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ADV [Neronite ] milftoon beach

Re: milftoon beach

for those who are stuck
Re: milftoon beach

and a picture
Re: milftoon beach

i've got the pearl from the statue and the ring. I gave them both to the cook. I have the book from the librarian but i am completely stuck. How do i get the third item, or get through the security door???
Re: milftoon beach

what does the save contain btw andreibvb?
Re: milftoon beach

Gonna join to the lazy folks... Send me a pm with link.
Re: milftoon beach

just an random save
i read somewhere about a code try 5656
Re: milftoon beach

Ok, I think I got all the scenes, but this version they released is not complete. I'll try to post a walkthrough here to help you folks.
Re: milftoon beach

Thanks alot ricoz im stuck after getting the wrench again :\
Re: milftoon beach

yay thank you ricoz
it will be usefull when i will have the game
Re: milftoon beach

Here it is, based on what I remember:

- On the Deck, grab the Dog Leash and the Life Buyo. Go right.
- Grab the Newspapper on the background. Go 2 screens left.
- Investigate Mom. Grab the "Perl" on the statue. Go left.
- Investigate Lifeguard. Grab the Weird Object (it's a Ring) near the pool. Go right 2 screens and enter the Lobby.
- Investigate Book Keeper. Go into the Restaurant.
- Go left (same screen) and you'll see a table with a Weird Cream on it. Use it and quickly (there is a time limit) go right (same screen) and use the Statue asshole.


- Get the Credit Card on the fountain and go left (Kitchen).
- Grab the Big Glass on the Sink and the Collar under the Hot Dog Stand. Investigate the Cook and after Talk with the Cook. Give her the Ring, the Pearl and the Credit Card in exchange for 3 Dog Pieces. Go back to the Lobby.
- Give Collar and Newspapper to the Book Keeper. Then grab the Book of Sizan from behind her. Investigate the book and proceed to the Restaurant and the upstairs on the right (Terrace).
- Use the 3 Dog Pieces on the Dickagram and then Use the Book of Sizan. After scene, use Dog Leash on Dog. Go back to Lobby.
- Use Dog on the Book Keeper (1st safe). Use Dog Again.


- Go to the Restaurant and the proceed downstairs (Rooms).
- Use Room - 1 Key on door to get a scene.
- Use Room - 6 Key. Enter into toilet.
- Use the Toilet Seat on the left. Grab the Wrench. Leave.
- Use Room - 5 key. Investigate Key Rack. Then from the inside of the closet, use the Room 5 Door. A scene will happen.
- Get the Grease from the cleaing cart. Talk to the Maid to get Room 3 - Key, then get inside.
- Use the door between rooms to open it, the proceed to Room 4. Use the door again to close it and then use the Key Lock.


**obs: From now on, everytime you Use the Maid you will get a BJ [SCENE]. Doesn't add nothing though.

Re: milftoon beach

i would also appreciate if someone could send me a download link please :D
Re: milftoon beach

Continuing (be aware that I am typing based on what I remember, I may slip something)...

- Go back to Room 3 and use the Wardrobe key (2nd safe) and get the Binnoculars. Go back to the Kitchen.
- Investigate the Weird Numbers now clean toilet. Go to the Terrace and then upstairs to the Control Room Entrance.
- Use the Weird Math on the Panel to open the door. Proceed there twice (you'll be kicked both time) to get a scene. After that go all the way back to the Deck.
- Talk to the Lifeguard to get the Engine Room key. Go back to the Rooms and all way left to the Engine Room.
- Use the red lever only. Go all the way left and investigate the keypad (3rd safe) to get the 4-Digit-Code. Grab the Hammer. Use the Hammer on the Binnocular to get the Broken Binnocular. Go back to the Lobby.
- Use the PC. Use the 4-Digit-Code on the Ship Management Icon. Turn the GPS ON and the Engine OFF. You should get a scene. Go all the way to the Control Room now.
- Captain is no longer there. Grab the Grease from the cleanig cart (you should have 2 by now). Go to the Engine Room.
- Talk with the Captain there, the go to Room 2. Dad and Aunty should have stopped havig sex by now. Use the Wardrobe in Room 1 (4th Safe) to get the Love Letters. Go back to the Deck.
- Give Love Letters to Mom. A scene will happen. Go back to Room 2.


- Go to the Engine Room. Dad should be there and a Tool Box should have appeared. Use it to get the Screwdriver. Investigate the Box.
- Time to fix the Filter. Use the Screwdriver on the bolts below. Turn Off the valve. Use the Hammer on the Filter and the Wrench on the Boken Pipe Connectors. Replace the with the Broken Binnocular and use the both Greases on it. Turn On the valve. Done. Go back to the Deck.
- Talk with the LifeGuard. Then Use the LIfe Buyo on her.


- You will get the Room 7 Key. Go there.
- Get the Magazine on the bottom left. Use it to get the Magnet. Then use the Wardrobe on the Right. Proceed to use the "Use" command on the top shelf Captain Uniform to reveal a Camera. Grab it and go to Room 6.
- Use the Magnet on the Lock System. Grab the Documents and the Hat. Leave.

** Now you must take 3 picture of evidences of bodies. They are the skelleton with dildo on the Deck, the Dead Body on the Control Room and the Dead Captain on the Toilet.**

-Lots of scenes coming now. Go to the Kitchen and use the Document on the Cook.


- You'll get the Notes. Go to Room 7 and use the Notes on the Voice-Com to open the other Wardrobe, revealing the secret room. Nothing to do there now. Go to room 3.
- Use the Hat on Sis.


**Maid scene will be unavailable from now on.**

- Go to room 2. Talk with Aunty. Give her Big Glass.


- use the green luggage to get Pliers. Use it on the Wardrobe key to get the Weird Key.

And that's it. That key was suppose to do something in the Broken Cabinet, but not on this version. They will release afterwards a ending for the game.
Re: milftoon beach

can someone send me the link for mp?
Re: milftoon beach

can someone send pm me the link to
Re: milftoon beach

I was thinking about buying it but the site says that the payment is recurring so now I'm not too sure.
Re: milftoon beach

I would appreciate a link too, pretty please.