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ACT [Nonki] ファイナルファック / Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors (RJ123862)

Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I liek the animation and character designs (bunnygirls!) in this but the game was mostly easy(except for the cheap last boss) I used the girl with the ball things in her hair and simply pressing forward and attack was enough to kill most enemies. You can do quarter circles (hadokens) for special attacks. I do think a "hard mode" might be nice where the enemies grab attacks actually do damage, especially the boxer girls as that's an actual attack.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

This game, as fun as the animation are, not worth it to me. Not enough gameplay or sex variety, though it is evident a ton of work was done on this. Maybe the gallery mode would be worth it, which is okay at times for a quickie.

Am expecting some of the QA characters to be ported over.

Also, why can't any of these games offer a little more realism with breasts. Do they all have to have giant cow udder boobs?
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I don't know if anyone simply abandoned the blog at this point, but it seems that the creator supplied more files... I assume they go to the ff subfolder of the ffkaigaban folder.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

does anyone know how to fix the errors i get at character selection? i get 3 errors, 2 of which say are player open errors and the 3rd which is a gamestage error. im not sure how to fix it and the link where i dl it on this thread earlier wouldnt let me extract it from rar so i had to use 7zip to extract. dunno if that has anything to do with it. i posted earlier on this but not sure if anyone saw it or they dont know or dont care. but hopefully someone can help me out
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I don't know if anyone simply abandoned the blog at this point, but it seems that the creator supplied more files... I assume they go to the ff subfolder of the ffkaigaban folder.

Yup~! Apparently a few selections could end towards game progression issues/crashes, so those files are made to fix that.

As far as this game goes:

>Rape mode
EZ mode. Getting grabbed gives you powerbar, allowing you to pretty much spam supers if you get raped, and getting raped deals no damage! ='D

>Combat Mode
Pretty much Queen's Axe all over again, but without the monster spawners. It's a LITTLE harder then Queen's Axe, but I can't say by much...Some moves/attacks are also very wonky, and I KINDA wish he would use all 6 buttons instead of just three...

Still, like Queen's Axe, this guys got great animation and artwork, and I really gotta love his massive breast! The VA's are also pretty nice all around. I also like how this time he honestly tried to intergrate the sex into the combat, and not have it be two separate things (but still gives you an option if you want). Only issue in this is that it in turn makes an easy game TOO easy thanks to the superbar gain, and the fact that rape deals no damage, and the fact that 90% of the time AI goes for rape in that mode.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I found the game fun to play, even if lacking in the porn department. I certainly wouldnt mind a beating from the pink haired lady.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

does anyone know how to fix the errors i get at character selection? i get 3 errors, 2 of which say are player open errors and the 3rd which is a gamestage error. im not sure how to fix it and the link where i dl it on this thread earlier wouldnt let me extract it from rar so i had to use 7zip to extract. dunno if that has anything to do with it. i posted earlier on this but not sure if anyone saw it or they dont know or dont care. but hopefully someone can help me out
I assume u need japanese on or applocale or something like this.
I have the same problem.If anyone has easy solution to that,it would be awesome ..
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I liked this about as much as I liked Queen's Axe. I liked that sex was added to the actual fighting, that's a plus. There could have been some variation with the animations, and there aren't any "up close" animations in the gallery like there was on Queen's Axe. I also don't understand why there are two "Milk" characters.

That being said, I do love the pink haired muscle babe, and hope that they continue getting better.

If I had to choose though, I think I'd go with Fullflap's last game over this one. Both the gameplay and sprite work looks neater.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

Personally I found 3 of the 4 player characters rather repulsing to play as. Just not my thing I guess when it comes to amazonian looking women that are just over sculpted with muscles like that. Now that my rant is mostly done, I would say that the game itself irrespective of the characters was enjoyable at a basic level. I did not really expect much from this game but I must say that I was pleased with what the game delivered. Could it have been better, sure. Do I think this game was better than their previous one, absolutely. I think one animation per enemy is about the standard fare here, so it would have been nice to see more. Aside from that the game itself was pretty solid.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I have been seeming to get an error that makes the game a bit on the unplayable side.

Occasionally if I hit an enemy or an enemy hits my character, they will freeze up and thus will no longer be able to be attacked, preventing any form of continuing further into the game. Is this an error encounter by others or just a problem with my copy and thus should go and delete and try again?

If it is an error encountered by others, is there a work around?
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

The game was pretty easy until i got up to the stadium boss fight. Annoying as f***. Like Azazel in Tekken 6, yu can only seem to hit her in the middle of her attacks.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I had no trouble with the boss, other than losing the first time because I was testing all the animations lol.

All you had to do was back up when she's standing up and doing her little flame recovery move, and then jump in and knock her back down as soon as it finishes...I had no trouble with the boss.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

I assume u need japanese on or applocale or something like this.
I have the same problem.If anyone has easy solution to that,it would be awesome ..

that actually is irrelevant. if i needed japanese or app locale in the first place i wouldnt even get to the character selection. but on the other hand i tried using app locale and i got the same result so i know thats not the problem. only thing i can maybe think of is that some of the files didnt extract correctly or they didnt translate correctly. and funny enough when i try to extract using winrar it tells me that the file is broken or corrupted. so i had to extract it through 7zip. that might be the problem. ill try redl it but if anyone has a link i can dl it from please post it.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

App locale doesn't work with all games. It still might not be your problem, but just a "FYI". I finally just put my computer back to Jap settings a long time ago instead of messing with it. Extracting without being in Jap regional settings has broken games for me as well.
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Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

well ive solved my problem. i just dl the game from somewhere else and it works, just need to use app locale on it, here it is for those that want it. it may or may not work for some people i guess but at the least it got rid of my problem so shouldnt be any reason why it doesnt fix yours.
since i dont have enough posts for this just go to hentaibedta.net and find it
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

The one posted here works for sure.

I think the problem that you're experiencing is in the folder names. AFAIK fighter maker games encounter problems if one of the folders containing the files have a really long name so renaming the folder or relocating the files can fix it.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

The one posted here works for sure.

I think the problem that you're experiencing is in the folder names. AFAIK fighter maker games encounter problems if one of the folders containing the files have a really long name so renaming the folder or relocating the files can fix it.

This is common too. But yeah, the reason App Locale doesn't always work is because unzipping Jap files without Jap regional settings will mess up files sometimes.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

that is possible. the difference with this file compared to the last one is that it wouldnt let me extract it with winrar, and im guessing for that reason there were files that didnt translate properly or extract properly. something like that. and the one i mentioned allowed me to do so with winrar and it extracted the files fine since it lets me run the game now without crashes.
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

applecole didnt solve my problem, going to try to download from somewhere else . Fingers crossed :(:eek:
Re: Final Fuck, The Lady Warriors

hey can someone please split the download into parts i dont have the internet and the free place im at has a time limit of a hour and these downloads are 25mins to big ill keep trying other places