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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Returning her plate, Chloe would be able to return to her room unmolested only to find Stephanie sitting on her bed, rocking back and forth and hugging herself as she sobbed uncontrollably despite Carly's best efforts to comfort her. The necromancer shot Chloe a pleading look when she came in, but turned back to Stephanie and continued to pat the other girl on the back. "C'mon Steph.. You'd only just met the guy!" she said quietly, "I know it sucks that.... Well, it's not the end of the world!" The earth mage would simply shake her head, sobbing harder and rocking away from Carly, who seemed completely at a loss.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Oh dear boy trouble if Carly was to be belived. Moving over quickly Chloe sat next to Steph and put an arm around her. "Hey now whats this all about?" Looking to Carly Chloe nodded letting her know that she could leave if she wanted to. Moving into a hug Chloe let Steph cry as much as she wanted. If she wasn't in the mood she would just hold her untill the girl calmed some. After all she knew how this felt after her first break up with Nina.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Carly wouldn't depart at Chloe's prompting, and though she leaned lightly into the healer Stephanie wouldn't offer any verbal reply. "The night of that party.... Well, she found out that the guy that she went to bed with died," Carly explained, at which Stephanie would start sobbing harder. The younger necromancer would shake her head with a soft frown, "she's not taking it well, even though it was just the one time."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Much worse than boy trouble. "Aww Steph Im sorry to hear that". Undoubtly Steph had fallen fairly fast for that guy. It either meant that was her first realtionship or.. maybe her very very first time. Still she wouldn't speculate and let her fellow mage cry. Right now words would likely do little to help her as her grief seemed almost overwhelming. "Hey Carly could you fetch us some tea? It will help all of us relax." Meanwhile Chloe kept a warm embrace on her roomy letting her know she was there for her even if it was a silent offering.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Uhhh... Sure. Yeah," Carly said, and then headed out of the room while Chloe was left to comfort Stephanie. About ten minutes after the necromancer had left, the earth mage started to calm down a bit, her sobs tapering off and her shuddering slowly fading. "What.... Nnnfff.... What am I supposed to do?" she asked softly, wiping her nose on her sleeve.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe felt a sudden drop in her stomach. "Steph are you... you know.... pregnant?" It was one of the few things Chloe could think of that would have her in such a state and considering her own situation she could understand if Steph was having a hard time of it. Still what ever the case she would comfort her friend untill she got the details if her assumption was wrong.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Stephanie shivered at Chloe's question, but after a moment she nodded slowly and then promptly broke down into sobs again. It was about then that Carly returned, bringing a kettle of steaming Badarian Grey and a trio of cups.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe felt her own stomach sink at the news. Indeed the poor girl... though honestly she was in the same situation herself. There was no telling what Chandlier would do. Sure he was alive but that was hardy an assurance. While he seemed charming and nice when they first met it could have been all a ruse to get her in the sack. "Thanks Carly." Smiling Chloe poured a cup for Step and then for Carly before getting one herself. "Here drink this Steph it will help you relax." She wanted to tell Carly what she found out but decided it was best for Steph to make that decsion on her own. Though Carly wasn't a dumb girl if she thought about it she would figure it out after all they had all gone to the same party.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Stephanie took the cup in shaking hands, but didn't stop crying again for the next ten minutes or so. Carly would give Chloe a nod at her thanks and then take a seat opposite her on the earth mage's side, comfortingly patting her on the back while drinking her tea. When Stephanie finally did calm down enough to take a sip, she would again mutter; "What... What am I gonna do?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Shhhsss don't worry about that now. Just relax and let your head clear. Now is not a time to make a decsion on .. that." Undoubtly Carly was confused about what awas going on. Clearly she wanted to tell Carly and her face made her desires about it known but she would wait for Steph to make that move. "Is there anything I can do for you right now Steph? I could spring for a private bath for you to help you relax?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Chloe's response didn't seem to ease her room mate's state much, but she at least didn't start sobbing again. Carly looked mildly confused, and gave Chloe a quizzical look following her cryptic advice, but didn't ask what they were talking about. Chloe's offer would cause the earth mage to tilt her head to look at her with puffy eyes, but Stephanie would shake her head after hesitating for a moment, "no... I just wanna go to bed. I'm... Tired."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe nodded her head and hugged her friend tight. "Yeah get some rest. Remember your not alone in this." Chloe would get up and help Steph into bed befor gathering up the cups and heading out. Though she would throw a meaningful look at Carly before leaving the room. If the Aether mage followed she would tell her that Steph is pregnant but not before makeing her promis to keep it a secret.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Hugging Chloe back, Steph would go to bed in her clothes, flopping down onto her bed and turning over. Following her out of the room after that significant look, Carly's lips would thin at the revelation that Chloe offered, "that's... Well, it's certainly not great. It's not like she can't go see an apothecary, but... I don't know if she would. What about you? You got laid too, what happened to your, uhhh, friend?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"He almost died but I spent a good part of this morning searching for him in gods reach. I.. I need to know what his intents are before I resolve my own... issue." Chloe put a hand to her own belly. Looking back up she cleared her throat. "At any rate we should keep Steph's issue hush hush untill she is ready to tell people."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Oh for Sivicine's sake!" Carly groaned when Chloe motioned to her own stomach, "are you serious? Do neither of you understand how that works, or were you just too drunk to care at the time?" The aether mage vented angrily, her eyes narrowed, "and you! What kind of sense does it make to go into a war zone to look for a guy that you had a one night stand with? You two are nuts!" Fuming, the aether mage nonetheless nodded at Chloe's suggestion, "I'll keep my mouth shut about it, that's for sure."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe's eyes narrowed at Carly more in annoyance than anything else. "Yes I do know how that works thank you very much." Still it was brushed aside by the rebuke of her foray into the city. "Your right it was stupid.... I cannot argue that, but I had to know... so I could.. find out and make a decsion." Chloe got quiet a moment as they took care of the items before heading back to the room. "Though I have to admit it was rather exciting to get back into the field again." Chloe smirked at the thrill she felt but it was quickly drowned by memories of the aliens and all the students and even faculty that where lost.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Carly glared at Chloe when she remarked about the excitement of fighting again, her eyes narrowing in disapproval, but would hold off on scolding the healer further as they headed back into their room. Once inside, Carly would go to her bunk, slipping out of her clothes as she always did, and flopped into bed naked with no sign of shame. Chloe would be able to go to bed as well, or stay up to do more before turning in, but either way she would have to report back to duty at the healing quarters the next morning.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe looked away chastized by the glare. Puzzled by the strange look. After all Carly was known for her wild side. Well no point in worrying about it now. Getting out of her robe Chloe changed into her sleeping cloths. While she was not as daring as Carly in that regard she had no shame undressing in front of other girls, after all Nina had broken her of that long ago. Slipping into bed Chloe lay a moment thinking about how her life had changed suddenly. After work she would have to find out. Could her and Chandler make a life together or was it just a foolish naive dream. Tommrow... she would ask tommrow. With that thought drifting in her head the healer drifted into sleep.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Sleeping as well as she could, Chloe would awaken to her alarm to find the room empty, herself the sole occupant of their dorm. Carly's bed was a mess, as usual, but Stephanie's was in a state of perfect order, again as usual. Getting into her healer's uniform, when she reported to the school's infirmary she was directed straight down to the field to help tend to the wounded soldiers, of which there were still many and occasionally new ones coming in. Joining the staff, Chloe would spend most of the day caring for those recovering from severe wounds, a much less stressful take on her chosen profession even if it did still expose the young woman to the long term horrors of war. Many people had lost limbs to the battle, or taken wounds that even magical healing couldn't permanently cure without major expenses that were above and beyond a soldier's pay. Even some of her classmates who had joined the battle weren't beyond it, though most of the mages who had been downed had been killed, a favored tactic among the orcs.

