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I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?


Jungle Girl
Apr 10, 2010
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Hi all!

I have some ideas for making a detailed and lengthy MonsterGirl RPG, one that plays in the style of Violated Heroine or the Anise RPG with sprite action and combat, but that also includes pictures on the side and possible animations during the sprite-animated H scenes. What I want to know is, how do I get started?

- Which RPG Maker do I need (i.e. which one was used for VH and Anise)? And can someone link me to a full download of it?
- For sprite animations, do you have to draw every individual frame manually?
- And are there tutorials out there that could help me get this kind of game up and running?

Some things I want to put in it -

- EVERY MonsterGirl and every variation (color, etc) offers H scenes.
- Losing in combat doesn't mean game over, just means they have their way with you. Like in VH, you can try to avoid being sexed by monsters and stay "pure" or you can have as much fun as you want with all the different ones in the game. :)
- A fun storyline with well thought out reasons behind what's going on, and most importantly, in ENGLISH haha.

Anyway I have a bunch more ideas but I have to head off to work now. Hope you guys can point me in the right direction!

Thanks all.
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

Anise was done in VX Ace and VH was done in XP, I think.

And yes, you have to do every frame manually if it isn't included in the rpgmaker sprites.

Is the main character a hero or heroine?
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

Well there is another part of the forum for this to go in, but (For sprite animations, do you have to draw every individual frame manually?)
can you draw to began with? is the real question.
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

Main Character will be a Hero. Haven't decided on a backstory yet but he is a muscular, long-haired fighter of some sort that is absolutely irresistible to MonsterGirls... and many normal females haha.

And yes, I have decent art skills. :)

Some more thoughts --

- Game will have "bad ends" (or good ends depending on your view haha) such as being overpowered and imprisoned as a sex/breeding slave to certain groups of MG's.
- Maybe form alliances and have your own "harem" of MG's (and regular girls) if you choose to take the path of sexual indulgence. Maybe even have MG's includable in a group, and since I like the way Mononoke Village made your MG companion have their way with you when you fell in battle, maybe your MG companion(s) will do the same when you're, say, sleeping in the Inn or your home at night. :D

Is VX and XP free to download or will I have to hit up a torrent?
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

Monster Girls as a genre are gaining some serious momentum after the success of MGQ.

The Psychological appeal of 'Monster Girls' is being overpowered and humiliated by a girl, who either objectifies and rapes you for your semen or simply devours (vore) you whole. Either way, the power shift and role swapping has incredible potential and untapped depth.
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

All rpgmaker programs cost around $60 iirc. If you plan on using VX I suggest you get VX Ace instead. It's basically just a better version of VX.
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

Anise was made with Multimedia Fusion. I know nothing about this program other then its like $50-100 and it says its easy to use...

Gamemaker I think is like $20. I don't know how the coding\scripting works.

KGT2nd its free! you could make a basic beat-um game with it. with some CG's with text to tell a story. and its not that hard to learn if I had the Art skills I could make a game with this program for sure.
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

Anise was made with Multimedia Fusion. I know nothing about this program other then its like $50-100 and it says its easy to use...

Gamemaker I think is like $20. I don't know how the coding\scripting works.

KGT2nd its free! you could make a basic beat-um game with it. with some CG's with text to tell a story. and its not that hard to learn if I had the Art skills I could make a game with this program for sure.

This Anise I'm guessing. It was made with rpgmaker VX
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

VH (assuming you're talking about Violated Heroine) is made in RPG Maker 2000, the predecessor of XP. At least that is the RTP you need to play the game.
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

I think its the Adventures of Anise game. said he wants the combat action.
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

These are some pretty serious questions to ask yourself:
-How much do you know about code? Not scripting, but how a computer interprets input and then outputs it? While it's not hard with RPG Maker, there are some fundamentals with for-while loops that I've noticed help a lot in these games.
-How much have you planned?
-Do you know if it's going to be just you working on this game, or a team?
-Will this game require custom scripts; and if it does, will you make them yourself, or do you think the people who spend time making scripts for RPG Maker will be alright with them being in an H-game?
-Finally, watch this video:

Good luck on your game. Don't be afraid to ask for help. (Also, this should probably be moved to under construction.)
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

Sorry if I put it in the wrong spot -- mods feel free to move if you deem appropriate.

