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Civilian Game, Drunkman™ Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
Reputation score
Flames coated the sky, turning the once beautiful blue sunlit day into a reddish glow. The noon sun was beating down onto the village even as screams of pain.. Screams of terror came from the city located in Badarian on the borders of Croalia, so temptingly close to the orcs to invade. There were three unique individuals through who were not in town as this invasion happened.. But these three were all out of the town for reasons known to them. Still their town, the ones that each had come to reside in for different reasons, was now burning with orcs rampaging through. They were actively destroying the town itself! An unusual occurrence for the orcs especially with how the orcs had captured the elven towns and used them for their own.

For one of these three unique individuals, one was waking up lying in a furrow in the ground outside of the town. A pounding headache was coursing inside of Drunkman (TM) head even as he heard the raucous calls being shouted across the air. His hangover headache increased more so, especially when his bleary eyes saw an orc running towards him, a club raised to bash his head in. Luckily for Drunkman (TM) , he was used to things like this and only felt a bigger bump on his noggin. Now Drunkman (TM) could feel his pounding headache along with that bruising of a club to his forehead. He wasn't unconscious and that orc, figuring that one good blow to his noggin must have knocked him unconscious had moved onwards.

For Henrietta and Amelia, the day had been going well. These two girls had met up outside of town, one to pick flowers, and the other rounding up sheep and bringing them closer to town to get their fluff shaved and sold for money. While for the other who was picking flowers, it had become a competition of a sorts for Henrietta versus Amelia's sheep. To see if the red clothed girl could pick the succulent flowers quicker before the sheep ate them. But during the course of the day, they had found a man lying in a furrow of the ground, looking like a serious drunk if by the empty bottles of rum and whiskey by him signified anything. What a drunk was doing out here would never be known. But the time they had found him, it was at noon time. Having moved a bit away from him, and seeing that it was lunch time it would be a possibly great time to head back to town for both girls. One with her bounty of flowers, the other with her grazing sheep and their fluffy exteriors. But the duo heard a terrifying noise!

Sheeps! An slaves!” Screamed a green tinted muscular orc! He held a shield on one arm and a thick looking club in the other. This call had the unfortunate affect of waking the sleeping man in the furrow, the first one to be targeted by the orc as he slammed his club into the Drunkman (TM). The two girls were both in sight of the orc and Amelia could hear her sheep scattering from the screaming Orc. He had come from the direction of the town and the duo now noticed black smoke coming from where he appeared.

(Ignoring any reasons as to why they didn't notice before consider it being blocked by trees and them thinking it was smelters from the factories. But there is a ton more smoke then usual and not all of it is white.

Drunkman (TM) is laying in a furrow with a half empty bottle of whiskey along with his supplies on his belt and back. The orc is behind him and 20 feet from the girls.
Amelia is close to Henrietta and is 20 feet from the orc and Drunkman (TM).
Henrietta is standing close by to Amelia with a wicket basket full of flowers freshly plucked.

GM Cheat Sheets for the trio
Henrietta Brown
Body: 16 Mind: 12 Spirit: 22
HP: 33 PP: 51 EP: 66
Speed: 13 Dodge: 35 Av: 1 Resistance: 19 Perception: 23 Stealth: 13 Grapple:16

Unarmed Attack 2d4 + 4 dmg
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 16
Strong Willed: +12 To Resisting Mind Control (Charmed, Horny, Dominated)
Status: As Fine as She can be in these circumstances

Amelia Sheppard
Body: 24 Mind: 14 Spirit: 12
HP: 57 PP: 32 EP: 31 EP Ceiling: 6
Speed: 23 Dodge: 25 Armor: 6 Resistance: 20 Perception: 23 Stealth: 15 Grapple: 36

Sheep Cane Attack 4d5 - 4 + 12
Unarmed Attack 2d4 + 6
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 24
Status: As Fine as she can be in these circumstances

Thulmer Drunkman (TM)
Body: 22 Mind: 12 Spirit: 16
HP: 50 PP: 31 EP: 63 EP Ceiling: 12
Speed: 7 Dodge: 25 Armor: 11 Resistance: 11 Perception: 15 Stealth: 15 Grapple: 22

Flask/Bottles of Liquor Attack 2d4 + 2 + 11
Unarmed Attack (Superior) 1d8 + 2 + 11
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 22
Status: Drunk (Duh Not like an apocalypse is gonna keep you from this)
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Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

The day started off simple enough for the shepherdess. Keep a watch on the flock, let them graze for a few hours, make sure they don't run away or get out of sight. Heck, Amelia even got a chance to talk to the flower girl Henrietta. She was nice enough, always had a smile on her face and was always working hard. The pair got along well enough but Henrietta did have the occasional complaint about her sheep, munching on some of her flowers. The day had progressed simply enough with the two finding the drunken excuse for a sailor. Man had been in town for some time and he contributed nothing, save for a foul odor empty bottles.

