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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Most of the questions where easily answered or where silly in nature such has do you make your own feathered bed? Do angels eat candy? innocent child like stuff though one did stick out making the angel feel bad. One little girl who stood away from the rest waited till most of the children had left to ask her question. She was a red head probably from Crolian decent given her solid frame. She had green eyes and looked to be fairly lonely. Her question was a painful one. "Why did the gods take my mommy and daddy away?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she sat there listening to the questions being asked, Sera answered them all for the most part rather easily, as the questions being asked were just things that a child would normally ask about things, though she giggled quite a bit when one asked her if she made her own feathered bed. She told the one or ones that asked if she ate candy that of course she did eat it when she got the chance, and the one about the feathered bed she told that while she did sleep on a feathered bed when she could she didn't make her own.

When the one little red haired girl that had waited until most of the other children had left and stood away from the others came over and asked Sera such a sad question, Sera barely held back her tears. Sera leaned over and lifted the little girl up and set her down in her lap after she'd asked her question, brushing her red hair out of her face and asking the little girl's name before beginning to talk in earnest. "Well little one... I... that's a tough question for me to answer. Because you see, I don't serve any one of the gods myself, but... all I can truly say is that it was simply their time to leave. I wish I could give you a better answer than that little one, I truly do, but I simply don't have the answer, unless... it was the bad monsters that took them. You see, even though we angels are powerful beings, we aren't all knowing unfortunately, because if we were then all of my kin would be down here fighting the aliens and keeping them from taking all of the people they have," Sera said, glancing over to the older plump woman that worked at the orphanage, mouthing to her and asking if it was the aliens that had taken this little one's parents from her. "But I know this much though... your mommy and daddy love you very very much, and they're sad that they don't get to be with you here and now. But... they know that you're well taken care of now, so they don't have to worry about you and that one day you'll be able to see each other again. I know it's hard sweetie, because I've lost friends myself that I was close with, very close with, and... they were taken away, and I miss them as you do your mommy and daddy. But it wasn't the gods that took them sweetie, at least none of the good ones anyway, of that I can be certain," Sera continued saying, trying her best to give an answer to the young girl that she would understand and be satisfied with, also letting her know that she wasn't alone in that she wasn't the only one that had lost someone dear to them.

As she sat there holding the little girl, Sera leaned over and kissed her on the head. Then she suddenly got an idea and pulled her left wing around to the front. "Hang on a second sweetie, I've got something for you," Sera said to the little girl as she pulled her wing around, letting the girl touch it if she wished and run her fingers through her feathers. Then, Sera reached out with her hands and gently plucked one of the feathers from her left wing that wouldn't easily be seen or anything, then she handed it to the little girl, placing it in her little hands. "I want you to have one of my feathers okay sweetie. It'll bring you good luck. Now an angel doesn't give a feather to someone lightly okay, we rarely do this for someone. But I want you to have it, and remember this. Your mommy and daddy would be proud and very happy to know that an angel showed you favor and gave you a feather to hold onto. You might not believe me, but... they can hear you whether you know it or not, and they love you, and they'll always be with you, even if you can't see them," Sera continued on, trying her best to cheer the little girl up and bring a smile to her face as she handed her the feather and said what she did, then she placed her left hand on the girl's chest over her heart, saying, "They'll always be with you right here, in your heart. And nobody can take that away from you, as long as you believe it. I know that all of my friends are still with me, and that gives me the strength with which to continue on, to do them proud by living my life to the fullest. And I know that your mommy and daddy would want you to do the same, and I do too. One day, when my journey is complete, I'll come back through here and pay everyone a visit and tell you all about my adventures, alright. Until then though, hold onto my feather, and at the time I come back here, I'll give you one thing that is within my power to give you, so think about one thing you'd like that a lowly angel such as myself can give, and I'll do my best to see it happen," Sera added, smiling kindly at the young girl, hugging her as she finished speaking, hoping she cheered her up with her words and that she understood all she was saying.

When she got a reply from the little girl about all she'd said, Sera would ask her if she had anything else that she wanted to ask her before setting her back down, keeping her in her lap if she did have something else to say, though if the little girl replied by crying or anything at all, Sera would just hold her and tell her she was sorry over and over again, hoping she would forgive her for saying what she had. But regardless, Sera knew in her heart that this little girl was lonely, just from the looks of her she was so lonely, and Sera intended when her adventuring was over and she'd hopefully found what she was looking for, that she would come back here like she'd said and tell about her adventures to the children, and when she left, she would take this little one with her and give her a home and a family that loved her... assuming she wasn't already grown that is, in which case she would still offer her a home, but she wouldn't act as her mother or papa.

