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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The plant woman seemed to understand but a few looked disappointed for sure. Still they seemed to work it out and began to tend to the grounds. Bringing June in the nearby girls rushed to make sure she was all right and upon smelling the overwhelming sent of sex the girls all looked at Sera a little cross. "June is a delicate flower Mistress you cannot be so rough with her!" It was a half playful tone though she could tell the hints of jealously in the speakers voice. Still she had her guards to inform and after a moment of concern they agreed to stay out of the way. This left Sera to see how the work on the grounds proceeded. She had a few choices she could check the orchard or see to the maze and surrounding area.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera winked at the alraune as they set about doing what she'd told them, telling them she'd be back out as soon as she could, and if they did a good job then she'd reward them graciously with some seedlings perhaps if they wanted some, giggling as she said the last part. Once she was inside, Sera blushed a bit and hung her head slightly a she was admonished for being a bit... rough with June, though she did detect the hint of jealousy and playfulness in their tones.

"I... I know, but we were playing a game. She... kind of won I guess," Sera said apologetically.

Heading on to inform the guards after that, Sera made sure they all knew what was going on and stuff before heading back out to check on the alraune and what they were doing now. She decided to check on the orchard first, flapping her wings and flying out there since she didn't have June any longer to carry. Once she had checked on the orchard and how those alraune were doing, Sera went to check on the maze and the rest.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Heading over to the orchard Sera was surprised to see the Allarune's chasing each other under the trees. Though she did notice the area looked a little less wild and far more groomed. Maybe the plant woman where taking a break to have some fun. Still it was only one area that looked this way and it would take a while even for the plant ladies to straighten up all of it.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Heading back out, Sera found the alraune at the orchard had already mostly cleaned it up and groomed the fruit trees quite well from the looks of it. She couldn't help but giggle a little at the alraune there chasing each other playfully. "Hmhm, hello there girls. I see you've already spruced the orchard here up some. Thank you for that. As soon as the others have finished then we can all have a bit of fun perhaps. I've not had fun with any alraune in a long while, and having a half a dozen of you could be... really fun," Sera said with a giggle, winking at the ones there before flying off to see if she could find the others around the grounds, unless the ones at the orchard tried to get her to stay, in which case she would stay for a while and talk with them if they wanted to do that, or she'd even play their game of tag or whatever it was they were playing.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Having gotten closer Sera saw that the girls where hardly playing tag. One of them seemed to have a very phallic like tendril swelling with need. The other girl giggled as her friend chased her apparently they had decided to have some fun with each other. Still it was up to Sera if she wanted to interject herself in the situation. If not she would find the other girls in various parts of the manor grounds tending to the plants. One of them was in the fountain of the maze taking a bath it seemed while the other went about pruning weeds with their magic.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing what was really going on, Sera couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles at the sight of the ones here. "I'll leave you to your fun for now then, but don't tire yourselves out too much because I'll have a bit of fun with you once you're all done too," Sera told the ones at the orchard with a wink before blowing them both a kiss and flying off to check on the rest.

Flying over the manor grounds, Sera saw most of the rest tending to the plants all around the grounds, but she spotted a couple alraune in the center of the maze tending to the stuff in there, one taking a bath in the fountain. She decided to fly down to these two and get a closer look. "Hello ladies. How's everything going so far? I'm glad you're helping me out with this also, it's such a great help," Sera called out to the two as she landed, smiling at them and sitting on the edge of the fountain near the one bathing within it.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The one in the fountain who had the strange tendrils from before smiled at Sera before bowing. "Mistress I have request from one of the girls. One of my dryad sisters wants to live in the orchard for the remainder of her days." The girl stepped out of the fountain which seemed to have spawned numerous Moon Lily's. "She is getting on in years and would like a place to rest and have pleasant conversations.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Hearing the alraune's words, Sera smiled and bowed back to her before stepping over and into the fountain with her, still fully nude as she hadn't put her clothes back on yet. "Of course my dear, I would be honored if she remained. She shall be more than welcome to live in our manor here too if she wishes, to have a roof over her head and all. But I can help her make a small cabin or something out near the orchard if she'd rather be out there instead. Is she one of your sisters over in the orchard now by chance?" Sera replied as she bowed respectfully.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"No Mistress she is currently in the maze tending the hedges. Some of them have gotten a bit wild." Moving closer the Allarune pressed her green skin against Sera her tendrils caressing her skin. "Im glad one of my sisters will have a place to stay for her final days."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Aw... that's sad. I'm assuming that she's quite old for an alraune then. And it's okay if they get a bit wild, so long as the work I asked for gets done and the jungle is... how should I say, trimmed and neatly kept so it doesn't overgrow the manor over there," Sera said, slipping an arm around the small of the alraune's back where she rested her hand on the alraune's butt. "I wouldn't be against you or any of your other sisters remaining in the orchard too so she wouldn't be alone. If you'd like that is. It would probably be good to have some of your kin here to help tend to the jungle and forest around here I think," Sera added, caressing the alraune's cheek as she spoke and smiling kindly at her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The girl giggled "Im sure my sister will have her fair share of children to help maintain the manner in no time." Leaning in the woman kissed Sera lightly on the lips her body inching every closer. The other allarune in the vicinity peaked around the hedge and watched the two in the fountain start to make out. Of course Sera could stop if she wanted but the warmth of the girls body and the scent of her flower hair seemed to draw her in. Even the strange tendrils had begun to tease her butt coaxing Sera to fall into her embrace.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Mmm, what makes you say that dear? Do you think that she'll have plenty of them thanks to me, hmhm?" Sera asked the alraune curiously as the alraune's tentacles were rubbing her all over, focusing primarily on her butt which made her giggle playfully as her arousal began building again.

