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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"What." Razzie stared at the skeleton and the seemingly innocent piece of lace in her hands. The rancher wasn't even sure whether she owned such a pair of panties. Actually, she was pretty sure she didn't - sure, she had a taste in black clothes, so much that most of the stuff she owned was black, including underwear, but she didn't really dig lace. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she let out a long-suffering sigh. "I don't even want to know where you got those... But I swear, if I catch Hell because of this, you'll be the one paying. And if they aren't comfortable, they're going to the trash." She'd have to wear those damn things, otherwise Akitsu would likely end up sulking. Darkstar realized she'd have to lay down some serious ground rules later.

With that bump out of the way, Razzie was finally able to set out, her companions at her side. Despite the various annoyances, her mood was improving, to the point of getting almost giddy with anticipation. A chance to blow off some steam - and legally, to boot. Of course, Darkstar forgot that Lady Luck sometimes just liked to watch her squirm. The first sign that something was wrong was after she arrived and was greeted by a rather happy woman, instead of a sad one. The young rancher did not recall sending out any one of her mamono to fight. The second, an far more alarming, sign was the presence of the small vampire - and the reward in her hand.

Razzie just stared at the vampire for a second, composing herself even as anger began to boil within her anew. This was an even bigger problem than a rodent infestation, one she would have to address immediately. However, there was no need to cause a scene in front of the woman. "No need to thank me." She replied with a small smile, seething inside at the irony. "I wanted to check up on the situation and bring additional help if needed, but I see it wasn't necessary. If everything's all right, I'll be going now... Have a good day." Darkstar did not stop the vampire, but wasn't going to just let her go. Instead, she opted to walk next to her, matching her steps. She stayed silent until they were outside of earshot before starting to speak. "So. Care to explain when did you become one of my mamono?" She asked dryly.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

The thankful married woman waved off the rancher, her two mamono, and the yet nameless vampire girl. Once out of earshot, the vampire respond in a most unfriendly manner. "It was obviously a lie to get that old hag to pay me for the job, you idiot." she replied. "Now get away from me. You reek of that perverted wretch that hung himself." she snapped at Razzie, before suddenly, Akitsu threw herself at the vampire, tackling the vampire to the ground.

"Rachel, I missed you, and your beautiful, supple body." Akitsu announced with her dead tone.

The vampire, apparently Rachel, had her eyes bug out of her head at the skeleton's words. "You're...!?" was all she said before Rachel suddenly violently kicked Akitsu off. "Keep away from me, you freak! I'm not going to be your damn dress up doll ever again!" she announced, looking ready to fight Akitsu.

Akitsu pulled out another pair of black lace panties just like the ones Razzie was wearing. "Wear these, and make a sexy pose with Razzie, you'll look just like sexy twins." Akitsu announced.

"DID YOU NOT HEAR A FUCKING WORD I... Nevermind." Rachel sighed. "Stay away from me, or I'll blow you back to hell where you belong." she warned the skeleton.

"Impossible. My dying wish was to do all of the naughty things I could not while living." Akitsu replied, before Rachel suddenly began laughing psychotically, holding a ball of flame in her hand.

"I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" Rachel screamed.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"ENOUGH!" Razzie snapped, positioning herself between the vampire and her skeleton. "Akitsu, stop." She commanded, her tone showing that she would not tolerate disobedience. The situation was getting dire, and someone had to put a foot down before the insanity got out of hand. "There is time and place for such things. This is neither of those. I'll be doing the talking now." She glanced at the only person who had yet to say anything. "Hana, if Akitsu tries to do or say something stupid, I'm counting on you to stop her. Possess her if you have to, just don't let her do something we'll all end up regretting." Having given orders, she turned towards the vampire. "Rachel, calm down. Please." Darkstar added, remembering the small mamono would likely not accept any orders. "I'm... Sorry for what happened. I did not see that coming... Though I probably should have." She admitted grudgingly. "Now. I am not going to ask about the money - technically, you're the one who did the job, so it's yours... However, I don't appreciate having my work stolen away from me. Particularly when you claim to be one of my partners."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Hana jumped inside of Akitsu, making the skeleton sprout ears and a tail, and also calming her down.