But things grew from bad to worse when the orc arrived and the fires filled the sky. The town was ablaze! Gods above the town was burning! Catching sight of the green bastard, Amelia stepped forward slightly, speaking to the flower girl. "Just stay back. I'll take care of this. Smelly green skin won't know what hit him!" Holding her cane like a spear, she made a run at the orc, taking a swing at the monster. No way in hell was he going to get the better of them today! No way!"
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Thulmer was just getting up as the Orc came along, his blurred vision barely making out that he wasn't quite human. It was quite a surprise when he felt the club swat across his face, and he wasn't very happy about it at all. Without even knowing what exactly was going on, he was up on his feet, looking around for the strange green man in a daze, just in time to hear the Shepard girl yelling something. He strained his eyes a bit, before taking a quick swig of the flask he had in his hand, then tucking it back into his sash. His sight started clearing up as the alcohol took to his system. Noticing that the Orc had a club, he put two and two together and got four.

Thulmer really didn't have much to look forward to during his days, what he really appreciated was sleep, rest, relaxation, and his drink. And he absolutely hated it when any of those things were interrupted. With that in mind, he brushed off his shoulder and started limping towards the Orc with a scowl painted on his face, blood dripping from the scrape the club left on him. He tapped the Orc's shoulder, before throwing a slightly wide and somewhat reckless swing right at the back of it's head, with a growl of contempt.

Drunkman™ activates Spirit Warrior, spending 5 EP to increase his Attack Roll by 2*5, and 5 EP to increase his damage by 2*5. Then he tries to deck green-face in his ugly gob, aye?
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Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

The collection of wild flowers was a regular activity for Henrietta. Some were plentiful enough that there was no point growing them at the shop, and other rarer ones simply refused to thrive within the city walls. It didn't help that the sheep and goats around here liked to eat some of the ones more valuable to her, but there was really no helping that. She had always thought that a Shepards work looked agreable enough, but didn't really have a clue how to look after animals herself. Plus the idea of potentially fending off wolves and standing out long hours in the rain didn't appeal to her much.

The strange smell was the first thing that she noticed to seem amiss. There was always smoke coming from the town, but this was different. The town was on fire!? Her hand goes to her mouth as Henrietta gasps in horror taking in the scene. And what was that noise alongside the panic? It almost sounded like...

And then the orcish voice screamed out at them both from one side. A brutish green tinted and wild looking man like she'd never seen before, but only heard vague rumours of. And he was certainly not friendly. Henrietta was more than ready to try running, even if she was by no means certain of which was the best direction. She was naturally surprised when instead of moving to join her in fleeing, Amelia the shepard girl choose to raise her staff and actually charge to meet the creature head on. And with quite some confidence too.

"Hey-w-what... uh!?" She stammers as she watches Amelia break to attack in shock. In the fluster of the moment she could only think the other girl mad, but wasn't going to just run and abandon her here. Quickly doing her best to compose herself she drops her basket and makes to chase the valiant shepard and assist in whatever way she could. Whether warning of blows, distracting the orc, or simply pulling the girl out of harms way for a second. As she did so she also noticed the elderly drunk getting up and heading over from behind too. Would he be able to help perhaps? It was hard to tell. A sudden surge of both fear and adrenaline colouring everything.

Follow Amelia to stand roughly beside and behind her, using defensive fighting to trade 16 points from Hettie's attack and adding 16 points to Amelia's dodge.
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Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

The Drunkman (TM), pulled himself up out of the dip in the land called a ditch, taking a swig from his flask he would put it back to his belt like he was just wandering around town, taking sips. But instead of wandering off, he approached the green skin dude. This green skin mothafucker had clubbed him in the head. Like a baby seal walking into a bar. He was gonna punch this person to hell and back. For Drunkman (TM) he stumbled, hobbling over to the green skin piece of shit, tapped it on the shoulder and punched it!

For the orc fighter, his leering grin at the two girls, especially when the girl with the crappy stick charged him! The orc fighter laughed! “Puny humans! Going to smack me with weak wood? That is just-” Only to be interrupted by a tapping his shoulder. The orc fighter eyes widened but before he could turn, he got punched in the back of the head by Drunkman (TM). The charging Shepard girl, called Amelia the Glorious Sheppard, charged the staggered orc as quickly as she could with her new friendly friend flower girl following behind her to help her out!

Sadly for the glorious Sheppard, her swinging cane missed disastrously even as Henrietta yelled at the orc, to distract the green mean fighting baa-chine. “You! Pay!” Scream the orc in rage at the distracting Sheppard girl, his club arcing through the air, ignoring the distracting flower girl and Drunkman (TM) sucker punch! As his club slammed right into the Sheppard girls stomach! The blow knocking all the air out of her! (-Optional- The blow hit her smack on the bladder causing her to piss herself! -Dark Optional- She has a lot of piss stored up causing a humiliating flood of it down her thighs and onto the ground.) (Note Optional s can be picked or chosen. Or leave them up for chance. If leaving them up for chance, roll a 1d3. 1 = No optional taken. 2 = Optional taken. 3 = Dark Optional Taken. Please note you can completely ignore this optional taking. (This optional is only for Amelia.) (*Credited to Hafnium who I am also GMing for. Thanks fr the table ^^; )

Combat Log
Does Drunkman Realize he is Smacking an Orc?
7 + 13 = 20 vs 25 (Nope.)

