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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Mother Im not sure... we just now it as the rage. It happens very rarely." The guard named Phobe looke away unable to face Sera at the moment when her sister spoke.

"Mother Rhea seems to think it has to do with the ebb and flow of magic around here. To that extent our armor is enchanted to absorbe excess power. Even then its not enough sometimes and this happens. Don't worry for her safty or that of our unborn sisters. Jolynn's rage is much less sever than her mothes and even her grandmothers."

A scream echoed from out of the chamber as the armor of the royal guards dimmed down. Rushing back in with Sera hot on their heels revealled a rather strange sight. Jolynn stood stark naked her cloths having been burned of leaving nothing but ashes in her wake. Thankfully the metal adornments on her body seemed to fair much better than the cloths. She stood panting her body glinting from a sheen of sweat that covered her. One arm was outstreched holding the throat of an equally nude woman whith shackles on her feet and wrists.

"As I said it would have been bette for you if I belived in the death penlty. Dropping her to the ground Jolynn looked at the nearest of guards approaching with a blanket. "Drop her off into the breeding pits. Lets see how he...she likes being taken by force." Turning her head she caught a glimpse of Sera. This seemed to shock Jolynn as she quickly shook a little and started to cry before a sudden impact hit the air and she was gone.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I... I see, still the same there is a sense of corruption in the aura surrounding her now, not one that I like the feel of. How common were these... rages of her mother's and her grandmother's?" Sera replied to the two, worried but curious about this rage they mentioned.

Just then though before Sera could get an answer they heard a scream from within the great hall and Sera rushed in right behind the two sisters. Inside Sera saw a frightening yet awesome sight, with Jolynn holding a woman by the throat who was in shackles around her wrists and ankles while the remains of her clothes had burned to ash around her which was still settling down. Sera watched as Jolynn spoke to the guards and then looked to her after telling them to take the woman who used to be a man to the breeding pits.

"Jolynn wait," Sera cried, rushing over towards Jolynn before she teleported out of the room right in front of her before she could get to her.

"Girls... where did your mother go? Where can I find her?" Sera asked the guards quickly, preparing to look all around the palace for her.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"S-She has gone to her personal retreat... None of us know where. Its hidden in the palace." The guards took the woman who had passed out.

"At lest this one remained human." One of the other guards spoke in a hushed manner as they left to carry out their duty. Sera for now was alone in the great all a few servents comming in to clean up the area. A single memory stirred in Sera's head. "You should know all our secretes..." Had Jolynn been meaning to tell her about this? It would be hard to hide once they where married but if they where rare....

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Alright... think Sera think. Hidden sanctuary... in the palace..." Sera muttered to herself as the guards took the woman off, thinking hard about it for a few moments before she remembered what Jolynn had told her about knowing all of her secrets.

The library... the hidden area of it that Jolynn spoke of before. With that, Sera left the great hall, heading directly to the library as she remembered what Jolynn had said. She didn't know if this was one of those secrets that Jolynn had mentioned that she ought to know, but either way she was going to get some answers. When she got to the library, Sera went over to Rei's desk and asked her to show her all of the places that a secret entrance might be in, where she'd then attempt to enter since she still had the stone and ring that Jolynn had given her earlier.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Rei just looked up at Sera and smiled. "Top floor third bookshelf. A book with no cover cannot hide secrets." Rei smiled to herself and leaned back. "Mistress is clever but I have lots and lots of time. Not to mention I know her smell anywhere." Turning back to her books Rei looked up and spoke in a audable tone. "Mother please be careful with the books." Winking the cat woman turned a page in what she was reading. If Sera peeked it would turn out to be a trashy echi novel including pictures.

Heading to the top floor Sera would find it nearly completely abandoned with ony a single maid sweeping the upper floor. She was heavily swollen with child but seemed content. Her cute little cat ears twitching happily. Finding the shelf took alittle more work but eventually Sera found the coverless book however she was not alone up here.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Got it, thanks Rei," Sera said, leaning down as she went by and kissing Rei on the cheek in thanks, glancing over and seeing the book she was reading and unable to suppress a giggle.

