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ACT [Nonki] ファイナルファック / Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors (RJ123862)

Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

sukebei .nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=333048[//QUOTE]
I cant unrar it :( Whyyy,whyyyy !!!! :(
And mega link works weird .. stops at 13%.Oh damn,i am sad panda : (
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I can only fight the final boss if a character has a good enough range. I have no idea how to block or counter her.... shadow spawning moves.

I managed to beat the game with Azukina though. Saw Nude Milk. Life is good.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I can only fight the final boss if a character has a good enough range. I have no idea how to block or counter her.... shadow spawning moves.

I managed to beat the game with Azukina though. Saw Nude Milk. Life is good.

With a melee character, rush in as soon as she appears and pull out the longest combo you can without getting hit by the games pushback feature. Step away from her or block until she gets up and simply repeat til she's dead. If you can, try to get her and the slime monster guy thing in together and spam your special move.

The one good thing about her is all her moves have a half second to second delay so you can usually get in a blow before it comes out if you're close enough.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I can only fight the final boss if a character has a good enough range. I have no idea how to block or counter her.... shadow spawning moves.
to block the shadow moves - keep holding whatever you have bound for A and move in her direction. yes you can move while blocking. if she uses grab - break out of that with a super. when you get close either use your faivorite combo or forward super.
pretty much keep holding block (whatever you have bound for the A button) throughout the fight
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

Beat the game as both muscle chicks and both ninjas. It's easy enough to get past the shadow clones, you can either block moving forward or abuse the invincibility states on some of your moves. I haven't tried a Milk playthrough but I'm willing to bet it would be the easiest as her. As Cherry? Well, her boobs are too small for me to make the playthrough ;p.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

yeah it took me 2 goes at her with Milk. her butt attack pretty much takes care of everything. haven't really played into it but with cherry she seemed to move thew the enemy faster she has a good chain attack that is pretty easy to spam and didn't seem to get knocked back that much.

I'm going to attempted to edited the game a bit. look forward to
Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors Ultimate Climax edition.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

Awesome game. Great animations and gameplay. Final boss is so hot.

Only a couple things could make the game much better. First, different H-animations for the individual characters (understandable that they didn't since it would have increased development time by A LOT probably). Also, I'd like to have a level select...at least after beating the game once.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

All in all it's an amazing game. Feel like it had more potential though. They reused the same animations/positions for all the characters, which I understand is much easier and less time consuming, but I would've preferred if they cut down the amount of characters over using recycled sprites. Same goes for enemies with h-animations. I would've preferred two animations per enemy at the cost of half the amount of enemies. Little things to help randomize the gameplay makes it much more exciting for me.

Gameplay wise rape should not refill your special gauge, at least not how it currently does. There should be a downside, like cost of life or something. Not being able to select the stage sucks seeing as I don't always have the time for a half-hour semi fap session.

With all of that being said I'm still surprised at the amount of content and how enjoyable the gameplay is. The fact that this is such a good fighting game makes the h-content that much more enjoyable.

I just feel like some of their effort could've been put to better use elsewhere.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

My game keeps crashing at the character select screen. I used applocale. What else do I need to do?
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

Does anybody know where the save is for this? I can't see to find it. I'm trying to erase the extra characters gained from beating the game so I can re obtain them.
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Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

All in all it's an amazing game. Feel like it had more potential though. They reused the same animations/positions for all the characters, which I understand is much easier and less time consuming, but I would've preferred if they cut down the amount of characters over using recycled sprites. Same goes for enemies with h-animations. I would've preferred two animations per enemy at the cost of half the amount of enemies. Little things to help randomize the gameplay makes it much more exciting for me.

Gameplay wise rape should not refill your special gauge, at least not how it currently does. There should be a downside, like cost of life or something. Not being able to select the stage sucks seeing as I don't always have the time for a half-hour semi fap session.

With all of that being said I'm still surprised at the amount of content and how enjoyable the gameplay is. The fact that this is such a good fighting game makes the h-content that much more enjoyable.

