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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Hey there," Chandler croaked back, and the first thing that Chloe's spell would notice was the dehydration. It was a common problem in healing, especially when wounds were made to heal rapidly with magic, but for some reason the water jug set near the soldier's bed hadn't been refilled. That kind of negligence was the sort that her instructors had often railed against in her training, but it was fixed easily enough, and other than that he seemed to be recovering well, though he would still take some time before he could be anything resembling self sufficient.

"Heh.... Well, I'll probably be back on duty quick enough, though I hope they'll keep it light at first," he replied when she asked her evasive question. "This your first time treating war wounds? You look like something's bothering you," he continued lightly, his tone more curious than anything else.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe frowned at the empty jug and moved to get a fresh one or fill it if she could speaking as she worked. "No I've seen my share of wounded, but something is bothering me." Filling a small cup she would offer it to the man and let him drink before speaking again. "So you will get back to fighting then? What are your thoughts of having a family? Chloe would hear him out before speaking again.

If Chandler has a family (wife kids etc..) or is not intrested.
"Well I know that people tend to think of such things after serious injury I was just curious." After that Chloe would let it drop and finish up her visit making sure he was comfortable.

If Chandler is intrested or has no family.
"I see.. Chandler... Im carring your baby. Maybe Im being naive but I was thinking that we could... well give the child a happy home."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Chandler waited patiently, not speaking after Chloe admitted that it wasn't the wounded that were her issue. He took the offered cup and chugged it in one gulp, but as Chloe delivered her highly weighted question the battered soldier appeared deeply disquieted by her question. "Oh.... Uhhhh," he said awkwardly, after which he would let a pregnant pause settle before wiping his mouth with one arm. "I... Think I understand," he said softly, but his expression was not one of hope or joy, but one of shame. "It... Wouldn't work out," he continued, and then slowly brought up the hand he'd used to wipe his mouth, displaying a silver band coiled around the ring finger. Given his low station, being a mere scout, it was likely that Chandler was a commoner, well beneath Chloe's station to be sure, and that made it something of a wonder that his wedding band was of silver and not just copper or the like.

"I'm sorry... I didn't think it would come to this, and after that night and.... And what you did for me, I feel awful for telling you this now, but..." He fell silent for another few seconds, having been unable to look Chloe in the eye, but such was a feat that he managed then as he continued; "I'm sorry. I am married, got a wife back home..... And a daughter. I... Well, I wasn't really sure that I was gonna come back, so I just... Let things happen how they happened with you." He fell silent, and Chloe could react as she saw fit, though if she tried to brush it off as she'd planned he'd smile wistfully and lean back into his bedding. "It does seem to happen.... Yeah," he said quietly, after which he seemed as comfortable as a man in his condition could be, the refilling of his water jug enough to keep him content for the moment and his bedding and bandages all in good condition. His care had not been lax, it seemed.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe's heart sank a little at those words but she tried to reassure herself that she had saved a man who had a family depending on him. "Rest well Chandler and recover quickly your family needs you. I doubt we will see each other again so.." Chloe leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. "Remember you one crazy night and if I find out your fooling around with other woman besides your wife well... I let Lanys tell you what I do to orcs that make me angry." Getting up with a wicked smile Chloe left the tent and walked aways before starting to sob to herself. Her tears would dry quickly however as she approached the acadamy. She would keep her baby even if it meant being kicked out.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"I will," he said, and despite his wounded condition reached out a hand to stop her briefly. With a bit of exertion, he leaned up and kissed her on the forehead. He grinned at her threat, but it was a thin sort of smile, and he nodded before she walked off to go back to her dorm. She was quickly on her own, leaving her to sob in peace as she moved across the wide field between the field of tents and the Academy doors, though where she would go following her cry was up to her.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

It was a long walk and the wind seemed bitter today. Still she knew it was in her head. She had been a fool and in all common sense she should have realized it sooner. No wonder Carly was pissed at her. She had gone and risked her life for someone who was only intrested in a quick fling. Feeling her emontions swell again Chloe stammped them down. No point in crying now. She needed to form a plan and quickly. First stop was the libarary she needed to review the rules on students getting preganant. After that she would start working on a budget to save money for when the child came. After all that she would go and get something to eat and study in one of the gardens for a bit.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The rules for the Academy were clear enough and easily researched to be sure; being pregnant wasn't the problem. The Academy itself had the best healers in the world outside of the surgeons in the Royal Palace in Therion, and nowhere else would a woman get better care while her child developed. Actually having a child, however, was not permitted for students. As a senior student who had almost completely moved on to practical work, that wouldn't actually harm her all that much, but she wouldn't be able to stay in the dorms anymore. Getting a home in Buttersville, the village below the Academy, would allow her to keep her job at the healer's quarters, but if she didn't find the money for that she would end up having to go back home to her parents.

Homes in the small village were at a premium. Everyone wanted to live near the prestigious magic school, and houses didn't go unused for long. Having one built would take time and a great deal of money, probably at least three hundred denarii. After she had made whatever choice she liked regarding that, studying in the gardens would leave her time to reflect, as no one would bother her as they all went about her daily business, no one that she knew approaching her until it was dinner time when Carly would walk up to her. The aether mage was frowning, and without so much as a greeting she asked; "Have you seen Steph today?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe wasn't to bothered by Carly after all she was fairly straight forward anyway. "No not sense last night. Did she skip class?" Chloe had a hint of worry in her voice after all the poor girl had a shock of her life. After hearing anything else Carly had to offer on the subject Chloe stood. "Ill go check the chaple you check the healers. She may be seeking answers."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Not her first one, but I didn't see her after, and now I can't find her," Carly replied worriedly, "she has missed two others since, and a meeting with one of her group projects." The aether mage nodded in response to Chloe's suggestion, "we meet back here in half an hour."

