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ACT [kyrieru] Eroico RE115470 RJ115470

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

There's a big difference between looking at an animation, and playing a game leading up to that animation, because then it's happening to you. So no, it's not the same.

Also, the goal in my games isn't to unlock everything, it's to beat the game. Unlocking everything is a goal players set for themselves, not one I impose on them.


I wasn't even talking about your game, just in general since everybody is talking platformers in here. I can't remember if I played more than the demo of Eroico so I probably haven't played it and can't judge it well. I think I didn't like the male sub/victim protagonist too much. If it's anything like Kuro though, I'm sure the difficulty and challenge/gameplay are fine.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I wasn't talking about Eroico either...

But I did assume someone was talking about it earlier when they weren't, so perhaps design in general should just have it's own topic somewhere -__-
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

You got it now, I just wanted to clear that up. Kinda like how iris action has grass that grabs you in pits, so its weird to sometimes go down just to get grabbed, then possibly escape, or unholy sanctuary that had the grabby hands pit. Either of those are the types of pits one would assume to be instituted instead of spikes, though there are plenty of other examples of things that are traps that aren't pits, like your plants from kurovadis.

I guess that's more what azure was saying. If we were talking kuro, it'd be more plant enemies, as opposed to that long stretch that had guns firing, or those crawling dots of pain. I think this might be stretching what they said, but hopefully it just paints the general picture
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

You got it now, I just wanted to clear that up. Kinda like how iris action has grass that grabs you in pits, so its weird to sometimes go down just to get grabbed, then possibly escape, or unholy sanctuary that had the grabby hands pit. Either of those are the types of pits one would assume to be instituted instead of spikes, though there are plenty of other examples of things that are traps that aren't pits, like your plants from kurovadis.

I guess that's more what azure was saying. If we were talking kuro, it'd be more plant enemies, as opposed to that long stretch that had guns firing, or those crawling dots of pain. I think this might be stretching what they said, but hopefully it just paints the general picture

Well, to sum up my responses to them, H traps are fine when done properly, what I was opposed to was the idea that there should never be spikes. The idea that every trap should be H content simply because it's an adult game.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I wasn't talking about Eroico either...

But I did assume someone was talking about it earlier when they weren't, so perhaps design in general should just have it's own topic somewhere -__-

Heh, maybe I should have been a little more clear when I said that....or I should stop lurking so much so I can better express what I mean on the net.

Either Way.

I will say that I like the way you design your games and other designers who design their games with it not being entirely focus on the hentai side of things. I personally think have a good h-game would have a balance between game play and hentai which is another reason i'm not a fan of everything just being sex. (Like, for example, danger traps have to be sexual and not something like spikes).

Usually H-games just seem to focus entirely on being overly sexual and those I just tend to not bother getting due to the game itself just not being fun... that or just simply unlock the animations and completely forget them once all is said and done.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I will say that I like the way you design your games and other designers who design their games with it not being entirely focus on the hentai side of things. I personally think have a good h-game would have a balance between game play and hentai which is another reason i'm not a fan of everything just being sex. (Like, for example, danger traps have to be sexual and not something like spikes).

Usually H-games just seem to focus entirely on being overly sexual and those I just tend to not bother getting due to the game itself just not being fun... that or just simply unlock the animations and completely forget them once all is said and done.

I'll second that, Vossryn. H content might be one area of appeal, but the really fun combat mechanics, nice-looking areas, and (sometimes frustrating) platforming that has tight controls that don't feel overly limiting all play their part as well. I can enjoy Kurovadis as a pure platformer, and most H-games can't really do the same. Hell, I've watched SFW Kurovadis speedruns on Youtube, and they've been fun enough to make me want to try to get that skilled myself. I can't say that about many games.

Tangentially, I also think it's really cool how Kuro and Eroico can use knocked-down state as a tool to lure enemies closer or avoid area-filling attacks. I like the fact that only a few enemy grabs deal damage, it feels like my characters can use their sex appeal as a weapon.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'll second that, Vossryn. H content might be one area of appeal, but the really fun combat mechanics, nice-looking areas, and (sometimes frustrating) platforming that has tight controls that don't feel overly limiting all play their part as well. I can enjoy Kurovadis as a pure platformer, and most H-games can't really do the same. Hell, I've watched SFW Kurovadis speedruns on Youtube, and they've been fun enough to make me want to try to get that skilled myself. I can't say that about many games.

Tangentially, I also think it's really cool how Kuro and Eroico can use knocked-down state as a tool to lure enemies closer or avoid area-filling attacks. I like the fact that only a few enemy grabs deal damage, it feels like my characters can use their sex appeal as a weapon.

I'm kind of on the fence about that. I get that Kyrieru didn't want people to really be PENALZIED for getting H-content but at the same time...

