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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Other than the crops failing and live stock dieing there has been no clues. Our Missing sisters just seemed to have left all their cloths in there place an open door and disturbed blankets have been the only signs." Many of the nuns nodded their agreement and confirmed the scenes they had found. "As for Angelic she never was very personal with us or the towns people. Indeed she kind of looked at all of us with a stuffy air like we where not good enough for her." And older nun wearing very thick glasses did speak however. "Well I know my eyes are not what they used to be but I swear I saw a man going down one of the halls before Susan disappeared. I didn't think nothing of it as the father often checked the halls when the disappearances started to occur. Though this time he seemed different bigger more robust."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera nodded her head slowly as the nuns confirmed each others stories as to the other missing nuns, which seemed to be that they had simply vanished in the night with their blankets disturbed and their clothing still there being the only thing showing that something had happened. Also, it seemed as if Angelic had been keeping more to herself rather than engaging in the day to day things around the town, which likely wasn't going to help her case much. When the nun with the glasses told her that she'd seen Jorl walking the halls at night sometimes after the nuns began disappearing, then Sera raised an eyebrow, thinking to herself that obviously made him a suspect.

"And you're quite positive that it was Jorl that you saw? Or was it someone else? It may be that both parties here that are accusing the other are both wrong and it is someone else altogether, which I'm hoping it is. But when Jorl checks around, does he sometimes enter the bedrooms of those that disappear? Or any of yours for that matter?" Sera asked the glasses nun seriously, rather kind of hoping that Jorl was the one she saw, because then it would make her job a bit easier, as she could simply question and press Jorl for the information she desired and if he was cowardly like she'd hoped then he would cave in and admit it all. "To actually find out if Jorl is the one that's been causing everything around here I would have to pretty much make him sit still for a while and try to feel it out, and I doubt he'd be very receptive of that, so trying to ascertain all of the facts is necessary before anything else is done," Sera added after a few moments of thought, stating that they would need to investigate more before pointing fingers at Jorl any more than they already had been.

Sera decided that she would have to come up with a backup plan in case she couldn't figure this out before the fey mage she'd summoned was through and wished to receive payment for her work. The only real thing she could come up with was to ask her summoned companion if she minded helping out just a little bit with the investigation as well, promising that she would try her best to have twins as payment or something, though she of course didn't know how to do such a thing to make it happen.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"When the first sister disappeared he began to patrol the halls at night. He never entered our rooms or anything." The nun shifted her thick glasses with her finger and looked at Sera. "Im sorry dear my eyesight is not what it use to be all I can say it seemed like Jorl as they had the same gate as they walked but the man seemed bigger more robust. Thats why I haven't mentioned it before now." It wasn't much but it did cast a little more suspicion on Jorl. "Maybe you should inspect one of the rooms Sera?" It was the elder nun who had spoke. "Maybe there will be a clue or something to help you."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Listening to the thick glasses nun and the other nun speak, Sera remained silent until after the elderly nun spoke up once more, where she glanced over at her. "You're right, that is all I can do at this point really. Which nun was the first one to disappear? And where is her room please? I shall check it out to see what if there is anything within that could help us," Sera replied, unsure of what other course of action to take at the moment until she knew more than she already did.

Once she was taken to the room of the nun in question, Sera would look around it as best she could, searching out everything within to attempt to find a clue of any sort. "Did she have any sort of plants in here by chance? Or pets like a fish or something? And did any of the others by chance have any?" Sera asked after searching the room some, regardless of whether or not she found any clues to start.

If any of the girls had any plants or pets that would have been in their rooms at the times of their disappearances, then Sera would ask the nuns if she could please see them and be directed to them, where she would then attempt speaking with whichever one or ones she could, choosing pets first should they have had any, and plants if they didn't. If there was neither in any of the lost nun's rooms, then Sera would look around the temple for anything of the same thing to use, even a blade of grass that was beginning to grow through the floor some or something, or even some rats that might scurry the halls of the place even. She had an idea if she had to go in search of some rats, which involved her burning her spirit energies to take on the form of a cat or a wolf so that she could reach some of the more hard to reach places and or sniff out some mice, but she would make certain that was her only course of action first before doing so, so as not to scare any of the nuns by just suddenly turning into a cat or a wolf.

