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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

This of course caused Jolynn to raise an eybrow. "I suppose I can cover this expense for you at lest." As Jolynn turned away Sera missed the smile that coverd Jolynns lips.

The path to the library wasn't hard and Sera easily got directions to where she needed to be. Once there however the sheer scale of the libary was overwhelming. It was a large dome shapped structure easily streching six stories. The with of the libary itself could take up the entire grounds that the temple in Korst occupied. Looking about Sera could easily fly up to the top of the library if she so chose. However before she acted she hard a slight cough from Rei TwoMoons. "Can I help you Matriarch." Rei once more was wearing a long silken red dress and her cute pointed cat ears twitched in Sera's direction while her tail drifted slowly from side to side.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I thank you very much matriarch, and remember if you have any sort of paying missions that need doing that you think I could handle well enough, I'd be willing to do so, for when June and I leave here, because every little bit extra helps," Sera told Jolynn before heading on, bowing again to her in thanks.

After leaving Jolynn's personal study/hotspring, Sera made her way up the castle to Jolynn's library she said that she could use, getting directions along the way from a few helpful guards along the way thankfully. Once she arrived and just as she had finished taking in the sights of the library itself, she saw Rei Two Moons from the evening before coming over after turning at the woman's cough, which Sera assumed was to get her attention.

"Ah hello there Rei, I was just going up to the top to look at some books, as matriarch Jolynn has allowed me to use her library here to search for something that I am looking for. She mentioned I should start from there, so I figure I'd take her advice and do so," Sera told Rei with a slight bow of her head to greet her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Very good very good. You will need these Matriarch." Rei handed Sera two silken gloves. "They are to protect the older books they can be very fragil." With that Rei went about her buisness tending to affaries of the libary. Heading up however she chose be it the stairs or flight Sera soon found herself on the top floor examining towering bookshelves. Where to begin her search?
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh thank you miss Rei. I didn't realize some of the books were quite that old," Sera said to Rei before slipping the gloves on and taking flight upwards to the top floor since it was open enough that she could.

Once she was up on the top floor, Sera looked around and decided to start with the first bookshelf there, taking a look at each and every book there to see what all she could find, both for what she was looking for among other things. She wouldn't go too much into any of the books unless they seemed interesting in some way, but if there was anything in there worth looking at a bit more then she'd study it closely just in case, even if it wasn't anything pertaining to what she was searching for, because it could still be useful later on she told herself.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Scanning threw the first shelf seemed promising as it dealt with magical theroy. Still none of the books out right declared they where about dealing with magical artifacts or rituals. Moving to the secound shelf near her Sara pulled out a copy of Rituals and you only noting a well worn book wedged between two others fall flat. It was tiny and looked to be a small journal of sorts.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sifting through the first bookshelf Sera saw nothing of any real interest that might help her search, though the second one looked a bit more promising than the first did and when she spotted the little journal near the "Rituals and You" book, Sera took it out and looked at it to see what was on it, curious as to what she might find. "Hmm, I wonder what's on this," Sera mumbled as she pulled it out.

If nothing on interest was in the small journal, then Sera would look at the other book she pulled out and flip through it some to see what she could find in it.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The journal was well worn and hand written in a flowing script. One entry caught Sera's eye immidiatly.

"Dear journal"

"Today I completed the ritual of sealing on my first male. He was a warrior from the desert lands and will serve as fine sacrifice to Illador. I will soon have my wish immortality.​

Looking over the journal no name was placed in it nor where any entries signed. Looking at the object Sera could tell it was really old.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Skimming through the journal, Sera saw one entry that caught her eye and was a bit strange. She wondered who wrote it and when, as it had no name or anything to indicate either. Maybe Rei would know since she worked in this library here... or at least she thought that she did anyway. Maybe she would take this one with her and ask Jolynn about it, Sera thought. She continued looking through the journal for now until she finished it, looking for any other strange entries like that one.

After she finished the journal, Sera would look around for any other interesting books she could find in the place, keeping the journal with her for the time being.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Turning the page Sera found it coated and stained with some substance and completely unreadable. However the paige after that had this entry.

Dear Journal

Illador was pleased with the many sacrifices I have made in his name. Yesterday who ravanged me in my very room as I was writing to you. He told me how pleased he was with my progress. I must admit I was worried about his promeses of power and what it would cost me. Still I feel his power in me changing me. When the blood moon rises I will do as he asked and bind my sould to his service. The hour of my ascension is neigh and soon I will be an immortal.

