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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Maybe I should just step down. Take my girls and retreat away and let someone else rule. Its what my mother did after she thought I was ready. I could take my girls and live out my days with out this bother and weight." She sighed out the window. "Who am I kidding right this place needs me still. Maybe someday I can just be me again and not the Matriarch." Jolynn smiled at Sera and held her hand. "Im sure it will be alright Sera." Squeezing it Jolynn rose and used some her power to bring a tome from shelf to her hand. "I have some reading todo Sera. If you don't mind I would like to be alone to study or.. well she looked at Sera a little lust in her eyes. "I might get distracted."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well... if you want to do that Jolynn, I would protect and support you however I can. But... I don't see why you can't be you and still be the matriarch Jolynn. That shouldn't be too difficult to pull off I don't think. You just need to get the other nobles to love and trust you enough that you don't have to worry about them so much," Sera told Jolynn as she got her book, squeezing Jolynn's hand back when Jolynn grabbed her hand. "And getting distracted can be a good thing sometimes Jolynn... remember that. It's a good means of relaxing," Sera added, leaning over and kissing Jolynn on the lips.

With that Sera got up and prepared to leave Jolynn be for now so she could do her studying. "Hey... don't worry, we'll figure something out. And... do you forgive me for what I said earlier?" Sera said at the door, stopping for a moment to speak once more. "Oh yes, I think we can manage with just Susan and Wendy until lunchtime at least, so I won't need any other maids at least until then. When you take a break though I'll let you pick two or three that you think would be best to send down to us," she added before heading on out, unless Jolynn had anything else to say.


Once she'd left Jolynn's secret room, Sera would head back to her new manor to help clean up a bit more for now, figuring that there wasn't much she could really do until Jolynn had made a decision on what to do. Hopefully Jolynn would figure out something. A sudden thought popped into Sera's head though as she got back to the manor. What if She became the guardian of the town? It would mean putting her search on hold... permanently, but it would better protect these people. Or better yet, maybe she could help that angel that had been imprisoned in stone and set her free so that she could become the towns guardian, since it did seem that she'd come here to protect the people from a great evil. It was something worth looking into, Sera thought, for it would give her the chance to continue adventuring and helping people, while at the same time helping another angel out in the process.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I can't stay mad at you Sera but I am serious about the maids. You must employ your own or claim some. Im sure plenty of girls in the town wouldn't mind." Jolynn winked at Sera as she shooed her out so she could study. Sera didn't much like that aspect of this city but its laws where its laws.

Meeting up with her bodyguards once more Sera walked back to the manor. The girls seemed chatty but kept their conversation low so as not to disturb the rather serious look on Sera's face. She could do it if she wanted to become the towns guardian but that would mean she would likely never be with Rose or her sisters. The petrified angel could be an option but there was no way to know if she would be willing to do so either. After all she probably has the same convictions as Sera maybe even stronger. Still once she was back at the manor things calmed down quite a bit. While she was out the girls all pitched in and got the rest of the rooms finished though hardly furnished. Crissa sent word via June that she found a way for the manor to at least earn its upkeep and Susan told her lunch would be ready in an hour.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I shall ask Crissa about where I might find some maids to employ then, I'm sure we can find some young ladies willing to do regular maid work for a place to live and good food to eat every day. Also, let me know what you find out about your... head maid. I believe Susan and Wendy when they say she mistreats the younger maids," Sera replied from the door, giving a wink back to Jolynn and a smile.


Upon returning home, with her thoughts on what could be done taking up the majority of the time on the way home, Sera found that the girls had all been pitching in together and cleaning while she was gone, having gotten the majority of the rooms all cleaned up, though having them furnished with anything wasn't going to be easy most likely, as they had little money and they also had to get a couple of extra handmaids to help around the house too, so they likely would need to either not furnish the rooms yet at all or start small.

