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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The woman smiled at this question and was about to speak when Urma interrupted her. "Matriarch that dish is a sushi selection severed on a special vessel. Im not sure it would be a wise choice for you today given what little you know of our customs?" The woman gave Urma a frown but said little else.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah I see, thank you Urma, I appreciate the warning. For now I shall take something simple and easy to make I think. How about... a lunch steak. Would that be easily doable miss? Well the whole meal with it too I mean," Sera said first to Urma, then she asked the lady that ran the place if a simple steak was easy enough for them to make, with the rest of the meal of course. Then she looked to June and their guards curiously. "Order whatever you girls all want alright," Sera told them all, smiling at June and giving her a wink.

Once the woman was gone with their orders, Sera would look over to Urma with a questioning look. "So... what was the special serving vessel for that sushi dish there Urma? I was really debating on getting it to be honest, and your words only made me more curious," Sera said as she looked over at Urma, wondering what the dish the meal was served on was exactly.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Urma coughed a little before looking up at Sera. "Well Matriarch Nyotaimori is served on a naked woman. Specifically one of your slaves." Urma let this sink in a moment before ordering a salad. The rest of her guards ordered various other dishes mostly soups or items that where not to expensive. The elderly woman took the orders and quickly departed letting Sera know that the meal will be ready as soon as possible.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ahh... that sounds... intriguing to say the least I think. But I won't order that just now, even if you do have a wonderful body to look at June, I'd rather you be able to eat as well and be comfortable and not so embarrassed," Sera said when Urma told her what the dish was and how it was served, a slight little smirk creeping up her lips as she looked over to June and gave her a wink when she stated that she thought June had a wonderful body.

Once their food was all there Sera checked her money purse to see if she had sufficient funds to take care of the payment for the food since she'd decided to pay for it all and whatnot instead of taking it for free. Finding that she had no money in her own purse save the extra that June still had, Sera sighed sadly and looked to June, pulling June's money purse up and out a bit to show her, giving an apologetic look to June as she showed her own empty money pouch to her friend and whispered in her ear. "May I borrow enough to pay for this please June? I forgot that I hadn't anything left after we left the town a few days ago," Sera asked June in a whisper so the others couldn't hear, where she gave June a peck on the cheek.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June simply nodded at Sera's request her face flush which didn't seem to escape Urma's notice. Coughing slightly the older woman handed Sera the bill. Looking at Sera found that the whole meal would only cost 10 denari. "Don't worry about the price Matriarch the simple fact you have graced my establishment will draw crowds and improve business." With that the woman where left to enjoy their meal with Urma paying a greater amount of interest in June and her actions.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Nodding her thanks to June, Sera pulled out enough denarii to pay for the bill, looking up at the older woman as she handed it to her, noticing Urma glancing over at June as she did so, but not saying anything to the younger guard just yet. "Very well miss, thank you very much and I hope that it does indeed improve your business somewhat at least," Sera said to the woman after handing her the money she owed, which thankfully wasn't all that much from the looks of it really.

With that, Sera started eating her lunch, figuring that she'd try and not say anything to Urma while the others were around for now, as she wasn't entirely sure how far she could trust them just quite yet, though she was up for chatting while they ate if any of the others wanted to do so. She was hoping that Urma wouldn't start talking about whatever it was she might be wanting to say about June just yet and would at least wait until they had somewhere private and out of the way to do so, but she just couldn't be sure what this girl might do at the moment really.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Most of the chatter was simple banter or war stories. It seemed her guards where very happy with their assignment all except Urma who like a hawk watched Sera and June even and not partaking of conversation. At any rate unless Sera had specific things she wanted to ask the company finished up their meal and left the restaurant and where on the streets again.

It was late afternoon and they still had plenty of time left in the day however an official messenger came running up to Sera. "Matriarch your presence has been requested back at the place for dinner with the nobles and her highness. The dinner will be at 6 bells." With that the messenger bowed and ran off. Sera had about 3 hours before dinner but if it was a state affair she may be required to dress for the occasion.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera listened to the war stories that her guards had to talk about while they ate, noticing Urma not speaking much at all really and watching her and June quite intently. It felt like she wanted to ask something, but wasn't just going to come right out with it at the moment, which was alright with Sera really. Once they were done eating, with Sera noting the rest of her guards seeming to greatly enjoy their assignment with her, they went on out and back to the streets, thanking the owner for the trouble of feeding them all.