Use Commune with Nature on any plants or pets that are within the nuns rooms in the temple that disappeared. If there aren't any in there, then she would look for any in the halls or other rooms to do the same with.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The room was fairly spartan a desk, bed, chair, personal chest, and a nightstand where the only furnishings. A small window let in the light casting long shadows about the room. "Im sorry Sera but we keep very strict rules to what the nuns may have in their rooms." That seemed a shame it was almost like this room was a little cell though Sera did see some of the vines outside the window. Moving over to the plants she made ready to contact them but as she touched the window sill she was over come with visions again.

She was in the room but it was dark. She was kneeling praying to the Star God that the dream would not return this night. Finishing her prayer the young nun walked to her bed and stripped out of her gown and into her nighty neatly folding her garments for the next day. Slipping into her bed she wrapped the light and airy blanket around her but found she could not sleep. Hours stretched on by as she lay unable to find rest. She nearly got up to use the bathroom when she heard footsteps sound outside her door. She froze it was just like her dream. Looking to the door it slowly opened as a massive man stood back lit against the door obscuring his face. "Ive come for you the first of my wives." She tried to scream out but her eyes where locked on the mans eyes glowing with purple energy. "Come to me Mari" she couldn't help herself she got up from her bed and walked to the man. "Undress you will not need cloths anymore" She did as she was told leaving her nighty on the floor in a heap. She felt the strong hands pick her up his massive red hands easily holding her weight. "Sleep......" the world went black.

Sera shook her head as the vision ended leaving her confused.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Upon entering the room, Sera saw it was fairly empty other than pretty much the basics that one would have within a bedroom, and though there was a small window she saw no plants or pets of any kind inside the small cramped cell like room. "Well that's just kind of... sad to be honest, there should be many more freedoms that allow at least plants to brighten up this dreary place. No offense intended, but I assumed there would be something of the sort at least, because these rooms seem almost more like cells rather than bedrooms. This makes my job of figuring things out much harder," Sera replied to the nun, voicing her opinion about certain rules that she thought shouldn't be in place.

As soon as she finished speaking though, Sera noticed some vines growing up the side of the building just outside of the little window, so she tried to open the window up and reach out to touch them to speak with them like she had with the plants before out in the jungle. However when she touched the window she was overcome with a vision once again. Sera gasped as the vision overcame her and she watched the entire thing play out in her mind's eye, seeing the purple eyes of the man scared her a bit and she could tell that he wasn't human. She remembered all of the words he said to the nun, and watched as he ordered her to undress, which she did.

When Sera finally came back to reality, she shook her head, which was a little woozy after that, and she was very confused about all of it. She was fairly certain that the man was a demon, as he was too big and he had different eyes than a human normally would have. If she had to guess, it was likely some sort of demon that was sneaking into the town to do these things to the nuns and such, though she had been wrong before now of course so there was no way to be completely sure unless she could get a hold of the guy in the vision.

"Wow, that was intense. I saw one of her dreams about the man. He has purple eyes, and he's much larger than a human, and he's got red skin from what I could tell, so obviously not human. Likely a demon if I had to guess, though now we need to find him, which will be a little harder than this here," Sera said to the nuns that followed her before heading back to tell the elderly nun her findings so far, explaining all she saw in her vision to her and the others that were listening.

She did have a plan though to help find the red skinned man, which involved talking to the plants like she originally intended on doing to begin with to find a trail to follow. But before she went ahead and went in search of a plant at the front of the temple, Sera decided to peek in and check up on the progress of her fey mage and June before looking around for a plant outside in the gardens for a suitable plant to tell her what she needed to know.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The Fey mage and June where still locked in their ritual a few nuns having lingered to watch the event in awe. It seems that it would be some time before the task was complete. Moving on Sera headed outside. It was pleasant outside the sun the wind the smell. While the church was grand it did not nearly let enough light or air in. Numerous plants grew on the church grounds from vines to flowers shrubs and grass really all Sera had to do was pick one or even coax one of the birds that sheltered in the vines to come speak with her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After seeing that June and the fey mage were both alright for now, with a few of the nuns watching the two with looks of awe on their faces. Sera smiled and gently shut the door and allowed them to continue with the ritual for now, wanting June to be able to see once again. With that, Sera exited the temple for the moment and began searching the grounds for a suitable plant or animal to speak with. She knew it would take some time and probably more than a little of her spiritual energies, but she would have to talk with more than just one or two plants and animals.

