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London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

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Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The falcon proves difficult to draw the attention of without being able to call out to it the language of the animals. Especially since Anabelle wishes to remain unseen by the men aboard the ship. They seem to be waiting for something with a shipment of some illicit goods it seems.

Just as Anabelle begins to ponder what to do next Muirne appears as though from nowhere and steps into the open after giving Anabelle a signal to remain hidden for the time being. She rather brazenly walks towards the men who eventually start and draw daggers to ask what she is doing aboard. There is quite a bit of distance between Muirne and the three men that Anabelle can see and she seems unworried by them.

Several more crates sit near the small mast of the ship and it's possible that Anabelle might be able to move closer without being seen. Even her sharp hearing is incapable of making out much of the conversation amongst the men. They seem nervous as they talk amongst themselves while Muirne simply looks around as though trying to find something or someone.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Pulling her hood further forward to throw shadow over her eyes, Anabelle summons the beastly powers within herself, illuminating the darkness as she grasped the hilt of her sword gently, pulling it scant inches from its scabbard.

As quietly as she could, she made her way to the next set of crates, hoping to catch wind of the conversation, and ready to move forward and do what she did. Kill.

Activating Protean. Even if I made that obvious in the post.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The darkness lifts from Anabelle's vision as the beast within makes itself known through her glowing wolf-like eyes. If it weren't for the depth of the darkness under her hood she would likely give away her position as she stealthily creeps forward to be able to listen in. Leaning close against the crates near the central mast she listens carefully with nothing but the sound of the creaking ship to block any sound.

Muirne seems to be focusing her attention on watching the deck rather than listening to the threats uttered by the three men aboard the ship. "Hey, you can't be on here. Shove off, lady. Yeah get lost or we'll throw you off. The Black Wolf don't want no trouble."

Muirrne simply smiles as she moves to the side of the boat and begins to poke at one of the crates lining the deck. Her expression seems rather lackadaisical or perhaps it's simply a ploy to throw the men of track. Ripping the lid from the crate she reaches down and starts rummaging around as 2 of the men rush forward to stop her.

Never hurts to point out the obvious in case I'm half asleep which I am. Don't forget you still have experience to spend if you want, most of the information threads are updated should you need them.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle still does not move, guessing that Muirne could take care of herself, especially if these two were merely human. Tracking her gaze to the third man, the Scot cocked her head to the side, and started to creep around,trying to get behind him, and grasp him by the throat.

A slackening of her thirst this eve would make it all worthwhile.

Think I'll take Protean level 2
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle watches as she stealthily moves around the crates to get at the third of the three men on deck. He takes a few steps forward to back up the two rushing at Muirne, putting him in just the position Anabelle wanted to grasp him by the throat. The world seems to slow as Anabelle grasps the man by the throat, if her heart still beat it would be bursting from her chest as the man immediately stopped struggling in her grasp afraid for his life.

She watches as the other two men break into a full on run at Muirne, oblivious to the threat behind them. Muirne simply keeps rummaging through the crate and tossing things to the side as though she hadn't even noticed the men hurtling her way with daggers drawn. The closest of the two men dives to tackle the much smaller woman to the ground and misses. Quicker than Anabelle's eyes can even follow Muirne sidesteps and throws the man who goes flying into the river with a splash. Before the second man can even react his dagger is knocked from his hand and he finds himself on his knees with Muirne's wicked blades held to either side of his head.

Check claws it is, you may now proceed to pretend your X23. Though just to make sure, you do realize you have enough experience to increase animalism to level 2 as well.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"Seems I might have saved yer life this night... but the night is far from over," she hissed in the man's ear, her fingers digging into his throat, just before she lunged up and clamped down with her fangs, feeling his blood gushing over her lips and tongue.

When she finished, she tossed the man to the ground, and gave him a solid kick to the head, to make sure he was not in the realm of the wakeful before moving up behind the goon kneeling before Muirne.

