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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Her name is Isabella Forch." As Sera pulled the girls close she felt them both hug her tight and saw the blush on their faces as she kissed them. Asking the other girls Sera heard mixed responses. Some had never heard of her while others only heard rumors. It seemed that this Isabella's reign of terror was only confined to the maids. Still soon enough June came running down the stairs and hugged Sera excited about something. She was babbling a bit as she explained and it took a moment for Sera to find out that June's cat like features where shrinking.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"M'kay I'll have a talk with Jolynn about this when I see her next girls, and you won't have to worry about her again I'll wager," Sera assured the two catgirls as she pet their heads and kissed them.

She asked the others about the head maid at the palace, coming up with only mixed answers and whatnot about her. Some seemed to know who and what she was and what she'd done, while others didn't. After a few minutes of talking with the others, Sera saw June come rushing up to her, where she threw her arms around Sera, who returned the girl's hug.

When June told her what had happened finally, Sera looked up at June's head and noticed that her cat ears and the tail were indeed going away amazingly. She hugged June again and kissed her on the cheek. "That's great June, I'm happy for you. Now don't go drinking that milk with Pet again okay, so those don't become permanent possibly," Sera told June with a smile as she hugged her.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

With that resolved and June's surprise announcement even if it was a curious one left Sera the rest of the day. There was of course a meeting with Jolynn she wanted to have as well as considering the offer the spirit had made. "I hope you like my gift little bird." Turning to the noise Sera saw a small black cat with glowing green eyes talking to her. It seemed the spirit had returned but this time in a form that wouldn't scare anyone. "Of course I could make them a natural part of her body if you wanted. A true cat girl as it where." The cat looked to June who seemed to have a dopey look on her face.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When she heard the cat speak to her, Sera's eyes went wide for a few moments as June finished telling her what had happened. She could only assume that he was communicating telepathically with her, so Sera thought her answer back to him. "I... think not good sir, June should decide her own fate I believe," Sera replied in a telepathic manner, since she had done so before with others back in the sanctuary when they did so with her. "She might take you up on that offer one day though possibly," she added.

"Alright June, let's get some food now okay, I'm sure you're hungry," Sera said aloud to June with a smile, leading her on into the dining room to eat.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June seemed to snap out of what ever trance she was in and quickly agreed to a hearty breakfast. They where of course followed by the little black cat with the green eyes. Heading into the kitchen Susan brought out a quick breakfast for June and Sera if she wanted more. Meanwhile cat curled up near the warm oven and yawned keeping a watchful eye on them but otherwise not bothering the girls. About mid meal however the black cat simply got up and headed out of sight.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Heading on into the dining room, Sera sat down and ate her food along with all the others. "How are you all doing this morning ladies? Good I hope," Sera asked all the girls at the table.

She would engage in idle chitchat with all the girls while they ate, and afterwards she'd help them clean up a little more until around lunchtime, hoping to get everyone a bed to sleep in by the end of the night. When lunchtime started coming around, Sera would get ready and head up to the palace, leaving June and Crissa there in charge of the house to keep the cleanup going smoothly so she would have time to talk to Jolynn for a while without any worries.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Getting ready to head out Crissa insisted she take along two bodyguards if not for protection but a sign of force and status. That was of course up to her. Heading out she could pick whom she wanted if at all. Her choice made Sera would find the trip pleasant even if she had guards seemed everyone was just to busy to take notice of Sera. Once they reached the palace however her guards if any would stay behind and do some shopping for some gear for the troop sense they couldn't enter the palace. Once inside she was quickly escorted to see Jolynn and was treated to a sight much as she had seen on her first trip in. A veritable orgy was on ongoing and the Matriarch was partaking of a rather lovely girl with strange tattoos. She looked new and given how hard Jolynn was plowing her seemed a little rough.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera looked over at Crissa when she was preparing to leave around lunchtime, nodding when she told her to take a couple of her guards with her, as a show of force if nothing else. Looking over at her guards when she found them, Sera decided to take Feris and Grace today to the palace. "I'll see what I can do about finding you girls something to do once we're there if you'd like to wait for me, but you don't need to wait since you're not allowed in the palace or anything. But if you had something else to do then all the better I suppose, and I'll also see about getting you a couple of more to make a full ten person squad Feris," Sera said to the pair as they neared the palace.