First she looked for the nearest and biggest plant to the front doors of the temple, looking for any trees there, but going for a rose bush or something if it was closer. If that proved fruitless, then she would attempt coaxing a bird out of the vines to speak with and ask if it had seen anything to indicate what she'd seen in the vision and where it went, or at the very least if it knew one that she could ask to find out. If she was able to find out from either the bird or whatever plant was closest to the temple entrance where to go to in order to speak with something else that might or should know what she was searching for, then she would head there next and repeat the process. It was likely going to lead her on a wild goose chase for a while, but she knew that she needed to hurry in order to figure it out or else an innocent woman would be killed and there was nothing she could do to stop it save either killing Jorl and likely some of the guards to save Angelic, or at the very least she would probably have to beat them up some, and she didn't want to have to do that.

Use Commune with Nature as many as 6 times with different creatures and or plants to try and find a trail of some sort to follow.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The biggest plant to the church turned out to be the vines that covered the entire structure. If any plants knew what was going on then these would surly be the ones after all they covered the place. Expending her energy Sera focused on the plants asking her question. The plants slow to respond and maybe not quite understanding would repeatedly tell her the darkness is within. Any other plants she spoke to had little to tell her and the single bird that braved the gaggle of nuns and Sera echoed the statement of the vines simply stating the fuzzy ones know more. It was an exhaustive search which ultimately led her back to the church.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After beginning her search and speaking to the plants, she checked first with the vines covering the entire temple building, as they would know more than any of the others what had been going on. She spoke with the vines quite a bit, exhausting a good deal of her energies in the process as she kept having to burn more energy to keep her ability to speak with them going, however they simply kept telling her that the darkness is within the darkness is within. When she spoke to the other plants around the place they had little to say in regards to what she wanted to know, but she was able to coax a little bird down which told her pretty much the same thing that the vines had.

"What do you mean though about the darkness is within? And who are the fuzzy ones? Cats that live in the temple? Mice?" Sera asked the bird, though she doubted that she would get a clear straight answer from it before it flew off.

Heading back to the temple, Sera was quite sure that whatever she was searching for was in the temple, as she doubted that both the vines and the bird she spoke with would lie about what they said, but she was very disturbed about what they said about the darkness that is within. It was obvious that something was within the temple, though what that was she had yet to discover, but she intended on doing so. Once she was back within the temple she turned to any of the nuns that had followed her around.

"Alright, I need to know, are there any mice and or cats within the temple? Or any other furry animals for that matter?" Sera asked the nuns with her, though if there weren't any more of them with her then she would go find the elderly nun from before and ask her, as she seemed to be the most knowledgeable about the place and anything else besides, and she needed to know this so that she would know if she could speak with any of them about it, thinking that they were likely the fuzzy ones the bird spoke of.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera found the elder nun looking on as June was being healed. The Fey mage and the young blind nun still locked in their healing state. Looking a the two before speaking with the Mother Superior Sera could see the energies winding down. The Ritual would be complete soon and Sera would have to pay up. However she needed to see to her quest while she had time. "Mother Superior please tell me if there are any rodents or cats that live in the church?" The old nun smiled at Sera. "Oh my dear you may just call me Esther and yes no doubt many little rodents run about. In fact June feeds an albino mouse that lives in our room. She has always been kind to all creatures." The chubby nun and boney nun looked aghast at this news "Mother Superior! You know the rules pets distract from our life of contemplation how could you break them your supposed to be our leader our example." The elder nun just turned her head and looked over at the duo. "Humph! Do not tell me of rules young lady! Does it not say be kind and compassionate to those in need? How many of you gave June companionship while she has been here? No one? Thats why I insisted on bringing in the new priestesses ones that had not been set in their ways. I.. I... oh dear..." The elder nun collapsed causing all the nuns to gasp in surprise. Sister Keri was the first to run up to her and check. Lifting one of her hands which glowed white Keri moved it over and above the fallen nuns body.. before breathing a sigh of relief. "Shes gonna be okay some help me take her to her room."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After finding the mother superior, Sera saw she was watching June's healing still going on with the fey mage and after she asked her question, she got the answer she was looking for and was quite glad of it. However as she continued listening to the elderly nun talk, Sera found that she was getting a little angry at the other nuns, especially after finding out about how they seemed to have treated June. Sera's anger vanished though when mother superior Esther collapsed after also seeming a little angry at them, and the young angel rushed to help her back up, and then on to her room so that she could rest.