Drunkman (TM)
Attack Roll: 1 + 22 + 10 + 2 = 35 vs 33 (Barely)
(Bonuses Spirited Warrior +10, Being Drunk +2)
Damage Roll: 11 + 11 + 2 + 2 = 26 - 9 = 15 Damage

Amelia Sheppard
Attack Roll: 5 + 24 = 29 vs 33 (Misses)

Orc Fightah - Attacks Amelia
Attack Roll: 1 + 30 + 18 = 49 vs 41 = 16 + 25
(Weapon Focus + 6 Skill with Weapon +12)
Damage Roll: 2 + 2 + 6 + 15 = 25 - 6 = 19

Amelia takes 19 Damage
Orc Fightah take 15 Damage
Drunkman (TM) Used up 10 EP
Gm Cheat Sheet
Henrietta Brown
Body: 16 Mind: 12 Spirit: 22
HP: 33/33 PP: 0/51 EP: 66/66
Speed: 13 Dodge: 35 Av: 1 Resistance: 19 Perception: 23 Stealth: 13 Grapple:16

Unarmed Attack 2d4 + 4 dmg
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 16
Strong Willed: +12 To Resisting Mind Control (Charmed, Horny, Dominated)
Status: As Fine as She can be in these circumstances

Amelia Sheppard
Body: 24 Mind: 14 Spirit: 12
HP: 38/57 PP: 0/32 EP: 31/31 EP Ceiling: 6
Speed: 23 Dodge: 25 Armor: 6 Resistance: 20 Perception: 23 Stealth: 15 Grapple: 36

Sheep Cane Attack 4d5 - 4 + 12
Unarmed Attack 2d4 + 6
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 24
Status: As Fine as she can be in these circumstances

Thulmer Drunkman (TM)
Body: 22 Mind: 12 Spirit: 16
HP: 50/50 PP: 0/31 EP: 53/63 EP Ceiling: 12
Speed: 7 Dodge: 25 Armor: 11 Resistance: 11 Perception: 15 Stealth: 15 Grapple: 22

Flask/Bottles of Liquor Attack 2d4 + 2 + 11
Unarmed Attack (Superior) 1d8 + 2 + 11
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 22 + 2
Status: Drunk (Duh Not like an apocalypse is gonna keep you from this)
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Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Thulmer felt his fist clobber the green man in the back of his head, shoving the brute's hard noggin' forward violently and bringing a slight ache on his right hand's knuckles. Fuck! He'd at least expected the bastard to turn around so he could punch the soft side of his head. That was when Thulmer noticed the two girls in front of his antagonist; he was about to yell at them to get out of the way, but before he could say a word a club came crashing into the Shepard girl's lower body.

Thulmer went from angry to furious, it was one thing to pick a fight with an experienced brawler, but a harmless village girl?! "You fucken' dog! I'll WRECK you!" He shouted out, his face blushed a deep red, both from his anger and from the alcohol's influence. He grabbed the Orc's shoulder with his left hand and threw his other arm back, jumping up with his good leg to get his elbow in the air proper like, ready to send it crashing down on this blaggard's exposed pip.

Drunkman™ uses Spirited Warrior to pay 6 EP to increase damage by 2*6 and 4 EP to increase his attack roll by 2*4, and also goes for a crashing elbow strike.
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

The blow came as a complete shock to the once confident shepherdess. To think that she could have missed for one and that the beast could have landed such a devastating blow. Heck, even that drunk fool from before managed to slap the orc around a bit, even if he didn't realize who he was actually hitting. The blow from the orc knocked the wind right out of her and sent her stumbling back, almost dropping the staff in the process. She caught herself mid stumble and gritted her teeth, taking a combat stance once again. The girl could not let this beat her though! She had the flower girl to protect! She was going to keep her safe! Thats what a proper guardian would do!

Her thought process was interrupted however by the drunk mans yelling. Seems something had set the old man off. But she had little time to consider just what he was yelling about. She had to fight! That orc wasn't going to beat itself. Gripping her makeshift weapon tight and letting out a yell of frustration, the girl stepped forward again, taking another swing at the green skinned son of a bitch! "You'll wish you invaded a different city, once I'm through with you!"

Amelia takes a second swing at the Orc, hoping to make contact. If miss and opponent misses, take a 5 foot step.
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

"Amelia!" Henrietta cries out in concern seeing the harsh blow knock the shepard back. Henrietta's clumsy attempts at assisting didn't seem to be helping anyone. She had no training or tool on how to block or deflect a heavy club like that. Likewise though she very much doubted that the great brute would even feel or acknowledge her puny punches if she tried to attack herself. But she needed to help somehow! She refused to stand by being useless whilst watching these two get beaten down.

Whilst Amelia was regaining her footing, and the unknown "elderly gentleman" was readying another strike of some kind, Henrietta would leap in and try to grab onto the Orc's club arm before it could be brought round to swing again at either of her comrades. If successful she would latch on as hard as she could and use all her body weight to try and hinder the brute from fighting properly.

Grapple attempt at +19 to grab. (factoring in her 'Lucky' talent.)