That was a bit sad, but good story stuff man. Loved it.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

It was a lot for a little girl to take in but besides a few sniffles the little girl didn't break down crying but instead held onto Sera in a tight hug. When Sera gifted the girl a feather she felt June's hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her as well. For the rest of the time spend at the orphanage the red headed little girl stayed very close to Sera it seemed she had made quite the impression on her. But as it was they had much to do in the day and they had to leave with Sera receiving one more hug and a kiss on the cheek from the little girl.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera was glad that the little girl didn't start crying and seemed to understand for the most part and she held her like a mother would her child when they were sad, hoping to at least give the little one the feeling of a mother's touch once more. "I know it's hard little one, but our loved ones and friends would want us to try and keep going as best we can, to live our lives to the fullest in their memory, and to be strong for them," Sera said to the little girl, stroking her red hair gently.

For the rest of the time they were there, the little girl Sera noticed, stayed quite close to her, but she didn't mind at all in the least, feeling that she had to do her best to cheer her up somewhat. Sera smiled at June when she joined in to try and help comfort the youngling here as well, giving her a little wink as she gave a gentle squeeze to the little girl as she hugged her back.

When it came time to leave and everything, Sera hugged as many of the children that wanted to hug her before she left, if only for them to get a chance to touch an angel rather than just see one. Smiling the entire time, Sera hugged and kissed the little red haired girl last before telling them all goodbye and that she would come and see them all again before she left to continue her journey.

"That was sad, but... maybe I gave her some hope, to continue going," Sera said to mother Esther and June as they left, well out of earshot of the children now and looking a little sad. "I... honestly didn't know what else to tell her but the truth as much as possible really though. I hope I didn't hurt her worse than she already was," Sera said, hanging her head a little bit as she pondered aloud.

What was the little girl's name by chance? Or had you not thought of one? If not then don't worry about it, I was just wondering. Since Sera may one day come back through here to see her and some of the others.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"The truth hurts Sera but not as much as that little girl was hurting. You did good by comforting her. June dear what was the little girls name I fear I'm getting forgetful in my old age." June thought a moment before speaking. "I think her name is Thersa her parents where killed when their trade cart capsized into the river they where crossing." Mother Esther nodded a moment as the trio walked for a moment in silence till once again Mother Esther spoke up. "Ahh here we are the hall of records and legal matters. Come come I have much to do." Mother Esther climbed the stairs of the old stone building who's architecture didn't match the surrounding buildings at all and looked to be far older. Inside they where met with a rather warm wooden interior with plenty of book shelves and desks. A man in an simple black robe came forward and greeted Mother Esther warmly. "May I ask of you guests my lady?" Mother Esther smiled at the man and her two companions. "They will be witnesses for my will I have finally decided what I will do with my fortune from my days as an adventurer. This brought a gasp from June who looked utterly surprised but before long they all sat in a room looking over documents and discussing details. It seemed the majority of the wealth would be donated to the orphanage while another good amount would be left to Sister Keri for the foundation of her new order. The rest a small but still tidy sum of 300 denari was left for June.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yes the truth does hurt, a lot, but it's better than a lie I think, because all a lie does is hurt more in the end, especially when it's found out that it is a lie," Sera said to mother Esther, nodding her head sadly.

As they went onwards, Sera found out the little girl's name and how her parents had been killed and she hung her head sadly. When she heard from mother Esther though where they were going, Sera decided to try and put it out of her mind for now so that she could focus on the tasks at hand. When they entered the building, with Sera helping June to get mother Esther up the steps of the building, she saw that it was an old stone building that seemed much older than the rest of the town. When the man came up and asked mother Esther about Sera and June, Sera listened to her tell of what she was there for and why June and Sera were as well... to be witnesses for her will. When she heard this, Sera felt a little sad, but she knew that mother Esther was very old and that she needed to do this. It did surprise Sera to know though that mother Esther was an adventurer in her younger years.

Sera saw that June was surprised by mother Esther's actions as well. She sat down next to her as they began looking over some of her documents and talked over the details about things. Sera was glad that the majority of mother Esther's money was going to the orphanage and that a lot more was going to Keri to found her new temple that she'd spoken of to Sera earlier. When another bit was put aside for June though, Sera thought that the young nun was going to hit the floor and smiled over at her.