Looking up at her companion, Anabelle raised an eyebrow above one glowing eye.

Level 2 animalism? Fuck year! Gimme... please.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The man gives a brief garbled scream through the hand clamped over his face as Anabelle's fangs pierce his throat filling her to the brim with vitae. He passes out almost immediately and doesn't move an inch even as she kicks at him to check.

Muirne has the odd look in her eye once more as she stands over the man so obviously in control of his life or death. The man is practically babbling as he kneels with the sickles so close to his throat. A puddle of fluid soaking his clothes and the deck beneath him as she looks in and asks. "So where's the captain of your ship, mortal? We wanted to speak with him about some very important matters."

The third man has just managed to drag his waterlogged self onto the deck behind Muirne. Though he seems to be in no hurry to rush the woman this time he still is obviously thinking about it a he cries out. "We're supposed to meet him out here to transfer cargo to another vessel. Please don't hurt me brother, you...you...demon."

Rodger dodger, over and under.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Stepped forward, Anabelle made sure the second man, water dripping from his form, could see her. She had wiped the blood from her lips before moving forward, but now she drew her sword, and softly shook her head at the man, a warning more than anything else.

Now she stood still once more, following Muirne's lead. This was her mission after all.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The second man simply remains seated on the deck as he notices Anabelle's clear warning not to try anything. He resigns himself to simply waiting for the uncertain outcome of the two kindred attacking and beating them so handily. His eyes never stray far from either Anabelle or Muirne as he fearfully glances between the two.

Muirne's face hardly changes as she listens to the man's entreaties to spare his brother's life. She nods at the information she was after and looks down at the younger man who seems on the verge of utterly passing out from fear. Without even a remote flinch she beheads the whimpering creature as though her were no more than a fly. The man Anabelle had warned snapped at this barbaric act and leaped to attack Muirne only to be sidestepped once more and in one deft maneuver lose his head as well. Without even responding Muirne steps back to the crate she had been looking through before and started digging through it's contents once again.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle watched the acts of violence and shook her head softly before moving over to the unconscious man. Might as well make them all fit, lest this get suspicious. Raising her sword, she brought the edge of the blade down upon the man's neck, before turning from the body and moving over to Muirne.

"What are ye looking for exactly?"
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle's blade easily takes the man's life as he lays unconscious before her, so simple it was to just snuff someone's life out. At one point this sort of act would have been utterly repulsive to Anabelle but for the briefest of seconds she actually enjoyed the rush of the kill. It soon faded much like the feeling of feeding from the same man had earlier as she turned her attention to Muirne and the crate.

Muirne seemed completely unfazed by the blood and death she had already wrought. She actually looked like she might have enjoyed it though the feeling was fading quickly in her eyes as well. "Oh nothing in particular. Just taking a look at what they are smuggling: gold, spices, and gems from the looks of things. At one point I would have looked at this in awe but now it's so boring. What's this?"

She held up a small jar of which half the crate seemed to be filled. Some kind of mashed root or spice was inside, a reddish-black color almost like that of coagulated blood. The bottle was unlabeled and there was no scent of any kind to be noted.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The bloodshed forgotten, even as the life force of the others cooled beneath her boots, Anabelle stared at the lifted jar with a soft frown.

"What is it?" she asked, pulling one of the other jars up herself. She brought it to her nose, trying to smell within, not wanting to open the contents. It did look like blood, perhaps vampiric. Or something else.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"I'm not sure, but they have a lot of it and it's hidden under all this other junk. Not really my job to worry about smuggling but it might help to know where this stuff is heading for. Just in case our quarry doesn't show up." Muirne says giving the stuff a strong sniff with the lid off.

Their isn't any scent to speak of from the outside of the jar but the inside smells sweet and faintly of blood. Though whatever it is, seems to be more plant than actual blood if Anabelle chooses to examine it closer.