"June is a very kind and sweet girl mother Esther, I'll do my best to look after her and make this place safe for everyone," Sera assured mother superior Esther after getting her into the bed.

After she got there, Sera would check her over for injuries and make sure nothing was broken before trying to search out the albino mouse that mother Esther mentioned that June fed, then she would speak to it using her powers like she'd done with all of the plants earlier and the bird, thinking that maybe the mouse was the fuzzy one the bird had mentioned to her before. If mother superior Esther was hurt from her fall, then Sera would attempt to heal her as best she could before finding the mouse.

If Sera couldn't find the mouse that mother superior Esther spoke of that June fed, then Sera had a plan to find and speak with it. She would use her transformation power to turn herself into a cat and go in search of it since she'd probably be able to sniff it out, speaking with it after doing so, asking it what the vines and the bird meant by the darkness is within the temple, and if it knew where the lost nuns were and if it could take here to where they'd been taken to so that she could save them.

Heal mother superior Esther if need be with Lay on Hands using 5 EP, and the Commune with Nature if she can find the mouse, after using Wild Shape to turn into a cat, but only if she needs to use Wild Shape.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Keri followed Sera to the room the other nuns staying back and away out of respect. Helping Keri they got the Elder nun out of her usual garb and into a light evening gown. The woman was frail looking and ancient her dark grey hair once hinting at coal black locks of her youth. She was sleeping but seemed to smile at Sera's reassurances while Keri used magic to make sure the woman was alright. "She will be alright for the most part. Keri smiled and held the Nun's hand while she slept. Finding the mouse wasn't hard in fact it nearly came to her. The white little thing came crawling out from the desk in the room and up to a plate of stale crumbled bread and began to eat. If fact it didn't even mind if she picked it up simply nibbling on the bread while as long as Sera held it comfortably. Using her wanning essence she began to ask the mouse about what it had seen. The mouse shared with Sera all the images it had seen which where mostly June smiling and petting it. Though there where a few of a dark room with strange noises the mouse didn't go near. Sadly it only knew its way to the area which involved running threw holes in the wall. Another image showed Jorl the priest bent over in pain which frightened the mouse who told Sera that the darkness was with in.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera helped Keri get mother Esther into the bed after working together to get her into a light gown to sleep in, where they gently eased her down into the bed itself. Keri seemed to have made certain that mother Esther was alright and nothing broken, but she noticed that mother Esther seemed to have heard her despite being already asleep and she looked at ease. "Take care of her while I continue my search, okay Keri," Sera said to the other nun, who was holding Esther's hand at the moment.

With that, Sera began looking for the little white mouse mother Esther spoke of that June fed, and it amazingly enough didn't take her very long to do so as she noticed it coming out from behind the desk that was inside the room. She watched it moving over to a plate of old bread where it started eating a piece as she reached down and picked it up. She spoke to it as it ate the bread, sitting in her hand comfortably. At first it merely told her all about June, which made her smile a bit as she could just look at the girl and instinctively knew that she had a good heart. Eventually though the mouse began telling her about a dark room that strange noises came from, which it didn't dare get near, and unfortunately it only knew the way to it by going through the holes in the walls. Then she got another image from it, of the priest bending over in agonizing pain that frightened the little mouse quite badly it seemed, and then it simply told her the darkness was within like the vines and the bird had done earlier.

"Within what though little one? The darkness is within what? The temple here, or the man you saw?" Sera asked the little mouse while she still had time, fairly certain that she was about to make a breakthrough in her investigation as to what all was happening in this town. "Little one, I really need your help or June won't be able to feed you any more and pet you like this. She and everyone else are in grave danger here and I need to know what is going on. See if you can find a way to that room so that I may investigate it, as I'm too big to follow you and I have no way to make myself smaller in order to do so, so please, find a way for me to find that room, I'll need to see it in order to help June and everyone else" Sera added in a whisper to the little mouse while gently petting its little head, letting it know the urgency of the situation, and if it liked June any at all then it would surely understand the urgency of the situation at hand and help her out as much as possible.