Actually guys I figured it out -- it isn't Anise I was thinking of, it was Adventures of Garnet!

I like the size of the sprites and look of that game more than VH, and it has exactly what I was thinking -- some H scenes have the sprites animated while showing actual animated pictures on the screen at the same time.

Which program is that made with? I think that's the one I want to use...

And I don't know much about coding... I have a lot of ideas in my mind but haven't planned it out officially yet.

What I'd LIKE to do is make a small demo just to get my feet wet with the software... Maybe a small town and one forest area with a MG to fight and test an H scene with. If I like what I see I'll go from there.

Thanks guys!
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

There's no easy way to tell you how it's done. I can only have you think about a few things in particular to gauge your motivation and drive:

Every tile you see in Adventures of Garnet was made by hand. It's not a map out of whole cloth, but built from a single tile in each square. Unless you're reusing tilesets, which would be the cheating man's way, you have to do each tile yourself. The average screen is, say, 225 tiles, 15*15 square. So, that means you have to design enough unique tiles to construct a 225 tile square and convincingly not make it look like crap. Now, imagine doing that for more than one map type. Imagine doing it for, at least 10. Dwell on that.

Every sprite you see in Adventures of Garnet has at least 13 standard frames. (13, right?) 3 movement frames for up, down, left/right, and 4 standing frames. Unless you're reusing sprites, which would be the cheating man's way, you have to construct 13 frames for each sprite just to make sprites that don't look like total ass when in motion. You can lower that quantity by having NPCs that don't move, but you can't do that with everyone. The standard RTP has... somewhere like, 40-50 unique sprite characters? Maybe more, I don't really recall. NPCs and enemies. That's 650 sprites if you want to have the same repository size. All different characters. Dwell on that.

You have animations for attacks, if you want it to be fun. I'll just hazard that the RTP has about 30 different attack animations. The standard would be about 4-5 totally different graphics for use in animation. So, 120-150 of those. The attacks are the one thing that you will probably end up making simple or reusing from somewhere else. You'll have the few attacks that you hopefully make by yourself that are special and awesome. Dwell on that.

You have sounds/music. Again, you can reuse from somewhere else, but I think people underestimate the importance of appropriate sound and music. I'm *tired* of hearing the default RTP. I've heard it for literally years. If you use music from somewhere else, you have to make sure it's common license, or you'll get very angry, very self-important people finding that their SO SPECIAL music is being used in a porn game. These people have nothing better to do than harass you. Don't think they won't. Artists are the most assholish people you will ever meet. Many are brilliant, but they're also complete assholes when it comes to anyone "misusing" their product, even if they got paid for it. You'll want to have at least 2 or 3 standard battle themes, 2 or 3 boss themes, 2 or 3 town themes, and hopefully one theme for each major map type you decide to use. (cavern, volcano, field etc.) Then, you have dynamic music usage, which is used for specific events. You have porn events, surprise events, comedic events, suspense events, etc. You're looking at 30 pieces of music just to convey a variety of events without sounding samey. Dwell on that.

This is just the resource side of the equation. If you're using the RTP, you are able to make a rather uninspired game using existing resources, and build from scratch/edit up what you need in addition to it.

Now, what's your real story? Who are your characters? What's their personalities? When does this occur? Where does it occur? Why does it occur? Why are you fighting monsters? What's the history of it? Why are the towns like they are? Why is the world map the way it is? What's the motivation for the quest? What's the explanation for your MC's abilities? What's the economy like? Why are people selling weapons of mass monster extermination on the street? Etc.

Every decision you make in designing the story should have some rationalization in your head. Some of these (or a lot of these, like in my case) will make no goddamn good sense. People are going to read it and go "Wait, what?" Some of the rationalizations, story, and events that you think are dumb and stupid will turn out to be beloved by the people that play. They'll be quirky, fresh, and not seen a lot, or hearken back to the days of old where you could have quirky stuff and not have to worry about a brooding, painful reason for it. I like to think of it as the Amira Factor.