Looking past this page revealed no more writing though a few pages are stained with blood. Looking back where more similar entries all in the same hand writing. Before any mention of Illador it seemed this woman was a sorceress of some power. At first she seemed pure of heart but after a dramatic encounter with a demon she slowly grew more and more tainted which was reflected by her writings.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The next entry was totally unreadable thanks to something coating the page, which she didn't know what exactly, though the next entry after that could be easily read, which she did so. Sera's expression darkened a bit as she read it, as from the sounds of it this person was tainted by demonic corruption even though she had begun with different intentions. The blood on the pages past this one was one thing that showed the woman in this book had fallen to corruption. Falling to the corrupting touch of a demon was not something she wanted to happen... yet... she loved a demon... well five of them to be exact really, but still the same she loved a demon. She knew that most any other angel would think her crazy and would want to have nothing to do with her if they found out, which is why she had kept it a secret from her parents and everyone else at the sanctuary she lived in.

Hell there were several reasons that she wanted to find a way around the corruption in the form of some grand item or something, only one of which was to be able to have Rose, Lilia, Daisy, Iris and Clover in a more intimate way than just hugging and maybe a kiss on the cheek, but she also saw it as a way to bring their two races together enough to stand side by side against the alien threat and beat it back and to stop the infighting between them both. It was most likely an impossible thing to strive for, but nonetheless she wished for it all the same.

"Maybe another book will give better results... I hope. But I need to ask Jolynn about this one probably and find out who it was that wrote this," Sera mumbled to herself as she put the journal in her pack before looking around for more books to look through, checking if any other ones had anything about what she was searching for.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Placeing the journal in her pack Sera begain her search anew. Looking threw some more books Sera found a magic item primer that discussed enchantments but any that where listed had no effects on corruption. Still it was a fairly nifty if novice guide to the art. The next book listed the mating rituals of the fey, and while this book may have its own value of reading it was clearly not what she was looking for. The rest of the books on this case covered various magic theroies and arguments about elements. Setting a rather bland book called Earth magic the foundation of empries down Sera rubbed her eyes and heard a bell tone six times. Goodness was it that late already?
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After stowing the journal in her pack for later discussion with either Jolynn or Rei, Sera continued her search into the library. There were many other books she went through during her search ranging from rituals to earth magics, and even stuff about the mating rituals of fey, which she thought was a little interesting so she grabbed that book too to read back in her bedroom and maybe to let June read it some since she seemed somewhat interested in those things.

After quite some time of looking, Sera set the one book down to rub her eyes, to take a break for a few minutes and maybe get herself something to drink. As soon as she got up and stretched though, stretching her wings out as well for they were a bit cramped, she heard a bell in the distance ring a total of six times. "Wow... I didn't think I'd been in here for quite that long," Sera mumbled to herself. Aside from the journal and the book about fey mating rituals, Sera put everything else back where she'd found it for now and thought to come back the next day to look some more, while taking those other two books with her, with the journal hidden in her pack while the fey mating rituals book was in her hands.

If Rei stopped her and asked about the book she was taking with her, Sera would stop and look over at her, telling her that she was going to take it to her room for the time being for some reading while she was there so she'd have something to do and wouldn't be totally bored in there. If allowed to take it with her, Sera would then head on out and would have one of the guards go to ask Jolynn if she could have the bill for June's symbol she'd had the man make for her the day before sent to the palace here to be paid, where she would then head on down to retrieve it after putting the books in her's and June's bedroom. She'd meet up with her own guards that were to be traveling with her around the city during her stay wherever they were to be meeting her at along the way to the man's shop.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

With the hour getting late Sera headed down to the ground floor easily spotting Rei. Making her way out though the minister of culture did stop her. "Oh Matriarch if you want to borrow a book I need to inspect it first and write down who its on loan to." Looking it over the Cat woman smiled slightly when her eyes caught the title. "A very popular book and in good enough condition that you can freely take it and not need the gloves to look threw it." Takeing the gloves back Rei bade her good evening and went about her work once more.

Getting back to her room she found Pet and June still out and about. Dealing with that however she chose Sera found one of the guards who handed over a peice of paper. "This is a writ of request for the smith. He can seek payment from the castle with it." Nodding the guard turned away leaving Sera alone for a moment.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh of course, here you go. And here's the gloves too, I almost forgot them, sorry about that," Sera said and handed over the fey mating rituals book for Rei to check it out for her. "I'm glad that gloves aren't needed Rei, thank you again. And perhaps I'll be able to try out some of these mating rituals in here sometime," Sera added to Rei, giggling a bit at mentioning trying out the mating rituals.

