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Lynn (Aust_Nailo)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Name:Lynn Marshall
Age: 23
Level 0 Trait: Polearm Expertise
Looks: Portrait

Lynn had handed in her application to test the EGG a few days ago. She knew the process tended to take time and was extremely selective. But she was home when she the acceptance letter came in the mail. Smiling, she was glad she had the day off that day to go to the test center. She was greeted by a friendly secretary who had her wait a few moments before a tech came from the back room.

He introduced himself as Rick, he was just a little bit taller than her. He had a white lab coat and his face looked tired. His mess of a beard and mustache combined with his shoulder length hair made him look a bit like some sort of wild man. Regardless he was working here so he probably was a bit smarter than he looked. He looked at his clipboard before turning to address her.

"...Lynn, right? Your chamber is ready, follow me if you please." He waved Lynn to follow him as he made his way into the back, through twisty hallways. He was more than willing to make small talk if she started some, and answered any questions she would have.

When they got into the room he instructed her how to seat herself into the device. "The interface has been designed to be pretty simple, so you shouldn't have a problem with that. There will be question marks by a lot of things, press those if you need an explanation into something."

After she sat down in the machine, the front closed and the lights dimmed before a screen appeared in front of her. It appeared that all she had to do was touch the settings to change the game settings. There were three tabs. The first was to design her character, the second to pick her starting weapon and outfit and the third presented her with the following options.

Game Settings ?
Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.

Difficulty ?

Hardcore Mode ?

A grayed out section appeared at the bottom with a ?. If she pressed it it would explain in a text box that as they were testing out a specific world setting, the world generation settings had been turned off.
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Boy was this going to be a weird afternoon. Lynn would normally be spending her days working or putting herself through her usual training regime. Even after moving out and away from her fathers watchful eye, Lynn had kept up with all that in order to stay in shape and not get rusty. If she were to follow in his footsteps, she had to keep it up. But today was a rare day off and she felt like using that time to test the EGG. The trip to the facility was relatively uneventful and the welcome was surprisingly warm.

A few minutes passed and she met Rick, almost surprised a man with his appearance was even a part of this sort of project. Wild hair, messy beard and mustache. He looked like some hobo on a subway, But today was a day of surprises for her. She allowed the man to escort her to the room, keeping quiet the whole time. She was the type to not ask a lot of questions and any she did have she'd try to answer on her own. She took a few deep breaths, mentally preparing herself for what was to come. She climbed into the device and let it close, the anxiety still building in her.

The interface appeared and Lynn began setting up the basics. Her character set up took a few minutes and her equipment selection even less time. But she came to the 3rd option and her eyes widened in shock. What in gods name was all this? Could they even get away with testing half of this stuff? Part of her was telling her she was in over her head, but another told her to just suck it up and accept it. She signed up for this willingly and she couldn't back out now. Mustering up her courage, she made the selections, almost shocked at what she decided.

Game Settings
Humans: Y:5
Male/Female: Y:4
Female/Female: Y:4
Pregnancy: Y:2
Birthing: Y:2
Non Consent Sex: Y:4
Slavery: Y:5
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y:2
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Mild


Hardcore Mode

Finishing the last detail, she confirmed her selection. Reading that the world generation had been set off, she could only guess what they were going to throw at her.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Rick raised a small eyebrow as he noticed Lynn didn't ask any questions, even after they got to the room. "No questions then...?" He almost frowned, as though he was expecting them. "Well, alright. When you're done with your session we do ask that you wait for a tech to come by, so that we can interview you for your results in the testing."

Lynn brushed her way past the first couple of settings like an old pro. They were quite simple to use, even thought they allowed her quite a lot of control.

After she got over the settings on the third tab and pressed the start button, the lights dimmed. She felt a bit of a tingle over her as it started up. However it seemed to pause, a message box appearing before her.