Her shift passed uneventfully, and while she wasn't in the same section as Chandler she was in one with one of the elves she'd rescued, who seemed to be doing well. Once she'd finished, Chloe was cleared to leave, and she would find that Chandler had been moved to the least populated section. He was awake but obviously tired, the simple act of recovering from his wounds an exhausting process. That didn't stop him from raising a hand to greet her, however, the battered soldier's familiar boyish grin spreading across his face as he caught sight of her.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

It was messy work and even as some of her coworkers paled at the sight she kept busy. She was of course quisey seeing all the injuries but it didn't hinder her work. After all when you face down a horde of shambling corpses after nearly getting your soul devored by invaders you tend to toughen up a little. What actually bothered her more was the injuries she couldn't treat either due to lack of resoruces or them simpleing requireing to much time and energy spent on one person. Maybe when she graduated she could open a clinic for such cases. It was a nice thought that lingered in the back of her mind as she worked threw her time at the field hospital.

Once her shift official ended Chloe would take one lest look on the elf to make sure she was comfortable after all she would undoubtle give birth soon. The fate of the child did worry her some but it wasn't her place to question to much about it. After that was done she would head over to meet Chandler. Blushing as the wounded man waved to her Chloe sat down next to him. "Hey there.." Almost instictivly her diagnose spell was up as she scanned over his injuries to see how well he was recovering. For a moment she sat as she scanned trying to work up some courage to speak about what had happened. "So after your all better what are you going to do?" Damn it Chloe just ask him already she scoulded herself mentally as her weak question left her mouth.