After arriving at the palace, Sera nodded to the two to go do their shopping they mentioned on the way there, where she went on inside to see where Jolynn was and if she was busy for lunch or not. Once she was at Jolynn's chambers, Sera smirked a bit at seeing her plowing this new girl, seeming to greatly enjoy herself.

"Well hello there Jolynn... I see you're... enjoying yourself there with this lovely girl here. Who is she, hmm?" Sera said as she entered the room, an eyebrow raised curiously as she pondered what Jolynn would say or do.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Hardly stopping a moment Jolynn kept pumping away at the girl who seemed a drooling mess. Smiling Jolynn spoke between grunts. "A scout from a village outside the valley. She stumbled upon us by accident. For the safety of the city I can't let her go so Im accustimating her to her new life." The girl squealed as Jolynn dumped her seed into her her eyes rolling back into her head as her belly inflated slightly. Frowning Jolynn set her down gently and a few of her guards came and escorted her away. "See to it that she is cleaned and dressed proper. She will need a meal." Nodding her guards took the exhausted girl away letting Jolynn take in Sera her cock still half firm from the woman. This was of course immediately attended to by yet another of her slaves. "So my dear angel what brings you to court today humm?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, so just because she stumbles upon the place it's okay to just... you know, fuck her silly? She might have a family waiting for her back at her home you know Jolynn. It wouldn't be right to take her away from that, especially when she would be miserable here just like June would have been had I not come to her rescue," Sera asked curiously, looking over at Jolynn and raising an eyebrow at her as she stared at her. "Besides, you might be able to benefit from outside trade if you'd allow a few here and there inside, or if you'd rather they not enter into the town you could simply have them blindfolded and gagged before they're brought in and then you could just take them back out into the jungle to release them a ways off from town. Anything is preferable to forced enslavement I think, since I know you wouldn't want to be enslaved yourself Jolynn," she went on to say with a sigh.

It wasn't her place really to change the way Jolynn and her people did things, but still the same she wanted Jolynn to stop simply taking poor girls that stumble upon their home here and preventing them from ever leaving again. It was wrong and just plain mean in her opinion, and Jolynn wouldn't want it done to her own children or anything like that Sera was certain.

"Well, first of all I came here today to speak with you about a few things. The first of which is... heh... we need a couple of more handmaids to help tend to the house and for cooking, because poor Susan is the only trained maid I've got and Wendy is still so young and unskilled at it. So if you could spare maybe two or three other maids I'd really appreciate it. And second of all, my maids also told me a curious thing, one that I don't know if it's come to your attention. Your... head maid, name of Isabella Forch, has been tyrannically abusing the maids in training and threatening to hurt you if they told you to have something done about it. Now I haven't been here long or anything Jolynn, so I of course don't know how things work around here. But I'd wager that someone threatening you or any of your blood is subject to punishment of some sort. And Susan has the scars to prove the abuse and I don't think she'd lie to me about it, especially when earlier Wendy dropped some dishes and the both of them were cringing in fear of me since the poor thing did it while I was in the room with them. I would like something done about that cruelty if you could manage it," Sera said to Jolynn, telling the first couple of things she'd come to ask her about, and then she sighed softly before she spoke up again, looking around the room at Jolynn's servants/slaves.