She can't actually win any grapple actions even if she wins the grab, but it will take it a turn to get rid of her, and if she can at least make the orc count as being in a grapple, it receives a -10 to it's dodge and attack rolls against anyone not in the grapple. (See the status effects under the rules post if you'd like to see it)
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Henrietta Brown, once a flower civilian girl, still a flower civilian girl, rushed towards the green skin orc with hair! She tried grabbing him but the orc just sidestepped her, easily dodging her clumsy attempt. Through before the orc could retaliate the orc felt something grabbing its shoulder. Henrietta would feel the light being blotted from her eyes as she looked up for in the sky blotting the sun for her was Drunkman™ !! The drunken sailor was grabbing and pulling himself up on the orc's shoulder!

For Drunkman™ who was on the orc's shoulder realized something. This was no green man! This was an orc! But Drunkman™ cared not for such trivial things and brought down his glorious elbow to smash into the orcs head, causing it to bob like he just nodded his head! The orc staggered from the blow allowing the girl from before that had been smacked in the lower stomach regions to charge ahead!

Amelia the glorious Sheppard, watched her new friend and the Drunkman™ fight as she growled as she charged forward to help finish off the orc, her cane arcing through the air and amazingly smashing the orcs nose, breaking his nose and bloodying it terribly as the orc yelled “Nnngh! I kill! I CULL!” As he swung his mace, amazing ignoring Drunkman™ behind him again! And tried to slam it into Henrietta! The flower girl luckily manged to trip and dodged the bruising club strike to her head! Thankfully none of them were hit!

Combat Log
Does Drunkman realize he is pulp dropping the orc?
18 + 13 = 31 vs 25 (Ayup)

Henrietta Grapple Attempt
Accuracy: 1 + 16 + 3 vs 11 + 33 (Fail)
(Grapple, + luck) vs (Dodge)

Drunkman™ Elbow Crush!!
Accuracy: 19 + 22 + 2 + 8 = 51 vs 39 = 6 + 33
(Roll + Body + SPirited Warrior + Drunk)
Damage: 4 + 2 + 11 + 2 + 12 - 9 = 22
(Roll + Weapon + Body + Drunk + SPirit Warrior - Armor)

Accuracy: 20 + 24 = 44 vs 43 = 10 + 33
Damage: 8 - 4 + 12 - 9 = 7

Orc Fightah - Clubbing the Seal
Accuracy: 1 + 30 + 18 = 49 vs 52 = 17 + 35 (Fail)

Orc Loses 29 Hp (22 Drunkman™ & 7 Amelia)
Drunkman™ loses 10 EP (2*4 Accuracy 2*6 Accuracy)

Gm Cheat Sheet
Henrietta Brown
Body: 16 Mind: 12 Spirit: 22
HP: 33/33 PP: 0/51 EP: 66/66
Speed: 13 Dodge: 35 Av: 1 Resistance: 19 Perception: 23 Stealth: 13 Grapple:16

Unarmed Attack 2d4 + 4 dmg
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 16
Strong Willed: +12 To Resisting Mind Control (Charmed, Horny, Dominated)
Status: As Fine as She can be in these circumstances

Amelia Sheppard
Body: 24 Mind: 14 Spirit: 12
HP: 38/57 PP: 0/32 EP: 31/31 EP Ceiling: 6
Speed: 23 Dodge: 25 Armor: 6 Resistance: 20 Perception: 23 Stealth: 15 Grapple: 36

Sheep Cane Attack 4d5 - 4 + 12
Unarmed Attack 2d4 + 6
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 24
Status: As Fine as she can be in these circumstances

Thulmer Drunkman (TM)
Body: 22 Mind: 12 Spirit: 16
HP: 50/50 PP: 0/31 EP: 43/63 EP Ceiling: 12
Speed: 7 Dodge: 25 Armor: 11 Resistance: 11 Perception: 15 Stealth: 15 Grapple: 22

Flask/Bottles of Liquor Attack 2d4 + 2 + 11
Unarmed Attack (Superior) 1d8 + 2 + 11
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 22 + 2
Status: Drunk (Duh Not like an apocalypse is gonna keep you from this)
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Thulmer braced himself for the impact that his landing would have, his elbow landing true and strong. However, he didn't enjoy putting pressure on his bad leg, and flinched all the same as he felt himself contact with the ground. He didn't have time to delay just because his foot was aching though, if he was fighting an Orc, losing meant more than just getting roughed up, it had serious consequences. Not just for him, but for everybody involved.

He shot his eyes back up at the Orc, expecting him to have turned around by now; He was shocked, appalled, and slightly worried that he hadn't elicited a single reaction yet. Normally he would have any regular old brute on the floor by now, unless the drink was holding him down... Did he have too much from his flask? Is he underestimating Orcs? No, no, that can't be. Even a strong man won't leave his back open so easily, ESPECIALLY a strong man. He was dealing with a moron who was so thick that not even gravity can penetrate his bloody fat skull.

With those thoughts in mind, Thulmer decided to pull out the forbidden strike, an attack directed at a place so vulnerable that only the most inept of brawlers would think to leave it spread open to his opponent. He wrapped his right arm around the Orc's shoulder lightly, to get a better position up for his plan, before tensing his legs against the ground, putting most of his weight onto his left leg while he shifted his lower body back, before sharply shoving his knee towards the Orc's groin from behind.

