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Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

sounds good lol dam i already have over 7 and a half hours of playtime on it :3 eventually gonna have to start the game over to be a evil bastard :3
another possible glitch near the endish of the game when your going to capture the maid.if you choose to rape her the game will just go to a black screen after you choose to make her a slave or bring her to the capital.(you can still open the menu and exit out)
btw where do they bring her lol...i couldn't find her any where :3
on that note i was sad that i did not have a say in the leader of the bandits fate :( 40 years is quite alot :( what was her crime to deserve life? :O even then i would of put a good word in for her if i could :(
You did a amazing job on this game.theirs choices which actually can effect the story and even fates of certain characters...this must of took a long time to do...hopefully this becomes a more popular and people support this.

would suggest uploading a short 5-10 min gameplay video on you tube for it since theirs no adult material in that time frame.to bring up peoples awareness.

also their was not many very hard to watch scenes or story plots.which is a plus.
2 games which i will never play again because their story is so horrible that it makes me h8 the writer more then the type of people i h8 most.
not even gonna name them :(

Anyway keep up to Awesome work :3
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

Bug report:

The mayor's daughters: trying to knock up the one in red dress seem to freeze the game.
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

Bug report again: If you decide to rape the maid during the hunt for the assassin and then choose to make her a slave the game freezes.

Is the third evil priest findable in the demo?

About the the mayor's daughter Lisa that froze on me earlier, I managed to get through that point, but now it freezes after the scene instead. (I should probably specify, I didn't have sex with her in the bath, but later in her room instead).

Otherwise: really solid demo. But these game freezing issues are quite unfortunate. It's good I'm used to save often when I play these kind of demos.
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Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

I'm really sorry about the issues of the game. We went through the game so many times, yet there are still these kind of bugs. The last priest is there. There is one in each city.

Everlight barracks outside - rei-long oak in the inn - Ceeves Ocean in the Inn, upstairs.

I won't be fixing the bugs right now, I'm sorry, but I am sick with 40cc fever... Once I get better I will look at it. I'm sorry.
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

i already listed the maid issue lol read comments! :3 and use edit no double posts! :3
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

I'm sorry about the long time it took for me to respond. As I mentioned I was sick. I'm still recovering, but it took so long my exam dates are coming up. I will
be fixing bugs whenever I'm not feeling pressured by the exam, but unfortunately, the time I intended on the game has been taken away by my illness.
I will fix the problems as soon as I can, and I hope you will all bear with me.
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

ahh no problem :3 anyone that would dare complain is not a human begin in my eyes they are as low as a insect!
hope you get better and good luck with the exams :3
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

My exams will be finished in roughly a week. Once that happens I'm going to fix the game and upload a fix. Once done with that I'll work on a little extra for you guys, as an apology for all the bugs in the game!

I hope you can wait a week!

All the best

Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

No problems. Just take your time.

Demos released in the middle of development will ALWAYS be buggy.That's one reason to release them, to find the bugs.

About the battles in the game. They tend to be too hard at first, but then when you're equipped with all the best stuff they become ridiculously easy. (Well, the scripted Orc battles are all quite hard, especially that one you get into trying to save the mayor's daughter, since you need luck to win, i.e. get a hornet when you summon, and that hornet surviving long enough to poison all the enemies).
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

the game wasent hard for me :3 i grinded the crap out of it until lvl 5 soon as the game started once you get between lvl 10-12 nothing in the game is much of a threat anymore.

and ya once you get the better gear its almost like baking a cake :3
if you don't train a good amount tho...ya it would be very hard to get by the war chiefs lol...

forgot to report a bug(assuming this counts as one...
in the last city(been a while 4got name :() theirs a guy who wants you to rob some rich person.
well this is just to get the area has nothing to do with him.
its about one of the buildings if i recall around their if you walk from the north of the building going downwards you can get on the roof :3 cool as that is i don't believe your supposed to :3

i really love your game man...lately been running into a lot of the "3d anime" style hentai games if you know what type i mean...despair labyrinth is a good example of the style i mean...(the story in that sucks and so does the hentai) but the rpg is one thing that was pretty dam awesome with 8 different characters :3
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Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

My computer broke down a few days back, (Just before I had to deliver my exam <,<) and I had to reinstall windows... Problem is, I have the game and everything, nothing is lost since I keep many security back-ups on many harddisks... But... RPG Makers fucking activation server seems to not work! I've sent in a message, hoping they'll fix it for me, but untill then I'm afraid I can't do anything with the game :S Sorry... As soon as I can I will be fixing and giving you your present for sticking with the game, lol.
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

darn bad luck man...i should check mine to see if it needs cleaning.
i still need to buy a new ps3 since my second one stopped reading disks(or i could try to replace the laser which is most likely the problem just don't try that with xbox they banned my friends account because he fixed his own system!)
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

Tough luck on the PS3. And they aren't exactly inexpensive <.<

News on the game. I will be fixing tomorrow and uploading a fix for you guys. I managed to register now, but it's getting too late, and I'm trying to turn my day and night back to being up during the day lol. Stupid exams will do that to you xD Anyway, tomorrow the fixes will/should come :)
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

while its on my mind.
as its been a quite while since i last played this game their was one quest in the 1st village i think it was called...slackers will slack
or something near that.
its the only quest that i could not find.was that actual event for that added?
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

while its on my mind.
as its been a quite while since i last played this game their was one quest in the 1st village i think it was called...slackers will slack
or something near that.
its the only quest that i could not find.was that actual event for that added?