With that Sera rushed upstairs to the third floor where Rei told her to go and found a single handmaid sweeping the floor, who was doing her work despite being heavy with child. She looked around a bit, but soon enough she was able to find the book on the shelf that Rei had mentioned, though she didn't think she could really open the door or whatever it was with the handmaid there.

Smiling at the catgirl, Sera moved over and got her attention, reaching up and petting her. "You're doing an excellent job dear, why don't you go and take a rest for now, you're feet and back must surely be hurting from carrying the child and trying to work too. I'll finish this up for you when I'm done up here, so go ahead and go on back downstairs and rest a bit, tell Rei that I said you could okay," Sera told the catgirl handmaid, petting her a little more before sending her on her way. "No in fact I'll escort you back down myself to make sure you get down okay, because you're too cute to let get hurt by falling or anything," she then said to the catgirl handmaid, wrapping her right arm around the girl's waist and placing her left hand over her swollen belly to brace it and protect it as she led her back down, not leaving her side until she made sure she was off the bottom step and on her way over to Rei.

"Rei I'm giving her leave to go rest for a while, she shouldn't be working while so heavy with child. Can you make sure she gets to somewhere to rest please?" Sera called over to Rei before heading back up to the book and pulling it out to see if that opened the passage, and if it didn't she'd try everything else from holding the stone against the book to beating on the wall if that's what it took to find and get to Jolynn.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The cat girl cooed at the touch and pecked Sera on the cheek as she escorted her down. Feeling the swollen belly made her giggle a little bit and the girl cute pink ears twitched at her breath. Nodding Rei took the girl to a chair leaving Sera to fly back up to the top floor if she desired. Finding the book once more she found simply pulling it caused the shelf to slide open revealling what looked like a stone wall. Though faint markings where present they where impossible to read. Holding the stone close however caused them to glow and soon a stair way up was made known to her. Climbing up small torches lit as she climbed with the sound of the book case closeing behind her. Reaching the top of the stair Sera had to gasp. The whole top of this building looked to be a garden of sorts including a balconey. How did Jolynn keep this hidden here? Looking about Sera found the blacony was supported by a wall that seemed to have been unfinished leaving the rest of the area open and uninterupted by the enclosed space. Underneath the balcony was a small room with a sturdy door. Further inspection revealed the outher perimiter glowed with conceling magic. Still with all this wonder one structure bloted the near perfect skyline. The creepy tower could still be seen from here its dark shape ever the more menacing.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Flying on back up as Rei handled the girl, Sera was easily able to get the door open by pulling the book out, which was good because she didn't feel like trying to figure out a puzzle right now. Stepping over to the opened bookshelf, Sera held up the stone Jolynn had given her and held it near to the stone wall now blocking her path, which opened the path before her up. "Well at least I know the stone does what she said it would," Sera mumbled to herself before stepping on through and heading up the stairs.

As she went up, Sera saw torches before her light up as the bookshelf closed behind her, and upon hearing the bookshelf closing Sera looked back at it for a moment before heading on up. When she got to the top of the stairwell, Sera was actually quite surprised to find this entire garden like area and a balcony up this high, hidden from all others no less... save her now of course. Under the balcony she spotted the well hidden door, which was obviously her hidden sanctuary, which Sera started heading for before looking over towards the big tower in the distance, which had an ominous look about it as usual.