[FONT="Courier New"][CENTER]!!WARNING!!
You have enabled Hardcore Mode. This mode
prevents anytime log out. Are you sure?
  >>Accept<<    Revert to Normal[/CENTER][/FONT]
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn's eyes widened for a moment as she saw the window before her. Seemed she really had jumped ahead without looking. She took a few moments and weighed over her options. Sure, she could turn the option off, but these folks seemed like they wanted a complete analysis of her test. Jumping out at any moment would get her out of hairy situations, but then there would be so much she'd potentially miss out on. No. If she was going to do this, she was going to do it 110% and nothing less! She'd keep it on and give them a full review of her experiences.

"Here goes nothing" Was the last thing she spoke before confirming her selection. Whatever happened now was entirely on her shoulders and there was no backing out now.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The window closed without further ado and the transition continued. Although the lights had already dimmed it seemed to Lynn as though it was getting even darker inside the machine. She felt the chair disappear from behind her, leaving her weightless. Weightless in a void of blackness. It was almost scary, but at the same time she felt comforted for some reason. Streaks of multi-colored light flirted across the edge of her vision, as if she was watching some sort of code in action.

She was floating but she felt herself blink. When she opened her eyes the void had changed to white. She was still floating and she watched as the world constructed itself before and below her. She watched massive mountain ranges form and forests grow and rivers spread and shrink. Oceans pound against cliffs for years and year. She could only really think of it as the Genesis of a world, that had to be what she was watching here. She felt herself start to fall back, though for some reason she wasn't scared, she knew innately this was just how it started. She blinked again.

When she opened them again she was no longer Lynn the tester of a strange virtual reality machine. She was Lynn, recruit in the Jermalian army. She yawned as she got herself out of the bed, it was time to get ready for the day. She'd had a strange dream that night, that she was in some strange world, another person. The dream faded from her mind as she started to get dressed in her uniform. It was cute, she thought, she liked how the uniform could be cute even while functional. She'd just finished sailing across the great ocean to the new land, it was her mission to help the settlers here gain a foothold, to make sure that any threats of this world were taken care of.

She was the first one awake, which was good. She needed to get to the breakfast tent early because she had been asked the night before to report to the commander's tent first thing in the morning.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn remained speechless as the transition unfolded before her. This was certainly something to see and she could only guess how many others got to experience this. The birth of a new world was almost awe inspiring for Lynn who couldn't wait to share this with others. Not everyday one lays their eyes on something so beautiful and outstanding. But those thoughts are quickly replaced by the falling, followed shortly by her final deep breath before she last blinked her eyes.

Waking up had always been the worst part of her day, as Lynn was never quite use to waking up early. But it had to be done and she begrudgingly got herself ready for the day. Her thoughts stuck to a particularly weird dream from the night before. Something bizarre. Ugh. Whatever was put in last nights stew, clearly hadn't sat well with the recruit. Either way, the dream quickly faded and she continued preparing for her day. She made the final touches on her uniform, dusting off her skirt and brushing a stray hair out of her eye. She was overall quit proud of her decision to enlist in the Jermalian army. They needed fresh bodies to fill out the Colonial defense unit and she saw that as the perfect opportunity. She was the only daughter of a rather large family of shepherds, having 5 older brothers and a very protective father. She could only imagine what they would say if they saw her now.

Not wanting to waste any more time, she made her way towards the mess tent. The breakfast tent had few people actually there, the only people being the workers themselves and a few other earlier birds like herself, including several officers, most likely getting ready to wake up the rest of the soldiers. "Wonder whats on the menu for today? Hopefully something better then that stew from last night."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn exited the sleeping hall, she could hear some of her fellow recruits starting to stir. The day outside seemed to be nice. It was warm, but not overly so. It was a bit misty and foggy this morning, but she could see to the East that the sun was still rising, it wouldn't be long before it burned away the morning mist. The mess hall was centrally located in camp, leaving her not too far to go. She passed the rec hall and the training grounds along her way. It was a good day, she had the feeling that things would go her way today.

Empty as it never was, the mess hall was just firing up for the day as Lynn entered. A few of the soldiers waved at her, she had one or two admirers among the males in the unit. The menu seemed pretty standard, looked like scrambled eggs with toast, with the other option being a variety of dried fruits and some rolls.

