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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 55/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The professors kept looking around nervously while Chloe gathered her things, and once the mage proclaimed her readiness they led her off, casting minor illusion spells at every intersection to make it look like they were splitting and going in multiple directions at once. Several times they made odd turns before doubling back, and so it took nearly twenty minutes before they were in the staff quarters and had Chloe sequestered in a meeting room that had a cot set up in it. "You can rest here for now... Try to get some sleep, the Dean will explain everything to you in the morning... Or everything you need to know anyway," the evoker said, letting skepticism briefly flicker into her voice.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe thought such tactics where rather strange given that what ever was after her had at lest one mage in its employ. It would be little effort to find her via magic. Then again the staff quarters might be protected to hide her presence still it would be a nervous night. Setting the alarm spell again Chloe tried to sleep. When she finally nodded off her dreams where less than pleasant.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Sleep would be difficult, many people coming in and out over the course of the night and setting off her alarm, but nobody bothered her. Most seemed to be standing guard over her. When she got up, Greyback was sitting next to her, the busty professor looking tired but alert.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

After about the second interruption she let the alarm spell drop. It was clear she was being watched over very carefully which only made her more nervous. How much danger was she in? Looking at the professor a moment in silence Chloe decided to apologize. "Professor I... I owe you an apology. I may have thought ill of you, but now I see that you do care for the students. I'm sorry that I let my imagination run away on me."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Hrm?" Greyback said, surprised. "You did? .....Why?" she asked, seemingly more perplexed than insulted.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe looked to teacher and sat back down. "When the aliens invaded and we were lead to the basement to see what happened to the victims.. I guess I mistook your desire to understand them as a cruel attempt to experiment on a living creature. Please forgive me I was still rather naive at that time. I let it color my perception about you all this time." Chloe waited to hear anything from Ms. Greyback and even if it was an angry remark she deserved it. Besides she felt her heart lighten having gotten it off her chest.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Oh... Well I guess it's not the first time," she replied with a sigh, not seemingly upset to any significant degree. "I am a scientist, my dear, but I am also a healer. The same arts that you study are essential to my own work in trying to understand the unknown creatures of the universe. I do no harm whenever possible, and even when creatures as vile as those that attacked us are my subjects, it is my duty and a part of my oath to first do no harm."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Nodding Chloe sat unsure of what to do next. Deciding that she was not needed yet she opened up the book Nina had loaned her. It was some lewd tale of a rogue and her succubus companion and all the troubles and misadventures they managed to get into. She was mostly threw it and wondered idly if this was the type of stuff Nina was into. That girl of course was wild in her own right despite her demure appearance. Still with the thoughts of her friend fresh in her mind she paused in her reading to ponder how Steph and Carly were doing.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Sadly, at least for now, Chloe's ponderings would go unanswered. Greyback would keep silent and watch over Chloe, other staff passing in and out of the staffroom that she was resting in, before someone came in that the biologist seemed to recognize. She rose, and Chloe would after a moment recognize the Dean as well. "She wasn't attacked a second time?" he asked, to which Miranda shook her head. "Hrm... Well, I guess he isn't very persistent... Or is more patient than he seems."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe listened to what the dean had to say not wanting to interrupt though a thought did cross her mind. "Maybe Sajin sent it? He could have panicked thinking to get rid of me as soon as possible." It was the only thing she could really add other than asking questions which she would do soon, though at the moment the dean didn't look like he wanted to deal with them.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"That is what we assume, yes," the Dean replied to Chloe's suggestion, "the sorcerer had set up a nest down below... It wasn't too old, luckily, but there were still nearly a dozen people down there. And quite a few monsters."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe looked down a moment almost afraid to ask. "Are my roommates going to be alright?.... And do you think he will try again... ya know to take me?" These were the pressing issues and the ones that would influence the next few days of her life for sure.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"We don't know yet," the Dean replied, answering both questions at once. "The nature of what he's doing make him... Unpredictable. His cover is already blown, but he might come after you for revenge for exposing his actions. We can't keep people on you at all hours, but we can't risk a student's life so lightly. We'll have to keep you at a safe house, if you'll permit it, until this situation is... Resolved."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe frowned thinking a moment before speaking. "If placing me in a safe house will keep others safe then Ill do it, but Sir what exactly was this sorcerer trying to do?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Forming a nest," he explained, "he summoned... Something. Monsters. And was looking to form an army, for what purpose we cannot say."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe frowned the Dean was holding information back. After all he was one of the most knowledgeable men in the world. Perhaps he was doing so to spare Chloe at lest she hoped so. If it truly was something he did not know then all of them were in grave danger. "May I see them before I go and someone will need to tell Nina, Tesnya so they don't worry when they find me gone."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"You may, but they won't be able to speak. We have an idea of what happened to them and their memories of it will need to be erased," he explained, "as for anyone else... No. The more people have even a hint of where you're going, the worse things will be for you. You can explain what happened to them when this all blows over."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe nodded "I see. I would still like to visit them before I go." Following to where the dean led Chloe would look over her roommates and take each by the hand in turn if allowed. "Hang in their girls they are going to make you right as rain. Remember I'm rooting for you." Brushing a tear away Chloe would leave her friends behind. "I guess... I'm ready. Who is going to know about my location.. just in case someone decides to visit. Ill need to know who is friend or foe."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Greyback," the Dean said, causing the woman to rise and then escort Chloe out. Her friends were found among many other unconscious people, most visibly pregnant or visibly withered, and neither so much as stirred at her words or touch. The professor and healers gave her her space, though she noticed that no one else had been allowed any visitors.

"No one," Greyback answered, "or at least, no one besides myself, the Dean, and a handful of staff. Do you need anything else?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"I guess just the things I brought." Chloe frowned, had she kept her investigation going or said something sooner maybe none of this would have happened. Steph and Carly would still be okay and not.... in this state. "Im sorry girls if I had been smarter or faster..... maybe this wouldn't have happened." Fighting back some tears she kissed both her friends on their foreheads before letting Greyback lead her away. They where in the hands of the healers now.

After walking with Greyback awhile Chloe spoke up. "Do you really think he will come after me? It seems a silly move given how he has failed already. Especially with the Academy on alert."