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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Rei eyed Sera's approach and bowed before speaking. "Matiarch." Listing as Sera spoke Rei summoned forth a servent with cat ears as well and whispered something to her. "Well sadly to say I know little of the angel in question. Our records on your kind are... speclative at best. However I can tell you that tower once belonged to a powerful sorceress who combated the early demonic invasions that plagued the amazon. She had many victories but was sadly murdered by her apprentice who had become corrupted." The other cat girl returned with a couple books that Rei took and opened up. "As for some of the figures some are soilderis of the tribe even one of our former matirarchs but the rest seemed to be mercenaries of some sort. Its strange though I tried to look up info about the matriarch in question but all those books seemed to have been damaged or moved to the personal libaray of the matirarchs. Is there anything specific you want to know?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm that's unfortunate to know. Who was her apprentice if you don't mind me asking? And is there anything I can do to help you find out more? So that I can know as well, and so that I can find out about the angel there," Sera replied to Rei, trying to find out what she could do to help learn who the angel was along with the others if possible, and wanting to know about the sorceress that the tower had belonged to.

"I... well Jolynn told me to stay away from the tower. But... the only way I can find out about that angel there is to go there I'd say. I have a bit of a dilemma as you can see Rei. Is there any particular reason that Jolynn might not want me going there other than just the random dangers of the hostile area?" Sera went on to say after a few moments and after Rei had answered her first questions.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Humm sadly her name has been removed from our collection though some of the books have yet to be processed and are sealed away deemed a danger to the people." This seemed to make Rei sigh. "I bet many of the questions I have could be answered by those books. Anyway the histories we have on hand only refer to her as the Dark Lady. As for the tower itself... Well I have a theory. I think its a place of shame for our matriarchs. Either a massive defeat or hidden secrete they do not want revealed. Its quite the mystery. Not even the royal guard are allowed to enter the ruins. I have to send mercenaries when I can convince the Matriarch to allow an expidiiton."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, I see. You say that these books are sealed away and only the matriarch may see them? Perhaps she'll let me take a look at them since it is my kin I'm trying to find out about. I must know though before I leave this place," Sera said, asking if Jolynn was the only one allowed to view the books in question, where she'd then head to see the matriarch again. "Thank you for your time Rei, I appreciate the help," Sera added before heading on to find Jolynn again.

If Jolynn was unavailable at the moment, Sera would wait a while to see her, heading to have lunch with her companions back in her room for the time being and to see if June was back yet or not. If she wasn't back, Sera would go look for her before lunch so that she could introduce her to Crissa and explain what was going on.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Indeed Jolynn seemed very busy and every guard she asked told her she was doing state buisness. Heading back to her room her thoughts drifted to the now absent June. Ivy and Crissa where both in the room with June still gone. When ask Ivy would shrug having no idea where Pet and June went. However as soon as Pet was mentioned Crissa told Sera that the cat girls have their own wing of the palace and would direct Sera that way.

The wing that the cat girls was slightly cordoned off with Royal guards nodding to Sera as she entered. "Careful Matriarch the girls are always energtic and may want to play with you." Entering the wing proper Sera was immidiatly bombarded with cat girls all trying to see or touch her. Some even lifted her dress to see her cock. This seemed to cause some excitment and caused the girls to run about in a crazy manner. It was almost to much till a strong femine voice called out "Stop!" At this all the cat girls looked up as the older cat woman Rikke had seen before approached. Soon enough the other girls ran off hiding or watching from doors. "Matriarch." the cat woman bowed her large heavy breasts seeping some milk.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing that she wouldn't be able to see Jolynn for now, Sera asked for them to carry a message to her when they had the chance that she wanted to talk to her when she could. Then she made her way back to her room for the time being to check on the others. After asking Ivy if June was back yet or not, Sera glanced over as Crissa explained that the cat girls had their own portion of the palace to themselves and nodded in thanks to her before heading that way.