If the mouse decided to help her out, then Sera would set it back down and let it rush off to find her another way into the room, while she stayed there and looked over to Keri. "Is there a cellar in the temple by chance Keri? One that is easily accessible? Or are there any sort of like... hidden rooms in the temple that you might know of perhaps?" Sera asked Keri after the little mouse rushed off, wondering if maybe she could find her own way into this room that the mouse spoke of. Though the thought did cross her mind that the mouse could be talking about Jorl's bedroom, since it showed her the image of him doubled over in pain. She thought to look there next if the cellar turned up empty and the mouse couldn't find another way around for her.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The mouse simply replied both. In the man and the church. Well at lest it was less cryptic than the vines or bird. Still when Sara asked for the mouse to find the room he visibly shuttered in fear but promised he would look for June's sake. Pleased if feeling slightly guilty of they way she asked the mouse for help Sara approached the bed and asked Keri her questions. Keri only paused for a moment thinking. "Well when I was just a young lass the church burnt down during the last eruption when a giant smoldering boulder crashed into it. It was quiet the effort to rebuild it to. Took most of the finances of the town we even had to close our outposts. So I guess if one of the ruined basement rooms had been closed off during the new construction there could be some." Keri shrugged it was the best she could offer. Sera was about to ask more when June came bursting into the room and ran immediately to Esther's side. "Oh Mother Superior please be alright." June had her head down on the bed crying silently. A soft cough alerted Sera that her fey mage was awaiting payment.

Sorry flayer I thought I had posted already and was waiting for you x_x

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

What exactly did the mouse say to Sera though? You didn't really state what it said, though I'm assuming that it said yes that they both had darkness within. Also, no worries on the taking so long, I thought you might have forgotten about it or just hadn't noticed I'd already posted. But I was going to wait it out until after today before asking if you just didn't have anything good to write for it yet.

Sera listened to the mouse's replies and nodded, feeling slightly bad about asking it to do something so dangerous as finding her a way around into the place she sought, however she was glad that she might be solving this mystery soon. She did tell the little mouse however if it looked like it was going to be extremely dangerous and possibly fatal if it failed, then for it to not risk it, because she didn't want June to be sad, but she did want her to be safe too.

After moving over to the bed, Sera patiently listened to Keri's reply, thinking that this information may help her even more so than the little mouse could by going in search of her a way through. It also told her that the town seemed to be near a volcano of some sort as well, which worried her quite a bit actually. The thought ran through her mind that whatever this demon was could in fact be residing in the volcano, or at least nearer to it if not inside, and that would be troublesome indeed to say the least. Just as Sera was about to open her mouth to thank Keri for the information though and ask if she could have someone lead her to one of these basement rooms, June rushed into the room and ran to mother superior Esther's side, with Sera stepping back to avoid being rammed into.

When Sera heard a soft cough from the door, she turned her head and saw the fey mage she'd summoned, knowing that she was wanting payment for her services. She just didn't know if she had the time at the moment to indulge in this, but until the little mouse returned there was little else she could really do save check the basement rooms as Keri was telling her about. She let out a soft sigh and annoyance that she had so little time and everything, but then she saw a light at the end of the tunnel, because now June had her eyesight back at least, and that was what made it worth doing this to her... more than anything. Sera walked over to June, and knelt beside her as the girl lay there with her head next to mother Esther's.

"June dear, please don't cry, mother Esther will be just fine for now I think, she just got a little tired. Keri here and myself carried her back into here and helped her into bed for now, she just needs to rest for a while alright. So dry those tears now sweetie, and await my return, for then we shall get to the bottom of these disappearances once and for all and then you'll be able to see a true angel and you can touch my wings again all you want. But I must pay this nice lady mage here for healing your eyes for me, so I will be back in a short while okay," Sera said to June, reaching out and gently caressing the girl's head and stroking her hair to try and soothe her worries, though she did try and keep out of June's sight just for now, so she could see Sera when she wasn't crying so hard. "Keri, will you watch over them both for me until I return? Or at least have someone else watch them both please," Sera added to the other nun in the room as she got up and made to leave, waiting only long enough for her to answer one way or another before leaving.