"Mother Esther, you are a very good and kind hearted soul. And you deserve to have your eternal rest in the heavens where people like yourself belong. I may not be able to speak with any of my kin who can decide that or not, but I don't think I'll need to," Sera said, smiling at mother Esther as she finished up with the documents. "I shall do my best to return here as soon as possible to spend some more time with you, and to bring June back to do so as well. When we leave of that is of course. And... I feel that I can trust you to know what I am doing out here like this, so once we return to a more private place, I shall tell you... and June of course what I am searching for," Sera added with a little giggle.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The rest of the trip was to the market and a visit to the gardens to pick fresh flowers. The flowers where placed at Joral's grave before the elderly nun who was much winded from the day decided to retreat to the baths and to bed. June of course helped Mother Esther with her bath and got her ready for bed. "Oh these old bones be thankful for youth while you have it dear June." With an umph Mother Esther was resting comfortably in her bed.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Leaving the hall of records after they were done there, Sera went along with the two nuns to the market to retrieve some beautiful fresh flowers with which to place on Jorl's grave site, which Sera helped to put down, though she mentioned that some should eventually be planted at the grave site rather than some that would wilt over time. After getting mother Esther back to the church, Sera was a little wary about doing so, but she got into the bath with both June and mother Esther, feeling that mother Esther wouldn't care overly much about seeing her naked like that. At least she hoped mother Esther didn't mind seeing her naked at all, but if the elderly nun did then Sera wold cover herself with a towel or turn the other way whilst washing off

As they washed up in the bath, Sera looked around and saw that they were alone and decided to tell the two what it was she was searching for, thinking that they deserved to know first of all, and second of all she thought they might in fact be able to help her maybe. So after they were in the bath and all comfortable inside it, Sera looked over at the two where June was helping mother Esther to wash off. "Mother Esther, June... I feel that I can trust you both enough to tell you why I am out here and what I am searching for," Sera said to the two as she began washing herself off, taking a deep breath and letting it out before beginning.

"Hah... well now. I suppose I should begin by telling you that I'm searching for something special... something that may not even exist even, but it's something that I must at least look for. You see, I've spoken of my friend Rose as well as her sisters, telling you both that we are all very close. I... well, I'm in love with them you see. Not just Rose, or any one of them, but all. It happened a couple of years or so ago..." Sera said, trailing off as she told mother Esther and June both about her first meeting with Rose and her sisters in full detail, only leaving out the most naughty parts that she figured they wouldn't wish to really hear about.

"After that, I decided that I couldn't kill them because they were unable to defend themselves for one because they were still asleep, but also because I... well I greatly enjoyed myself to say the least, despite the corruptive bit of their essence that mixed with my own. I didn't sense any true evil in them, nor any evil intent either, so my heart told me to spare them, and... I couldn't really fault them for acting on instinct honestly. You see... despite what you all may have heard about us angels, we still act mostly just like mortals in that we enjoy pleasure like anyone else, though there are some of my kind that I have heard of that try and keep themselves pure until the time is right. I however was not one of those that do that and I confess that I have been as you would call... around the block a few times. In fact, I am what you might say a quite frequent enjoyer of sex," Sera said after telling them all of the story up until she fainted from exhaustion as she began washing her wings off, blushing quite a bit when she mentioned the part about enjoying sex as much as she did. "After that though, I was to meet with the five of them a month after that and I wrote my name on the note, telling them who I was and all. A month later, I returned to that spot, which wasn't very far from my sanctuary, but far enough that it took me around an hour or two of flight. I met with the five of them, very cautiously at first mind you, but I met with them all the same. They... they even brought a picnic basket with them and offered me lunch. I was a little scared to say the least, but they calmed me down by showing that the food wasn't poisoned or anything by eating a bit themselves and laying down all of the weapons that a couple of them carried on them for me to see. Afterwards, we sat there and talked, and ate lunch and got to know each other. They never once tried to seduce me, or hurt me, or mind control me like they kind of did on the first meeting, and we sat there and talked for nearly... gods... nearly six hours or more at least. We swam in the pool at the base of the waterfall we had our picnic at while we talked with each other and I... that was where I changed my mind about demons in general, and began believing that not all of them could be just completely evil. Over time though... we became very close friends, so close in fact that we came close to breaking our promise to each other that I wouldn't try and get any of them to have fun with me, and they had promised that they would not touch me in any sexual way so as not to corrupt me any more than they already had accidentally," Sera said as she finished up with her wings and began shampooing her hair, still blushing a bit as she spoke of one of the deepest secrets she had to two people that she trusted greatly.