Making her way down to the door, Sera pecked on it a couple of times and waited a few moments to see if she got any answer. If she didn't Sera would open the door and step inside, looking around for Jolynn. "Jolynn... love, where are you at? I'm worried about you now come out so we can talk," Sera called into the room as she opened the door, assuming she got no answer like she figured would happen. "Don't make me have to spank you when I find you Jolynn," Sera would say, only if Jolynn wouldn't answer and wasn't sitting in plain view of her when she came inside the room.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Her knocks went unanswered so she opened the door. Looking in revealled a small room. To the west was a small bed meant for a single person. Here she found Jolynn still nude but fast asleep her cheeks stained with tears as she held a very well worn stuff animal of sorts. The rest of the room was furnished lightly with a dresser and small desk. Various nick naks as well as several small cat sized collars lay on the shelves. The desk had a book that was open resting and a freshly used quill.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing that nobody answered her knocks on the door, Sera opened it up and went inside the small room that was within. Looking around she saw Jolynn laying on a small bed asleep, a stuffed animal in her arms and her cheeks stained with tears. Feeling sad that Jolynn was so saddened by what had happened, or likely rather that she had seen what she did, Sera moved into the small bedroom.

Looking over at the desk, Sera stepped over long enough to peek at the open book that was on it, turning the pages a little before putting it back where it had been. After that, she sat down on the bed next to Jolynn and laid a hand on her shoulder, gently squeezing it and shaking her a little. "Jolynn love... wake up. Why did you run away from me?" Sera said to Jolynn as she woke her up.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Before Sera woke her lover and soon to be wife she took a look at the book. Here she found the journal of her lover. She could of course read it if she wanted but it would probably be best to have Jolynn share willingly. Smiling she moved over and shook her lover slightly. Slowly Jolynn would stir and open her eyes only to see Sera and recoil away. "Sera.. please I don't want to accidently hurt you... I didn't want you to see that.. please just leave me alone." Fresh tears started as she felt the woman shake from her sobs.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh please, you think that you could hurt me that easily love. Remember, I am an angel, a quite powerful one to boot. I'll admit that was a bit frightening and surprising, and... a bit much. But I did see it, and remember what you told me before about knowing all of your secrets. Well this is simply one that I'd need to know eventually anyway. Besides, it's best I know all now rather than later," Sera said to Jolynn as she sat down on the bed next to her, not showing any fear towards her. "Now come and talk to me alright, I'll need to know if I'm to leave the children here with you. For I felt a corrupting feeling energy coming from you. Please Jolynn, I've shown you nothing but my trust so far really, so do show me the same respect in trusting me too. Do you really think I'd have come looking for you if I was scared of you now?" she added in a serious tone, reaching over and grabbing Jolynn's hand before she could recoil further and pulling Jolynn over into her arms by force if she didn't come willingly.

"Do you really want me to go away that badly Jolynn? If so then make me leave, tell me you hate me and don't want me here and to never come back," Sera would ask, only if Jolynn recoiled away from her again and she pulled her over into her arms by force.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

For as strong of a woman Jolynn appeared it was moments like this that she was putty in Sera's hands. Pulling her into her arms Sera was able to comfort her as the woman started to cry again. Holding onto Sera tight she sobbed her stuffed tiger pressed right into Sera's breasts. "No I don't want you to go away ever.... but I know... oyu have to go.. at somepoint." For a long moment Jolynn just sobbed but eventually it gave way to a quite sniffle. "My mother said it was the price of our power. That long ago my ancestors pleaded with a great spirit to help protect them during a very dark time. I tried to find the exact details but no one knew. Thats why I keep that tower around. Ive been trying to find its libaray it might have the clues I need. I don't want our daughters to suffer as I have."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh Jolynn you silly thing, shh shh it's alright. Why didn't you tell me this from the start if you wanted to have children with me? You must have known I'd be worried about them especially if I saw what happened earlier," Sera told Jolynn, lightly flipping her forehead with her middle finger once they'd pulled away from one another. "And besides you seem to keep forgetting that I'm an angel and therefore my job to help people... and that include you remember," she added, kissing Jolynn on the lips and hugging her back tightly.