When she got to the cat girls wing of the palace, Sera nodded to the guards as they spoke up and gave her warning about the cat girls maybe trying to play with her. "Alright, thank you for the warning ladies. I'm sure everything will work out though and that I'll be fine," Sera told the lady guards with a smile before heading in.

Walking inside this side of the palace, Sera looked around to see quite a few different cat girls already swarming around her, all trying to see and or touch her somewhere. Smiling and giggling at their curiosity and want to get closer to her, Sera let them touch her as much as they felt like at first, reaching out and ruffling their hair or petting them on the head in return as she made her way through the wing in her search for Pet and June. When they began excitedly lifting her skirt of her dressy robes, Sera couldn't help but laugh, though at the same time their doing this sparked a reaction from the angel as her member started to stiffen up each time her skirt was lifted up.

When Rikke came out and ordered a stop to their excited skirt flipping and whatnot, Sera looked around as they all scampered off to hide and look on from their hiding places. "Hmhm, it's alright Rikke, I don't mind them being all clingy. Though I am here for a reason. I'm looking for my companion June, she came over here with one of your girls who's named... Pet. I don't know if that's her actual name, but that's what she told us to call her," Sera told Rikke, now showing any anger towards the other cat girls for what they were doing.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yes her name is Pet and she was the first. The tail told to us is that our Matriach had grown lonely. Wishing for someone to confide in that would not betray her she turned to her pet cat." As Rikku lead her down the halls Sera got a chance to see all manner of cat girls. Some where in leasons being taught numbers and what not. "As the first Pet didn't turn out quite right. Unlike most of her siblings her mind didn't advace as far as the others." Turning another corner Rikku lead Sera to another room which seemed to be sololy occupied by one cat girl in question. Pet stood tail wagging as she watched June on the couch groan. "Sister? Sister are you okay?" No doubt this caused Sera some concern as she came rushing forward to inspect June. Looking her over Sera noticed her belly swollen as if she had eaten to much. She had slight sheen of sweat on her and that wasn't all. A knew growth seemed to be starting on her ass.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"The first one that Jolynn attempted to change into humanoid form? Wow, she must be quite old then, and that probably explains why she's pretty much refused to play with me in any sexual way," Sera said, rather amazed that Pet was the first like her here. When the matronly catgirl explained that Pet's mind wasn't quite as advanced as the others because she was the first though, Sera felt a little sad to say the least. "That's very sad. I wonder if there's any way to help her... well you know, to make her mind more complete," Sera added as they walked onwards.

Turning the last corner before they got to the room in question, Sera was startled at what she saw inside. Spotting June in distress, Sera literally flew across the room, flapping her large wings so strongly that she whooshed across to June with a single flap. "June... June sweetie. What's the matter?" Sera said, slightly panicky at the sight of June obviously in trouble as she got a better look at what was now growing from her ass.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well its mostly that her mind is more cat tha....." Rikku was pushed aside as Sera entered and looked June over. Inspecting June particullary her ass Sera found a tail nub growing. "Whats wrong with Sister?" Pet was nearby her tail had stopped swishing and a look of concern had crossed her face. "Pet did you give her any of the special milk for the children." Pet frowned and backed away. "We where thirsty and thats all we had that wasn't the icky stuff." This brought a scowl to Rikku. "Matriarch June has ingested some of the mothers milk. Its used to make sure the girls grow strong. It might be haveing the same effect on June. Tell me is she fully grown?" Sera thought back June was young having just turned 18 a few months before Sera had found her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh June sweetie... please be okay," Sera said softly to June as she caressed her head, glancing over to Rikku when asked if June was fully grown. "Well, she did just turn eighteen not too long ago, but she's a regular human, so technically speaking no she's not fully grown just yet. What is going to happen to her? Please we must help her," Sera said, still panicking a bit with what was going on as she noticed the nub of a tail growing on June's butt.

