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Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn's night proved to be quieter than she might have thought, given the day before it just her recent luck. Amy seemed to have fallen asleep the moment her head hit the pillow, and the rest of the camp was quiet as the recruit made her way to the showers. The night was dark but camp was decently lit. Still the shadows that torches cast were spooky. The soft crackling of the torches filled the air as she made her way to the shower, giving a subtle ambiance to the camp. The showers themselves were also empty, not to unexpected, given the time of day. Lynn found her shower to be quite relaxing, leaving her refreshed as she headed back to her tent. She got herself changed and laid down. Tomorrow would probably be busy, but at least she was in a good shape to tackle it.

When she awoke though she was not Lynn the army recruit. She was instead back to her normal self, sitting inside the EGG back in the real world. She had a slight headache as her brain reconciled the memories. She knew she had been Lynn the recruit, and the memories from her day in the world were there, but she was now aware it was a game, a virtual reality.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Having seen her friend off and grabbing the appropriate articles for her shower, the young recruit was quick to make her way across the darkened camp. The torches dotted the camp, leaving an eerie shadow all over the camp. What made the scene even creepier was the silence of the camp, the only noise being the crackle of the torches. While she wished she could sit and enjoy the silence, she did have a deadline to keep. Heading to the empty showers, the young soldier quickly disrobed, turned the water on and stepped in, letting the stresses from the day wash away. She quickly dressed and returned to her tent, and changed into her night clothes, a simple while shirt and plain pair of panties. She climbed into bed and dozed off to sleep, eager to see what the morning would bring.

But instead of waking up to the familiar camp surroundings, Lynn found herself back to her original self. In the real world. Her head was throbbing from the experience, something the athletic girl was not use to. The memories from the EGG session came flowing back and her entire day as the army recruit came to the front. The experience...it seemed so real. Real danger. Real risk. She had come so close to death that it somewhat scared her. Would all the sessions be like that? Would this game only get more dangerous as she went on? A million questions filled her head ass he sat in the chamber, waiting for the man from before to retrieve her.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn would find that although her head throbbed a little, it seemed to subside pretty quickly. It was a huge confusing mess at first, but after a few moments of thought it felt pretty clear, almost intuitive. The door to her chamber opened and she saw around the room. There actually wasn't anyone in it at this moment. Though as she started to climb out of the EGG that changed. Rick, the guy from earlier, had returned. He blinked a bit as he saw her leaving the EGG, then checked his watch. "Oh wow, time flies, huh?" He motioned for her to have a seat as he set down his coffee. "Alright, though you don't have to take part, we do like to ask testers a few questions after the first session. Are you up for talking a bit about your thoughts?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Climbing out, she'd see that Rick guy from before greeting her. Still as hairy as ever it seems. Not that she really cared. A couple of her male friends decided that beards would be attractive at one point and let them get awfully thick. But that wasn't important right now. Lynn would take the offered seat. She needed to take a breather from all that and collect her thoughts. Answering a few questions wouldn't be that bad. "Go right ahead. Sure was alot to process and I want to clear my head a little."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Rick nods a bit, seemingly in understanding. It's probably a safe bet to say that he'd seen his fair share of people after their first session, and from the way he was acting, she wasn't the only one who had been overwhelmed by it. "Go right ahead, take all the time you need. Honestly the questions are pretty open ended, they're designed to help you process everything that happened."

