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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Relenting to the voice flooded Sera mind with pleaseing thoughts spiking her already potent orgasaim. Her own tongue loled out of her moth as her cock spazemed into the willing and now mewling neko before her. The girls belly started to round up filling with the excess spluge that Sera kept pumping into her till the poor girl looked ready to burst. Pulling out the spunk started to flow out of the lust lost girl her mind having blanked out as rivelets of sperm flowed out of her. At the back of her head the voice called out for more, but with their pairing done Sera could easily resist the voice. Still it was insistant and while weak she could feel it trying to impose its desire on her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Unleashing her seed into the nako, Sera felt her instincts take completely over as she pounded into her while cumming like crazy. She came inside of her so much that the poor thing's belly began to swell with the amount of her seed she now had within her. Feeling her orgasm finally begin to calm, Sera pulled out and with a satisfying look watched her seed leak from the girl's now well used but still tight little cunny. Stroking her length a few times to try and urge the last little bit out, she spurted two more little squirts of seed out, which she aimed at the catgirl's pussy as she licked her lips before leaning down and kissing her.

"Yes... that was amazing. I hope you liked it love," Sera panted to the girl, kissing her again.

The voice in the back of her head was still there, insisting she go more, but her willpower had returned enough to resist it better and she was shrugging it away for the time being. However she knew that if she ran into any more catgirls she might not be able to resist the insistent urging to make certain every one she met in the palace would soon be swollen with her offspring. She still thankfully had enough willpower to resist letting her genes override her partner's so that no angels were borne from this. She waited for a few seconds to see if the catgirl was going to try and urge Sera on for more, or if she would opt to rest for now.

"Mmm, sweetie that was great. You might have my child in there now, hmhm. How did you come to my chambers dear hmm?" Sera giggled to the catgirl, caressing her belly.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

That cat girl purred at the attention but looked completely exhausted. "I.. smelled you from the next wing......" Before Sera could ask more however there was banging on the door followed by loud shouting. "My kin are comming to be filled with your seed." At the back of her mind the quiet voice seemed to grow stronger with the thought of cat girls comming for her. Outside her door the shouting got a little louder.

"Whats gotten into them!"

"Fall back we need to channel them into a narrow pass."

"Shit is this all girls in the whole palace!"

"Focus we can't let them threw. Remember don't hurt them.. much."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"The next... wing? Oh dear," Sera asked with a worried expression on her face, the thought dawning on her that maybe this wasn't quite as good a thing as she originally thought.

This thought was reinforced when she heard the banging at the door. Sera jumped up and rushed to the door, opening it quickly and looking out of it to see the commotion the guards were making. "Oh dear, guards... leave them to me. They want me. Let them come after me alright. I didn't think they would be able to sense me from so far away. The matriarch... your mother can explain better than I, but don't hurt them if you can help it, it isn't their fault," Sera called to the guards, looking around to see how many catgirls were now after her.

If there were more than 5 or 6 of them, then Sera would urge the guards to let them through as she came out and took off down the hall, away from them, leading them as far from her room as she could and on a roundabout trip around the palace, not really heading to anywhere in particular, but trying to steer clear of the catgirls wing of the palace if she could help it... though if she was cut off at any hallways and was forced to go towards there, then she would do so hesitantly. She couldn't help but grin a bit at being chased by so many cute girls, but at the same time she knew that she needed to be careful because even with her incredible stamina for sex she knew that her member would be aching if she tried to take on so many at one time, and that they'd all demand she fill them and give them babies.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jungle of Desire
Night of the horny Cat girls.

Getting out into the hallway Sera found about ten or so guards with inter locked sheilds holding back at lest twenty cat girls. So far no one looked hurt though it was clear the girls seemed in a frezny. "S-Sorry Matriarch but we cannot follow that order. The safty of the Matriarch superseeds all other orders." Sera was about to speak again when there was a crash from down the hall and a trio of cat girls rolled to a stop and looked at Sera. They where not kind eyes but those driven by an lust not naturally found.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When she saw just how many of the nekos were out there, Sera gasped, unsure of just what she could do against so many. She was sure that if she were caught by that many she likely wouldn't be able to stand after the first few rounds and when they switched to simply taking turns riding her like mad, she was certain that she wouldn't be able to even move after a while. When the guard told her that they couldn't and wouldn't move, Sera simply sighed and decided it best to just try and get out of there as she suddenly heard a crash as a trio of nekos broke through the defensive line.