When she was out in the hallway once more, Sera would lead the fey mage away from the door and down the hall a little, so they could be away from the other nuns so they didn't hear her speak. "I know you are awaiting your payment and I'm not trying to get out of it by any means I assure you, however I beg you to please help me once more. If I go ahead and give you your payment now, would it be possible for you to aid me in solving this mystery? you see there is a demon stealing the nuns from this town and doing the gods only know what to them, and the townsfolk are about to execute an innocent woman for it, saying she's a witch. I know you don't have to accept, but it would help me in my task here a great deal if you did, and I will be going into a little bit of danger as well, which will be a little harder for me to handle since I've used so much of my energies today. I'll understand if you don't wish to continue aiding me and I won't be angry if you don't, but it would make job a lot easier if I had help, and it would be better for the little one that'll soon be in my womb I think too," Sera said to the fey mage, wondering if she could procure her aid for a little longer after paying her, though she doubted it would work out in her favor really it was worth a try. She wouldn't begrudge the fey mage either if she decided to not help her out in any way afterwards, but she would be a little let down, as it had wasted a little more of her time that she could have been using to solve the mystery at hand and putting an end to it all, and she was down quite a bit of her energy that she was likely to need. "I'm Serafina by the way, but you can just call me Sera. What's your name? I believe it would be good to know so that I can moan it shortly," Sera added to the fey mage, giving her a naughty wink as she held out her hand to shake the fey mage's hand.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The mage smiled at Sera before responding. "You can call me Joy." The fey mage gently grabbed Sera's butt and pulled her closer. "Sadly I cannot stay and help you more sense Ive already filled my end of the bargain but I will offer this." Sera felt a thick member stiffen under the mages robes. "There is no demon here and the witch is more to blame than you think." They fey mage smiled again. "Now Sera its time to pay up." Joy began to remove Sara's upper robe with one hand that is unless Sera stopped her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera smiled when Joy introduced herself, but frowned sadly when she stated that she couldn't stay to help her out some more, her shoulders and wings drooping a little bit in the process. However she cooed softly when Joy grabbed her butt and pulled her a little closer, and she moved her hand down to softly rub the bulge in Joy's robes, teasing her a bit in the process. When Joy stated that there was no demon in the town and that Angelic was more to blame than she'd thought, Sera perked up a bit as Joy smiled at her. Had Sera been completely wrong in her assumption that there was a demon of some sort at play here? Maybe she could coax a little more than just Joy's virile seed out of her while they had sex... like information. It was worth a try anyway even if it didn't work.

"Well even if you can't stay to help after this is over and done with, maybe you could still help me while I give you your payment, I mean after all I am an angel remember, so surely you could help me out a little bit while we do this, considering what I'm giving you and all. Also will you be coming back to take the youngling once she is born? And I say her because I'm fairly certain that it'll be a girl or at least one like both of us, and the reason I want to know if you'll be coming back is because this is will be my first child and I want her to be safe," Sera said, taking Joy with her to a secluded closet room in the temple so nobody caught them in the act. "If there is no demon here, then what exactly caused all of this Joy? I seriously doubt it was Angelic to be honest, at least I doubt that she did all of this by herself even if she did help cause it. What has she done that you know of exactly? Surely I wasn't totally wrong, that would make me feel just stupid and these people would surely not believe or trust me anymore after this if they found out I was wrong about Angelic altogether. I mean I spoke to the plants and some animals around here and they keep saying the darkness is within, and the little mouse that June feeds said when I pressed it for more information that the darkness was within both the temple here and Jorl the priest. What did it mean exactly? Do you know?" Sera added when they got to their secluded place, away from prying eyes and ears.

Once there, while she was still speaking, Sera allowed Joy to strip her upper robes at will, while she undone the tie of her robes, so when Joy had taken her upper robes down the rest of the way, all of her robes simply fell off to the floor below. This would reveal Sera's own extra equipment between her legs, where Joy would then realize what Sera meant by saying their child would likely be a girl or like them. Sera would grab Joy's butt much like the fey mage had done her's before, pulling her closer and taking her upper robes down, her own needs quickly growing now that she was in the mood and all, so Sera was already very much ready to begin paying Joy for her services. Once she had Joy's clothing off of her, unless Joy stopped her and wished to undress herself that is, then Sera would ask Joy how she wanted her, turning around and shaking her butt at her a little bit.