He takes out a small clipboard, looking over it briefly. "Alright, so it first comes up to that we'd ask you to summarize the part of the session that stood out the most to you, what do you remember the most vividly?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"Well, I guess if I had to pick any one thing, well two things I guess, it was the fighting...and the fear I felt while doing it. It felt like I was in complete and total control of my every movement. Nothing about it felt artificial in the slightest. Each blow, each cut, each bruise felt...felt so real. But to compound that, the fear I felt was...was something else. While playing as my character, all her fears were mine. The fear of death was always there, hanging over my head but what was worse then that was the fear I felt when fighting those bandit enemies. The fear of being kidnapped or taken prisoner was surprising. I never thought I would fear a common thug so much in my life. A guy like that comes up to me in the real world, I'd cave his skull in with my boot. But in the game, I had completely forgotten that and I was just as afraid as she was, even if only for a while." She answered honestly, if not a little wordy to boot. If nothing else, she was eager to see just how many other new fears she would pick up as time went by. Always good to have something to overcome.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Rick nods a bit as he reviews something on the clipboard. "Alright, makes sense. Well, if it helps, you selected hardcore mode...which well, as it implies, is well, hardcore. Normally you would be aware it's a game and that you're playing your character, but you are right about pretty much being in total control. There's a few things which have numbers in the system behind it, but most of the fighting is based on how well you actually try to fight. Even though you've found these new fears, do you find that you want to continue your game?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"To be honest...Yes. I want to go back in. No matter how hard it gets, no matter how many enemies I face, and no matter how many fears I have to overcome, I want to keep going. I mean...how much worse could it possibly get?" She spoke with a great of swagger and confidence, no doubt seeming a bit odd to man. But she always loved a challenge. It was how she was raised
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Rick pauses a few moments, thinking about what the girl had said. He smiles and chuckles after a few moments. "Alright then. Well, you're all set to go in whenever you'd like to continue. I'd suggest stopping by the cafe to grab lunch first, but that's just my thought. Otherwise you can go ahead and continue."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"Oh, food sounds fantastic. Grab myself a nice sandwich or something. Please excuse me." Not wasting any time, the army brat was out of her seat and in the hall, asking the nearest person where the cafe was, heading in whatever direction she was given. Once there she would grab her self a light lunch composing of a toasted sandwich, a soda and a bag of corn chips. Yeah, she did spoil herself from time to time. Even fit people needed to indulge in something different every now and again. She ate quickly and returned to the test room, no 45 minutes after she left. She'd eagerly climb back in to the open pod and wait for the next session to begin.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn enjoyed her short lunch. It was pretty tasty, considering it was cafeteria food. Regardless of it's origin, she felt energized and ready to jump right back into the game. A short menu screen later has her going through the transition that she remembered from the first time. Though this time she was more prepared for it, taking in the sight of the world forming around her. She almost felt it as the turning point for her memories arrived.


Lynn yawned quite a bit as she woke up. She was still tired, but she knew she had to get up early. She wasn't sure why, but she had the feeling important things were happening today. She looked around, and saw that Amy was also dragging herself out of bed. The strawberry haired girl rubbed her eyes, before smiling and giving a short wave to Lynn. It was still early, but she had to get ready, getting up, changing into her uniform, making sure everything was tightened properly. She was set again to special assignment for the day. A three day block had been assigned. They obviously didn't know what the results of the original mission were going to be, but they had scheduled her to be ready for a follow up mission the day after, if need be. There was still time before she had to report, so the camp could always be explored as usual.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Taking her seat in the cozy little pod, Lynn took a deep breath as she went through the motions from the first time. She closed her eyes and allowed the transition to take place. Once more into the breach, as they say.


Tossing and turning in her bed, Lynn would wake up with a start. Heaven's above was that a weird dream. As she was collecting herself, the recruit let out a sizable yawn, stretching her arms at the same time. Today promised to be interesting given the developments yesterday. As she dragged herself out of bed, she saw Amy doing much the same. Seems she needed to be up for something too. Most likely morning patrol, which they always saddled on the new people. Lynn returned the wave from her fellow recruit before putting on her uniform, quickly changing from her night clothes.

She took the extra few minutes to make sure everything was fitted right and that her supplies were all in order. She was going to need every last one. She once again had to report to the higher ups and she had to be prepared for the follow up to yesterdays. It was standard policy for the higher ups to plan a second mission if the first one is successful Given her little find yesterday, that meant they needed to look deeper, meaning Lynn was back on the job for however long they needed her. Whether she like it or not, she was a key component in this mission, or at least she thought she was. Either way, she had time to burn. Well, now would be as good a time as any to eat. She wasn't sure if the mess tent was open this early, but she could hope.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The mess tent was open, much to Lynn's pleasant surprise. She knew that Gunther was really not a morning person, but every once and a while he'd manage to get himself up early enough to have a prepared breakfast for the rest of the early birds in camp. She was still pretty early, so the mess tent was actually empty, aside from the cook himself. He gave her a friendly wave and a smile when she entered, but otherwise stayed quiet and focused on his work.

The selection was limited, but it was all tasty. After settling on a few slices of toast and some eggs, she figured it was time to report to Commander Rickter. She arrives at his tent, having to wait a few moments for the man to be ready. Doesn't take too long before she's in his office, before the man. He looks up at her with a soft smile. "Good morning Recruit. Ready for the challenges of the day?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Well, seems the day was full of surprises as she found Gunther busy at work as always. If nothing else, he was diligent. And it seemed her being early had it's benefits as well, as she had the pick of the food. Finding the best slices of toast and serving of eggs, she enjoyed as hearty as a meal as one could this early in the morning. Once finished, she waved good bye to Gunther and proceeded to the Commanders tent, knowing full well that she had to report for the follow up mission