Sera decided to finish up with her hair and the rest of her bath before she finished her story, feeling more than a little embarrassed, as well as a little scared of what the two might think of her, now that they knew of her secret and why she didn't think all demons were pure evil. "So like I said before... I am in love with them... all five of them. What I am searching for exactly is something that would allow me to love them openly and freely, to be able to hold them passionately and show them how much I love them... to be able to have them in the most intimate of ways without the risk of corruption filling my being and causing me to fall. It's a fool's hope at best to find such a thing I know, but I... I must try and find something that would protect me from the corruption that they cause despite them not wanting to. I know of none of my kin that have ever thought this way or felt this way about a demon, at least not in the exact way I feel now I mean," Sera said after finishing with her hair, pulling herself up to sit on the side of the bath where she then started washing her legs off. "Gods I feel like a fool for trying to find such a thing, but I feel I must at least try and do so. My heart is telling me to do it, be it to bridge the gap between angel and demon, or something else entirely I know not, but I must do it all the same, because.... Well because I love them. So I must ask mother Esther... have you heard of any such thing in your adventuring times or even more recently perhaps?" Sera went on to say, asking mother Esther if she had ever heard of such a relic or power that could grant someone immunity to corruption.

Sera waited for either of the two in the bath with her to answer in any form, giving them both a hopeful, yet scared look, which would easily let them know that she was more than just a little scared about telling them her first encounter with the succubus sisters and her reasons and whatnot for loving them. She couldn't help herself though and merely felt that this was what she had to do, that she had to at least try to find a way for them to be together. "So... what do you both think of me now? Am I still a true angel in both your eyes? Am I worth helping or even looking at now that you know my secret? An angel that is in love with not one, but five demon succubi," Sera said after a few moments, hanging her head quite sadly, thinking to herself that these two kind nuns would probably tell her she was a fool and would have her run off and out of town because of what she'd told them and that she was no true angel.

Afterwards, when all was said and done, assuming kind old mother Esther still liked and trusted Sera any, she would help June to get the elderly nun into bed and get her comfortable in there before heading on out with June,asking the younger nun what she wanted to do now that mother Esther was resting for the moment. If the two nuns got angry at Sera for sharing her story with them,then she would hang her head sadly and tell them that she understood and would leave if they wished her to without any trouble or complaint.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

For a long moment both the nuns didn't answer giving Sera doubt. These where the first people she had opened up to and her stomach twisted into knots thinking about it. "Sera you are a true angel in my eyes you gave me back my sight at great cost to you it was selfless and a true sign that you are untainted." It took mother Esther much longer to speak making Sera's nerves twinge. "Child while I think it is a foolish quest I do not think less of you for pursuing it. You wish to love those you care for and are searching for away to do as such. Such ideas have merit in their own way but be careful Sera you journey rests on a knifes edge. Sadly I do not know of any relics that could do as you ask." The elder nun looked to Sera her eyes sparkling in the fading light.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera sat there for a few tense moments while she waited for the two to answer her, looking quite apprehensive the whole time she waited. When June replied and said what she did, the knot in her began loosening up within her and she was able to relax a bit. Mother Esther took a while longer to answer her though, after a few seconds more of debating most likely, Sera thought, which had her worrying a bit still, the elderly nun finally did speak again on the matter. Sera nodded her head to the elderly nun when she finished speaking, knowing in her heart that it was a crazy thing to be looking for, but it was something that she had to do.

"I know it is a foolish quest mother Esther, but thank you... both of you for understanding. I wish that you did know of something mother Esther, but it is enough that you don't hate me now. I shall continue my search elsewhere, there are some ruins near here that I'll take a look into before I move on towards Glassmoor I think, it is an old city so maybe they know of something there... at least I hope they do. If not then I suppose I could then move on towards the Ironrose monastery or look in the ruined city of Celesis, I've heard that the latter of the two has a community in and around the palace area, while the former has begun to spread into a full fledged town now of sorts. Maybe someone in either of those could help em with what I seek, but only by going there will I know," Sera said, bowing her head to the two before telling them where she'd planned on going once she left here, then Sera blushed and giggled a little at herself. "Excuse me, I mean June and I shall be going to those places when we leave here. Regardless though, we'll look for whatever might give me this power," Sera added, apologizing to the young nun and giving her a little bow.