"I think this last thing should be said in private though... complete privacy would be preferable to be honest," Sera then said as she stood there, tapping her chin with her index finger as she decided to not tell Jolynn about the spirit being unless it was in private, where not even her own servants/slaves could hear.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn frowned at Sera as the rest of the room seemed to quiet down rather quickly. "Leave us and go back to your duties I have important matters to talk about with Sera." There was a hint of anger in Jolynn's voice. The room quickly cleared out leaving Sera and Jolynn alone. "Sera dear...... please refrain from challenging me openly in public. It dose not strengthen my position and only undermines it. If you wish to discuss how you disagree with the way things are I ask that you talk to me in private first." Her mood soured Jolynn thought a moment about her request while the air filled with tension. "As for additional maids you will have to gather them on your own." Standing open Jolynn walked down her elevated throne and towards the back. "In regards to Ms Forch. I will deal with her." With that Jolynn's heels made a click clock sound as she departed the throne room not giving Sera a chance to speak to her about the spirit.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera simply nodded when Jolynn asked her not to speak openly about those sorts of things in front of others, but she didn't say anything else on that matter. She did detect a hint of anger in Jolynn for some reason, likely from what she'd said, but she couldn't be certain unless she outright asked her, and she figured that would only make Jolynn angrier at her. Sera again thought to herself that she couldn't take direct action unless forced to on those matters, so she decided that she could only try and indirectly do so by advising Jolynn on such things.

Sera followed Jolynn out of the throne room a ways unless stopped by the royal guards, a worried look on her face that she'd angered Jolynn with her words. Though she wasn't entirely certain just why Jolynn would be so angry when it was only her slaves/servants in there with her really.

"Jolynn love, wait... please forgive me. I often just say what's on my mind without thinking of those I speak to. I know it's difficult for you here, I just... I've seen the results of the slavery that these aliens that have invaded the world have enforced on people and what it does to them, and I don't like it one bit. I admit... I may have sounded a bit forceful with my words, but believe me please when I say, if you've seen what happens to people because of these aliens... you would end all the slavery here in a heartbeat... I truly believe you would anyway. So please don't hate me or be angry with me, I apologize for what I said, but... you know I must look out for everybody and their well being and not just certain ones, I can fall if I do let anyone, even my own children take priority over everyone as a whole," Sera would say to Jolynn when she caught up to her enough to be heard, and if she was able to get close enough to touch her then she would gently lay her hand on Jolynn's wrist to try and stop her, though she'd walk along beside her if she wouldn't stop walking. "Do you remember the spirit you told me about love? I... I met him... or it. I believe I did anyway. And he said that the bond needs to be renewed or your people must stand on their own without him and or his protection, and that while our union was fruitful and all, it won't produce the heirs to inherit his power that flows through you, that the blood has become too thin," Sera whispered quietly in Jolynn's ear when she was close enough to do so, letting Jolynn know the urgency in talking about this new situation.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The guards didn't stop her and even stepped aside to let Sera threw even faster Reaching Jolynn Sera made her plea causing the Matriarch to slow a little and turn her head to look at Sera. "They may be my slaves and servants but that doesn't mean they serve other masters. Charmed or otherwise my playthings could be spies." Thankfully this let Sera speak of the next few words quickly. These seemed to make her pale and go a little weak in the knees holding her belly. Righting herself quickly Jolynn frowned and headed off quickly. "Come Sera we need to speak of this in greater detail. I cannot let my people be with out the spirits protection or this place would fall to chaos." Moving purposely forward Jolynn would lead Sera to her private quarters once more and dismiss her servants so they could speak alone. "Now tell me everything love. This is very important."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing Jolynn's reaction, Sera caught Jolynn and placed a hand gently over her belly, thinking quickly on something to cover up Jolynn's momentary look of weakness. "Oh dear, the babies must be kicking. I know that it tickles a bit when they kick, as I've given birth myself not too long ago to a sidhe child," Sera said a bit louder than before so the guards could hear as she covered up for Jolynn. "Come love, you should sit down while they're kicking, I'll take you somewhere private," she added, starting off with Jolynn towards her secret room.