Choosing what she would, she found it wasn't too bad, all things considered. Gunther the chef was some sort of miracle worker, considering what the army gave him to work with. Unfortunately as far as drinks went her only option was water, but it's not like that was a totally bad thing.

When she finished she noticed the sun was only a bit higher, she knew she had a bit of time before she had to show up to the commanders office, but serious as she was she knew she'd rather be early than risk being late. The commander's office was at the edge of camp, so she had a short trek to go. She passed the showers as she went, thankfully she'd showered last night, so she was quite clean for the day, thank you very much for asking. She saw a few of the recruits sparring on the training ground, unable to help but smile as she realized how seriously they were taking their position, just as she did hers.

She paused and looked back at the sun. She probably did have time to join the other recruits in a spar before she had to report to the commander's office. It was good training, and it could be fun, too.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Not wanting to seem rude, Lynn returned the waves that came her way, with an honest question floating in her head. Why would she of all people have admirers? It not like she was some nobles daughter or some mysterious loner or anything worth admiring. She was a shepherds daughter and little else. Sure she was tougher then your average girl, but she thought that detracted from her like ability. If anything, she thought the men would swoon over the nurses in the medic tent instead. Cute little things, thats for sure. Shaking her head, she tried not to think on the subject as she grabbed a couple rolls and a tiny bit of dried fruit.

She could never figure out just how Gunther was able to make even rolls taste fantastic, even out in the new land. Lynn was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth though and she finished her meal in haste. She stepped out to see the morning in full swing and she took a deep breath of the morning air before continuing her trip. She passed the various camp facilities, waving to and greeting any she met along the way. Seemed everyone was in high spirits today

She stopped at the training grounds to see many of her comrades hard at work. Her stop was brief however and she only shouted one thing back as she made her way past. " Save a set of gear for me! "

She reached her commanders tent in due time and entered the rather imposing tent. She gave the proper salute before speaking. "Recruit Lynn reporting as requested!" For whatever reason, the commander always made the normally chipper nervous. Either way, she did not want to be on anyone's bad side.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn's shout to save a set of gear for her got a cheery 'Ok!' in return. But in the end it was probably better to get the meeting with the commander out of the way before she did anything else. She's a little right to be nervous, she suspected everyone was when visiting the commander. She's given the clear to enter after waiting outside for a few moments

Commander Rickter stands up from his desk, he nods at her. "At ease, Recruit." He gives a look at her, eyeing her up and down. He nods as he seems to verify that she is properly dressed. Lynn had only seen the commander a few times before. He was a tall man, almost six feet. His hair was always combed back and slick, he had a well trimmed mustache with sideburns. He was in a more formal army officer outfit instead of the system armor worn by most infantry.

"Let's set started then." He takes a folder, setting it down in front of her. "Here's a short briefing, but I'll walk you through the basics. You've been assigned to a task force that's investigating reports of missing travelers along the trade road. Review the papers and let me know if you have any questions."

The Commander invited Lynn to take a seat across from him and review the folder as he took his own seat, looking through his own papers, waiting for her to finish. When she did and looked over, she'd find it was fairly simple. She'd been assigned to a small group that was to investigate the source of missing travellers along the trade road. There was a small map included. From the Military Camp, where she was, it looked like the area investigation was the road between Port, the landing point for the colonies, which the camp was just a short way east of, and the town of Riverton, a new settlement near a river that flowed down from the southern mountain ranges.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

One of the things Lynn hated was the inspection that almost every major officer gave. Made her feel like a prize farm animal at the county fair. The nod from the commander brings a feeling of relief to the girl, who relaxed after being told to do so. The commander laid out the folder and began informing her of the situation? Missing travelers? But those routes were suppose to be patrolled daily. How could people be missing?

