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RPG RPG Maker [ Developing Room ] [ 開発室] The Queen of All Vixens / 淫魔の女王 (RE098642) (RJ098642)


Aug 30, 2012
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This is a RPG maker game. I got it to run by installing the RPG maker standard, VX ace and VX.

Well I'm not exactly sure if this is a Battle Sex game but I know for sure its a sex on lost game. They have several character (enemies) and form what I found out, the way to play is hit a button on red numbers and then hit a button on white numbers. Base on the story, seems your collecting something.

Download sites I found so far:


(yes this one is only 2 parts)
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Re: 淫魔の女王

Ummm anyone know what to do after the first boss?
Re: 淫魔の女王

Is this the updated version or the original?
Re: 淫魔の女王

I'm not sure, I just found it and searched for it.
Re: 淫魔の女王

It's probably the original one then. Anyone have the updated one?
Re: 淫魔の女王

I some how passes it and I have no clue how but I died. It has something to do with that castle town and the king triggers something. If you take to the person in that room, it results in a battle. . . .thats where I died and I didn't even save.
Re: 淫魔の女王

I sort of hate doing this to this thread, but...

Does anyone know how you're supposed to use the "Spell Cards"?

I know that you can use your abilities by pressing Enter/Shift/Up/Space/X/Left, and I get the feeling that "Enter" is supposed to always be mapped to some basic type of attack (As opposed to your abilities, which you equip to everything else.) I've also gotten down how to use all of them pretty well. But I just can't figure out how to use the special abilities of the spell cards. I know they *have* something (The "Angel"'s one is supposed to heal you when you use it), but I've just no clue what I'm supposed to do to use them.

Edit: Ah, of course I figure out that it's the "A" button right after I necro the thread. Silly me. :/
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Re: 淫魔の女王

Here is a walktrough, written by me.

i only got the problem that my audio files have wrong names...
as long as i am unable to get the right ones i cant finish the walktrough.

Re: 淫魔の女王

The girl in the white dress is frozen for me. . . .donno whats wrong. I can't talk to her or anything. But you did help me go on with the game. Thanks
Re: 淫魔の女王

The girl in the white dress is frozen for me. . . .donno whats wrong. I can't talk to her or anything. But you did help me go on with the game. Thanks

You have to accept a quest in the city with the castle IIRC. I have no clue if you can accept it or not in the first town though.
Re: 淫魔の女王

This are the missing or wrong spelled audio names.
I hope someone got them right and may take some time to post them for me right. I would really appriciate it!

Filenames: (name)

006 ◆マップ風・明るい感じ・中くらいのテンポ・リラックス
009 ◆ラストバトル(前・)
010 ◆ラストバトル(継・)
011 ◆ラストバトル(繋が・・データ)
012 ◆岸動的・シーン
018 ◆聖王都 夜(リテイク03・採用)
019 ◆聖王都 昼(リテイク02・採用)
025 お城・宮廷(夜)「サラバンド」ブクステフーデ
026 お城・宮廷(昼)
032 ちょっと不安・神秘的・迷い・戸惑い
034 フィールド(ゆっくり・のどか・明るい)
035 フィールド・タイトル風・勇敢な感じ
036 フィールド・ダンジョン・通常画面(暗め・抑揚を抑えた雰囲気)
037 フィールドダンジョン・通常画面(暗め・ややリズミカルな感じ)
038 フィールド風・仲間がいなくて寂しい感じ
039 ブルース(大人・お洒落・カッコイイ感じ)
041 不安・恐怖・不気味・陵辱
043 不気味・恐怖・不安な感じ
044 勇敢・感動的・最後の山場的な感じ
046 夕方・のどか・穏やか・アコースティック・ハーモニカ(過去作品のリメイク(夕暮れ))
047 夢見心地・浮遊感・ゆったりとした不思議な感じ
048 奇妙な場面・キャラ
050 教会・聖堂(テレマン・フーガ・ニ長調)
051 村・町・イベント・清廉・穏やか・やや素朴
052 村・町①
053 村・町③
054 爽やか・日常・綺麗な田舎な雰囲気
055 爽やか・明るい・穏やかな日常・ピアノ
056 脱出!・危機

002 パイズリ・手コキ(1回のみ)
003 パイズリ・手コキ1
004 パイズリ・手コキ2
005 パイズリ・手コキ3
006 ピストン(中速・激しい3秒)
007 ピストン(中速・激しい10秒)
Re: 淫魔の女王

Alright, I'm all the way up to the castle place. I accepted what seems to be quest but also there seems to be rank quest?. This is were I'm currently stuck. I got the scene were the knights are talking. Where do I go?
Re: 淫魔の女王

Solved problem, 6 files were wrong

007 ◆ラストダンジョン昼
008 ◆ラストダンジョン夜
009 ◆ラストバトル(繋がったデータ)
010 ◆ラストバトル(後半)
011 ◆ラストバトル(前半)
012 ◆感動的なシーン

Which castle you mean hpbreaker? Royal Capital? Or infested One.
Re: 淫魔の女王

hqbreaker: It seems you're at the royal capital.

If you haven't gotten into the castle yet, you need to finish some of the hunter's guild quests.

If you've gotten into the castle, you're supposed to return at night.

On that note: I'm having a problem with the quest in the basement of the library: I do not know enough Japanese to put the books in the right bookcase. ^^;


These are the names of the books, I think. I tried checking the first letter of each title and translating it into hiragana, throwing the list through an alphabetizer, and so on, but I still failed horribly. Could you guys give me a hand? ^^;
Re: 淫魔の女王

I guess its the royal one. I donno anything about the library one ether lol. And I accepted all the quest. (or I believe I did) do i need to go back to that cave before royal castle for the quest?
Re: 淫魔の女王

Not unless you just happen to not meet the damage requirements for at least some of the quests (which are fairly easy to meet with the appropriate spell card). It might help to level up there, but you don't need to; you can just rest in the inn until night (2nd option), then go to the castle to talk to the queen.

Edit: Ah, I finally finished it. Here, have a savefile: it gets you to the end of game gallery. :3


  • Save20.zip
    17.7 KB · Views: 44
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Re: 淫魔の女王

I dont get how to do the Library Quest too...

tried several ways but failed, well she dont say what to do either.
She never mentioned how you schould sort them....

Maybe someone who can understand Japanese may get it....probably.

リーフ村を収める / Leaf Village
グラド王都を収める / Capital City
シェルノ港を収める / Port Sheruno
フレイ村を収める / Frey Village
ガルスト鉱山町を収める / Garst Town
シレジア王都を収める / Silesia City
聖王都を収める / King Seong Capital

Bookshelft from (left to right and up to down)

1: ha,hi... 2: a,i,u,e,o
3: ka,ki... 4: m...
5: s... 6: y...
7: t... 8: r...
9: n... 10: w...

with this i get 8,3,5,1,3,5,5 but it is wrong
Re: 淫魔の女王

I'm really sorry to come and request something when I'm just some lurker but could someone with a working audio folder upload it, please?

I had managed to play up to now by using the demo's audio files and fixing some broken names using those shared by Moonchaos but now I'm getting a bgm error again. (Its at a boss fight in some kind of sewer.)

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Re: 淫魔の女王

Fixed Audio Files + Walktrough and Save

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Re: 淫魔の女王

That takedown took less than 5 hours...Geez. And your entire account is suspended for it, too...

Why is mediafire banning like crazy? It's nuts...