Spend 10 EP on Spirited Warrior to increase damage by 10*2 and attack to the groin from behind.
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

She lunged, she grabbed, she missed. Really badly, to be honest. Stumbling past she quickly makes to get herself out of the way again. The others landing their hits again, and despite all the orcs thick-skinned nature, their blows did seem to be doing something. At least from the look on it's face. And then she noticed the mace being swung her way. Everything seemed to crawl into slow motion as she watched the horrible crushing implement sail towards her, and she desperately tried to get out the way.

And then she is knocked back into normal time by a slight pain in her rump. She opens her eyes, and realises that she had tripped falling backwards mid evasion attempt, and that the mace has sailed over her safely. But only just. The fright is clear in her face, and her heart pounding madly.

As much as she wanted to stay out the way of that mace as much as possible, brave Amelia had already taken a hit from it and was still fighting. She would try again, in whatever small way she could to help keep the pressure up on the orc, and to give the others any edge in this combat possible. Thus she would scamble back forwards on her hands and knees and try to grab at the green warriors right leg, simply yanking on it in an attempt to disrupt it's balance or attention to the fight.

Grapple attempt again, exactly like last time.
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkmans (TM) Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Amelia grinned as she felt the satisfying impact of cane hitting orc. Finally she was making a dent in this bastard! And the drunk guy was pulling his weight too, pulling off a rather impressive hit. The beast was reeling and it was time to deal the killing blow. She was shocked however when she saw Henrietta jumping into the fray as well, trying to grapple the orc in an effort to slow him down. What was she thinking?! She wasn't suppose to be fighting! The orc would crush her in one swing! She almost screamed when she saw the thug actually take a swing at the girl, but thankfully it missed. Amelia twisted her face in anger once again, yelling at the beast once more.

"Pick on someone your own size, you scum sucking slave monger!" Confident in her abilities following the previous hit, the shepherdess took a step forward and took another swing at the orc. Not thinking it would matter, she hollered at her comrades, in an effort to rally them. "We gotta finish this fight quick. We take out this bugger and we can avoid his friends before they find us!"

Take yet another swing at the orc. Fingers crossed!
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkman™ Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

The glorious fight for the trio of civilians, so golden for them, darkened so quickly, so blindingly fast that they would all be left a gaping! For the brave flower girl, who managed to dodged before the mighty orc's swinging club by tripping, tried to grab onto the orcs leg only to receive a boot to the head and knocking herself sideways! It wasn't painful per se, just disappointing that she hadn't managed to weaken the orc by making him unable to move!

Amelia the Sheppard seeing her friend faltered tried to smack that orc upside the head with her cane only for the orc to grab her swinging cane and nearly yanking it out of her hands by tugging on it harshly forward, making her sprawl on top of Henrietta! (-Optional- Amelia tripped over Henrietta and the flower girl gets a face full of Amelia's skirt panties covered pussy! -Dark Optional- For no explainable reason, the skirt and panties tear allowing Henrietta to get a face full of Amelia's uncovered pussy.)

For Drunkman™ seeing such fallen things happening to the girls grabbed the orc's shoulders, only for the orc to turn the tables on him like a bronco! The orc turned ferociously, its arm swinging around and its club coming forward to smack right into Drunkman's™ face! The sickening crack would sound terrible to the girls while for Drunkman™ it just felt like he was sobering up! The orc had a furious grin on his face as he roared “YOU ALL PAY! YOU DIE!” As the orc focused entirely on Drunkman™. (Drunkman is now primary target of Orc because of what he tried to do.)

Combat Log
Henrietta Grapple Attempt
Accuracy: 6 + 16 + 3 = 25 vs 33
(Grapple, + luck) vs (Dodge)

Drunkman™ Masterful Ball Smash!
Accuracy: 8 + 22 + 2 = 32 vs 36 = 3 + 33 (Failure)
(Roll + Body + Drunk)

Accuracy: 3 + 24 = 44 vs 49 = 16 + 33 (Failure)

Orc Fightah - Back Clubbing Drunkman™
Accuracy: 13 + 30 + 18 = 61 vs 42 = 19 + 23
Damage: 6 + 6 + 15 - 13 = 14

Drunkman™ loses 14 HP
Drunkman™ loses 10 EP (2*10 Damage)

Gm Cheat Sheet
Henrietta Brown
Body: 16 Mind: 12 Spirit: 22
HP: 33/33 PP: 0/51 EP: 66/66
Speed: 13 Dodge: 35 Av: 1 Resistance: 19 Perception: 23 Stealth: 13 Grapple:16

Unarmed Attack 2d4 + 4 dmg
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 16
Strong Willed: +12 To Resisting Mind Control (Charmed, Horny, Dominated)
Status: As Fine as She can be in these circumstances

Amelia Sheppard
Body: 24 Mind: 14 Spirit: 12
HP: 38/57 PP: 0/32 EP: 31/31 EP Ceiling: 6
Speed: 23 Dodge: 25 Armor: 6 Resistance: 20 Perception: 23 Stealth: 15 Grapple: 36