"Damn... girls I'm going, hold them back until I'm out here for a bit and then let them through, so that none of you get hurt either from being trampled," Sera called to the lady guards as she ran off as quickly as she could, flapping her wings if she needed to do so in order to outrun the trio that was now likely going to be chasing her. As soon as she got to the first turn, Sera would take it sharp like and whip around without stopping to try and make the trio chasing her slip up as they ran after her.

Love the name of this chapter. XD

I also assume if she gets caught then that's pretty much all she wrote for Sera and that she'll be used and abused all night, or at least until she can struggle free.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera runs! 34
Neko 1 39
Neko 2 39
Neko 3 39

14 units away the cat girls are catching up.

Thankfully Sera was able to get her order out before the cat girls got ready to chase her. Turning Sera started run/fly only spareing the ocassional glance behind her. What she saw as not a comforting sight. Two more cat girls had vaulted over the defensive line while the first three had started to chase her. All three where running on all fours quickly making headway to catch up to Sera. Still with her head start it would be a moment or two before she had to deal with them. Thankfully the palace was large enough that she had plenty of room to run though... with Jolynn's fondness for the cat girls no doubt there would be more to this than she had thought.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Glancing over her shoulder as she ran, Sera caught a glimpse of a couple of more catgirls managing to break through the barricade where they came after her. She was thankful for the extra room that the palace offered, though she still felt confined, but she didn't want to go out of the palace and risk the catgirls in the town itself to come after her too, so in the palace she would stay for now. "Damn... I knew there was more to this than I originally thought. I had hoped that they would all be able to control themselves at least a little bit... but I guess that was too much to hope for," Sera mumbled to herself as she ran along, glancing back again and noticing the trio of catgirls catching up to her little by little.

They were obviously quicker than her, but she could fly where they couldn't if she needed to. Turning another corner, Sera would keep running and look around for a door she could duck into and shut real quick before the nekos rounded the corner after her, after which she'd look for another way out and around to avoid the three if she could. This was exhilarating to say the least, Sera thought to herself, but at the same time she didn't want to be caught because she knew that by the time the nekos were all through with her she'd barely be able to walk, not that that would be too bad of a thing really, but the fact that several of the catgirls would be pregnant with her children was something she didn't want to happen without at least trying to stop it.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera Runs! 34
Neko 1-3 run 39 (9 units away)
Neko 4,5 run 39 (29 units away)

There was no way she was going to lose the first three girls they had just closed the gap to fast. However there where plenty of tables and such she could try to use to slow them down. Rounding another corner of the palace Sera saw one of the cat girl maids suddenly look her way and start drooling.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The trio chasing her was just too fast compared to her, Sera thought to herself as she glanced over her shoulder again and saw them getting closer. As she ran, Sera noticed the various tables and chairs littering the hallways she was in and as she passed by some of them she grabbed the backs of some chairs and pulled them out behind her when passing, hoping to trip them up or at least slow them down, and if there were any tables in front of her she would flap her wings and glide over them.

Then she noticed another catgirl maid in front of her, meaning that she'd have to get past her in order to avoid getting grabbed and swarmed by them all now. Thinking quickly, Sera went for the first open door to either side of the hall, and if there wasn't one open then she would hop to the first one to her right, hoping it was unlocked... for if it wasn't she was caught. Her thought was if she could get inside the room she could either shut the door really quickly and lock it where she'd then make her way out of the window or another door if there was one, or at the very least she could keep from being caught by them all in the middle of the hallway.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera runs and attempts to slow her chasers.
40 vs 39 success!