At least, in Eroico, it's kind of well, crazy how much the protag can cum... I mean, it's monstergirls and... well, I guess it may not follow the usual rules, but still... you think he'd be tired, or be dry after a while, hahaha.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

i just meant how in eroico, there was no downside to just sitting there getting raped, which kind of made it pointless from a design perspective, the vore monster in kurovadis always made me struggle for my life, though i pretty much knew it wasnt possible to escape in time (i always try) and that was brilliant...

hopefully that clarified my standpoint somewhat

in kuro, part of the thrill was struggling to escape grapples, in eroico it's like IMA LIKE HER AND IMA LET HER FINISH BUT kurovadis is still one of the best H games of all time.
I half agree and half disagree with this statement.

I know you said that you wanted to try out a game where the consequences of the adult actions weren't major to quote specifically.

"Likewise, the sex in Eroico has no bearing on the character's health, but it's still a form of interaction and involvement with enemies. Whereas in Kurovadis some enemies did damage, and that's fine, Eroico was for the other half of the player base that just wanted the ability to see animations without consequence. Different in tone, but equally viable."

I don't think that makes sense. You said you were targeting the player that just wanted the ability to see animations without consequence but you made the game really difficult. I think it was a passed up opportunity in this case to make the adult elements relevant in any way. I know that you personally wanted a strict dichotomy between gameplay and adult content, but I believe the games that made you interested in making these adult platformers were interesting because the adult elements were relevant in some way.... You could've made it so that every time you cum your max health drops down. This small change would influence the way the players play and I feel make the game more "tangible and expressive."

The part I don't agree with is that Kuro is the best game you've made since Eroico still managed to make sense with the adult animations... I didn't feel like they were out of place...
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I don't like "dying" from H either, but also not spikes. I hate spikes. *Shakes fist at Megaman, Sonic, and Prince of Persia* That's just me though, I know some people live for spike impaling deaths.. X_X I never saw the draw to spikes myself though.

In Repure Aria healing spots were common, so you COULD die to H from pure exhausting, but it was nearly impossible. In my opinion that was a good middle ground.

Other than the spikes I loved Eroico though, brilliant work for a one man game!
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I believe the games that made you interested in making these adult platformers were interesting because the adult elements were relevant in some way.... You could've made it so that every time you cum your max health drops down.
Nope, Unholy sanctuary was the first, and at the time there weren't enemies that had grab attacks, it was the sprite sex at game over that interested me. Specifically, just the idea of sprite sex being in-game at all.

You said you were targeting the player that just wanted the ability to see animations without consequence but you made the game really difficult.
I never said I was basing the entire game around those players, just that specific element. There's a difference between difficulty and accessibility.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

All this talk about game design in general is going to go roughly because there's also a fundamental difference in just how much sex content people would want to see mixed into their H-games. Some want that outrageous orgy feel, others want it more lightly sprinkled in. Where line for "hardcore" gets drawn is a very rapidly moving target.

While not as easy for one-man projects, perhaps the idea should be brought up for a little customizing in the options. "Spike Pits vs H-Pits:<pick one>" in the options.

For something a bit more relevant to Eroico, I actually found it disappointing that finishing with a monster girl didn't penalize one's health. Yes I can understand the whole "not wanting to punish the player for getting the H-content" but the death-by-sex mechanic is really popular for a niche in the audience (look at how many people liked RePure Aria). Instead of redesigning the whole game around it and potentially throwing off the balance of it, why not just make it another one of those options you can toggle in the menu. Just make sure it actually works for both main game and the playable sprite gallery. I don't think this addition would really be that much work compared with the the effort it took to put the game together in the first place. You already have that struggle bar, I sorta figured it was originally designed for the player to lose health or mana depending on which color the struggle bar was in if he failed to wrestle the monster girl off.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I don't think anyone wants less H-content opposed to more (Where's that ghost's H scene Kyrieru?). In fact the complaints about non H related traps to me seems like wheedling for more H in future games.

As for taking damage during H, I don't really care one way or the other but you could use that mechanic to create a different feel to different H encounters. I know certain enemies in Kurovadis hurt you a lot more than others, the worm monster specifically creates extreme urgency to escape. Here damage creates a sense of danger, maybe it could be used to recreate other feelings; disgust, seduction, pain, etc.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Well, since the argument popped up.

I believe that "coherence" in games is always a plus.
If you do a "shooting" game, the more "shooting" is relevant to the gameplay, the more the game appeals the player.

If you do a "H" game... well...

This to say that if traps and hurdles in a "H" game are related to sex, this is a bonus for me.