Once they were through in the bath, Sera would get out and dry off along with the other two and she would then help June to get mother Esther into bed to rest after the day's travels. After making sure the elderly nun was comfortably in bed and resting, Sera would ask June what she'd like to do if anything, going with her to do whatever to pass the remainder of the day.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

For June it was evening prayers followed by a light meal and more chores around the church. She went about each one carefully and with much dedication. Sera of course likely assisted June as she completed her chores and took a seat out in the south lawn of the church watching fire bugs dance in the haze of twilight. "I always feel good after a long day of work when I get to relax." June stared at the fire bugs intently. "I never new they existed before you came along." Sera knew the little bugs flew about with their lights trying to attract mates but in away they where relaxing to watch. She felt June lean onto her the first overtly intimate thing she had ever done.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera did follow June around and helped her to do some of the chores she had as best she could with her large belly, though it wasn't easy for her to say the least, but she still tried. When they were through with all of the chores, with Sera helping as much as possible, they went on and ate, Sera eating a quite larger meal than June had, because of the baby and all. Once dinner was done, Sera went with June outside to the southern area of the church, where she sat there and watched the fireflies buzzing around, their little lights flickering on and off.

"Heh, I always feel tired after a long day of work. I didn't actually work all that much back home to be honest. I just kind of... lazed about when I could. I was... well until I met Rose and her sisters anyway, I was what you might call a bit of a slacker. But I'm not one anymore, though I still don't like to work all day, hehe," Sera said to June as they sat there, giggling a little bit at herself when she mentioned being a bit lazy when she could be. "And you're welcome June, I'm glad that I could give you your sight back," Sera added, wrapping an arm around June and pulling her closer, leaning over and kissing her on the top of her head.

After sitting there for a minute or so like that, Sera looked over at June for a moment as she idly pondered something. "June... may I ask why you wish to go with me? I don't think you ever really told my the reasons why you want to go other than that mother Esther was suggesting it so that you could see the world," Sera asked June while they sat there, with Sera wrapping her right wing around June.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June snuggled closer to Sera enjoying the affection the angel was showing her. "After I met you I just felt like I should join you on your journey. Its hard to explain but something was just telling me I should go with you but not in words. I talked to Mother Esther about it and she told me to heed my gut as she put it." One of June's hands grabbed Sera's and squeezed it tight.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sitting there listening to June telling her that her heart was what told her to decide to come with her, Sera smiled at her friend and pulled her closer when she snuggled in closer, taking June's hand and holding it just as tightly in the process. "I'm glad that you decided to come with me June, it makes me happy to know that you think that highly of me," Sera said, hugging June with the arm she had around her, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek this time.

Sera would sit there with June until she decided to get up, or if they waited there long enough, then she'd sit there with her until bedtime. When it was time to go either way, Sera would get up and walk towards the bedrooms, holding June's hand the whole way until it was time for them to part ways to each others bedrooms. When she got to her room, Sera looked around for Ivy and when she found her she would smile down at her little companion.

"Well Ivy, how are the clothes? And also, June is indeed coming with us, I spoke with her today and she said that she wished to come along when we left, so we'll have some company along for our journeys," Sera said to Ivy when she found her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera moved to kiss June's cheek she was surprised when the nuns lips met hers. It was a tentative kiss and likely her first if the flush on her face was any indication. Still she allowed no protest as she kissed Sera again with a little more confidence. Though she soon eased up her face as red as a tomato quickly moving to get up.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera leaned over to kiss June on the cheek, she was indeed very surprised to find the young nun's lips touching her's instead of her cheek. She didn't shy away however and simply pressed a little harder instead, though not too much more so she didn't drive June away or anything. It looked to Sera like this was June's first experience kissing as their lips touched, at least from the way she was blushing anyway it seemed that way. When Sera broke the kiss for a few seconds to allow June a chance to catch her breath, she was happy that June seemed to have gotten the confidence to kissed her back, with Sera allowing June to do so without pushing her away since she seemed to be wanting to do this.