Glancing around, Sera saw the other alraune peeking around on them here in the fountain and she smiled at them upon noticing however many were peeking. She would beckon them over to the fountain with her and the alraune in it, fluttering her wings ever so slightly. "Come on over and have some fun with us why don't you. We'll make you feel good too, hmhm," Sera giggled playfully at the other alraune to come and join them as she reached around the alraune in the fountain with her and groped her butt with one hand while her other caressed up her side.

After a few moments, whether the other alraune came on over or not, Sera smiled and scooped the alraune next to her up in her arms and kissed her. "I think there will be plenty of alraune around here by the time we're all through. Don't you?" Sera whispered to the alraune next to her a she lifted her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around Sera's waist if she so wished.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The other Allarune seemed to shy away from Sera or maybe it was the Allarune in the fountain with her. Still her sudden kiss seemed to surprise the plant woman and it was a moment before she began to kiss back. Scooping the girl up Sera felt the pressure as her waist was wrapped by the others legs. "Ohhh no one has been so forward with me in a long time Mistress." Leaning in again the girl kissed her deeply and Sera could feel the viney tendrils wrap around her wings and back.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

(Which alraune is it in the fountain with her by the way?)

Seeing the other alraune shy away, Sera smiled a bit sadly and beckoned said alraune over again with her hand, winking at her or them if there were more than one peeking. "Hmhm, well... when I see something so beautiful as you, I simply must have a taste. Besides... you ought to be able to feel just how ready I am I think," Sera giggled at the alraune in her arms, returning the kiss the alraune gave her with passion, not minding the tendrils wrapping around her and quite enjoying the feel of them.

Her penis was rock hard again, its length gently pressing against the alraune's pussy as they kissed each other again. Sera didn't waste much time and while kissing the alraune, she reached down with one hand to test and see just how aroused and wet the alraune was, and if she was wet and ready enough, Sera would lift the alraune up and aim the head of her dick against her pussy, slowly impaling the alraune upon her while gently pressing her against fountain. Sera would slowly begin thrusting in and out of the alraune, her dick horny and eager for more pussy to milk and make her spurt more of her seed out.

If the alraune didn't try to stop her, Sera would start pounding her soon after that, her balls slapping deliciously against the alraune's ass as she went. Sera would gently maneuver the alraune around so her ass was presented to her, where the horny angel would take her from behind, intent on filling that plant girl's pussy with her seed as she panted and took her, holding her hips firmly with her hands so she could buck their hips together.

"Oh yes... yes... YES!" Sera would pant aloud, crying out as she quickly sped towards climax, her cock exploding as she filled the alraune's womb with her seed, her climax not finishing until she'd ensured that the alraune's belly was swelling a bit with her seed, regardless of whether or not she'd impregnated the alraune, which she didn't choose one way or the other and left to fate.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

(The Siamese Allarune)

Feeling the Allarune's sex Sera felt the woman's sweet honey coat her fingers. The girl was more than ready for her massive tool. Pressing her against the fountain Sera slid in the girls sex welcoming her tool all to eagerly. Moaning a bit the plant woman kissed Sera. "Mistress fill me up so I can lay my seeds in your wonderful maze."

It didn't take long for Sera to ramp up her efforts and soon the sound of her balls slapping against the firm flesh of the woman echoed out mixing with the moans. For the second time in one day the maze was doused with the sounds and smell of sex. Reaching her peak Sera cried out as the Allarune gasped her face flush from the efforts of their mutual mating. Indeed the plant woman's belly swelled and swelled taking all of Sera's seed she had to offer.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oooh yeah, nice and ready for me already aren't you honey. I'm so glad I summoned you girls up," Sera said softly, cooing in the alraune's ear as she felt her sex. "Oh don't worry baby, I'll give you plenty of seed to make your seedlings with," she added as she began sliding inside of her.