"Ah... that's good June, I'm assuming though that she's thought it out a bit else you wouldn't be telling me this," Sera asked curiously, looking over at Susan and smiling before petting her head. "Thank you Susan, and Jolynn... excuse me, the matriarch, said that we can get some extra handmaids from around town. I'm assuming that you or Crissa or someone would know where we could find some to hire," she added, thanking Susan for the update on lunch, not that she truly needed it or anything.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Susan blinked..."Are you sure you want to hire them Mistress Sera? Im sure plenty of the girls would give themselves willing to you just for the increase of station it would bring." If Sera insisted on hiring her maids Susan would tell her she knew of a agency that could help. After that was cleared up June would lead her to Crissa who was in the middle of some paper work. Seeing Sera she jumped up and gave her a kiss before settling back down. "After inspecting the grounds of the manor Mistress Sera I found that the orchard is far more expansive than we thought. We can sell the fruits at the market and make enough to support the household. Though we may have to put some work into the orchard to make it turn a profit instead of breaking even. Also their is another option... but I doubt you will like it." Crissa looked up at Sera to see if she wanted to know.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm... well if you think it would be better to do it that way Susan, then I suppose it would be alright. But I'll want you to come with me when we go looking alright. We'll take those that need the jobs the most and accept any siblings or other family they might have into the house too to that they might be trying to work to take care of and support them. I won't take in someone and leave their family out in the cold with no way of supporting themselves," Sera told Susan, patting her on the head and kissing her on the cheek. "We'll go out after lunch then if you're up for it, and Crissa can take care of things here I think while we're gone. Just come up with a decision on how many more maids you think we'll need okay, though I think that six at most would be more than enough, especially if we get some that aren't very experienced or anything, and I'd prefer not taking maids from other houses as well since they already have jobs and I wouldn't want to anger the other noble ladies or anything," Sera added before heading off with June to see Crissa about what she'd wished to speak with her about.

Once she and June made their way to Crissa, Sera was surprised when the girl jumped up and kissed her before sitting back down, seeming to have a spring in her step about something, likely what she'd wanted to tell her about bringing some income in for the house and everyone there. After hearing what Crissa had to say, Sera nodded and smiled. "That's good to hear Crissa. It might not be too much really, but every little bit will help in the long run. I'd say we could probably expand it as we go and get more from it, depending on what is grown there. And I'm sure there's more we can find to do in order to bring us some income for the house," Sera told Crissa, taking a seat across her desk from her as she listened to what she had to say. "What's the other option though Crissa? You say I won't like it, well... if you don't think I will then I'll believe you, but I'd still like to hear it anyway," she added curiously with a raised eyebrow, not liking the sounds of Crissa's tone as she spoke, but figuring it best to hear her out anyway.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well.... as I inspected the property I found a run down barn. It wouldn't take much to get it up running again but.... well its a milking barn... for people." Crissa let that sink in a moment before speaking. "Its a rare commodity and there are certain chefs who... umm prefer the taste of it. To use it we would need some girls though. The bigger the better..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Listening to Crissa, Sera paused for a few moments after Crissa finished speaking, letting it sink in a bit as she thought it over in her mind. There was nothing wrong in and of itself to milk a woman's breasts of milk in her mind, but forcing it on them and treating them like cattle was out of the question obviously. Clearing her throat, Sera nodded to Crissa and thanked her for telling her about this find before she spoke her mind on the matter.

"I see... well Crissa... I don't see anything inherently wrong with milking some of the girls, especially all of the pregnant ones since they'll definitely have the milk to spare until the babies are born at least. If... there are some of the girls that are willing to do it then I see no reason to not use the materials that are there for us to use and all. Only have those that agree to do it use the milkers alright, but let them all know beforehand about them so they can decide if they want to do it or not, and don't pressure them into it or anything like that either by telling them they need to do it or we may not have enough money to get enough food for everyone. Just tell them if they wish to help out by doing it then they can," Sera replied to Crissa, making her decision on the matter of the milker barn. "I suppose we could also ask around town if any large breasted girls would like to have a go at it, maybe split the profits with them fifty fifty or something, or offer them a place to live here with us and make it sixty forty, take ten percent off of their profits in exchange for room and board, maybe even fifteen percent. But you're better at the number crunching Crissa, so I'll let you work all that out and what their pay would be if we hired larger breasted girls to come and do all that and maybe even live with us here," she added, giving some ideas to Crissa and thinking to herself that it would be helping some people that have no job by giving them one, even if it was a lewd sort of job, it was better than stealing or something like that.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Crissa jotted some notes down as Sera spoke. "Im sure our current girls would be willing to help but there is a certain stigma attached to being a cow girl. Most folk will not willingly do it Mistress Sera even for money. We can try of course there are always desperate people. We will have to buy some starter medicine for any girl that is not currently lactating. Do I have permission to purchase that if I find any willing girls?" After hearing Sera's answers on the matter Crissa nodded and grabbed one of the girls to help her clean the barn before looking for cows. A moment later a dull ring could be heard from the dining room. Lunch was ready.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I figured that much. Hmm... ask the others around the house first, and tell them that they won't be revealed as the givers of the milk, that it'll be totally confidential and between them and me. So they won't have to worry about being embarrassed or anything by people finding out about it," Sera told Crissa, tapping her chin with her fingers. "Unless you can find someone willing to do it and hire them. Also Crissa, these drugs... are they... permanent in what they do? Or do they wear off after a short time or what? Because if they're permanent then I'd wager none of the girls would be up for using them even for helping out to make us more money to keep the place up," Sera went on to say, asking about the drugs used to make women lactate.