"So... do you want me like this here dear? Or would you rather have me like a maiden on my first time, though this isn't my first time in any sense of the word. Or would you like me on top riding you? I'll let you decide since it is your payment after all," Sera said to Joy, shaking her butt from side to side for the fey mage as enticingly as she could, hoping to tease some more information out of her before they were done. "Oh and don't worry about actually getting me pregnant, I keep my word when I give it, and I'll choose for the seed to take, especially after you healed June for me," Sera added, assuring the fey mage that she would indeed choose for her seed to actually take in her womb.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Joy caressed Sera's backside giving it a nice light smack. "Before we are done here Im sure both of us will be mothers." Joy smiled at Sera before gently entering the angel. She was big and Sera could feel her strech her tight confines near the limit. Whe she was fully in Joy reached her right hand around and took hold of Sera's own member giving it a few slow strokes while her left went around to Sera's left breast and began to gently massage it. " The priest has darkness with in caused by the woman. Thats all I can tell from what you've told me and what I can sense. As for the darkness in the church well it is related to the priest somehow though Im not sure." Joy sped up her stroking of Sera's massive prick while her hand began to message the breast more vigorously. "Oooo Sara I can't wait to feel that in me." Joy began to kiss her neck while her hands did their work.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When Joy softly caressed and then gave her butt a little spank, Sera cooed softly at her touch, her loins beginning to ache with need as the fey herm did so. Shaing her butt around a little more, Sera felt Joy aim her large member at her tender angelic folds, which she then speared into with her raging hard on, causing Sera's eyes to widen with pleasure, excitement, and surprise, the first two because of her being so horny, and the third being because she hadn't expected Joy to be quite that large, despite seeing her massive member before hand and all. It was a tight fit all in all, but Sera's angelic folds were just able to stretch enough to hold all of the massive fey herm's prick inside without it hurting her, while giving a very tight yet gentle grip on Joy's cock. Sera did all she could to work her muscles within to caress, squeeze, and milk Joy's cock for all its worth, her breeding instincts kicking in and taking over, while any rational thought of anything else was swept aside for the time being. When Joy took hold of Sera's hard aching member though, Sera let out a soft squeal, as the pleasure from both being this excited and having both her pussy and her member teased at the same time, and when Joy added the teasing of her breast to the mix, Sera pretty much melted in her arms as the fey herm mage held her from behind.

"Oh gods that feels so good J-Joy... m-more... h-harder," Sera moaned out for Joy, her nipples perking up as she shook the lust haze from her eyes so that she could listen to Joy speaking once more. It was hard to focus on anything but the pleasurable feel of all Joy was doing to her however, as she could feel her balls churning as they prepared to fire her seed out and she was clenching her lower body in an attempt to prevent just that, making her pussy clamp down around Joy's length a bit. "W-What k-kind of darkness does he have within him? M-Mind control? Or s-something else?" Sera then asked once she got her mind back enough to do so, sweat glistening on her skin as her breasts bounced and jiggled this way and that as Joy slammed her hips into her ass.

Sera was quickly nearing her peak, cooing and moaning at Joy's kissing her neck while her hands continued their work on the rest of her. Sera's wings were beginning to droop down and go limp on her back, resting to either side of her as Joy vigorously fucked her, Sera's moans filling their ears and the closet they were in as she held onto the sole chair within the little closet they were in at the moment. She could only hope that Joy couldn't last much longer, because she was about to cum herself and she so wanted for them to cum together as Joy filled her with her seed. As she neared her peak, she suddenly remembered something that Joy had said when she first entered her now sopping tight wet folds... she'd said something about both of them being mothers by the time they were done.

"J-Joy... w-what did you mean by w-we'll both b-be mothers w-when we're done? D-Do you mean that y-you want me inside of you too? R-Really?" Sera panted out timidly as she felt her cock twitching and throbbing with need as her peak fast approached, a squeal of delight escaping her lips when it finally dawned on her that Joy intended on letting her use her own member on her afterwards.

Sera is using her selective fertility to allow the impregnation as per the deal of the summoning, and she's not going to hold back with it any for Joy if you'd intended on Joy allowing Sera to fuck her back, which we can cover in the next posts I guess. ;)