"Oh, sorry!" Rachel said sarcastically. "I should worry about other people before doing anything in this world! It's a living!" Rachel replied with an angry snap after her bout of sarcasm. "So what if I beat you to it? You'll just have to be faster next time! This world isn't going to wait for you!" she announced. "And do yourself a favor. Kick that skeleton into a pit of lava! The soul within is rotten!" she announced, before turning on the spot.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Fine, do as you wish." Razzie replied. She wasn't sure whether her mamono were up to the task of beating the vampire up, and frankly she'd rather not let Akitsu try. "I will, however, have to start correcting people about your status from now on. You should take credit for your own deeds." Darkstar turned around as well. "Come on, we're done here. Gotta find something else to do with the rest of our day off." Whatever her reasons were, Rachel was now at the very top of the rancher's list. But first, she needed to prepare her monsters for the fight. And probably do something about Akitsu's personality.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"A mamono on her own can't make a living like this, when people are fearful of mamono that don't have a "Rancher" behind them." Rachel said. "I'll just crush you if you get in my way." she warned Razzie, before walking off.

Watching the vampire, Akitsu was the first to speak. "We must capture her, and make her wear these panties with you." she announced, a small sense of urgency in her otherwise emotionless tone. However, before Razzie could reply, all three of them heard a 'flop', someone falling flat onto the ground, before they'd see that Rachel had apparently fallen face flat into the ground.

Taking advantage of the situation, Akitsu was walking over to the fallen vampire, intently holding the panties in her skeletal hands.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"That's my line." Razzie replied. If the vampire really intended to fight her, then she'd have to prepare her partners for battle quickly. She only hoped that she could help Akitsu get over that obsession in the meantime, seeing as her last opinion was particularly groan-worthy. Before she could comment, though, she witnessed something very unexpected - Rachel just fell down.

"What." The whole thing seemed absurd to Darkstar. Was she just pretending to be tough despite being on last legs? Did she get hit by a poisoned weapon earlier, perhaps? Or maybe she didn't have much protection against sunlight after all, seeing as the rancher didn't notice anything that resembled a trinket Valdis mentioned earlier. Whatever the cause was, Akitsu was quick to attempt taking advantage of the situation. Razzie, however, felt that it was the wrong thing to do. "Akitsu, stop. Hana, interference if necessary." She gave a quick order, approaching the vampire herself. No, first you had to check whether she was still conscious and ascertain the cause of the incident. Then, once you've ensured it wouldn't backfire, you tried to take advantage of it. Or tried to help, whichever was better. "Oy, you alive?" Razzie asked, kneeling down near Rachel.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Apparently so, as Rachel was beginning the process of crawling towards a nearby fence to hide in the shade as Razzie drew near. "I'm... Fine..." Rachel said with a voice that practically screamed, "I'm not fine," while Akitsu was possessed by Hana so she wouldn't attack Rachel while she was in that state. Rachel crawled until she was finally within the shade somewhat, before she began to pant and breathe heavily in relief.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie briefly wondered whether she should do something as she watched Rachel crawl. Her feeble attempts at assuring the rancher she's ok brushed off instantly. Once the vampire reached a patch of shade and stopped to rest, a proverbial lightbulb went off in Darkstar's head. "Oh, you're kidding me." She spoke. "You've got to be kidding me. You really have no protection against sunlight, do you?" Sure, it was one of the most logical reasons,but surely Rachel would know better than to risk something like that, right? "And you actually waltz around - fight, even - in broad daylight? Wow, just wow." She slowly approach the vampire, checking her pockets on the way. Yep, the bag of garlic was still there. Razzie figured the vampire would stick around, and carried the now slightly less than fresh vegetables with her, just in case.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Seeing Razzie approach, Rachel adopted a somewhat nervous glare. "You.. What the hell do you think you're doing..." she asked weakly.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie stopped, not expecting the question. It was a good one - what should she do? She hadn't made any plans on what to do with the vampire in case of an encounter, and the whole situation didn't pan out as she expected it to go anyway. "Huh... What am I doing, I wonder..." Darkstar spoke quietly, as if to herself. Briefly glancing at her own mamono, then back at Rachel, she reached a decision, resuming her walk. "You could say I'm doing my job. Both helping people out on my turf and taking care of troublesome mamono is part of a rancher's duty, I guess." She walked up to the vampire and picked her up. "Alright, we're going back to the ranch. I bet if I leave you here it's only going to bite me in the ass sooner or later, and it's not like you're in a state to complain about it."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"H-hey!" Rachel complained as she was easily lifted by Razzie. "What are you doing!?" she complained, before looking to Razzie with bloody murder in her eyes, and raised one of her hands, curling her fingers as if to use them like claws. The raised hand lunged for Razzie, but all it delivered was a light slap, not even enough to agitate her skin.

"I want to do mean things to her. To see Rachel cry would be... so arousing." Akitsu said from behind Razzie.

Hana hummed. "I not looking for that kind of thrill, but... She's so stuck up that I kinda wanna do bad things to her too."