Parting ways, it wasn't a long walk for Chloe to find the chapel. Originally a non-denominational temple with numerous shrines, it had mostly been taken over prior to the invasion by followers of the Star God, but in recent years its more pagan origins had resurfaced. Entering the large doors, she found several people inside at the various shrines dotting the area, but Stephanie was most definitely not among them.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Frowning slightly Chloe would ask around if anyone had seen her friend. After all she may have stopped by earlier. Getting hopefully some answers Chloe would be able to find Steph soon. If not she would mutter and cast her find spell and slap herself for not doing so earlier.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 75/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find (Stephanie)

Asking around at the temple, no one seemed to have seen Stephanie, and if she did so elsewhere she would only find a few people who had seen her earlier in the day. A few people said they had seen her going towards the infirmary after classes, however, and when she cast her spell to direct her in her room mates direction she would be drawn there. Saijen was the one on duty, but neither Carly nor Stephanie were in the opening area, and the young Amazonian would look up in surprise from the book he'd been reading to assuage the boredom of having to man the desk and seem surprised.

"Oh... Hello Chloe. What are you doing here? I thought you were on duty with the soldiers earlier today, not here tonight."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe smiled "Yeah just looking for Carly and Steph they said something about meet up with them here. Have you seen them Saijen?" Chloe waited for his responce her enounter with the man the other day leaving a distate in her mouth. She didn't want to deal with him any longer than she had to.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 75/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find (Stephanie)

"Uhhh... Not recently," Saijen replied, oblivious to her sudden distaste for him, "your roomies rate? Steph was here a few hours ago, I think. I think I saw Carly for a minute or so, but.... I don't know if she's here now. I haven't seen her for around twenty minutes I think."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Well you did seem pretty into your book Ill go check around real quick to make sure. Thanks Saijen" Smiling Chloe began to move into the infirmary her find spell still directing her. Of course she could be on the other side of it but either way she would find out soon enough. Though she couldn't help feel a tingle on her neck as she glanced at Saijen deciding to keep an eye on him while she looked for her friends.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 75/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find (Stephanie)

"Kay," Saijen said simply, returning to his book. He wouldn't apparently stir much beyond what motion it took to turn the page while he was within Chloe's line of sight, which wasn't long since she entered the wards which were separated from the reception area. Her spell would lead her inside, and other than the a few sick or lightly injured Chloe would pass no one on her way through the first wards and into the second, which were empty. There weren't many who stayed for long, and this area was often used only for the critically injured or those somehow driven insane, requiring long term care.

The magic of her spell led her into a closet full of cleaning supplies, things used by the janitors rather than the proper staff. Specifically, it led her to a grate leading into the sewers.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

The sewers..... bad things happen in sewers all the time. Not to mention she remembered something about some of the invaders escaping into them. Pausing a moment Chloe looked about real quick and switched the target ofher spell to Carly. Fearing the worst Chloe would wait to see if her spell directed her to the same location. If it did she would need to get help for sure but if it was invaders surely her friends had little time. But how much good will she do if she got caught. Something had to be afoot just had to. Resolved Chloe would head out to find a profesor. As she passed by Saijin she would give him a wave. "Guess you where right. I wonder where theose two wandered off to." Once past him and into the hallway Chloe would break in to a run buffing her speed with a bit of magic (lesser strength: body level 1).
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 75/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find (Stephanie), level 1 Speed buff

Her spell did indeed direct Chloe in the same direction, down into the sewers, when she switched her intent from one room mate to another. Both Carly and Steph were down there, somewhere. Saijin looked up when Chloe moved past him, shrugging in response to her parting comment and nodding, "see you later then. Good luck!" He would return to his book before she was even gone, allowing Chloe to move with all haste in search of a faculty member. Unfortunately, her rush would produce somewhat less than desirable results, as the first teacher that she ran into was professor Dringle.

A fat but jolly old man with receding white hair and a thick mustache of the same color, the man was said to be suffering from memory loss in his age, and his lectures - incidentally on magical history - were often dry and difficult to follow as he waffled on and on and went on long tangents unrelated to the subject at hand. He wasn't known as much of a mage anymore, though he had once been a royal battlemage in Therion, and she knocked into him hard enough that she plopped onto her backside at his feet.

"Oh! Hello there!" he began, knocked back a step but not thrown off his feet courtesy of his greater weight and lower stature. "I'm quite sorry, I didn't see you there!" he continued as he offered Chloe a hand up, "but... Whatever had you moving in such a hurry, my dear?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

To say she was mildly dissapointed in her find would be a lie. Still it was better than nothing and she had little time if she was right. "Profesor I think their maybe something dangerous in the sewers. I was looking for my friends and decided to use find on them. It lead me to the sewers. I think something might have taken them." With that sad Chloe took the hand up and waited to see if her claim would be dismissed.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 75/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find (Stephanie), level 1 Speed buff

"What!?" the professor said, his jolly outward appearance fading immediately, "who? And how many? Where did your spell lead?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Carly and Stephany and it lead to the sewer." As far as Jenny could recall there where no classes held in the sewers and for what Stephany went to the healers ward for wasn't to be found down there.