Not long back out on the streets, with Sera about to go on to the library, she saw a runner come up to her with a message. As soon as the messenger was done Sera nodded. "Very well, tell the matriarch that I shall be there," Sera told the messenger as she ran back off, looking up at the sky to see that she had some time left before needing to be there. "Do any of you know if I'll need something more... formal for this dinner the matriarch has invited me to?" Sera then asked her guards, looking at each in turn and hoping one of them would have the answer.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Urma quickly spoke up. "If it is a formal dinner then yes you should dress to impress." The other guards simply shrugged having no clue to what a formal dinner would even by like. June nodded as well "Mistress you should inspire all of them with your glory" Her face blushed as the words slipped from her mouth but she had a part to play in keeping their act up as well. This caused Urma to rise a single eyebrow though she kept quiet.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When Urma spoke up, seeming to have some sort of knowledge on the matter, Sera nodded her head, then when June spoke up, she smiled at her and gave her a wink as she nodded her head again. "Very well then, let us go and find something a bit more... formal for me to wear tonight, and perhaps something for you as well June just in case you're expected to be there too. If I'm to look nice then you will also," Sera said with a smile at June, proud that she spoke up like she had and noting Urma's raised eyebrow at June's words, though she said nothing just as Urma didn't on the matter, figuring that Urma must obviously be smarter than she originally thought and that she'd put two and two together and figured out what the real story was with Sera and June.

Heading to a clothing store of some sort, though trying to pick one that looked like it got more business than most, Sera looked around inside for suitable dress wear for her and June both, this time not bothering to stop the owner if they offered a free one for her and June and saying she'd pay for it herself.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Heading to the clothing store nearly caused a buzz as Sera drew a crowed where ever she went. Her guards with the exception of Urma however stopped anyone from following her into the store. Once the awed shop keeper collected herself she went about trying to gather the finest she had to offer. During this chaos Urm spoke quickly to Sera. "You play a dangerous game Matriarch. If I suspect then my mother suspects. It would be unwise for you to take June to the dinner with you. She seems a nice girl but her acting skills need improvement." The tone was hushed almost conspiratorial. "If you want to stay long in this place then June needs to act as your slave not just pretend. The nobles will see threw the facade as I have. So far you have been lucky your presence and novelty has kept you safe. You may have to have June processed to keep her safe. I know how to do it with out breaking her will. After all I made it out just fine."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As they went to the clothing store, Sera saw that she'd drawn a bit of a crowd with her, which if she hadn't had June with her she wouldn't have minded them coming too close really, but since she had to make sure June stayed safe she would have to make sure they stayed a ways away for now. When the owner scurried off to find her best things she had to offer, Sera saw her guards making sure nobody followed her inside and that anyone already inside stayed a good ways away for now, while Urma leaned in and whispered to her. Sera listened closely to every word Urma said, glancing from her over at June before glancing back, her suspicions correct in assuming Urma had seen through their ploy for now, though whether or not Jolynn had or not was still unsure to Sera, despite what Urma had said on the matter.

"We'll speak more on this somewhere more... private. Are you allowed in or on the palace grounds still because of your mother, despite being a common soldier? If so then come to my room," Sera quickly replied to Urma, giving her the location of her bedroom if she could come with her later when she went back, though is Urma wasn't allowed there then she would let Urma give a meeting place they could have some privacy for a little bit to talk. "You obviously know what I am, so you must also know that I can't do anything to cause June any harm whatsoever, as I have sworn to protect her while she is with me," Sera went on to say in a hushed tone to Urma.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sadly Urma wasn't allowed on palace grounds. Still after the owner of the place brought forth some garments for her to wear and try on Urma ushered her into a changing booth posting June outside so they wouldn't be overheard. "Matriarch I understand you duty and for my part I want to help you but at a price. I will teach June how to act your slave so no one will suspect anything. All I ask for in return is you take me with you. I don't care how you do it but I want away from this place."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera nodded her head sadly when Urma let her know that she wasn't allowed on palace grounds now, though when the owner lady of the place brought some clothes to try on and see if she liked Sera was able to get her privacy to speak with Urma, with Sera nodding to June silently and gestured for her to wait just outside of the changing room to keep watch for them. Once inside, Sera did begin to try on some clothes while Urma spoke to her, trying to do two things at once simply to get it done so she was ready for this dinner party later.

"Hmm... what does this... teaching entail exactly Urma? If June would be hurt by it in any way then you must know that I can't allow it even if it could cause us to be found out. But I shall take you with me when I leave... that I promise I'll find a way to do for you. How come you wish to leave though if I may ask?" Sera asked Urma while she tried on a couple of dresses, wanting to find one with an open back made into it so her wings wouldn't need to be tucked in or anything of the sort, but other than that she had no real preferences save she'd like it to be either white or a light blue.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Urma looked at Sera and helped her with the dresses. "Court meetings are generally done in revealing cloths Matriarch you may want to keep that in mind. Of course going in with the most cloths on will draw attention to your presence and only add to your foreign appearance." This was said fairly loud so that the proprietor of the clothing store could hear her. The next part was said in a whisper. "I will teach June how to act the slave we can skip the other parts of the training as Im sure you will keep her to yourself right? Anyway as for my reasons to leave they are plenty but if you need one its this. I wish to be free of this place. To make my own choices and not be at the beck and call of my mother. I want my freedom and I can never have that here."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah yes I see, thank you kindly Urma, I shall choose something more appropriate then in that case," Sera replied loudly in response to Urma's first words, knowing what she was doing and playing along with that.

