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Unfathomable Darkness (Tenta)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Falisha was quick on her feet and good with a sword - one of the best in the village, for that matter. If it weren't for Ares, Erryn or Guy, she'd be the go-to Descendant for combat in the village. This, thankfully, didn't make her feel any less useful for the people she swore to protect. When the elder called for the Descendants, she was one of the first to arrive...

[Current Position: Village, 0,0]

[As this is an open-world game, there's not much direction in the beginning. Make sure to check the Village thread for quests and resource pools.]
Re: Unfathomable Darkness (Tenta)

Falisha was one of the first to arrive at the elders firepit and gently and carefully maneuvered her way through the crowd to the front. She listened intently to te elder's speech, hearing of the darktimes; indeed Shania's abduction/disappearance was a bad omen; een more so the disappearance and loss of her rescue party. She ignores the rumors coming from the rest of the crowd, waiting for the elder to finish. Upon speaking of the monsters, gnolls and other freaks running the world, she would develop a look of caution while remaining brave. As the elder finished his speech, she would cautiously make her to the fron of the pit to present herself to the crowd.

"My fellow villagers, I know I and my fellow Descendants have our..... quarks, but each one of us truly do care greatly for this village, our home; and every single one living here. Please have faith in us, and we will gladly die trying to protect this village."