Neko 1-3 10 units away
Neko 4,5 30 units away
Neko maid 40 units away

Sera quickly grabed a stray chair and dashed it behind her. This seemed to cause quite the stir as the Neko's scrambled to avoid it. Thankfully however she gained some ground. Looking back at the chaose she caused she got to see the three girls chaseing her stumble slightly as they avoided the chair. Still the girl ahead of her started to crouch down her tail doing the distinctive flick of a cat on the hunt. Dodge into a room Sera heard a gasp as several of Jolynn's harem became surprised at her entrace. Thankfully it was an open room and Sera could clear the area quickly and reach another hall.
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she ran past a stray chair, Sera reached out and yanked it towards her, where it managed to trip up the trio directly behind her a bit or forced them to go around it, buying her an extra second or so. The single catgirl maid ahead of her though went into a stalkers crouch that Sera had seen before in normal cats and she knew that she likely wouldn't make it past her, so she ducked into the first door to her right. Inside the room was... some of Jolynn's harem, though she couldn't tell exactly if there were any catgirls in there, she didn't really bother staying to find out as she shut the door behind her and kept running, flapping her wings a little to get a few tiny bursts of extra speed to get to the other door on the opposite side of the room.

"Excuse me, coming through, pardon me... come on get out of my way, I'm being chased by sex crazed catgirls," Sera said as she bobbed and weaved through the harem members, not pushing any of them in case they might be pregnant and merely slipping around them, even if it slowed her down a little bit. She didn't want to hurt anyone after all. Once she reached the other door, Sera would shut it behind her and start heading down the hall back in the direction she'd come originally if there were no catgirls about and if it was simply an adjacent hallway that ran the same ways as the one she'd been in did.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

With the door shut Sera had a moment ot breath. She had lost them for a moment anyway. Still she best not stand still. Moving again she heard the harem members gasp in surprise once more. Deciding to backtrack a little along a diffrent path Sera soon game to a group of guardwoman limping or being helped away. Some had scratches and bruises but looked other wise unhurt. Still they hadn't seen her yet and there where other doors to use.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Staying still for only a few seconds as she shut the door behind her and lost the catgirls momentarily, Sera headed on back the way she'd come down the adjacent hallway and a little ways down it she saw some of the royal guard girls limping or being helped to walk away from what was apparently a mean scuffle with the catgirls earlier, likely ending with the catgirls all getting through as there were none of them in sight. She wanted to make sure they were all okay, but she knew that if she were caught out in the hall then even with the guards on her side they couldn't hold the catgirls advance back and they would quickly overwhelm her and take her for their own for the night.

Making a decision, Sera ducked into one of the rooms, the first one on her left, feeling it better to stay hidden from both sides as much as she could since it was mostly her fault all this had happened. Still though she couldn't help but laugh inwardly at this whole situation, regardless of what the outcome ended up being. "Heh, who would have thought that Jolynn would or even could have such an item as that statuette. Gods I hope she isn't angry or anything with all this, or her daughters for that matter as they're the ones that are taking the brunt of the punishment from the catgirls," Sera mumbled to herself as she entered the room and shut the door behind her, not really looking inside until she'd shut it and all, at which point she'd look around to see if it was empty or not and if it had any windows.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Opening the door she found herself in a quest room. Smaller than her own it was still richly appointed. Sadly that meant there was only one way out besides the door. A set of windows easy enough to squeez threw where present shielded by a heavy curtain. Out side she heard the sound of feet and sniffing. It would only be a matter of time till she was tracked down here.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Hearing the feet walking about outside the room, Sera knew she needed to get out of there quickly else she'd be found most likely, so she headed over to the window and pulled the curtains back, then opened them up to climb out, flapping her wings if it was a slightly high window so she could hover. "Okay, let's get out of here now, I can come back in through another window down the way or slip back into my room instead... hopefully they'll be gone from there," Sera mumbled to herself as she set out of the window.