Lynn sat down and began reviewing the information she was given. She at first began guessing that it could have been the local wildlife. Some of the nastier animals had been know to attack people, but to make people vanish? There was only one other thing she could guess but she didn't want to jump to conclusions. "If I may, sir,I thought the road between Port and Riverton was patrolled? Daily to boot. How could people just go missing? Also, why go with me? A task force like this needs people of great experience, not a farm girl fresh from basic training. I apologize for questioning the decision, but it seems a lofty mission for one like me."

While a part of her was glad to have such an important task, another was concerned. Why send a recruit on such a mission? Will they really contribute anything, or are they just being included so they could easily sacrifice someone should thing go bad. She didn't like thinking that, but the feeling was just too great. She could only hope the commander would put her fears at ease.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Rickter nodded to her as she asked her questions. Answering them all in kind.

"Yes indeed. The patrols however aren't as thorough as they could be. We patrol the road well, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for something to happen, and for whatever happened to be cleaned up after so that it looks like nothing happened. We're pretty sure there's an organized group behind it, but we want evidence before we announce anything officially. As for why you've been selected, it's primarily twofold. A few of your instructors at basic put good marks down for you, saying you had potential." He paused, considering that. "However, potential is only that, nothing more. The squad was put together considering skills and experience. We wanted at least two recruits in the squad, as a chance for them to train up. Due to your marked potential, you were one of them. Understand everything so far?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

An organized group? That could only mean one of two things: Angry natives or bandits. The first group seemed the least likely. The natives would not be as neat or precise. That left bandits. This caused a bit of the color to leave Lynn, as she was scared to death of bandits. Her fears however were put aside temporarily as the subject of her selection came up. Seems she was putting in more effort then she thought, if they marked her so high. At least she was given a unique opportunity.

"I see. Well I guess I can't turn away such an opportunity. I will make sure their faith is well placed. Continue. Is there anything else I need to know?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Rickter nods, giving her a small smile. "Good. For what you need to know? Just that you needn't be so afraid." Lynn might have been surprised at what he said, but considering it she'd probably given at least a few outward signs of her fear. A man such as the commander could probably easily pick up on it. "You'll be with a talented team and I have faith in your abilities. You shouldn't be attacked in this investigation mission, but if you are simply believe in yourself and your squad-mates. You'll get out of trouble just fine."

He reaches under his desk, taking a small pouch from it. "This is supply pay, make sure to head to the quartermaster's and supply yourself. You'll be leaving when mid-morning, when the day is just getting started for the common folks."

Lynn would find the pouch full of Klerfs, the trade coin that had been implemented recently among Jermalia. Slipping the coins in it with her own coins she had a fairly reasonable purse.

Stat Block
Kfs: 50
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Any fear and apprehensions left Lynn as she listened to her superior. The Commander was a wise man who had seen dozens of battles and dozens of soldiers walk through his tent. Each one must have shown a similar amount of fear at one point. Held the same doubts or questions. And he was there to clear them. Letting him finished, she spat out what could be considered a response. "Y...Yes sir! I'll do just that. I can't let my squad down and they won't let me down! And thank you for the vote of confidence. Hearing that really helps."

With that she shot up from her seat as Rickter took out the small bag of Klerfs. She took the bag almost immediately as he explained the purpose of the coins and the departure time. "Understood sir! I appreciate all the help!" With that, she gave one more salute before she was dismissed.

Leaving the commanders tent, she was filled with a renewed confidence about the mission. She couldn't believe how quickly her mood turned around. Making her way to the quartermaster's, she greeted the attendant that was on duty before looking at what they had to offer.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Rickter seem pleased as the fear washed away from Lynn. "Good! Glad to hear it. Now, dismissed." And with those words Lynn was out the door like a rocket. On her way to the quartermaster's she passed by the training grounds again, the guys she had called out to earlier waving to her. Of course, she was busy right now, no real time to train. Maybe there might be time after, but certainly not now.

She opened the door to the Quartermaster's tent, the front of it was a desk with a young man sitting at it. His head had a short cropped top of dirty blonde hair, and he was busy pouring over paper. Lynn knew his name was Jim, currently the apprentice at the inventory. She gave him a short wave making her way in back.

