had jumped earlier would have landed her somewhere similar. There were a number of cells along the wall, these empty, a table, covered in blood, and a humanoid, wearing a dark cloak with a hood. The humanoid, Kaia couldn't tell more than that, as its body was obscured by the cloak, was walking slowly towards the door to the next room, tapping something against the wall as it walked. It took a moment, but Kaia finally identified the object as one of the long claws that the alien species of hunters possessed. Judging by the mangled flesh at the base of it, it had been forcibly extricated recently. It was this that was the source of the tapping, and now she could more clearly make out the voice as masculine, faint though it was.

He spoke as slowly and evenly as he stpped, clearly and quietly uttering every line as he stepped through the doorway at the end of the room, turned down a hall, and was out of sight. ""Amidst the mists and coldest frosts...with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts..."

The figure had never turned around, that Kaia had seen. It was possible he wasn't aware of her. Once again though, the only way to go was forwards. Or she could turn around, it wasn't too late to leave. Probably.
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Kaia came down to a sight so horrible that it nearly made the monk vomit, a room filled with corpses both alien and... Not. Or at least, she couldn't tell if they were, as she immediately directed her gaze upwards. The scent of blood, so powerful to her magically enhanced nose, was inescapable, and for a moment she could only shiver in horror. But then, she heard the voice again, and she looked in its direction to see a cloaked man slowly striding out of the room, alone. The last she saw of him was the grisly trophy clutched in his hand, a hunter's claw... Still attached to a partially mutilated hand. Again, the urge to wretch attempted to seize hold of Kaia, but her training had instilled her with the willpower to resist it, and as the man vanished into another chamber the sidhe monk quickly moved across the bloody floor to follow.

"Wait!" she called out angrily, "What in the void's name happened here!?" Though perhaps speaking to a person who had done what that man had just presumably done with the tone that she used was almost certainly an extremely bad idea, Kaia wasn't exactly thinking about prudence at the moment. She wanted answers, and to find the boy that had fallen into the empty pit before he ended up like all of the people now lying in pieces on the floor around her.
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Kaia: HP: 51/51 PP: 77/77 EP: 64/66 Status: Fine
Resistance: Cloaked Stranger wins, Kaia hears what he has to say, whether she wants to or not.
Perception: Kaia wins, she realizes the voice is in her mind, not in the room.
As Kaia got closer to the room the cloaked man had disappeared into, his voice got louder, more gravelly, seemingly paying her no mind. "He thrusts his fists against the posts..." The door blocked her sight of the man for only a moment. "And still insists he sees the..." She pushed open the door and stepped into the next room. The man nowhere to be seen.

"GHOSTS!" The voice echoed around her, and the door she had just come through slammed shut, locking with a very audible click.

His voice continued to sound from all around her. No, wait, it wasn't. It was coming from within her own mind, she was alone in the room, for now at least.

"Why have you come here, fair-child? The problems of this village are not your own." After a moment the voice continued. "Regardless, you will now be tested. You think you can help the villagers? We shall see..."

Suddenly the door at the other end of the mostly empty room burst open and three grabbers rushed into the room and headed straight towards her.
Grabber X3
Creepy Voice in your Head X1

Kaia Buffs: 2 level 2 Buffs +26 to dodge and perception
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Kaia followed after the cloaked man, intent on getting answers.... And found the next room empty, at least of him, even though his shouting voice sounded close. Then the door behind her slammed shut, and after another moment in which she turned to try and smash it down she realized that his voice wasn't coming in through the walls.... It was coming directly into her head. "Who are you?" she shouted angrily, though a tremor of fear had entered her voice as well. Even so, she shouted a demand both with her voice and within her own head; "Face me!"

She offered no answers to his questions, or at least not willingly. It quickly became apparent that the voice was not friendly, however, as the door on the opposite side of the room opened, and in walked a trio of headless grey tentacle monsters that Kaia needed no loremaster to identify as hostile. Thoughts of the strange cloaked figure were shunted from her mind as Kaia's training took hold, and she reacted by spinning to face them and falling into a defensive stance. Power stirred naturally within her, and it was that power that the monk reached for instinctively, letting it flow through and from her in its natural state rather than attempting to shape it. Her right hand arc forward in a cupping motion as her eyes began to glow an arctic white-blue color. The masters of the monastery hadn't been able to explain the appearance of her powers, but after only a tiny bit of practice Kaia was as confident with them as she was with her martial abilities and her spellcasting. The wave of her hand brought with it a sweeping wave of icy cold, meant to leave the three slimy creatures frozen in place where they stood.

She should be out 2 more EP, which doesn't regenerate while a character has buffs active even if the buffs themselves don't cost upkeep.
Activate Polar Binding for X = 8, targeting the three grabbers for a total cost of 10 EP cuz 2 extra targets.