She would look around for an unlocked window down the way, figuring it best to get out of this general area of the palace for now. She would finally decide on a room about 2 sections of the palace down from the way she had been going, feeling that would be far enough, unless it sounded like catgirls were around the area within, in which case she would try to find her way back to her room around the outside if she could manage it.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Opening the window Sera had to gasp. The courtyard was full of Cat girls. They had worked themselves into such a frenzy that an orgy was happening on the grounds. Even the gates had been battered aside. Looking at the results of her experimentation Sera felt bad. A sudden blow to the door of the room however shook her from her reverly. Looking quickly she saw the door shake again under a loud impact.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Looking out the window into the courtyard outside the room she was in as she pushed it open, Sera gasped. There were a lot of catgirls out there, all of them in the middle of an orgy thanks to the essence she was emitting that they apparently could smell or sense. Seeing this made Sera feel terrible, as it was hurting the whole palace, and the guards were likely being run ragged if not being forced to aid the catgirls in their orgies. Covering her mouth as she witnessed the sight outside, Sera heard the door being slammed into by something, and then a second time it rocked.

"Oh no... I'll bet that they can track me by scent," Sera muttered to herself as she looked back at the door, the first slam giving her a fright and nearly making her cry out in terror.

Thinking quickly, Sera left the window open and turned back to the door, waiting for until it was forced open by whatever or whoever was out there rather to see who it was and how many, figuring it best to try and deal with the situation now before it got worse. If there were more than 8 to 10 catgirls trying to break in, then Sera would make a break for it and fly out the window to try and find another room to hide in for a bit to rest some. If there were no more than 8 to 10 though then she would see what she could do about soothing their incredible desires. "Well fuck it, might as well see how many there are before I run, because since they can obviously track me somehow I'll never get away from them without leaving the city. And I'd rather it be the catgirls raping me senseless than some wild panther in the jungles," Sera mumbled to herself, watching the door intently to see if the catgirls would figure out that the door was in fact unlocked and simply open it instead of beating it down, as that would at least give her some cover from any other catgirls.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

There was another loud thump and Sera heard the hinges creak under the blow. The sound of mewling got louder as the girls seemed to bottle neck near the door. Still as the door was stuck again and the wood started to splinter Rikke heard another voice of the noise.

"Squad halt! Form Wall!"

The sound of heavy sheilds thunking into the wood echoed to Sera.

"Deploy deterant!"

The sound of breaking glass soon echoed outside as well as the surprise yelps of cat girls some who began to run away as a light pink gas begantto float threw the brokenparts of the door.

"To the person in the room please stay where you are untill the gas clears. It should only take about 10 minutes."

Outside her window a similar seen was happening though with a much better view Sera could see small glass vials been thrown at groups of cat girls. The ones seemingly caught in the cloud seemed to get groggy and pass out. However the sound of breaking glass drew her attention to a couple windows below her as a few Neko's looked up at her and began to climb using vines and window ledges.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera watched, the hinges creaking and shuddering as the catgirls or whatever was outside slammed into the door again. She knew the door would probably break on the next impact or two, so she steeled herself to run if she had to and fly out the window. The wood began splintering on the next impact and just as she thought it was about to be hit again and give way, she heard glass breaking and wood hit wood as a voice outside cried out.

Sera noticed the pinkish gas wafting through the door's cracks and stayed back away from it as the woman called through to her to stay in there for a few minutes until the gas dispersed enough for her to come out. It seemed to be a sleeping gas or something similar, she thought to herself. Looking outside she saw the catgirls being dispersed out in the courtyard too by the same gas. Things were looking up for her, Sera thought to herself, as it seemed that she could leave soon and maybe get out of there and back to her chambers for the time being... with any luck.

She heard glass breaking below her though and looked down outside the window and saw several catgirls climbing up the vines to her current position. She leaned out a bit to see if she could count how many were climbing up, checking to see if it was more than she could handle sexually... though if it was a manageable number then she would try to lure them to a secluded area, maybe a few rooms down from where she was at where the doors weren't ajar, flapping her wings to peer into the windows and going inside the first empty one to the right or left of the room she was inside of and waving the nekos climbing up over to the next room over.