"Is she going to turn into one of the cat girls miss Rikku? I promised to take good care of her, and I've failed. I knew I should have come looking for her earlier," Sera asked quickly after a moment, feeling miserable and like she'd failed to protect June properly.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I don't think that will happen Matriach... though she might gain a tail from the looks of it. It shouldn't alter her mind or anything sense she was human not one of the children." As Sera caressed June's head two triangular ears popped up seemingly from no where. There where the same color as her hair so they cold be hidden if it came to it. Pet shrank back scared and worried. "Im sorry please don't be mad at Pet." The cat girl started to cry slightly and was soon being comforted by Rikku. Meanwhile June still shivered and groaned her new tail growing some more with little blonde hairs starting to show

June gains two mutations Cat Ears and Cat tail

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well that's a relief at least. So long as she's still the same June that I know, then I believe we can move past this... surely," Sera said as she pulled June over a bit and her head into her lap as she sat down next to her. "Pet, don't give June any more of that strange drink, please. I'm not overly angry with you, a bit disappointed perhaps because you gave her something that isn't meant for adults to drink, but I'm not angry," Sera then said to Pet, unable to truly be angry at her especially after what Rikku had told her about her, but she had to learn some things.

"Well it looks like she's going to at least look more like you girls now. Let's hope that it didn't alter her mind any, at least not in a bad way hopefully. If it made her smarter or sharper of mind then I suppose it wouldn't hurt," Sera said before raising June up to a sitting position. "June sweetie... are you alright now? Do you know where you are?" Sera then asked June once she'd raised her up, to make sure she was okay and alert at least.

(Heh, how am I not surprised that this happened. XD)


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June still looked sick but as soon as Sera had pulled her up she grabbed onto her and held her tight. Pet was still crying as well. "I didn't want to hurt sister Bwaaaa!" Then quickly ran out of the room with Rikku frowning and following soon after. This left Sera alone with June who still shivered slightly though the groaning had stopped. Inspecting June Sera found the tail had finally grown all out and was covered in a soft blonde fur. Once more it seemed June's body reacted to the changes becoming a little more lithe than she was before and of course her breasts had swollen though likely this wasn't a pernament.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Shh shh, it's alright June, I'm here," Sera whispered to June, letting June hold her as much as she wished.

Glancing over as Pet spoke and started crying, Sera felt bad for even telling her she was disappointed with her, but she had to be honest about it. Looking down at June, Sera saw her cat tail and ears had grown in completely of the same color as her hair. "June sweetie, are you alright now? Come on talk to me," Sera asked June, caressing her cheek and brushing her hair from her eyes as she glanced at her breasts and saw that they were larger now. Sera would wait until June was recovered enough to talk and whatnot before getting up any, at which point she'd help her up and out to head back to their room to rest some.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After a few long moments June finally spoke to Sera. "I don't feel so good. Everything is so.... weird." Helping June to her feet Sera imidiatly spotted the issue. Her bodies porportions where off which in turn made her unsteady in her gate. It would right itself out shortly but for the moment June needed to relearn her body. Still helping her back to ther room drew a few looks from the guards.

Upon returning Ivy almost broke out in a giggle before she caught the look from Sera and rushed over to help. "Oh dear it seems our inexperianced priestess ran into some trouble." This even brougth Crissa over to investigate. "Mistress I didn't know you had a cat girl slave." Explaining the situation as best she could Crissa frowned. "You should ask for compensation. Your property has been altered without your permision." Apparently Crissa was still used to how things worked in her land and not how Sera ran things, but still she had a point.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I know sweetie, come on I'll get you to bed for a while. I'll have to have a talk with Pet later, and Jolynn. Hopefully we can turn you back to your usual self. But for now we'll have to deal with it as best we can," Sera told June softly, supporting her as they left the cat girl's wing.