"It smells kind of like blood but it sure doesn't look it, maybe it's some kind of spice for vitae or something. I've heard of weirder things though I don't usually believe them." Muirne says replacing the jar and looking around once more. "I guess we should get ready to set up an ambush for my quarry. Any ideas?"
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

As Anabelle leaned in closer to the open jar, she frowned slightly, and took on of the jars and slipped it away. Might be good for someone to see what was being smuggled in. Could be nothing, but the Scot didn't feel that was her decision to make at this point; she still knew so little about the dark things lurking within the shadows.

"Hide the bodies first, or pile them in one area to get attention. Plenty of crates to hide behind, lots of shadows," Anabelle said, looking around the brightened world, eyes glowing softly beneath her hood as she examined the deck of the ship.

"Or, wait inside the cabin if close up is preferential," she suggested.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Muirne simply nods her head as though she's hardly there once more. The strange melancholy already settling back over her face as the thoughts of all too recent violence fade from her tormented mind. She moves to the first body and drags it into the cabin saying.

"I work better with space to move around just in case it comes down to a fight. Doesn't it bother you to do this kind of stuff she says as she tosses one of the heads in after a body. I hardly even think about it anymore."

As soon as the bodies are moved she splashes the deck with a bucket of water and replaces the lid of the crate and leans against the wall of the cabin while they wait. Above in the sky Anabelle can still hear the occasional cry from Jourdain's hawk, Leila circles keeping a keen eye on thing's below.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"I did much worse b'fore I was embraced," Anabelle said simply as she dragged another of the decapitated bodies into the cabin to join the other, smearing blood in a long red trail before Muirne's attempts at cleaning washed much of it away. Enough to pass notice anyway.

Looking up into the air, the Gangrel spotted the hawk, and wondered what it could see. She was sure the creature would let her know should anyway approach the ship floating in the river. She sniffed at the air, and looked about her, wondering if there were anymore on the ship the pair may have to worry about before whatever target they were hunting arrived.

"Violence tends to have a way of becoming impotent after so much blood has been shed," Anabelle said, partially to herself.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Aside from the small cabin which they had just hid the bodies in the only hiding places on deck were the numerous crates. Muirne poked around at a few more of the crates but didn't seem to find anything else of interest before turning back and tried to smile.

"I suppose it does seem to become easier to do these things after so long but I can feel myself slipping more and more into just thinking like an animal rather than a human. I don't suppose you've seen someone who's slipped all the way down before.

Nothing more than a rabid animal intent on eating or killing everything in it's path. It's like that thing inside us has taken over completely and the only way to fix it is final death. I don't want to die that way but I don't know how one can stop themselves."
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle thought over her answer for a few moments in silence, letting the question linger in the air, full of this girl's doubts and fears.

"Once, as a human. He was once a friend, but b'came so consumed by death, that the only way he could end his days was by the sword. I fear the same fate awaits myself, though I hope not so soon," she said quietly, and looked back up towards the hawk as she found a crate tucked away in darkness, shrouding herself in the shadows.

"But it's who we are isn' it? The best we can do is be at peace with the animal within us."
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"I wish I could be at peace with the beast but he seems to reject any moment of happiness I can find. Perhaps if I could but remember what it was like to be truly human but that seems so long ago. It's like someone wants me to devolve into nothing more than a simple creature of killing and death.

It's like someone locked my memories up and forgot to return them after I served my purpose. I'm starting to think I'll never find out what's wrong with..." The old manic look returned to her eyes as the hawk suddenly gave a cry from up above in the bright night sky. She too slipped into the shadows near another crate, the shadows wrapping around her as she disappeared from sight.

If either chose to look to the east they would notice a skiff nearing from beneath the bridge a single lantern shining from the bow.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle made a note to continue this conversation later, but for now there was work to be done. Hidden within the darkness she peered around, searching for whatever the hawk had found. The shadows were alight through her unnatural eyes as she found the oncoming skiff.

"From the east," she whispered to her partner, keeping on hand upon the hilt of her blade.
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