This is also to say that in an "H" game, "H" interaction should lead to consequences. Not necessarily negative, mind you: one of my favourite "H" games ever is "Fairy Wars 2", where "H" interaction is tightly linked to the gameplay. Whether you play to win or you play to lose, you do it through "H".

Considering this point gives the thing a whole different meaning. Comparing the two games from Kyrieru, while in Eroico, at some point, the sprite sex became somewhat indifferent to me, in Kurovadis some rapes never get old: namely the worm, the phantom and the devil. Struggling to break free because you believe you can still make it make it through the rest of the level or letting it happen because you have hardly any energy left gives them and the game a whole different meaning.

(as always, sorry from my "englitalian" :D )
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Considering this point gives the thing a whole different meaning. Comparing the two games from Kyrieru, while in Eroico, at some point, the sprite sex became somewhat indifferent to me, in Kurovadis some rapes never get old: namely the worm, the phantom and the devil. Struggling to break free because you believe you can still make it make it through the rest of the level or letting it happen because you have hardly any energy left gives them and the game a whole different meaning.

(as always, sorry from my "englitalian" :D )

this ^
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I never expected a neg-rep I got from one of my posts in this thread.

"I hate losing health during the sprite sex! not everyone wants that bs. I would actually prefer health being regenerated during sprite sex."

Game-breaking implications aside, I'm curious as to why this couldn't be voiced as a legitimate opinion for discussion. Sure nobody likes to get neg reps but wow, this one surprised me. Do I expect too much from people or this kinda normal? :p
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

"I hate losing health during the sprite sex! not everyone wants that bs. I would actually prefer health being regenerated during sprite sex."

As you said, it's kind of game breaking and I think that would be pretty much it, you're supposed to avoid enemies because they hurt you, if enemies do the complete opposite, where's the challenge? Where are the hazards? It kind of stops being a game at that point... that's my opinion of course, unless the point of the game is different, which in this case is not, it's a very traditional platform game. I rather play an actual game than just press buttons to fap material and hentai pandering, otherwise, you can just download pictures or play interactive flash games, the game part should still be important in a hentai game.

So unless you make the game appropriate for that kind of mechanic like for example a puzzle game where enemies are not that important, you need to have mechanics according to the game, in this case, enemies work the same as a traditional game because that's part of the point of the game.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I never expected a neg-rep I got from one of my posts in this thread.

"I hate losing health during the sprite sex! not everyone wants that bs. I would actually prefer health being regenerated during sprite sex."

Game-breaking implications aside, I'm curious as to why this couldn't be voiced as a legitimate opinion for discussion. Sure nobody likes to get neg reps but wow, this one surprised me. Do I expect too much from people or this kinda normal? :p

Forgive my usage of platitudes, but 'never underestimate human stupidity'. It is fucking boundless.

People would often rather simply act selfishly, than undergo the strain of contemplating any deeper implications or alternative perspectives. As such, stupid people have a sort of 'license to be retarded', since they won't feel guilt, as they never even considered consequences/other perspective/moral implications of their actions, in the first place.

Example: stealing shit from Gamestop. People justify it with, "but Gamestop is just a big, evil corporation! I'm okay with taking money from those fatcats!". However, with even the slightest bit of thought, you can recall that, well, the person held responsible for stolen merchandise is usually the manager - really, you're stealing from him. But if you think enough to get there, you can no longer steal from Gamestop without feeling guilty.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I never expected a neg-rep I got from one of my posts in this thread.

I've never really cared about reputation points, to be honest. Why worry about some arbitrary number that exists on the whims of angry or misinformed users? The only reputation that matters is the reputation you actually have with the community, and your reputation points can never really represent that.

So..I wouldn't worry about unpopular opinion. If what you say pisses of some people, then to hell with them. As long as it's reaching the people you actually give a damn about and furthering discussion.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Just saw your new blog posts, agreed that coloring in Flash is a nightmare. I was like "WEEEEE" animating my first bouncey balls in it and other random crap (porn), then it came to coloring and I was just like: "Nope", lol. Even detailed drawing is difficult, takes quite a while to get used to the way it draws lines on a delay and stuff. I wish they combined Sai and Flash.

Also dat pink haired Link. Can't tell if flat chested girl Link or manly chest. Elves. Thinking about an Ocarina of Time game with a girl Link making the constant grunting noises as she attacks is hilarious.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Just saw your new blog posts, agreed that coloring in Flash is a nightmare. I was like "WEEEEE" animating my first bouncey balls in it and other random crap (porn), then it came to coloring and I was just like: "Nope", lol.

The other thing I've noticed is that if you do quick line strokes with a tablet, sometimes it won't process one of them, which can be irritating.

Coloring isn't too bad if you duplicate the line art frames and then fill those, but...it lacks a lot of the opacity and selection options you would have in something like photoshop.