Heading out, Sera noticed the glances that the guards were giving her, but at the moment she didn't really care what anyone thought. Once they returned to their bedroom, Sera gave Ivy a look that said to be nice as she helped June to sit down on the bed. Glancing over at Crissa, Sera began explaining who June was and just what she was, that she wasn't one of the cat girls and was actually a regular human... at least up until not long ago.

"I know Crissa, and I intend on asking Jolynn if she knows someone that can, or if she herself can change June back to normal... though I don't know if it's possible honestly. I'm definitely going to have a talk with Pet though and let her know that she can't just give June strange things to eat or drink like that, especially when she should know better what it is for," Sera told Crissa, unsure of what she could actually demand in compensation other than to get June back to normal, which likely wasn't possible, and for the time being she didn't bother correcting Crissa about June not actually being her property per se and that she was her friend and masquerading as her slave whilst they were here.

"Now June... do you remember what happened? Do you remember who we are?" Sera asked June cautiously, hoping that her mind hadn't been altered by that strange milk that Pet gave her. "I'm only asking because I'm worried and I'm making sure that you haven't been altered in other ways," Sera went on to say.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Altered?" June looked herself over finally noticing her tail. Her eyes widened and she promptly fainted. "Oh.. dear....." Crissa looked on in wonder. "You said pet gave her something to drink?" After hearing the explanation given Crissa frowned. "That shouldn't have happened at all. Even if the mothers milk she drank was highly tainted her mutations should have been random instead of well cat like. Its not how taint works." Crissa moved next to June and inspected her slightly. "Maybe... she has some Su ka ancestry that the milk forced to manifest?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Y-Yeah June sweetie, altered. Your body is... well... more like one of the... cat girls now," Sera began telling June before she fainted back on the bed.

Looking over at Ivy and Crissa, Sera nodded when Crissa asked what she did. "Yeah, Rikku said it was the mother's milk that the cat girls drink to help them grow more quickly. She asked if June was full grown and I told her that she only turned eighteen not too long ago, so she is an adult but still not fully grown just yet," Sera said to Crissa, pondering for a moment when Crissa suggested that June had some Su-Ku-Ta ancestry somewhere down the line. "Hmm... she might have some sort of ancestry like that," she added.

Covering June up, Sera kissed her on the cheek and let her rest for now, where she'd sit down at the foot of the bed and ask Crissa to sit with her. Once she was sitting with her, Sera would fill Crissa in on what she was exactly and what she was there for, as well as telling her that June wasn't her slave and was a friend that asked to come with her when she'd stopped in the previous town before coming here. "We actually ended up here by accident honestly, but I've been making the best of it. I expect you to keep that a secret from everyone Crissa, especially Jolynn, for if anyone found out then Jolynn would take her away most likely and force her to remain here, and I may not have any say in that matter. If you'll keep this secret and anything else secret that I ask you to do so, then I'll see what I can do about getting your sister freed," Sera told Crissa seriously.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Crissa listened intently to what Sera had to say and only spoke when she was doen talking. "Mistress I shall keep your secrete even if I wasn't forced to as for my sister she got what she deserved for her failure." Mentioning her sister Crissa sounded slightly bitter. Clearly there was more to that family dramma than Sera knew. "Just as I got what I deserved for betraying our Matriarch." Sera could tell that Crissa didn't mean that last part but it seemed forced.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera merely smiled at Crissa, giving her a look that told the girl that she understood what she really wanted to say, which in a way she couldn't blame her for feeling the way she surely did. "Thank you Crissa, I appreciate that. And don't hesitate to tell me anything you might need or want okay, be it something mundane or even sex, I can provide and won't have those close to me go without," Sera told Crissa, patting her shoulder.

"Well, I suppose I should wait until June gets back up before I go anywhere so that I can introduce you two. Then I think I'll go talk to Jolynn some more about a couple of things. Do you have anything you'd like to talk about while we wait for June to wake back up Crissa? Or is there anything you can tell me about the city that I might ought to know?" Sera went on to say, deciding remain there for now and chatting with Ivy and Crissa until June woke back up.