Polar Binding
The character binds a foe in ice, or conjures a wall of ice.
-The character pays X EP.
-The character may either:
1) Target a single creature, or a group of creatures that are adjacent to one another. Each of those creatures hit by this Power are Bound, with a Grapple DC to escape equal to 6X. They also take 3X damage each round. The effective value of X decreases by 1 every round after the first in anything but a frigid environment, and attacks that deal Heat damage that would affect the creatures hit by this power or the area around them cause the value of X to decrease by 1 for every 10 points of damage that the attack would deal. For each creature beyond the first that a character wants to target, the activation cost of this power increases by 1.
2) Put up a reasonably sized barrier with proper support. This barrier has HP equal to 10X and AV equal to 2X, cannot be grappled, cannot be forced to make Resistance checks, takes double damage from Heat attacks but no damage from Cold attacks, and cannot be attacked through without first breaking the barrier.
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Kaia: HP: 51/51 PP: 77/77 EP: 52/66 Status: Fine
Kaia Polar Binding: 69(hehe) hits all 3 Damage: 24 to all
Grapple Check (DC: 48):
Grabber 1: 57 Breaks free, moderately injured
Grabber 2: 47 Stuck, moderately injured
Grabber 3: 54 Breaks free, moderately injured
Kaia received no response but a cold laugh in her mind as the three grabbers rushed her, and nothing at all as her blast of spirit power hit all three, freezing them in place and causing some noticeable damage to the grabbers in the process.

Unfortunately, two of the grabbers were tenacious enough to break free of their icy bindings while the one between them remained stuck as it had taken the brunt of the attack, smashing themselves out and plopping to the ground. They were quick to right themselves and continue rushing at her, though Kaia noted twin pools of strange alien blood on the ground where they had landed.

Grabbers X2 gonna be in range next turn (not this turn on account of having to beat grapple check)
Grabber X1 stuck in ice, will take additional damage next round

Kaia Buffs: 2 level 2 Buffs +26 to dodge and perception, using polar binding (no upkeep, right?)

Questions: 1. For AoE, is it one attack roll for the entire group affected, or is do I roll separately for each?
2. I don't add your grapple to the DC for polar binding, right? (unless there's a feat/aptitude for it like there is for powers that do resistance checks, but I don't think there is.)
3. Does PB count towards the total active effects that Kaia is maintaining? I think she can have up to 3, meaning if it does count, she can't cast or use powers until she drops one of her actives, right?
4. And do I roll for dodge, or is it just attack roll vs. dodge stat?
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Re: sturm's Test Thread

Kaia cursed inwardly as two of the tentacle monsters slipped free of their icy bindings, but the monk kept her cool and leaped forward on light feet to meet them. She'd need to be careful to keep from the grip of the alien's tentacles, but avoidance was one of her most effective strong suits, and even with two of them at once that shouldn't prove too difficult. Dancing into their midst, Kaia lashed out with hands and feet, intending to literally beat the aliens into a pulp.

You have questions, and I have answers!
1) Either or, the choice is yours.
2) Nope.
3) Yes it does, but she can still activate other things even when at her active abilities capacity. One use attacks that don't last aren't affected by the limit and can still be used freely, and she can activate more stuff but it'd only last as long for the turn.
4) Dodge never gets a d20 roll.

Also, grabbers actually don't really bleed. They're basically just chunks of meat that emit slime. Also, polar binding does indeed have no upkeep.

Kaia will be punching the grabbers until they die, something happens that dramatically affects the situation, or they manage to get a tentacle on her. The stats needed are below:
Dodge = 41 + 10 (Unarmed) + 26 (buff) = 77!
Unarmed Strike (+52) 2d12 + 10 (her claws are currently shapeshifted away, hence the reduced damage)
Re: sturm's Test Thread

Kaia: HP: 51/51 PP: 77/77 EP: 52/66 Status: Fine, raping alien face.
Not going to bother. You rolled really high, they rolled really goddamn low. The digital dice gods seem to favor the PCs in my threads today.
Now engaged in melee with the two unfrozen grabbers, Kaia went all Mike Tyson on their asses, beating the first one into a meaty, tentacley, pulp that oozed a little bit of aphrodisiac.

The second grabber came at Kaia, flailing it's tentacles all over the place, but with her buff in affect, she dodged it with little effort, flipping over the top of it and landing behind it in the most awesome way imaginable, ready to turn it into pulp as well.

A look to the one trapped in the wall would reveal that it had completely solidified in the ice, and thus expiring. That left one lone, wounded grabber for her to finish off. Shouldn't be too much of a challenge. Unless of course she wanted to show it some mercy and let it have its way with her.

Only one question this time. So with the talents that monsters have that affect stats (hard to hit for grabbers), is that factored into the stats area that says "difference from base class" or whatever that little area is, I didn't actually open the file on account of lazy and I remembered the stats.
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