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ADV [Vosmug] Xenotake (RE131077)

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Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I just buy it, it's a very good game

It defenetly worth the money.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

You only need to find "switch" by the lower or upper room but I don't seem to recognize, so move around.

It's some kind of small egg plant with its root, destroy - if It has only one "switch" the path should open for you.

I ran around the level like 5 times across all rooms... like an total idiot and the path is still blocked... Please help me...

Here is where I am blocked:
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I ran around the level like 5 times across all rooms... like an total idiot and the path is still blocked... Please help me...

Here is where I am blocked:

when you come across one of these there will be a smaller similar looking thing, you need to backtrack, find it and kill it before that will be gone
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

This game smacked me with an ending surprisingly fast. I stared at my screen and thought "This really isn't over already". It's only an hour of content, so I'd personally say it's not worth the buy. Also, during that hour, there were times when I was bored out of my mind playing. The maze made me put it down quite a few times. It's not horrible to play, but I have a hard time noting positives when I recall my experiences with games.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

This game smacked me with an ending surprisingly fast. I stared at my screen and thought "This really isn't over already". It's only an hour of content, so I'd personally say it's not worth the buy. Also, during that hour, there were times when I was bored out of my mind playing. The maze made me put it down quite a few times. It's not horrible to play, but I have a hard time noting positives when I recall my experiences with games.

I could have stood for a few more monsters, more positions or camera angles, and definitely some Game over CGs would have been great. Maybe another boss. Didn't think that one boss was just gonna end in a cutscene and then BAM final boss.

And yeah, finding your way around got messy at times. It gets like that when you have levels that advance up and down. Maybe if the enemies didn't respawn in every room so you could more easily tell where you've been. It's not like there's that much of an incentive to see what happens when you lose to an enemy.

Can't say I'm disappointed, but a few add-ons would make this great. I like games like this a lot. Iris Action is still my favorite but it still disappoints in some aspects, but everyone's turn-ons and kinks can't all be satisfied I guess.
It's obvious he's making a sequel and I'm interested enough to check that out and see how he expands on his material.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

when you come across one of these there will be a smaller similar looking thing, you need to backtrack, find it and kill it before that will be gone

Thank you!!!
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Any other game like this? What are the other games Vosmug has?
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Have to say loved the game especially the punishment scenes where you control the mains fate..however not sure what the designer was thinking for the end the final part just kind of bored me..in future stay with the main.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Any other game like this? What are the other games Vosmug has?

This is vosmug's debut game. There was the guro one but its was put on hold for this. As of late there is hints of a new game but no one has a clear answer for what it is.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

First off, great game.

Second, yeah, shouldn't have had the robot be hero at end. Oh well, move on.

Third, besides a (series of) sequel(s), the only other things to do with the game would be to considering whether to add game over scenes, pregnancy(I know, not going to happen), or all the way thru tentacle scenes.

Then again, these are just my opinions.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

he updated the game sometimes ago, seems only the extra...

and the old savedata won't work, so anyone want to share?
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

So, what kind of platformer game is this? Any metroidvania elements to it (permanent power-ups, open-ended level that allows back-tracking, character-development, etc.)?

For the erotic side: Is this similar to any other Game Over Rape (GOR) game where the avatar needs to lose health before being raped? Or the avatar needs to be knocked down into a prone state for the rape to trigger?
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

So, what kind of platformer game is this? Any metroidvania elements to it (permanent power-ups, open-ended level that allows back-tracking, character-development, etc.)?

For the erotic side: Is this similar to any other Game Over Rape (GOR) game where the avatar needs to lose health before being raped? Or the avatar needs to be knocked down into a prone state for the rape to trigger?

Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Once you lose your armour, you are exposed and naked. You lose health from being hit and during the rape scenes.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

download link for the game please or is not possible?:(
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

So what about mechanics outside of Game Over Rape mechanics? Is this a metroidvania, or similar to any other 2D, side-scrolling, action game?
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

So what about mechanics outside of Game Over Rape mechanics? Is this a metroidvania, or similar to any other 2D, side-scrolling, action game?

Walk left, walk right, shoot left, shoot right, get raped.

Fly a robot through the same levels again.

That's about it.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

try this works fine
http: // sukebei.nyaa.se / ?page=view&tid=396193
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

So what about mechanics outside of Game Over Rape mechanics? Is this a metroidvania, or similar to any other 2D, side-scrolling, action game?

Just play the demo. It's free.
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