It most certainly was :p I'm right now working on fixing all the reported bugs.

Fix is here. Please try out the new fix, and be sure to tell me if there remain any of the reported bugs. Or any other bugs for that matter.
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Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

ok :3 keep up the epic work :3 currently playing conquest of avindale on off time pretty short atm but i love the theme :3 also love being able to not be a doucebag lol i really h8 the evil mean person path :3
thank you for finally making a game where this can not only be avoided but prevented if its happening :D

Edit-miner text errors
1.after you rape the maid and speak with the captain one of her lines says your name instead of hers it was the one that says something like" i thought you want to know her name"

2.in the arena and long rei oak the guards for the rooms are messed up.
theirs a person in the top right room and the guard says its no ones room which would apply to the stop left.
also does the porn stash do anything atm? i figured it would let you view H scenes that you have seen but it says i have found nothing yet :3
the lady in the ...church i think it is in the second floor when you pick what type of girl you want nothing happens(im sure that nothing is meant to happen right now but just in case thought i should mention it)
after you sail to your castle text error-when you say your graceful form what happen she replys you flatter me but it says your name
in the slums can still get on the roof :3 thru the top left box
1.i dare say im tempted to ask for the abilty to run its not something that need but i would be lying if i said sometimes going at that walking at that pace was not tiresome sometimes lol
2.hyped up for the castle! make it sexy! :3
3.wondering if their will be any further stuff for alice the 1st girl you meet. i would love to invite her to my crib to thank her for helping me :3
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Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

ok :3 keep up the epic work :3 currently playing conquest of avindale on off time pretty short atm but i love the theme :3 also love being able to not be a doucebag lol i really h8 the evil mean person path :3
thank you for finally making a game where this can not only be avoided but prevented if its happening :D

Edit-miner text errors
1.after you rape the maid and speak with the captain one of her lines says your name instead of hers it was the one that says something like" i thought you want to know her name"

2.in the arena and long rei oak the guards for the rooms are messed up.
theirs a person in the top right room and the guard says its no ones room which would apply to the stop left.
also does the porn stash do anything atm? i figured it would let you view H scenes that you have seen but it says i have found nothing yet :3
the lady in the ...church i think it is in the second floor when you pick what type of girl you want nothing happens(im sure that nothing is meant to happen right now but just in case thought i should mention it)
after you sail to your castle text error-when you say your graceful form what happen she replys you flatter me but it says your name
in the slums can still get on the roof :3 thru the top left box
1.i dare say im tempted to ask for the abilty to run its not something that need but i would be lying if i said sometimes going at that walking at that pace was not tiresome sometimes lol
2.hyped up for the castle! make it sexy! :3
3.wondering if their will be any further stuff for alice the 1st girl you meet. i would love to invite her to my crib to thank her for helping me :3

Let's take it all from the beginning lol

About the bugs, I'll look into it :p Like always xD
The porn book is for later add-ons. You will be able to find porn books and pages from porn books, which you will then store there.

The church. There is no sex scenes for that yet. Later on I'll make it like the arena though. You pick a specific type of sex you want and a random sex scene will appear. So picking anal 10 times may yield 10 different scenes and so on.

About walking on the roof. I don't suppose you could take a screen shot of the point where you can go up on the roof? I tried looking for it, and found a spot which I fixed, but it would seem that wasn't it?

I've been thinking about the ability to run. Maybe draining mana or something, but I'll need to think up a neat way of adding it to the game first.

The castle exterior (all that is made yet lol) is fucking awesome! You can upgrade it to look absolutely gorgeous! Quite a few players mentioned that they looked forward to the upgrading part :p lol, it will be massive. There will be countless of upgrades, so look forward to it. I just hope gegerlan (the guy making the maps) doesn't bail out lol. In that case the interior will suck a lot since I'll need to do it lol.

Yes, there will be more content for Alice later on, if you chose to offer your help. So again, look forward to it lol.
Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

nice :3 ill defiantly be looking forward to that.was a good choice to use heby for the picture of the queen :3
as for that roof the power of exploring! :3
most people probably wouldn't find it unless they tried to get up their :3
but ya simply go directly above the box walk down then right :3
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Re: Alone XP (Formerly VX) -

a place even the divine one is not allowed to go :3

was a little sad inside that the capital did not have better equipment then iron
like steel,mythril or cartbon :3

also looking forward to more summons(medium,high,epic/master/special/lengendary/dark/light/majestic) :3
not that much higher are needed. once you get the iron gear and reach lvl 10 very few enemy's can stand against you :3

also taking a note about the arena lol...its mentions that even touching the divine one without his consent would lead to death(women really deserve some rights lol even if you are god :3)

then when you fight in the arena if they beat you they would be put to death :3

and the futa elv you meet in the arena i wonder if something bad happens to her if you dont make her pregnant o.o poor elv :(

also the umm...orc or goblin or ogre boss 4got what he was but its the one you fight only once south of everlight because the girl who went their to help wants to test your strength.
i would request that he be made harder that was a pretty depressingly easy fight. increase his life a little bit and attack by like double :3
or w/e makes you happy but he should be stronger then a orc war chief :3
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