As soon as Crissa had left, Sera heard Susan ringing the lunch bell for them to all come and get something to eat. "Ah Crissa, how about I ask the girls since we're about to have lunch and all. It'll make things easier I guess, unless you'd like to ask them while we're having lunch," Sera told Crissa before they all went to get lunch.

Heading on to the dining room, Sera took her seat and ate a smaller portion than usual, letting others take larger portions this time around so they were well fed since she herself didn't actually need food and it was merely one of her fancies, plus it helped put others at ease around her since she was eating with too and not just sitting across from them staring at them. If Crissa wished to ask everyone, then Sera would let her do so, but if Crissa told Sera to go ahead and do so then she would wait until everyone was in there and seated before calling their attention and explaining what Crissa had found on the grounds.

"Now I'm not ordering any of you to do this. It's something you can do by your own choice. And none of you even need keep doing it more than once if you decide you don't like it but are willing to try it once to help out. But Crissa tells me that breast milk can sell for quite a good bit around here, so I thought I would ask if any of you would consider doing it to help out a little bit, but like I said only if you want to help out. If you don't want to do it, then I'm sure we can manage in plenty of other ways. It's just something that we can do for a bit of extra money to help spruce the manor here up some and make sure we're stocked on food and other supplies," Sera would tell them all after explaining the situation with the milking barn in the back, unless Crissa told them everything, in which case Sera would say nothing and allow her to do the talking and wait to see what the girls said in response to the question of whether or not they would like to do this.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Crissa thought a moment about the drugs effects. "Im not sure Ive never had cause to wonder or inquire before now. I do know that overdosing can lead to permanent breast enlargement. Though its not proven that bigger boobs helps with milking. If we only use our girls we won't need any till we have to get some umm free range cows." Listing a bit more Crissa agreed that Sera asking would be better and as soon as the subject was brought up the girls all got silent and fidgeting. It seemed none of her girls wanted to volunteer.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Alright, well see if you can find out some more about it before we use any of it alright Crissa," Sera said to her steward, patting her shoulder.

After getting to the dining room, Crissa seemed to have decided to let Sera tell the girls about the find. Telling the girls about everything, Sera saw them fidgeting around in their chairs, not a one speaking any at all. "It's alright girls, if none of you want to do it, then we'll see about finding others willing to do it. I'm not going to demand it or order it of any of you. This is just something that you can do to help out financially if you want to do so. And not something you'll have to keep doing if you don't wish to. It's entirely your choice. So think it over some before you decide okay. And since I have large breasts as well, I suppose I could offer some up too. That would really get people wanting to buy it, a matriarch's milk. Heh I suppose I could offer up some of my seed as well to sell maybe, though that might not go over quite as well," Sera told the girls before making a couple of verbal thoughts about milking herself of either her breast milk or her seed. "Hey Crissa, how much do you think my milk or seed would sell for?" she then asked Crissa curiously.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The look of horror on Crissa's face was quite clear that it was Taboo. "Mistress thats too degrading for someone of your position." The rest of the girls looked equally shocked and quickly volunteered to be milked instead of their mistress. Not letting Sera say other wise the girls basically forced Crissa to agree to let them be milked instead of Sera.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Now don't say it's too degrading Crissa, there are some girls out there away from this town that rather enjoy having their breasts milked and stuff like that, and there's some that like even stranger things than that. Besides, I'd rather be of some use around here than just sitting around and using up all of our resources when we haven't a lot to use for you all, and all of your safety and well being is more important to me than my breast milk, especially when it could be sold to give us a means of making sure you all are well fed and taken care of. That is my main concern in this house," Sera said once Crissa and the girls all quietened down, with her raising a hand and calling for them to do so. "It's my choice if I want to be milked though, just as I'm giving you all the choice to do so yourselves. You aren't slaves in this house girls... nobody is. And I want you all to make all of your decisions based on your wants and desires, not mine, and I don't want you to agree to doing the milking just because you want to keep me from doing it myself," Sera went on to say, giving them all serious looks as she told them she wanted them to make their own choices and not do this because of her.