Sera listened closely, making as much noise while she changed in the meantime to cover her voice for them while she whispered. "I see, well I do intend on keeping her with me and all so we're set on that. And that reason is as good as any in my opinion, though I would like to free as mane of these people as I can... but I know that would be impossible for just us to manage many if any at all," Sera whispered to Urma just as she found a couple of things she might be able to wear.

"Ah how about these then Urma?" Sera said louder, keeping up the cover that they were picking her something out still... which they actually were. Sera showed a couple of different outfits that didn't leave much to the imagination. She showed her the , and then she showed her the , wondering which of the two was the more appropriate for this dinner party she was to attend. "Do you think the blue would be better or the white?" Sera then asked as she showed Urma the outfits, holding the blue up then the white again.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Urma took a minor step back and looked the dresses over. "The blue I think would fit well. Its revealing enough for dinner and the see through elements lend an mystical feel to the dress." Nodding at either one she smiled. "Both work so its your choice Matriarch." Urma then lowered her voice again. "The only way to free more is to start your own house here and I doubt you want to stay that long."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Very well, I think I shall go with the blue then Urma, thank you, you've been very helpful to me today," Sera said aloud, taking the blue dress and trying it on, then she leaned in close to Urma again. "Aye, I don't want to stay here any longer than I must. Really as soon as I find out anything about what I'm searching for one way or the other, then we'll be leaving if we can. Though who knows how long that may take," Sera then whispered quietly to Urma.

With that, Sera put the dress on and prepared to step out to give June and the others a look at what she'd chosen after Urma's advice, wondering what their reactions would all be. She also wondered how much this particular dress cost, as she didn't want to waste more of June's money if she didn't have to, because that was June's and not her own to spend.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Changing into the new dress Sera walked out of the room only to be greeted by June and the shop keeper. The seamstress clapped in delight at the dress while June stood stunned a moment and blushed before quickly looking away. "I think its outstanding! Its only 10 denari Matriarch shall I have it packed up for you?" Urma on the other hand stood close to the woman and muttered something her ear. "Oh... OH! it would be my honor Matriarch if you would wear this garment at the dinner no charge at all. All that I ask is that you let anyone who asks about your dress is to tell them where you got it." With that business taken care of Sera still had time to go about town a little bit before her dinner meeting with the nobles.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Exiting the changing room, Sera giggled a little at June's blushing and turning away, looking very stunned to say the least, which kind of made Sera feel happy that she could have the sort of effect on June. Looking back to the seamstress as she clapped and looked absolutely delighted with Sera's choice, the young angel smiled as Urma whispered in her ear and she spoke to her about the dress.

"I will do just that, I mean this is one of the most beautiful dresses that I've ever owned to be honest, I would be a poor customer if I didn't brag about that at least. But I shall make certain that you are compensated miss, have no fear on that," Sera said with a respectful bow, thanking the seamstress as she did so. Sera raised back up from her bow and plucked a loose feather of her's from her wing. "In fact I'll even go so far as to give you proof that a matriarch shopped here and was truly delighted with the dress she got. Here take this, and show it well for all that shop here to see and be awed by it," Sera went on to say, giving the seamstress the single feather as a sort of trophy, that would likely be worth more to the woman than the 10 denarii the dress cost.

Once that was out of the way and the woman likely bowed and thanked her a bit... or a lot knowing how some people like this were, Sera would lead everyone back out after getting the dress packed up where she'd lead everyone on out of there, unsure of where to go now or if they had time for any other stops before she needed to be heading back to the palace to prepare for Jolynn's dinner party that Sera had been invited to.

"Hmhm, I would love to see you in a beautiful yet revealing dress like this June. I mean you're already beautiful, but this would only add to that I think," Sera whispered to June as they exited the store so only the girl could hear, and maybe Urma if she remained close to them. Once June replied, Sera gave her a little kiss on the cheek for encouragement and thanks for sticking with her through all of this so far, telling her that was what the kiss was for if she asked. After that, Sera headed to the library that Jolynn had promised to allow her entry to, wondering if she'd sent word yet to them that Sera may be coming there to look through their archives.