"TOUCH ME AND YOU'RE ALL DEAD!" Rachel worked up enough energy to scream that.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

'No point in even using garlic...' Razzie noted as she barely registered the slap. The vampire wouldn't be a threat for a while, she noted. Hell, she was suprised Rachel was able to move at all, if that was all the strenght she could muster. Perhaps the fight earlier took so much out of her. Adjusting her hold on the girl, Darkstar glared at her mamono. "No." She spoke firmly. "Trust me, I dislike her attitude even more, especially since I'm the one she's been insulting since we first met. However, I will not let such a thing happen, understood? Especially you, Akitsu." The rancher frowned. "I know you're obsessed, but you will have to learn to control those impulses, before they cause us some genuine trouble." Yeah, she should probably start putting her foot down. And if Rachel got too uppity, she could deal out some punishment herself. This could be, however, an opportunity to deal with the vampire, and while she could try getting Venice and IMA to take her, perhaps she could recruit the creature. "Now come on, let's go." Razzie sighed as she started walking back home.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

In response to Razzie putting her foot down, the skeleton's bone hand suddenly gripped Razzie's shoulder as if she were death herself. A dark miasma sprouted from Akitsu as the red in her eyes glowed a brighter and more menacing red. "I would sooner kill you than give up my passion." she said coldly, and would say nothing more until they'd reach the Ranch once more. Rachel had gone limp in the meanwhile, the sun having drained the last of her energy away.

(+50 Loyalty for Akitsu that I forgot to add before, during the point when Razzie indulged in Akitsu's fetish.)

(-10 Loyalty for Akitsu, thinking that Razzie wishes to cut her off from her passion.)
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie sighed, staring at Akitsu as she walked. The skeleton would end up being a major pain in the ass, without a doubt. She'd have to find a way to channel her obsession in less obstructive ways, which was easier said than done. The undead girl had a very much one-track mind and limited intelligence. Still, maybe she could clamp down on her during more dangerous situations if she indulged her from time to time? Hmm. That was something worth pondering. Darkstar considered various scenarios as she made her way back to the ranch. Upon reaching it, she briefly stopped to check the mailbox, then went inside her house to dump Rachel in her room, preferably on the bed. It was time for a little conversation.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Taking Rachel to the ranch, Razzie would check her mail and find a hurriedly inserted notice in her box, not even properly placed, as if someone put it in there in a rush. If she so desired to fold it out, Razzie would discover that it was a Wanted Poster.

And it was of someone she met recently.

For the Abandonment of Human Safety

"Queen of Rose"
Rachel Alucard
100,000G REWARD

Rachel would be silent the whole time, unaware even if Razzie read the poster while carrying her, and would fall limply onto the bed should Razzie still decide to place her there, looking tired and remaining completely quiet the entire time.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Hmm." Razzie frowned as she stared at the poster. Sitting down on the nearest convenient chair, she glanced at Rachel to confirm that the vampire wasn't doing anything reckless - not that she could, apparently - before turning her attention back at the piece of paper. This was bad news for everyone involved, very bad news indeed. What the Hell did she do to get that kind of bounty on her head? Darkstar wondered whether she should turn her in immediately - now was the best time for it, considering her weakness. Still, she was curious - far more curious than greedy. Not to mention not exactly a model, law-abiding citizen. "So, Queen of Rose." The rancher started. "What the Hell did you do to get that kind of bounty on your head?" She held out the poster for Rachel to see. Seeing as it was delivered recently, they've probably ha some time to act before other ranchers started a hunt, or so she hoped.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Rachel slowly opened her eyes on the bed, but made not even the slightest of movements. "None of your business..." the Vampire replied, clamping up and refusing to reveal anything.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie stared at the vampire for a few moments in disbelief before sighing. "Fuck's sake, you're dense..." She shook her head. "You do realize I'd have to be completely out of my skull to overlook something like this, right? And even if I didn't have you at my mercy - don't even try to deny that - you'd have other ranchers hunting down your stupid ass." Darkstar put the poster down on the nearest shelf, crossing her arms and leaning back as she observed Rachel for reactions. "At this point, you've got two choices - get turned in, or tell me what happened. I make no promises, but I might be willing to help you work something out." The rancher paused before something occured to her. "And before you ask, yes. I do expect to benefit from this somehow, if you agree with me. How is something we can discuss. I'm open to a mutually beneficial agreement."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Rachel tensed, before turning her head away from Razzie in a gesture of silent refusal. "I don't trust you... You might as well turn me in." she said coldly, absolutely refusing to reveal what had happened to her.