I just feel like some of their effort could've been put to better use elsewhere.
Pretty much agreed especially with the reused sprites. Would have been a lot better if the girls get more positions.

But yeah overall still a good game. Hopefully it gets updated.

edit: seems there's already a version 1.5 not sure what's new but probably just some bug fixes(like the one where you get stuck)
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Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

Game is fun. But easy, too easy. AI is dumb as shoes, they can even get lost in the map and do not even come near our heroine. It seems dev wanted make them less spammy, but IMO it was bad decision. Now AI is not only dumb, but passive.
Last boss as long as sexy, too easy. In QA was similar mini boss, I think was even harder than her.
Also I miss here some nice looking heroine. All are a bit too muscular. QA had Tiffa and Yu-Ko.

I have hope the game will get update will rise a lot difficulty lvl, make enemies more agressive and with some nice new heroine - mby Tiffa again?
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Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

Definitely agreed with others here that 'more is less' with this one. There's a lot of enemies and characters to choose from, but since they all have the same sex animations there's very little incentive to play through it more than once. While I usually have the opposite complaint of games these days, this one is actually too long. It's very easy, and you don't have a whole lot of moves to choose from (the unlimited use invulnerability frame specials make regular attacks utterly pointless). No weapons or interesting power-ups to shake things up either. It's just a long slog spamming the same overpowered move over and over to get through it as quickly as possible.

It was above-average as hgames go, but it could have easily been a great game with a bit more variation. As it is it's pretty much a 'beat once and delete' kind of game.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

does anyone know how to go back to the character select screen? when i press esc it just pauses. and does it also auto save and if not, how do you save?
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

Agreed with most you guys. Played through it all just to see all the enemy animations, didn't care to try the other characters because the game play is pretty meh and there isn't much variance between characters. The animations didn't do it for me at all. The voices were pretty nice though.

It was too easy with the free mana regen on being grabbed, too few interesting moves or reason to use anything but specials, and the gameplay got repetitive fast with nothing else going on like minigames or anything.

I feel like this was so close to being amazing but just landed in the "above average" zone. Still a good game though, hopefully they'll add on to it like they have in their past games. I think I actually enjoyed their Queen's Axe games more, if I remember correctly. I'm pretty sure I played through that multiple times to try all the characters out. I feel bad because these types of games get critiqued hard, they're very difficult to do right. In the side scrolling beat em up genre, I think they did very well. It just feels like it's missing some things. To have all those characters and not much incentive to use them seems like a waste of space.
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Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

can you do anything to the enemies when you defeat them? i notice that only the girls stay on screen after being defeated.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

does anyone know how to fix these errors. i get to character selection and then when i select a character it gives me 3 errors, 2 of them say player open error and gamestage open error. anyone know how to fix? oh and also when i dl the game from that torrent link it wouldnt let me extract from winrar so i had to extract it from 7zip. dunno if that has anything to do with it, maybe files didnt extract correctly or something.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

eh... I'm not bothered too much about the game's difficulty... if you find the game too easy you can always impose restrictions on yourself. Like don't ever use your specials.

Also if you find the game too long you can rename the stage files to skip to the stages you want.

Instead of difficulty I'd rather have the author make new sprites for later updates.

edit: ok upon further testing it seems you can't simply skip stages by renaming them... it will only change the backgrounds but the enemy spawns stay the same. I'm trying to figure out how to manipulate the stage spawns.
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Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

Does anyone know if you can unlock content on subsequent clears?
Like extra CGs or characters? I've beaten the game and I unlocked 3 new characters, but I'd like to get the boss sprite as well.
Does anyone know her filename?
-Did some messing around with the game files, the boss character does not appear to be unlockable, but I did manage to gain control of the character sprite.
-There are in total 20 player files for unlockable players. Of these 12 are blank and one does not have a gallery. The 12 blank ones are likely to be placeholder files for future expansions. While player file 08 is some sort of super fighter version of the ninja chick with the sword, she comes with 9 slots for special attacks and a lot more HP. She wears a white version of the costume the normal girl wears, but as I mentioned she has no gallery section and attempting to enter it will crash the game.
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Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

how i do the special moves???