The sounds of her balls slapping against the alraune's ass along with the scent of sex in the air spurred her onwards and made her go faster. When she came, Sera reveled in the sight of the alraune's belly swelling with her seed, which made her cum even harder and more than usual. When she finally finished cumming, Sera's chest was heaving as she panted madly to catch her breath.

"T-That was amazing dear. Was it good for you too? I can go more if you want, hmhm," Sera cooed in her ear again, her shaft still hard and ready for more if the alraune desired such. "Or if you'd rather me have some fun with any of your sisters to spread my love... I'd be happy to do that instead," she added in a seductive tone.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The woman leaned back a moment rubbing her swollen belly. "So this is what its like for other woman. Smiling slightly she caressed her belly. Snapping her fingers two of the allarune who had been watching came out and up to her. "Flora you will tend to the mistress while you Autumn will take me to a safe place to rest." Nodding the girls moved about with the one named Flora instantly putting her lips around Sera's still firm cock. She had greenish purple hair and vaguely smelled like flowers. She was smaller than the others her appearance more delicate despite the bark like growths on her arms and legs. Even her efforts to please Sera seemed delicate and gentle.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera panted softly as she recovered from the wonderful lovemaking session with the alraune. Nodding softly at the alraune's words while she caressed her swollen belly, Sera reached up and caressed the alraune's belly as well, smiling as she did. After she snapped her fingers and brought the other two alraune forward, Sera looked around at the two and smiled at them both before looking back to the one she'd just impregnated.

"Miss... if you need a place to rest, then you can rest in the house. Just tell them that their mistress Sera sent you so you could rest. And when it's time to spread your seeds you can return here to the maze and let them go," Sera told the pregnant alraune as the one named Flora gently grasped her dick in her small hand, doing so very delicately.

Sera moaned softly at Flora's action, her body shuddering slightly as she caught the pregnant alraune and kissed her on the lips before turning and kissing Flora after that. Sera gently lifted Flora in her arms and took aim with her still hard shaft and slowly penetrated the smaller alraune. "Oh gods yes... s-so tight. I... I don't think I can go again like this. May I take you from behind Flora?" Sera said with a grunt after sliding Flora halfway down her shaft, where she then lifted her back up and off.

Putting Flora back on her feet, Sera turned the smaller alraune around to face away, if she didn't mind doing so that is, where she would gently push her forward to lean against the fountain before pressing her slick rod against Flora's lower lips. Prodding at her entrance several times, Sera let out a loud moan as she pushed inside of Flora, the tightness feeling amazing around her length. Sera quickly began bucking her hips back and forth, pushing in and out of Flora slowly at first, but quickly speeding up until her balls were slapping against the alraune's clit and inner thighs with lewd wet slapping sounds.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Flora didn't seem to mind and willing leaned against the fountain and presented her ass to Sera. Looking Sera could see the girls lips had the same color as her hair. Sliding back in she could feel the petal like softness of the plant woman's neither's slide around her cock. Flora grunted a little as Sera's length filled her but it wasn't in pain. It sounded almost primal. Getting a feel for each other it was Flora who would start first though given their position it was a little difficult for her to get a proper rhythm going.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing how willing Flora was to accommodate her desires, Sera licked her lips hungrily and smiled as she thrust into the smaller alraune. The sight of her lower lips being the same as her hair excited Sera even more and as she slid into Flora her cock twitched a bit already, preparing to launch more of her thick creamy seed into her new lover. Hearing Flora's grunt aroused Sera even further than all the rest as she came to rest against the alraune's butt, her hips grinding against Flora's butt as her balls rubbed against the alraune's clit and inner thighs.

"Mmm, so tight. Yes... I love it. And you do too I can tell," Sera cooed in Flora's ear as they both began thrusting their bodies back and forth in an attempt to make each other cum.

Sera would begin speeding up in her pace after a half a minute or so, her dick already throbbing in anticipation. She grunted a bit as she tried as hard as possible to hold back her torrents of seed that were all but begging to be released from their prison in her balls. Sera refused to let her seed out just yet though and slowed her pace for a bit to ease up on the pleasure she was receiving so she didn't blow before she wanted.

"O-Oh fuck... n-no c-cant... h-hold it back any longer Flora. I-I'm sorry," Sera panted after only a couple of minutes at it, her cock twitching and throbbing while her balls trembled with each thrust.

Sera exploded inside of Flora, a look of bliss plastered on her face as she continued pounding away at the alraune's pussy, not stopping until her orgasm finally finished and she stopped cumming. When she finished cumming finally, Sera would grasp the fountain to keep from collapsing to her knees, where she'd steady herself until she could push back to sit, bringing Flora with her as the smaller alraune's pussy squeezed and milked her balls dry.