When Jolynn was finally calmed down enough to think straight, Sera would give her a serious look. "Now tell me Jolynn, what was this spirit supposed to be, like what kind? I'll help you to find the library you're seeking, because I don't fear much in this world. But I'll also need to know what I might run into over at that tower when I go there to search. No more secrets okay, I'll do what I can to help, but I have to help in my way, so you'll have to accept it for what it is okay," Sera asked Jolynn once she'd recomposed herself enough to keep talking and whatnot.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I-Im not sure.. I know its a local spirit or at lest thats the documents I was able to find claimed. Im worried it was one of the great spirit animals that my ancestors used to worship. I-I think it lives in me and is passed from mother to daughter." Jolynn rested her head on Sera's shoulder. "Im not worried about it as far as the tower is conserned as its burdens are mine. However the tower has its own problums. Ghosts and spirits as well as demons. I think the tainted mage still lingers in that horried place. Any mercenaries Ive sent have yet to reach the top or never returned at all."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, so which of our daughters would inherit the spirit beast? Or would they all inherit a portion of it? And again love don't worry about it, I'm an angel, therefore it's my duty to combat evil, and if there is evil in that tower then I have to go there. And... if there are demons in there, I shall combat them if I have to, though I believe that not all demons are evil and can choose not to be if they wish, much like Rose and her sisters were with me. But then again there are some that are evil and don't want to be good, and if that's the kind of demons in that tower then I must fight them, I can only hope that there's not too much in there that I wouldn't be able to handle with just Ivy for support," Sera asked curiously, assuring Jolynn that she could handle it, or would at least try for everyone's sake, giving an air of confidence in her power. "And if I don't think I can handle it without help then I'll come back myself and gather some to take with me if they'd be willing to go, or I'll send Ivy to ask for help if I'm unable to do so myself. Just everything you can tell me about that tower, its history, anything would be helpful," she added with a nod.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn nodded and began to speak of the tower. The first things she learned where the disembodied spirts of the lower halls. For the most part they seemed rather intrested in mischife of sexual nature. There where a few however that could cause some harm. Above that them where nasty spider creatures. Once clear of those however Jolynn cautioned that demons become an issue. No matter how many times she has that area cleaned out they always return. After that the top floors are a mystery.

"The tower itself was once a place of learning for a local mage. Sadly she was betrayed by her apprentice who fell to demonic temptation. My Great Great Grandmother went to do battle with the evil amassed there. They won but at great cost. My Great Grandmother managed to destroy the taited mage but not before she managed to kill my Great Great Grandmother and her troops in the courtyard.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Listening to Jolynn tell her about the different things that one might encounter inside the tower, she couldn't help but wonder yet again who the angel was. Had Jolynn's great great grandmother summoned an angel to help combat the demons? Much of it was a mystery to say the least, one that she intended to solve if she could. She spirits that Jolynn mentioned Sera figured could be calmed and sent on to the afterlife with any luck.

"Hmm... well Jolynn, can you tell me about that angel then now that's in front of the tower? Or do you not know exactly?" Sera asked Jolynn once she was done telling of the dangers within the place. "And worry not about the spirits, I shall calm them before attempting to get rid of the other dangers of the place, the rest I'll be able to manage I'm sure," she added.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Sadly I do not know Sera. I wish I had that answer for you. Its obvious that she is not a memeber of any house. Perhapse she game senseing great evil?" On that topic at lest Jolynn seemed fairly clueless. However Sera did learn a good deal about the lower floors from her lover. While most of it was general layout it would only really be helpful once Sera was inside.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"So you all don't even know her name then? Well that... that just sucks really. I need you to look in your spells and rituals for a way to possibly break her free of that stone prison, because if it was that evil sorceress you mentioned that put her in there then she must have been here for a good reason. She may be able to help us out some," Sera asked Jolynn, believing now that the angel trapped within stone at the tower entrance must have come to put an end to the evil here.

She listened to all Jolynn had to say about the tower after that, kissing Jolynn's cheek after she was through and hugging her. "Jolynn... you know that if we rid that tower of the sorceress and find a way to free you of the spirit, that you likely won't have the same power you now do. Meaning you'll have to try harder to get the nobles to remain loyal to you after I leave, but like I said before I'll help you as best I can," Sera told Jolynn with a serious look in her eyes, but she wasn't saying it to be mean and all, just to get her point across to Jolynn.