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ADV [Neronite ] milftoon beach

Re: milftoon beach

Supposedly there is some kind of twist at the end of this chapter. Anyone want to post it?

If you want to know what it is but you can't figure it out, just post a save up to the new content and I will go through it and post a walkthrough.
Re: milftoon beach

So, does anybody have a working link for the latest version?
it would be really appreciated
Re: milftoon beach

Here Some Information From Official Forums :) ---->

I would like to make it clear that now that Version 3 is about to finish, there will be a continuation on the updates and game planning with the announcement of Version 4 of the Game.

Part 3 is starting to get too BIG and each update is making it harder for us to incorporate all the changes which will allow a new member/player to start from the beginning of the game without any trouble. For this exact reason , we are breaking the game for the next version so it will be called V4

The newer version will have an amazing new feature which will allow dialog selection as well

This means that when you will talk with a NPC (Non Playing Character) the hero will be given a set of options on what to say.
For example when you try to talk with someone it will give you a menu and ask

1. Greetings! How are you honey?
2. What are you doing here?

each of these options may also have tree-like features. For example Option one may lead to another option etc

This will greatly increase the fun in the game as instead of having only one dialog option , the character will have many. Since this feature will look...weird , if we start using it version 3 , it will only be added in version 4.

The current version 3 had a small delay because of all these features that we are trying to add as well as the addition of a new Character. The new character will be a forgotten member of the familia since from the feedback that we have received from our members, is mostly that they are enjoying the game BUT it lacks the *spark* of the first part. Version 4 will try to restore that spark back as you will soon discover at the ending of Version 3.

If you want something to be added in V4 , now is your chance to email your ideas at [email protected]
Re: milftoon beach

Could I also get a PM of the newest link? May as well see what they got before they really break the game all to hell with V4.
Re: milftoon beach

So, here is a Walkthrough (I may have missed something, if I did, feel free to correct me :)) for the last part of Milftoon Beach V3. I'm uploading a save for anyone who needs it because the game is so buggy at this point, that saves from previous versions rarely work (mine did not work, so I re-played the whole part 3, save is just after Sis and Father go for it:)).

Milftoon Beach v3.99 Walkthrough

Items you must have in inventory: Modified Scissors, Kitchen Knife, Key, Wrench, Old Drill Charged, Syringe, Small Glass, Milk Opened, Book of Sizan, Sawing Needle, Mobile Phone, Pregnancy Test, Batteries, Complementary Pen, Business Cards, Oil Cover, Swimsuit.

If you are using my save, you have all items lised above

-Go Out -> Go to Left Path -> Go to Milfs-R-Us -> Talk with Cook -> Go to Screenings (Back Room) ->Talk with Mom -> Go Left and Talk with Christine -> Give Swimsuit to Christine
-Use Batteries on Pregnancy Test -> Give Charged Pregnancy Test to Mom (She tells you there is a safe, behind a painting and you need to find the Combination)
-Go Home -> Go in Bathroom -> Get Combination in front of Toilet
-Go to Milfs - R - Us ->Go to Screenings -> Use Combination on Canvas behind Mom -> Get Certificate -> Use Certificate on Christine
-The End for Version 3 :)

..::Edit 2::..
I recieved a takedown notice from Mega, apparently the save has been deleted due to a copyright claim. If you really need it, contact me via PM.
Last edited:
Re: milftoon beach

This is the final version 3, the game will continue in version 4 as far as I know (I dont know if previous parts will be included in the new game).

Version 1 is the beach

Version 2 is the ship

Version 3 is the hometown.

What next in season 4 ? The school ?
Re: milftoon beach

@ arisato minato

If you play v3.99 to the end, you might get an idea where the next adventure will be. I suspect it will be in...
the mental institution, since at the end of the game, your brother threthens to send you there and lock you up
Re: milftoon beach

Anyone happens to have a working link to the latest version that could send me?

Please ;-;
Re: milftoon beach

Anyone willing to share a working link of the latest version please? :)
Re: milftoon beach

I would like to make it clear that now that Version 3 is about to finish, there will be a continuation on the updates and game planning with the announcement of Version 4 of the Game.

Part 3 is starting to get too BIG and each update is making it harder for us to incorporate all the changes which will allow a new member/player to start from the beginning of the game without any trouble. For this exact reason , we are breaking the game for the next version so it will be called V4

The newer version will have an amazing new feature which will allow dialog selection as well

This means that when you will talk with a NPC (Non Playing Character) the hero will be given a set of options on what to say.
For example when you try to talk with someone it will give you a menu and ask

1. Greetings! How are you honey?
2. What are you doing here?

each of these options may also have tree-like features. For example Option one may lead to another option etc

This will greatly increase the fun in the game as instead of having only one dialog option , the character will have many. Since this feature will look...weird , if we start using it version 3 , it will only be added in version 4.

The current version 3 had a small delay because of all these features that we are trying to add as well as the addition of a new Character. The new character will be a forgotten member of the familia since from the feedback that we have received from our members, is mostly that they are enjoying the game BUT it lacks the *spark* of the first part. Version 4 will try to restore that spark back as you will soon discover at the ending of Version 3.

If you want something to be added in V4 , now is your chance to email your ideas at [email protected]
Re: milftoon beach

Where can i find the Batteries ??

The batteries you get, when you are playing as your sister and give the pregnancy test to your Mom in the kitchen at your house. If you are past the point when you can switch between main character and his sister, you can't get them.