Sheep Cane Attack 4d5 - 4 + 12
Unarmed Attack 2d4 + 6
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 24
Status: As Fine as she can be in these circumstances

Thulmer Drunkman (TM)
Body: 22 Mind: 12 Spirit: 16
HP: 36/50 PP: 0/31 EP: 33/63 EP Ceiling: 12
Speed: 7 Dodge: 23 Armor: 13 Resistance: 11 Perception: 13 Stealth: 13 Grapple: 24

Flask/Bottles of Liquor Attack 2d4 + 2 + 11
Unarmed Attack (Superior) 1d8 + 2 + 11
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 22 + 2
Status: Drunk (Duh Not like an apocalypse is gonna keep you from this)
Being Drunk adds +2 Damage, Accuracy, Av, Grapple. Being Drunk subtracts -2 from perception, stealth, dodge. When not Drunk everything is -2.
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkman™ Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Thulmer felt his head get knocked off to the side, and got a groggy daze for just a second before regaining his composure, looking to see that the ugly blaggard was facing him now. He felt his lips crack up a tad, it'd been awhile since he'd last gotten into a brawl, and now that the girls were more or less safe, he could treat this like the good ole days, when he smacked around the more rebellious or criminally inclined deckhands for disobeying the laws of his vessel.

Something about this ordeal reminded him of his old cabin boy, when he found out that we executed pirates on vessel, he'd knocked out the first mate with a crowbar and tried to free them. Good intentions, but naive and stupid. It's a shame that he had to get roughed up a bit, but he did grow up to be a fine crewman eventually.

Suddenly Thulmer snapped back into focus, he couldn't have his mind on other things during this fight, it's important. He swerved his body slightly as he approached, moving in close while keeping a wary, if somewhat shakey eye on the Orc's club. Once he was in close enough, he moved his leg back and tensed his lower body, making like he was about to shove another knee forward, also tightening his right hand's grip, before launching forward, throwing a punch with a knee feint to distract from his arms.

Drunkman activates Spirited Warrior, paying 5EP for Attack Roll increased by 5*2 and 1 EP to increase Attack Damage by 1*2 on his Superman Punch. So 6 EP in total.
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Re: Civilian Game, Drunkman™ Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Her swing missing yet again, Amelia had little time to berate herself for screwing up as the orc grabbed her trusty cane and struggled to pull it away. She tried her best to keep her grip on her trusty weapon, managing to keep a hold on the weapon for at least a little while longer. The yank forward from the orc however was too much. While the shepherdess was strong, the orc was stronger. The powerful yank threw her forward and caused her to tumble forward, landing on the flower girl. The impact caused her to drop her cane, the weapon rolling a few feet away. Taking a moment to recover from her dazed state, Amelia noticed who she was on top of, her face turning red at a moments notice as she removed herself from atop her companion. "S...Sorry Henrietta."

Finally regaining her composure, she picked herself up and placed herself infront of Henrietta. She was all but useless in this fight now and all she could do now was keep Henrietta safe a different way. If it meant taking more hits from the orc, then so be it!. "Stay behind me! Not much I can do now without getting in the mans way." She said in reference to Thulmer. Much as she wanted to fight, she'd only be getting in his way at this point. He'd hold back in fear of hitting Amelia. Now he was free to go hog wild on the orc.

Pick self up and take position in front of Henrietta. Activate Defensive Fighting to protect Henrietta. 15 points traded.
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Re: Civilian Game, Drunkman™ Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle


Denial via boot to the head. It just wasn't working. Henrietta lets out a small whine and tumbles back again holding the side of her head with her palm. It was nothing though. Nothing compared to the sickening thwack to the head that the man received instead, which brought a short shriek from Henrietta as she looked up to witness it. And then Amelia came tumbling down upon her. She did her best to catch the girl and slow her fall, but for the most part ended up being knocked back down herself anyway. Quickly helping Amelia to lift herself up, and clambering up again herself a moment later. "It's okay. I'm fine." She replies, reaching back to grab the cane as she gets up. She doesn't feel entirely certain about staying out of the fight, but listens to Amelia and complies. Would the man ok though? It had looked like a horrible blow to Henrietta's eyes. She could see blood on the side of his head, but he didn't seem to have been slowed or deterred by it at least. She was very glad that he had been nearby, frankly.

*Action - Does nothing beside stand there and look pretty*
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Re: Civilian Game, Drunkman™ Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Drunkman™ would see the two girls picking themselves up as they recovered from the slight falls they had against the orc fighter even as the two girls got up. The glorious Sheppard standing up and holding herself in a ready stance to defend her new lover, the flower girl! For some odd reason Drunkman™ saw them in colorful costumes that were not what they were wearing. It looked to be he was having drunkard visions again and and easy blink got rid of them.