Sera thought about ever so gently pushing her tongue into June's mouth, but she decided not to do so, thinking to herself that would drive the young nun away from her, so she simply sat there and kissed June back for as long as the young nun wanted to. When June finally pulled back from their sweet gentle kiss, Sera smiled at her, reaching out to grasp June's hand gently as she sat there and following her up, blushing a little herself also. "Wait, June... was that your first kiss sweetie? I'm... very happy that you trust me enough, to give me your first kiss if so," Sera said softly to June so that only the two of them heard her. "I want you to know June, that you can kiss me anytime you wish... m'kay," Sera added, smiling happily at June as she gentle squeezed her hand, entwining her fingers in with June's as she leaned in and gave her the most gentle of kisses on the lips before walking back into the church with her, hand in hand as she walked June to her room before heading to her own room for the night, where she then spoke to Ivy.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June didn't respond at that but blushed even more if it where possible. Still she held Sera's hand tightly all the way to the church before letting it go at her room. "Uh... g-goodnight Sera. T-thank you for tonight." June heard Sera's goodbye before heading to bed leaving Sera to think of today's events as she went to her room and asking her question. "They fit very well Sera I like them a lot!." Ivy seemed pleased but then stared up at Sera a moment. "Why are you blushing Sera?" A sudden sly look crossed Ivy's features as she flew up to land on Sera's shoulder to whisper in her ear. "Hehe did you plunder a nun? Giver her a taste of Mr. Sera?" Ivy giggled at her perverse joke.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When June didn't respond to her question and simply squeezed her hand and blushed even redder than she was, Sera couldn't help but think that what she'd asked was the truth and that June obviously didn't mind the kiss... at least it didn't look like she minded the kiss that is. "Goodnight June, and sleep well. I'll see you in the morning alright," Sera said to June as they parted ways, smiling at the young nun and waving goodbye for the night before heading back to her room.


Once Sera was back in her bedroom and spoke with Ivy, she sat down as Ivy fluttered up and landed on her shoulder, stating in a very pleased tone that she liked the clothes Sera had made for her. "You're welcome Ivy, I'll make you some more later on when I get the time. And maybe I could make you some other things as well," Sera said, getting a little suspicious when Ivy got the sly look in her eyes as she blushed. When Ivy asked why Sera was blushing and then whispered in her ear, Sera blushed even more so than she already was, feeling a little bit like June likely did earlier.

"Uh... no Ivy, I'll have you know I did not do such a thing to June..." Sera sputtered to Ivy, blushing furiously and looking away, not really angry at her little companion, but a little embarrassed that she would say such a thing. "A-At least not yet anyway... I mean I was going to k-kiss her on the cheek earlier to thank her for helping me out so much and she... turned and kissed me on the lips," Sera added meekly, looking back over at Ivy with a troubled look on her face. "Gods Ivy, I don't know what to do honestly, I mean... she's a nun and I don't want to make her... you know go against her vows or anything. But... you know, I know she likes me, I can tell, and I really like her back. And she's quite pretty honestly, and... well I can't deny that I wouldn't love to have a go at her and... (sigh)... I just don't know Ivy," Sera then said, sounding troubled as she plopped back onto the bed after setting Ivy down on her ample breasts.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy kicked her legs as she sat on Sera's shoulder. "Ever think of asking what her vows are? Or even if she has taken them?" Ivy looked up at Sera wanting to see what she thought. "If she goes with us they might oust her from the church anyway then she would be free of her vows. Besides being righteous is more than words you say its how you live right?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm... honestly I hadn't thought of that Ivy... gods I'm dense sometimes... or just plain stupid. I hadn't even considered asking her," Sera said, shaking her head and facepalming herself. "But you probably are right about that, if she goes with us unless mother Esther pulls some strings for her they probably will do that, and I'd like to keep her there if possible to be honest, but... if it her choice and I won't try and change her mind if she decides that she can live with it," Sera went on to say, thinking to herself that it was June's choice to make, and not her's. So if June felt that she could live with it and everything, then it wasn't her place to try and dissuade her from her choice.

"I just hope that her coming with us doesn't end with her getting hurt or worse... corrupted by something. I know that Rose and her sisters would love her though and that they wouldn't do anything that might corrupt her, but I'm still a little worried honestly. I... told June and mother Esther earlier about Rose and her sisters and our first meeting. I just felt that I could trust them to know, and since June's coming with us she was going to find out eventually herself anyway," Sera said, looking a little worried about June coming with them, but glad that she would have some more company along on her adventure.