Sera nodded to the guards as Jolynn ordered them off, assuring them that she would take care of Jolynn for them and call if they were needed. With that, Sera walked with Jolynn to her private room, an arm around her with that hand placed over Jolynn's belly. When they got to that private room, Sera nodded to Jolynn and sat down on the bed, patting the place beside her for Jolynn to sit with her. Once they'd both sat down, Sera sighed and told Jolynn everything that transpired between herself and the spirit that she could remember, leaving no details out on the matter.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn listened intently sighing as Sera finished her tale. "So Urma is to be the next matriarch...." Standing Jolynn went to the window and looked out over the city and the jungle beyond. Rubbing her belly Jolynn sighed again. "She won't like it and I doubt she will agree. She hates this place and me. Even if she agreed then all my loved ones would be in danger."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"According to the spirit... yes. But... just because he says so doesn't make it so I don't think. Regardless though Jolynn... there comes a time when the sacrifice for your people is too great and you must make concessions of some sort I think. Maybe you need to start thinking about either finding another spirit to make a compact with, or learning how to continue without the one you have here now," Sera said softly, looking worriedly at Jolynn before sighing a bit. "I... can stretch my bounds for my protective abilities to encompass the entire town so that I would be helping all of the people, and enter that tower to eradicate the evil within it to make sure this place was safe and all. But it could be a way to give you both what you want though. You retain the throne and pass it on to one of our children, or all three perhaps to rule together. And Urma can leave here if she wishes to do so. It's just a thought, but perhaps one that should definitely be considered," Sera then told Jolynn with another sigh.

"I... I really don't know what to do Jolynn. I didn't sense any evil intent from the spirit, but you have more than enough power without him I think to rule, and with training our children... your heirs, would too," Sera said after a few moments, looking a bit troubled by the whole situation now that she'd spoken to Jolynn about it. "Then again, we could always ask him to remake the pact with you and pass it on to one of our daughters if you'd rather do that. So that they would have to live with the same trouble you yourself told me just the other day you'd like for them to not have to be troubled with because of the pain it brought to your heart, and your mothers as well and so on," she added with a serious look and tone, wondering if Jolynn would remember what she'd told her about that.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Power comes from the pact with the spirit Sera. If he where to leave then I would lose the vast majority of it. If Urma wants to go I should let her go. My time spent with you has opened my eyes to that. I was being selfish and it ruined my relationship with her." Looking out over the city Jolynn gave her belly another gentle rub. "Tell her the situation and let her decide Sera. I will summon the spirit and see if there is another way."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see... well... I know that Urma hates it here, no offense intended or anything, but it's what she told me when I mentioned to her that I wanted to help bring you and her together again. It's... sad I think. I mean I'll probably never really get a chance to be with my own children, no matter who the mother is really. At least I won't be able to raise them or stay for long periods of time anyway. I'd be lucky to be able to manage a month or more really, but I would definitely try my best to be there for them as often as I can," Sera said with a soft sigh, looking a little sad at this turn of events. "But Jolynn... I don't think you were being that selfish myself, with Urma I mean. She did try to overthrow you after all, so what could she expect really. I mean you had to punish her for doing that, else you'd lose all control of your nobles and everything could fall apart here," she added with a serious look in her eyes, because it was the truth no matter how Jolynn looked at it.

"I do have a bit of an idea though about the spirit. I... I personally don't want him and his power anywhere near my children if it can be helped. But if you can't continue without his power that he grants you, then perhaps there is a way so that your power passes on to all three of the children, and they rule together to lead your people after you're gone," Sera suggested before taking Jolynn's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "And again Jolynn... I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I truly dislike slavery after what I've seen that those aliens can do to people. Not that I don't mind a bit of play sex slavery on occasion, like the nymphs in my past used to do with me sometimes... like tying or holding me down and just bouncing away until I couldn't stand anymore... in either way," Sera said after a few moments with a naughty grin.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Sera........" Jolynn took her hand. "I must still meet with the spirit either way. I have to negotiate and plan. I don't know if you ever had to deal with spirits of power but they can be very moody. Please talk with Urma about this.. I need to prepare." With that Jolynn kissed Sera on the forehead and sat down a deep look of concentration creasing her forehead.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I'll talk to her about this, and... when I leave I'll see if she wants to travel with me for a while. If you want me there with you when you contact the spirit, just let me know okay love, I'll do what I can to help. Because the safety of your entire town here is at stake, and that's something that I can try to help you with with all my power, for it's many people," Sera told Jolynn with a nod, patting her shoulder and kissing her on the cheek.

Sera would sit there with Jolynn as she sat there so deep in thought like she was, curious about what she'd do now. "Hey Jolynn... everything will be alright. I know it will be," Sera assured Jolynn.