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Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

You got me, I didn't think up the name.

Heresy you say. Hold on let me go find my Lasombra inquisitor. Oh wait he's not in this game never mind.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Haha, you never know what ancient and powerful kindred you might find walking the streets of Philly. ;)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I think the lads and ladies of White Wolt metaplot just wanted a small bloodline of ladies only sopranos. It would have made more sense if they'd had some metaplot purpose in mind for doing so but apparently it's just a story hook.

I do see the Daughters as a mix of Malk and Toreador, in effect - the only thing making them unique is their discipline. That said, I'm fine with playing one, or something else. It's all good.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Actually it's not that likely to run across a really ancient kindred in the Americas. All the really old ones prefer Europe canonically speaking. Most princes in the new world are equal to ancilla in Europe, though there are always exceptions to the rules. Especially when it's your game.

Much like with so many other ideas the folks at white wolf had they forgot to develop the idea. They do it quite often in their many books. I don't mind overly much though since they usually give you enough ideas that you can make something interesting out of them.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I mostly just included the Daughters because I like them. As you probably noticed, the list of clans and bloodlines for the game is kinda random. It's mostly because I just picked the main clans and sprinkled in a few others that I like and left out others that I don't. :p

But since it's fun to be mysterious and enigmatic, I'll say there is at least one kindred in Philly who's clan is not on that list, and there's a reason for it. :)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

My bet is on Salubri or Nagaraja being the mystery Philadelphian.

RP, are the other clans you don't like still technically in the world, but just won't be a part of the story? Or are you erasing them from existence?
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

*gets out her magic eraser* Mwhahahahahahahahaaahhahahaa!!!!!!!

...Nope I'm not erasing them from existence lol. They just don't exist in Philly. At least not yet!
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

*gets out her magic eraser* Mwhahahahahahahahaaahhahahaa!!!!!!!

...Nope I'm not erasing them from existence lol. They just don't exist in Philly. At least not yet!

That's reasonably within canon anyways. Not every faction has a presence in every city.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Tis the best way to do things, unfortunately for me I actually like all the clans and bloodlines. Granted I like some a lot more than others and I wish a few of the bloodlines had been developed better. I still like them and have to stop myself from trying to use all of them.

It's obviously a Nictuku preferably Gorgo, She Who Screams in Darkness. Why because it's fun to say her name, that's why.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Nicktuku eh? But every PC banned themselves from playing Nosferatu. Who cares if the sewer rats start going missing?
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I didn't say no being a Nosferatu.

And we should be worried because I don't think the Nictuku care about collateral damage plus they're a bigger masquerade violation then the Nosferatu themselves.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

They're also 4th Generation, ravenous beasties with amazing Obfuscation powers of sneaking up behind you and killing you without you knowing about it. We really shouldn't be fighting them... Sticking with my original bets.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

True, I was just picking the least likely bloodline I could find to show up because I like underdogs.

Personally I lean towards Salubri or Baali because they seem to be the most likely to mix with the clan variants that are already present.

A Cappadocian or any of the other necromancy using clans could be interesting with the presence of both the Giovanni and Harbingers but I don't picture any of our characters being in either of those clans.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I think I'm due for a necromancy using VTM character at some point. Maybe my next character will be into that. Would be fun to incorporate some good ol' fashioned wraiths. Y'know, before White Wolf Spirit Nuked Ravnos and fuxxored the Underworld.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

That's one of the nice parts about V20, they retconned the Week of Nightmares and all the Gehenna stuff. Not that you had to use it in the first place but it's always nice for them to change canon events that no one liked.

I always wanted to try and play a Giovanni but I've never been able to come up with a concept that I like. Especially with all the restrictions they sort of have in regards to who gets to be a member. The Samedi and the Nagaraja don't really appeal to me because of their weaknesses though if I was in a certain mood maybe.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

V20? I'm not sure what that is? Reprint of old school WoD without the metaplot changes?
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Google fu solved my question. Neat. Must get myself a copy.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Yes it's a very nice book though a bit on the pricy side if you get the full color copy like I did. I'm sure there's probably the much cheaper PDF if you don't want the cool pictures though.

It's mostly just a compendium of all the main books from VTM, though they did make some minor updates. Such as a change to the Tremere and Gangrel weakness and weeding out the loopholes from the disciplines. Plus it's useful to have all of the clans and bloodlines all in one book along with all their disciplines and all the different paths.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Ohhh I'm curious, what were the changes to the Tremere and Gangrel weaknesses Ronny?
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Gangrel - Every time a Gangrel frenzies she acquires a temporary animal characteristic (which may replace an existing temporary one). Characteristics acquired in Gangrel frenzies need not only be physical – they can be behavioral as well. Players should work with the storyteller to determine what new animal trait is acquired. Over time, or in an exceptional situation, a particular animal feature may become permanent, with the next frenzy adding a new feature. A good guideline is to require each frenzy-gained trait to have some effect grounded in system terms (such as the temporary reduction of social attribute dots or a permanent loss of humanity), though some storytellers may allow narrative-only traits that can shape the story.

Tremere - Tremere dependency on blood is even more pronounced than that of other Kindred. It takes only two draughts of another vampire’s blood for a Tremere to become blood bound instead of the normal three — the first drink counts as if the Tremere had taken two drinks. The elders of the clan are well aware of this, and seek to impart loyalty to the clan by forcing all neonate Warlocks to drink of the (transubstantiated) blood of the seven Tremere elders soon after their embrace.

They also dropped the second half of the Lasombra clan weakness. Where they take an extra level of damage from sunlight leaving them with the lack of reflection as their sole weakness.

As I said they were relatively minor changes but I think they work a lot better and I'm using the changes.