With a wink at Rei, Sera went on out and back to her bedroom, where she found June and Pet gone. She was sure Pet wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, or that at the very least Jolynn wouldn't, not after earlier. So she felt she could trust June to be alone outside of their bedroom now at least a little bit. Heading back out of the bedroom, Sera found one of the lady guards who gave her a slip of paper and explained what it was about. "Ah thank you very much miss, and thank the matriarch for me as well while I go to collect and deliver this slip of paper," Sera told the lady guard and headed on out, looking around the entrance area for her guards that were supposed to travel with her, though not worrying about it if they weren't there and heading on to find the smith man that prepared her the item she'd requested.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera's guards where waiting for her or at lest one was Urma stood waiting and greated the Matriarch with a bow. "Martraich shall we head to the barracks to fetch the rest of you guards?" Urma waited for her to respond as they began to walk. The barracks would be the closer of the two places to go so it was up to Sera.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah hello there Urma, didn't expect to see you waiting here for me. But yes we can go to pick up the others if you'd prefer to, but I'm only going out to do one thing this evening, so I think all will be alright with just the two of us," Sera told Urma, greeting the girl in return as the began heading for the smith's shop, or to the barracks if Urma would rather go there first, as Sera would let her decide on that and wouldn't mind following her lead there instead if she'd rather go get the others first.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yes Mistress." Urma spoke in a loud voice making sure the guards heard her as she took a submissive position behind Sera. "Matraich remember your ruse you must be in command or at lest appear to be. Rember Im your servent/slave its best to treat me like on till we are in a private place." This was said in a subdued manner as she followed Sera to the blacksmith.

Knocking at the door Sera waited a moment as the exhausted blacksmith came out. His close where a mess and there was clear slime on them as well. "Oh Matriach sorry for my state my lover has been rather enthusasic lately. I think she is wanting to split and birth again." Urma cleared her throat as the blacksmith got a shocked look on his face. "Oh yes I have it right away here let me get it for you." After a moment the man came back with I shimmering golden angle holding a small clear gemstone. A golden chain rapped around so it could be fastened in place. "Truely one of my best works but now if you don't mind I need to tend to my wife before she gets too out of control." With that the man dissapeared and the noise from the shop got louder.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I know that Urma, I just figure that we're only going to the smith's shop and back, and I'm just letting you decide since I'm new here and you would know better if we should get the others beforehand," Sera told Urma in a low voice, figuring that she didn't need to worry overly much about it or anyone seeing the fact that she was willing to let Urma lead the way since she knew the city and all.

When they arrived at the blacksmith's shop, Sera knocked on the door a couple of times and waited for him to come to answer it. When he opened the door, Sera saw the state he was in and couldn't help but giggle a bit at it. "It's quite alright good sir, and... I suppose I should say good luck with your lover," Sera said as he went off to grab the item she'd requested of him. When he returned, Sera saw the necklace and thought it was absolutely breathtaking. "Indeed it is wonderful good sir. Here, you may take this to the castle to cash it in for the payment for this beautiful piece, and your wife is a lucky gal I think to have one as skilled as you as her husband," Sera added when the guy came back, handing him the slip of paper that she was given to give to him for the thing.

After that they headed on out from there, Sera would look over at Urma. "So... do you by chance know of any interesting places to go Urma? I've got a little time before dinner, so something interesting would be nice I think," Sera asked Urma as they went on from the blacksmith.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Urma stood a moment thinking of various places they could go. "Well there is one place we could go where you wouldn't draw attention. Its an old ruin near the edge of the city. I think it used to be an old sorceress tower. I know mother made sure that it was sealed off before she and her elites could check it out first. Its been a few years so it should be safe after all they probably pulled everything of value or that was dangerous out."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, so long as it doesn't take too much time then sure. Maybe an hour or so is about how long I'm thinking to explore the city some, and this sounds interesting indeed," Sera said to Urma with a nod of her head, agreeing to go to this tower, as it sounded interesting indeed, and who knows it could very well be the tower that the woman from the journal she'd been reading earlier lived in or something.

Sera would have Urma lead the way, trying to give a bit of a look that showed she was a matriarch and definitely the one in charge to make Urma not worry so much about that, thinking that she might as well get a bit of practice on showing such a look in case she and June were stuck here for some time.