She knew first off that she'd probably need to get some rest kits. The kits were one of the better things the army had put together, having common herbs and bandages, allowing for the healing of minor scrapes and bruises, so that infantry could stay on the field longer, assuming no big injury, of course. Aside from that she might be able to pick up interesting things.

An elderly man sits behind another desk in this back room. He gives a short smile to Lynn. "Morning Lynn, how can this old Quartermaster help you today?" Alfred gave a smile, the soft gentle type only an old person really can. Lynn knew he'd been a veteran of the army for quite a while, and he'd had a knack for learning names of the recruits.

Of course Lynn also spotted on the desk a list of available items and prices, making it quite simple for her to order what she needed.
Item			Klerfs
Rest Kit		2 Kfs
Trail Rations (3 Days)	1 Kf
Armor Repair Kit	3 Kf
Whetstone		2 Kf
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn knew she was disappointing the boys around the training grounds by turning them down for a quick spar, but she'd be back. That's what she told herself as she entered the Quartermaster tent. She gave a smile and a short wave to Jim, who seemed more then a little busy at the moment. Alfred always did work him hard, but it was only to ensure that he ran the place right when he retired.

Being greeted by the old man himself, Lynn gave him a smile as well and a greeting in kind. "Good morning Alfred. I was hoping you could help prepare me for a mission. Commander has me joining a task force to investigate the disappearances. I figure about...3 rest kits, 3 trail rations, a pair of armor repair kits and a pair of whetstones will do the trick. Unless you think that's a bit much. This is my first mission and all...so I have no idea what to bring. Figure I'd ask you. The last bit was spoken with a bit of uncertainty, as Lynn really had no idea how to go about this. But Alfred had always helped her before, and she figured now would be no different.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Alfred gave a bit of thought over her decisions, He nodded a bit. "I don't think you'll need as many trail rations, but extra is good. You could probably handle an extra rest kit or two, they don't go bad."

As he spoke he went about in the back, starting to gather the things she wanted. He took a receipt slip and made a list of what she'd gotten, indicating their cost and the total overall. "Anything else, Lynn?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"All right. I'll take a couple extra then just to be safe." She replied as the man gathered the items. She then took a look at the receipt slip and saw the final item count. In total, she had 5 rest kits, 3 packs of trail rations and the armor repair kits and whetstones. That brought the cost of the entire trip to about...23 Klerfs total. She fished the amount out of the bag and placed the coins on the counter, waiting for Alfred to finish gathering everything.

Once Alfred finishes gathering the items, Lynn made a mental note to finally stop by the training grounds. Part of her was curious as to just why they wanted her to join them so badly. Whatever the reason, she felt bad for making them wait so long and felt she at least owed them one match.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Alfred nods, collecting the final things and setting them out for Lynn. "I heard you got a special mission, you be careful out there now." He collects the coins from her, slipping them into a bag. He attaches the receipt to it and places it inside a locking desk drawer.

Lynn makes her way back out the tent, Jim seems to have disappeared, probably taking a break to go have breakfast. She looked at the sky, noting the sun. It had burned away most of the morning mist by now, and she was probably all set to go wait for the rest of her new squad. Aside from that she might have enough time for a training spar, or to relax in the rec tend before she left.
Stat Block
Kfs: 27
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn took the items from Alfred, giving him a smile and a confirming nod." I will Alfred. And thank you for the help!" she left the tent in a surprising amount of haste. She was disappointed to see Jim was gone, as she wanted to tell him good-bye before she left for the mission.

Once outside, she was surprised to see how quickly the morning had progressed. Any trace of the morning fog was gone and the sun was getting higher in the sky. The mornings in this new land were always pretty and Lynn couldn't help but admire them. Her thoughts stayed on this for a few moments before she remembered the boys at the training ground. "I promised them a fight, so I'm gonna give it to them!" Was all she could muster as she made haste to the training grounds, where they still seemed to be hard at work. She greeted the company with her usual smile. "Told you guys I'd be back. Whose up for a spar or two?"