The trip was thankfully short as Lynn arrived at the tent. After waiting a few minutes, she was allowed to enter, giving her superior a proper salute as per usual. "Ready as I'll ever be sir. What do you have for me today?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The commander nodded, pleased with her answer. "Good. Well, I must admit I was unsure what our mission would be today. I don't want to send off another group of soldiers into the unknown until we can find out what happened to the three from yesterday..." He gave a sigh. "Regardless, we received reports the other day of some strange lights on the outside of the camp. We want you to look into it. We'll be sending Mykal along in a few hours to collect your report if you're still investigating." Paused a moment so that she could take what he said in. "Any questions?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Seems the higher ups weren't quite prepared to send anyone else out. And from the sounds of it, the men from the mission yesterday had failed to return, only making her worry more. 2 of them were highly experienced soldiers and they somehow went missing? She didn't want to pry at the issue and she could only hope for the best. But it seemed like the lights from last were now the topic of the day and she and Mykal were going to investigate. Or more accurately, Lynn was going to to investigate and Mykal was going to follow up some time later. Well, it was time for her first solo mission. Time to show what she was made of. "Only one sir. Have those three really not come back? They had some experienced people in their team. Shouldn't we be looking for them? It'd be a big loss to lose such capable men."
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The commander frowned. It seemed he was thinking over what she said. Though Lynn got the feeling he wanted her to leave, he did not dismiss her, so she had to wait to see what the man would say. The time passed in utter silence. He finally looked at her as he spoke. "...Dismissed."

For a moment it had looked like the commander was actually going to answer her question, but it seems he had decided to be tight lipped. There wasn't really much she could do, the commander did not have a reputation for hiding things, so it must be important, whatever it was.

More than a little dejected, Lynn set out from the commanders tent, heading back into the base camp. She could head straight for the mission sight, but there was probably time to visit a couple places around the camp if she so had a desire to do so.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn was more then a little upset that she wasn't able to get a straight answer out of her superior, but at this point, it was something she would have to get used to. Especially if she planned on staying a soldier for as long as she hoped. With little else to say to her downtrodden officer, Lynn quickly left the tent. With time to burn before the mission, Lynn made her way to the front of camp. She did a last minute inventory check, to make sure she didn't forget anything. Weapon? Check. Shield? Check. Bag with rations and emergency supplies? Check. She kept making the mental check list, making totally sure she was ready. Should anyone approach her in this state, she would address them. If no one showed up though, she would make her way to the meeting spot, not wanting to delay the investigation.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn went over her pack. In some way, she might have just been trying to distract herself. She couldn't help but ponder why she hadn't been told what was going on. Regardless, she had her mission to complete. Confirming her inventory was all in place, she set her pack straight as she got ready to leave camp. She took a moment to look around, and smiled slightly as she looked out. Regardless of the problems, she was in a new world, helping to explore and tame it so that the people back home could have more room to live.

She saw a few people wave at her, but no one came up to approach her. Time to set off then.

Lynn made her way to the location she had noticed last night, but had abandoned. It looked like it was in a valley of sorts, so she had to make her way down from the top of a hill. A couple of trees, long grass covering the field area on the center. Lynn couldn't make out a whole lot from her position. She had to move in closer if she wanted to have any chance of finding anything. She made her way down the hill, not looking at her feet quite enough. About halfway down she felt her foot get stuck in something, and before she realized it had been, she'd already lifted it to keep going. Her balance was through off and she tumbled forward, rolling down the hill to the bottom.

Thankfully she kept herself from getting injured, but it was still quite embarrassing.

Stat Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

With her preparations finally complete, Lynn marched out of the camp, only exchanging the occasional greeting with the occasional passer-by. The camp was in full swing at this point and few people were going to pay attention to the bright eyed young recruit who was going on a mission. She was just another soldier doing her job, no one special.

Making her way to the location of the disturbance from last night. She easily could have investigated last night, but her and her friends were too intoxicated to really be of any use. Had it been an enemy, they might have been overpowered in seconds. She peered down into the valley below. "Of course it had to be a valley. Can't have me explore anything safe, now can we?" Lynn muttered under her breath. But she had little time to analyze the environment. She had to climb down the hill. She slowly shuffled down the hill, inching her way down the whole time. Her attention was more focused ahead of her then on her feet, which would end up being her biggest mistake. Her foot was stuck on something and as she lifted it to move forward, she lost her balance, tumbling forward as a result. She rolled down the hill in a rather comical fashion before coming to a stop.

She picked herself up and inspect herself, making sure she was still in one piece. Finding everything was where it should be, she surveyed the surrounding area, seeing if she couldn't spot anything from the get go.