For Amelia and Henrietta, the duo stood there as the orc and Drunkman™ stared each other down. The tenseness of the situation got more and more as the girls could feel the sun shining especially bright in the red sky. Before suddenly a flurry of movements from the Drunkman™, the orc using his club to strike out at that feinting knee only for Drunkman™ to pull his knee back, a fist cocked and slamming into the orcs face! There were sickening crunches as Drunkman™ fist buried itself so deeply into the Orc's face that the girls could watch as the orc's head practically exploded! Gore splattered all in the direction of Drunkman™ fist with quite a bit on his fist even as it looked like he shot a shotgun right in the orc's face. The orc was dead. (Prosnorkulus Kills from Drunkman™ )

The fight ended but the town still burned. Not to mention what the orc could be carrying.

(Searching the Orcs body nets a letter, Leather Armor: AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3 , Stone Club , 28 Denerims.) (-Optional Loot- A black Stone that calls out to someone to hold it. -Dark Optional- Whoever holds the stone finds that after resting they gain the aroused status.)

Edited: (Exp Gained to All four: 6 XP Each. )

Combat Log
Drunkman Mega PUNCH NUGG!
Accuracy: 7 + 22 + 2 + 12 = 43 vs 39 = 6 + 33 (Failure)
(Roll + Body + Drunk + Spirited Warrior)
Damage: 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 11 - 9 = 16

Amelia Distracts Nothing
Dodge: 2 + 25 + 15 = 42

Orc Fightah loses 14 HP
Drunkman loses 12 HP
Drunkman? loses 6 EP (2*1 Damage 2*accuracy)

Gm Cheat Sheet
Henrietta Brown
Body: 16 Mind: 12 Spirit: 22
HP: 33/33 PP: 0/51 EP: 66/66
Speed: 13 Dodge: 35 Av: 1 Resistance: 19 Perception: 23 Stealth: 13 Grapple:16

Unarmed Attack 2d4 + 4 dmg
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 16
Strong Willed: +12 To Resisting Mind Control (Charmed, Horny, Dominated)
Status: As Fine as She can be in these circumstances

Amelia Sheppard
Body: 24 Mind: 14 Spirit: 12
HP: 38/57 PP: 0/32 EP: 31/31 EP Ceiling: 6
Speed: 23 Dodge: 25 Armor: 6 Resistance: 20 Perception: 23 Stealth: 15 Grapple: 36

Sheep Cane Attack 4d5 - 4 + 12
Unarmed Attack 2d4 + 6
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 24
Status: As Fine as she can be in these circumstances

Thulmer Drunkman (TM)
Body: 22 Mind: 12 Spirit: 16
HP: 36/50 PP: 0/31 EP: 27/63 EP Ceiling: 12
Speed: 7 Dodge: 23 Armor: 13 Resistance: 11 Perception: 13 Stealth: 13 Grapple: 24

Flask/Bottles of Liquor Attack 2d4 + 2 + 11
Unarmed Attack (Superior) 1d8 + 2 + 11 + 2
Accuracy Attack: 1d20 + 22 + 2
Status: Drunk (Duh Not like an apocalypse is gonna keep you from this)
Being Drunk adds +2 Damage, Accuracy, Av, Grapple. Being Drunk subtracts -2 from perception, stealth, dodge. When not Drunk everything is -2.
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Re: Civilian Game, Drunkman™ Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Thulmer slammed his clenched fist against the orc's face, starting to feel surprised when it cracked, skull giving way to fist, brain giving way to skull... Gore splattered against his sleeve and a little over his face as he clenched his eyes shut. In all his years of fistfighting, he hadn't quite experienced that before. Perhaps because he was holding back a little against most of his opponents. Maybe it was a trick the alcohol was playing on him. Tch! His hand was bleeding, in fact, his face was aching a bit from the blow he received earlier.

Thulmer shook his hand in a small irritated gesture of pain, before kneeling down to examine the orc a bit further. He grazed over a letter, sticking out of the brute's leather chest-piece, as well as a coin purse settled by the orc's belt. He also felt a strange presence from the Orc, almost a whisper, but disregarded it as the drink talking. Snagging the purse and coins from the orc and shoving it into his pocket, he got up and turned to the girls, "Roight, we'd better get gone quick before another greeny finds us, aye? I ain't going back to THAT town, so if you wanna come along with me goin' the OPPOSITE way, ye're more than welcome, otherwise, I'll listen if you lot have a better idea." he finished, examining the girls a bit more thoroughly now that the threat was gone, as he stretched his back a tad, he actually felt extremely tired after that whole ordeal, he also felt like he could use a drink. He recognized the Shepard girl, he normally saw her around the meadows on his way to piss behind the trees. The other, more slender girl was a new one on him though.

Drunkman snags 28 Denarii
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkman™ Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Amelia stood her ground hand watched in sheer awe as the drunken man laid down the killing blow on the orc. And by god was it something else. Gore was coating the mans arm and parts of his face, making him look like something out of the horror books she used to read. Those were never her favorite books and she avoided them for a reason. This man was a tough one, that much was certain.