"Now seriously Crissa, how much do you think my milk would be worth? I genuinely wish to know. Hell I mean if it'd be worth that much I'll bet that the other nobles of the city would pay a lot of money for it, and could possibly make us some friends in high places... well in other high places since Jolynn rather likes me already, though they could pay in other ways, such as favors from a noble family, alliances... just think of the possibilities. It could even help to fully unite the town here possibly, who knows," Sera asked Crissa in a serious tone after she'd told them all to make their own choices about this and not to do it just to keep her from doing it herself.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Crissa stumbled over words trying to think and speak at the same time. "Its never been done before.. . I don't know it would be well double the price of normal milk. I.. its... never been done Mistress." The other girls murmured as well not sure of the situation either. Still this topic seemed to cause some debate amongst them leading to other debates. "You sure know how to stir the pot don't ya Sera?" June leaned against her after speaking watching the debate and discussion form. Still if this continued no work would get done today.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmhm, well how about this Crissa. You can ask around with any of the other nobles stewards and whatnot and see if they would like some breast milk. Don't let on at first like there would be some matriarch's milk though and gauge if any would want the breast milk first, and after that you can see how they'd like the idea of getting a bit of a matriarch's milk," Sera told Crissa, giggling a bit at the debates she'd sparked amongst the girls.

She glanced over at June when she leaned in and whispered to her, caressing her head and stroking her hair back a bit after she spoke. "Yeah I did didn't I," Sera replied in a whisper, winking at her before looking back to everyone. "Alright girls, let's eat for now, and we can discuss this more later while we clean the rest of the house up. Sound good to you all?" Sera then told everyone else with a nod.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Soon enough lunch was finished and the girls off to their assigned task. Crissa took a couple guards with her as she made rounds leaving Sera with June and Ivy as company. "You think Crissa will find some willing maids? Or... even cows..." June grimaced she seemed to not like the term. Still they had time to do just about anything. She could inspect her grounds while Crissa was out, help around the house, or if she felt up to it talk with Urma about... the situation.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I dunno, maybe if there are some people out there that are really desperate for money and work. I won't force them into it though. In the meantime though, let's take a look around all the grounds here and then we can start helping out around the house again. I'd like to see what are apparently all my lands now look like. I don't know if we angels are really supposed to be able to hold lands and whatnot here in the mortal world, but I do know that I can do a lot of good for the people of this town with these lands. I mean there's nothing saying we can't I don't think, but our principles and ways are ingrained in our blood pretty much, so it's hard to go against them. This doesn't feel inherently wrong though to me, so I believe I'll be alright and all. I need to figure something out about that angel though that's over at that tower, and more about what's in that tower," Sera said to June and Ivy, looking determined about finding out more about the angel encased in stone.

With that, Sera would lead the way and take a good look around the grounds since she'd already looked around the house on the inside. Last in her look around the grounds, Sera would stop by the barn Crissa mentioned about the milking to see what kind of shape it was in at the moment, feeling that if they did end up using it, then she ought to at least make sure its condition first.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The grounds were easily traversed a few stray goats being chased off as they approached. For the most part the grounds had a massive orchard long overgrown and in serious need of pruning. Nearby a flowering hedge maze beckoned to be explored. It was small and probably just a simple design with a small garden in the middle. A bit further back was the barn, it was worn and needed to be painted and the grounds around it cleared but the structure seemed in good shape and needed little repair. Inside where the milking stalls about 12 on each side. The machinery inside looked a little worn but with some upkeep and tlc it could run again with ease.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Walking around the grounds, Sera saw the orchard Crissa had mentioned earlier as they chased away a few stray goats that were wandering about the grounds. Upon seeing the hedge maze though, Sera smiled and looked over at June before she beckoned Ivy over to sit on her shoulder before she stepped over to June and kissed her on the cheek. "You want to see what's at the center of the maze there after we go look at the milking barn hon?" Sera asked June, suggesting that they do that after checking the barn out.

After getting June's answer, Sera led the way on to the barn where they took a look around at the place, with Sera seeing the state it was in and finding it needed a bit of work before anyone used it definitely. There was room for a couple of dozen people inside, and the milking machines were a bit worn down, but she knew they could fix them up with a bit of work surely. After looking at the milking machines and the inside of the barn thoroughly, Sera led June and Ivy back out and winked at June.

"Wanna fly over to that hedge maze now hon? I think I can carry you for a couple of minutes to take a look around over it if you want," Sera asked June when they were done, making sure Ivy was on board as well before slipping her arms around June and holding on tight. "Hold on tight now okay, so I don't drop you. And I can show you what it's like to fly... at least a little bit anyway," Sera then told June, waiting for her to hold onto her before she flapped her wings mightily and lifted the both of them up into the air, flying them over the hedge maze to see what was in the center of it.