The Amira Factor is extremely hard to create. The problem with too quirky is that people might not like it. Etc.

Now, for coding: unless you know how to code before getting into this, you are going to suffer. Horribly. I can read code and understand what it does. Even I would not set out to design my own game system without dreading the task. If you use RPG Maker, you have to learn Ruby. RPG Maker CANNOT do what you will eventually WANT to do. Even VX Ace is an over-sized turd ball. If you don't learn Ruby to the point where you can understand how the actual RPG Maker standard library works, and how the standard systems work, you will be lost. You will be newb patching things, and one day, you will break it, and you will not fix it. You just won't know how.

Not knowing how to code/design processes will limit your creative vision. You'll be constantly wondering what your limits are, instead of knowing how to create what you need to exceed those limits. Same with the art process. Same with the story process.

Now, my advice is simple: start off slow. Build something you think is simple, dumb, and unexciting. If you're using RPG Maker, build maps, place NPCs, fiddle with triggers, map changes, etc. Get a feel for the basics. Make something dumb. But make it work, and make it right. Once you feel like you can bully through map creation, try battle creation. Build a custom encounter, assign triggers, make things happen dynamically. Try and IMPROVE upon the basic fighting system. Learn Ruby so that you can add an SP bar under your MP. That's going to be your most fun early challenge. Adding a separate mana system. Next, try to build something on the map which links the two systems into a coherent story. Build an event. Walk from point X to point Y, have something happen outside of the player's control, have a battle, have a resolution, and keep going. If you find you can't do any of the aforementioned, read more, look more, and learn more. You'll either learn and do it, or realize you don't have the motivation to do it.

Having overarching goals is AWESOME, but you will truly test your motivation to make something by getting into the meat and taters of the operation and creation. You have an idea of what you want to do, but those are only ideas. You have nothing that connects them to a coherent process and result.

The organic thing that will make your games good is a quality that will come from you, and cannot be discerned by others until it's used in a product. You will not know whether you can do more than mechanically make something until you do it. Until you try to put the spark of fun into something, you just won't know. That fun comes from everything you are as a person. What you've learned, who you've known, what you've said, what you believe, what you've played, what you're hoping for, and, most importantly, what you love. Unless you believe in the thing you're creating to the point where you almost don't care who plays the damn thing, you just want to make it, you might not get that organic element. The danger is that you might be WRONG, not in what you believe, but in what others want. The ultimate danger of being an artist is making something that is simply not appreciated. It might be technically good, it might have something unique that's never been seen, but the ultimate outcome is sometimes simply out of your hands: will they like it?

You won't know that until you try it and see what fails. And don't be afraid of failure. Everyone and anyone worth a damn has failed horribly at something. The important part is knowing why you failed, and knowing how you can fix it.
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Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

Which program is that made with? I think that's the one I want to use..

RPG Maker XP.
Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

Thanks for the input and answers.

I've been playing around with Adventure of Garnet inside of RPG Maker XP and it looks like everything in that game is doable with just XP. I've actually done scripting for both Oblivion and The Sims animations and modding in the past... I thought you guys meant actual hardcore coding (like C++ or something lol) but so far I've managed to swap graphics and get a good understanding of how everything works in AoG and what I have to do.

The biggest challenge will be, for me, putting in time to do all the artwork. I found some good pics to reference and am happy with the start I've made, so we'll see what happens.

As far as story/plot goes, I've been thinking and I'm not sure I want to make this into yet another medieval fantasy RPG... It's the dead of winter here in the midwest and I can't stand snow... maybe I'll make this into some kind of tropical island adventure. Maybe something similar to The Island of Dr. Moreau! But different... the lone man stranded on a mysterious unknown island, being stalked by horny MG's in the peak of their mating season, who's population is in danger due to no male presence on the island. Maybe the MG's were created centuries ago due to some experiment and grew into their own society when the male scientists that created them were still on the island, yet due to some genetic abnormality that developed over the centuries they now always give birth to females and all the men are long gone.

Oh, this gives me some goooood ideas haha. Time to get to work!
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Re: I want to create a Monster Girl game like VH or Anise - how do I get started?

I'd like to see a sample of your artwork before I know if this will be good to fap to or just worth the gameplay.