Turning her attention to the fallen creature before them, Amelia took a moment to look through the smelly buggers belongings. Some sort of letter and a bag of coins, which was quickly grabbed up by the drunkard. However, the orcs weapon remained unclaimed. Crude thought it may be, a club would serve a better weapon then her cane. That much was certain. As she grabbed the club from the fallen orcs hand, she heard a strange whisper. An odd presence coming from the orc. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but something was...off. She ignored it and took a slight practice swing with her new weapon. The drunk man however was offering a suggestion as to what to do next. A part of her wanted to back into town. They had to help the people left in the village! It was the right thing to do! But seeing how much trouble they had with one orc, what was the chance they'd be able to fight off any more? Escape did seem like the best alternative. "I...I guess we have no other choice. Going back would be suicide and heaven knows how many orcs are left in the town. We had a hard enough time beating one! We wouldn't last and I've heard those scum suckers do terrible things to their defeated opponents!

She of course spoke of the stories she heard coming out of the North. An entire city captured by the bastards and all the people enslaved. So many men and women forced to serve those bastards till the end of their days! The thought made sent a chill down the girls spine. She'd rather die then spend the rest of her days in servitude! Well Henrietta? What do you want to do?"
Re: Civilian Game, Drunkman™ Debut (Aust, Squid, Cappy) Gmed by Diagasvesle

Henrietta watched nervously as she watched the two fighters stare each other down, silently cheering the brawling alcoholic on in her mind, praying for and visualising a successful and mighty punch and a downed orc. What actually happened, was a little bit more than what she had imagined, if one was going to make a massive understatement of it, that is. She couldn't even fully see the orcs face from her angle, but the side she could see quickly caved in and crumpled away with a wet sound worse than a mere crack alone. And then the orc was on the floor. Dead without a doubt.

Henrietta couldn't help but gag and pale just a little. She had no sympathy for this green man, but the sight was unsettling none the less. I didn't help that the blood brought back childhood memories of the boy who caught his arm in the machinery at the workhouse. But there was no time for this. She shakes the mild queasy spell off and composes herself. The other two were already inspecting the body. Some coins, the club, and a letter of some kind. Henrietta herself felt no entitlement to these things. Her saviours had earned them.

When the others speak of what should be done next, Henrietta looks to the smoke coming from the town and remembers that it's not close to over yet. Dread setting heavy in her heart now she's thinking again about whether Ellen or Mr Rosendale are all right. "B-but my... my... family are in there! I can't... I..." she stammers pointing to the besieged town with a look of fearful desperation. She wasn't stupid though. Despite her protests she knew the others were right, and that the three of them heading in there right now would achieve nothing. And the others would be able to see that she knew this on her face. "... But you're right... We can't just go running into a battle. We... we need to find somewhere to hide, until it's safe." She would say reluctantly, before looking between them both. She'd wait for one of the two to lead or suggest a destination first, not knowing the area outside the walls that well herself.

But before anyone made more than a step or two, she'd pause. "Wait..." said as she notices a strange object just peeking out from under the orc from one of it's pockets or satchels. It was strange just how obvious it seemed all of a sudden. Kind of calling her attention. Stepping over and bending down to investigate the stone she'd pluck it up and take a look at it. And then something bizarre and shocking happened.

A very sudden wave of dizziness would come over her, and as she blinked to clear her sight, the world would rapidly seem spin out of focus and blur into hazy mist.
~ She wobbles and tries to keep her balance, along with her senses, as a dreamlike vision flashes through her mind. A friendly vine arrives to help to steady her though, and another, coiling round her shoulders and waist, before snaking up to encircle, cup, and squeeze upon her sensitive breasts. Suddenly she was surrounded by numerous plant like and perfectly figured green women, with blooms of colourful flowers decorating their heads. They all smiled at her naked body gently bound by their vines in the centre of their circle, and pressed in on her. Henrietta found herself seemingly powerless to do anything. Her mind spinning as a strong fragrant flowery scent filled her thoughts. The vines continued to fondle and caress her flesh, and a feeling of warmth crept through her. One of the plant women leans in to kiss her fully on the lips, and swooning into it as they trade breath, a sudden warm and wet sensation pushes at her womanhood and suddenly shoots... ~

Henrietta instantly drops the unknown stone to the ground with a strange, short sharp shriek and simply freezes in place to shiver for a second. The shriek wasn't a shriek of pain, but more one of shock and perhaps embarrassment. The others would not have seen even a glimpse of strange behaviour or unsteadiness from the girl, with the ordeal all happening within an instant entirely in her mind. It had all occurred in an rapid overwhelming flash to her too. It would be very much a mystery to the others what had just happened if anything at all. "Magic." she whines strangely wrapping her hands round her body, sounding a little distressed of sorts, but more stunned than harmed in any way. "Ughh. It's some kind of magic stone." She says turning her head to the others, face blushing brightly, even as she tries to shake it off. She groans as she remembers again how they should be hurrying, as more orcs could arrive at any minute. And so she makes an odd call, perhaps against her better judgement, "We should probably take it with us. If the orc was carrying it then we shouldn't let the others get it back." She declares, "Be careful not to touch it though. Uh... use some cloth or a bag." She quickly adds with a suggestion.

(This turned out more awkward to write than expected. Separated continuity a bit and got clumsy at the end trying to figure out how to pass it. Goes to Aust or Diagasvesle. Daig said he's going to bed, and so Aust has 8 to 10 hours to post about doing something with the stone.)
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